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nothing remained to us but a watery grave. I am not sure but our perils by water were quite as great as those of the mountain woods and passes, although they were of shorter duration. When I

got in safety to Mr. Addeman's, I was quite prepared to inscribe another line in my "book of mercies," saying, "Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits." This reflection, too, was fixed upon my mind: "I have now had a taste only of what my brethren, the Missionaries throughout New-Zealand, have to pass through from year to year, for life! Surely they should have an interest in the prayers and Christian sympathy of God's people in all lands."

12th. I landed at Auckland, where many things called for my attention, because a few days only remained before I was again to start for my long journey to mect the brethren of the southern division of the District at Kawhia. Having seen the most unquestionable proofs of a work of God among the natives, I am well satisfied, and even delighted, in the review of my northern journey; but nothing less than this could satisfy me, and no earthly consideration would induce me, at my time of life, to engage in such violent and wasting travels.

18th. I preached to a full chapel of very attentive hearers in the morning; and in the evening Mr. Buddle and I set apart, by the imposition of hands and by prayer, the Rev. J. Aldred, whose testimony before the congregation was received with delight, as it well might be, for it exhibited one "called, and chosen, and faithful."

19th. The Rev. Thomas Buddle and I started with six natives for the south, each man loaded with a full burden, carrying tent, food, blankets, and changes of clothes. The first night we were lost on the banks of the Tamaki; but all was right after a night in the ferns. The next day we were overtaken by a torrent of rain, but reached a native Pa, and stayed there till three in the morning. At this place Mr. Buddle preached and catechised till a very late hour; the natives, in their usual way, bringing their New Testaments and asking for explanation where they found any difficulty.

20th. At three o'clock in the morning, the tide serving, we left Pukaki in a native canoe, which I very much disliked, as the mere hollow tree is easily upset, having no keel; and we had to cross a part of Manukau just after a storm, when the agitation was very considerable. The morning was dark and dismal, and the fate of the lamented

Bumby was not forgotten; but, trusting in God, we launched forth, and in about nine hours reached the head of the river Taheke, and proceeded over land to the Waikato. The population was very thin and scattered; but all the people that we met with possessed and read the New Testament, and called on the name of the Lord.

22d. I entered the fine river of Waikato, and in a canoe proceeded up its powerful stream, a journey of four days. The native villages were more numerous on the banks of the river than in the inland districts. The soil from the har. bour of Auckland to the Waikato is by no means unfit for agricultural purposes; and on the river-banks the many thousands of acres of rich alluvial soil invite the hand of industry, and promise an ample bounty. After hard pulling all the day, our cheer. ful natives would land us among the fern, prepare the food, in general potatoes, and then lie down around our tent, having first sung a hymn, read the Scriptures, and prayed. I certainly never was more delighted with any set of men than with these strong, cheerful, kind-hearted, and intelligent natives. What a triumph of Christianity have we in these Christian New-Zealanders! I must not, however, omit one circumstance in connexion with these people, and my journey with them for eight or nine days. Mr. Buddle was their Pastor, and by his general expertness in native affairs, and great readiness in speaking their language, beside being their spiritual father, had acquired corresponding influence with them, and indeed could do anything he desired; for "the art of governing," we know, "is governing by love."

23d. While at our first meal, (for we generally took one about two hours after our journey commenced, and the other at the close of day,) our seven natives were relating portions of their own history, when we found that every one of them was an orphan; two of them had their fathers eaten by the men of Waikato, and two others were slaves, or men taken in war but, what is best of all, they all read the Scriptures, and are men of prayer.

24th. We landed at Wakapaku for our first meal, and found that the Romish Bishop and one of his Priests were there. They soon got into their canoe, having saluted us from a distance as they embarked. Our people of the Pa told us they were frightened when they saw the men of a strange face come among them; but our arrival cheered them again. In reply to a question from the natives, how

there came to be two roads to the Christian home, the Priests replied, that about three hundred years ago Martin Luther committed adultery, and the Roman Church turned him out, and he began a religion for himself; since which there had been two roads; but theirs was the true road. This story is told wherever they go; and I was surprised to find that the natives were no ways staggered by this falsehood. Probably they had learnt the truth of the case from their Pastors. We had now entered the waters of the Waipa, and were nearing our Missionstation on this river.

26th.-Having spent the Sabbath at Watawata, and held five services with the natives, we came, late on Monday evening, to Mr. Buddle's station at Kopua, and found ourselves thoroughly at home, after travelling eight days in the bush or on the rivers, through bogs and swamps, sleeping on a bed of ferns each night. But there is not so much suffered as some might suppose, the climate being very agreeable.

The natives here showed that they had been well instructed in Gospel truths. The chapel and Mission-house are built of mere flags and small cane; but such houses only last about four or five years, and then are by no means wind-tight, and are very liable to be burnt down in a few minutes of time.

We have here about one hundred and sixty members, and a large chapel, filled with serious hearers. The soil about this station is very good, but the climate is not so healthy as on the coast: being near the centre of the island, and on the banks of a river, the fogs lie long and heavy in this neighbourhood. I was surprised to find that water freezes even in the bed-rooms. Mr. Buddle has succeeded in making a deep impression during the three years of his stay here. Almost all the natives keep the Sabbathday holy; possess the New Testament, which they read and study very attentively; and some of them are consistent Teachers of their less-instructed brethren.

28th. I started for Kawhia, accompanied by Mr. Buddle and a few natives: the journey was a day and a half long, and one of the most disagreeable I have had during this trip. In the night I slept but little, on my scanty bed of fern; and, owing to the violent perspiration caused by the excessive toil of the preceding day, my thirst was intense: but in the mountain-wood there was no water available; so I lay there listening to the drops as they fell from the forest-trees on

my tent, and to the occasional cry of some night-birds. But while all around was gloom, all was light and peace within. For what is conscience?

"The mildest balsam, or the sharpest steel,
That wounds can wish, or the unwounded feel;
The softest pillow, or the sharpest rod;
The balm of blessing, or the scourge of God."

29th. We arrived at Kawhia, the residence of Mr. Whiteley, by whom and by Mrs. Whiteley we were cordially received. The station is situated at the head of a large sheet of water, opening into the ocean over a bar, and looks well at high water; but at other times the mud-flats are unsightly objects. The aspect of the country is generally that of high, broken hills, partially covered with wood; but near the house I saw, for the first time during a journey of several hundreds of miles, an acre or two of beautiful English clover and other grasses, green and flourishing, notwithstanding the very depth of winter. A horse and cow, with a few goats and sheep, were grazing here, and may be reckoned among the blessings which follow the Gospel; for the native wars did not allow of such things till they gave way before the Gospel of peace.

31st. The canoes and boats approached the station from many a creek and river, preparatory to the Sunday services they have their small huts, ready for their few wants, in a reserve near the large weather-boarded chapel.

Sunday, September 1st.-At early dawn the bell rung, and the muster was strong at the prayer-meeting. At ten o'clock the chapel was full, mostly of natives; but there were a few Europeans. Mr. Wallis preached in the native tongue, and I followed in English. In the afternoon we held a baptismal service, when seventeen persons were publicly baptized, and the service closed with a love-feast. There were a goodly number present, who behaved in the most proper and solemn manner. The spirit of Christian devotion was present among these tatooed men, clothed with mats, blankets, and dogs' skins. At my request, Mr. Whiteley wrote down some of their testimonies, which were to the following effect:

Paul. "I only was the man pursued by sin long, long was I pursued by all sorts of evil. At length I heard of the things of God: then I thought, 'This is the side on which I shall find life, this is salvation's side.' I yielded to the Gospel, and began to pray. I prayed to God, and pleaded his Son, his baptism,

his death, his merit: I prayed, and found liberty in believing: let me be faithful, and I shall live."

Te Kanawa (The Governor)." The evil of our hearts cleaves to us, and there is no shaking off sin. I remember, however, that the Apostle Paul said, 'Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the Gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; by which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.'" (1 Cor. xv. 1, 2.)

Matin." It is not for us to judge who are believing men, and who are not: we cannot see into each other's hearts; but when a man professes to be a Christian, he must show the fruit. It is not in our power to destroy sin; but when God begins, he makes perfect work. I know this, I have found this out. I know but little about the things of this world; but if I cleave to faith and godliness, I shall be saved."

Clarke. "When I was in my mother's womb, I knew not sin, I knew not that there was sin. After I was born, I still was ignorant of sin; but I was born in sin, and in sin grew up, and in sin I delighted. Sin was my work, and sin was my food. "The wages of

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sin is death;' and in death and blood I delighted. But I could not be happy; the 'good news came, the Preachers of the Gospel urged us to leave off our wicked ways, and now I am resolved to be a Christian."

Arona (Aaron).-"I was long held halting between two opinions: one thought came into my heart, and said, 'Do not turn to that religion it is a new upstart.' Another came, and said, 'Adam got wrong, and all have been wrong ever since.' There have been great doings in the world, and in this land, by sin; but now the Gospel has come, and I am resolved to be a Christian.'


Hall. "I look round about me, and I see this man and that man all for sin and for the devil; but let me not say to any one, 'Let me pull out the splinter out of thine eye,' while the beam is in mine own eye. I see it is of no use to apply to man for deliverance from sin; but the Holy Ghost can destroy it. I have learnt from the Catechism, that this is the work of the Holy Ghost, and I give my heart to him. What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein ?""

Ihaka (Isaac)." From the field of blood and sin and death I came. The fight came, and I was made captive, and brought to bondage; but the Gospel came, and I lived. You all know where I am from" (Taranaki); "but I am now happy, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith; who, for the joy that was set before him, endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.' In this I rejoice."

Nathaniel." In my former days, I saw dancing, and heard native singing, obscene songs, and witnessed much iniquity. I approved of it all, and learnt

all, and delighted in it all, till, by and by, the Preachers of the Gospel came. I listened, and heard my practices condemned. I heard that the end of these things is death;' but still I held them fast. Then the book was laid before me: I learned to read it, and I found this word there also, and I found that there would be no end to the pain of this death. I saw also the word, 'Depart, ye cursed, into everlasting fire.' I thought, 'This will be my lot. I cried and prayed, and was dark indeed. I cried, and cried to God. I thought on Christ, the payment for my sin; and then there came a light heart into me, and then I was happy; and that is the reason why I am happy now. It is not food merely that has kept me alive till now: I should have been dead long ago, but for this: this I rejoice in, and you will all know that this is my life."

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Apairama. "Hear, O Israel! hear, O Israel!' was the word in former days: The Lord our God is one Lord.' And now God's Ministers are saying to us, 'Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord;' and we believe that he is the only God. But what are we ? Who knows our hearts? The word of God exhibits the tares and the wheat growing of us are wheat? Good and evil are the same heart. for good. Let us will save us."

together. But who Who of us are tares? struggling together in Let our hearts decide look to Christ, and he Waterhouse. "The Missionaries have come among us, and we live. If they had not come, and we had gone on in our old ways, we should all have been dead long ago. Now we have engaged to leave all the evil of the world; and let this be our riches, the riches of godliness. I was a dead man belonging to sin; but God has sent his Son to seek and to save that which was lost. He has

sent his Gospel to us, and I am resolved to be on the Lord's side."

Maunsell." Yes, we have all seen the evils of Heathenism; we have all seen the consequences of sin; and now we all turn; but it is for this man, and that man, each one for himself, to pray and believe.

This man does not see the faith of that man's heart, whether it be strong or weak. I feel that I must look to my own heart, and take care of my own soul. Well, why should we not pray to God, and put our trust in him? Can this new religion, can faith and godliness, can Christianity, be overturned? Our religion has been set aside and destroyed; but this will remain for ever. Let us cleave to it. That is all my speech."

Jabez." Sin is not of to-day, nor yesterday it is of old growth, and cannot be destroyed by us. It is deeprooted, and cannot be torn up.

But let

us pray to God. I pray for its destruction; but it is not dead yet. The natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God; for they are foolishness unto him; neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.' That is all."

John Egglestone.-"I will not talk the thoughts of others, but will tell you my own. When the Gospel came, I was in the house of bondage. I listened, and heard that the new religion was a good thing. I received this as truth, and consented to Christianity, and began to worship. Then I thought, 'This is life and salvation.' But, no. I went to the class-meeting, and thought, 6 This will save me.' But, no. Then I sought for baptism, and supposed that would save me. But, no; though I thought I should now be delivered from sin, and be happy. I hoped now all was right, but found I was still wrong. I went away to Hokianga, and came back, but was still ignorant. Then I saw by the book, and the teaching of the Spirit, that a man is not to be saved by outward ceremonies, but by heartwork. Great has been my wickedness. My sins would fill this chapel quite full; and if there were many large ships in the harbour, they would all be filled and sunk by the number and weight of my sins. But I believe God can pardon and wash them all away; and though he has not done so yet, I believe he will do so very soon. Finished here is my talk."

In the evening I preached to them, Mr. Whiteley interpreting; and the Lord's supper closed the services of the

day and a good day it was; for the Master was present with his servants. In our congregations at home, I have witnessed some touching scenes at the departure of a Christian Minister, or at the return of one whose labour had been

greatly owned of the Lord; scenes where all eyes and hearts were filled to overflowing, and such speaking eyes as might well call up the Apostle's question, "What mean ye to weep and to break mine heart?" But never did I see, even in my old and Christian fatherland, more glowing countenances, filled with benevolence, and often swimming with the tear of joy, than the congregation after the service that evening, when they crowded round us, each individual greeting with a cordial shaking of hands, and the salutations of respect and peace, Te na iako coe. Their daily walk, and every part of their conduct, especially their love of the Scriptures, evince the true Christian character of these people. But much remains to be done.

2d.- -Our District-Meeting began, and ended the following Saturday, the whole of the time being fully occupied therein, save the short intervals for sleep and meals. It was truly cheering to witness the very hearty greetings of the brethren, some of whom had travelled eight hundred miles to be present. Their spirit was excellent throughout the sittings of this weighty and important District-Meeting.

Sunday, 8th. The brethren accompanied me to the opposite shores of Kawhia-Bay, where we opened a neat chapel. I preached to the English, and collected £10 from about thirty persons. Mr. Ironsides then preached to the natives, while I proceeded on foot to Aotea, distant about twelve miles, accompanied by Messrs. Turton and Smales. About five o'clock we reached the station; and, having taken nothing, were ready for our dinner, which Mrs. Smales had kindly prepared for us. But first we had to shake hands with a multitude of natives, drawn up in a long line to receive us, which they did with floods of tears: some sobbed aloud, and all shook hands in right good earnest, bidding us a cordial welcome. I was both weary and hungry; but this extra work was so heartily gone through, that I must say the whole scene was not a little refreshing to me. As Mr. Turton had formerly occupied the Aotea station, and was now for the first time come to see them since his removal to Taranaki, it is fair to conclude that a large amount of the excitement and sympathy was

owing to this circumstance, His la. bours here had been crowned with God's blessing, and many call him their spiritual father. He whom the Master owns and honours thus may well afford to be told by certain of his fellowservants that he is not in the apostolical succession. At six o'clock the chapel was crowded with blanket-clad worshippers, who appeared earnest and devout. After a short sermon from Mr. Turton, I baptized fifteen persons, whose answers to the searching questions put to them by Mr. Wallis showed that they were expert in the Scriptures: many, both male and female, repeated, in the full congregation, by the request of Mr. Wallis, the first chapter of the Epistle to the Hebrews, with remarkable accuracy and readiness.

Aotea is an interesting station, rather more densely peopled than any place I have yet seen on the west coast: the land is fertile, and the native cultivations rather extensive: the wheat looked green, and the flax luxuriant.

9th. Mr. Wallis and I set out for Waingaroa, and were surprised to meet two good horses, with bridles, saddles, and two careful natives, sent from four days' journey by the Chief, Jabez Bunting. This was designed by him to ease my fatiguing journey to his Pa, or native fortress. Jabez is considered, and I believe justly considered, to stand among the first and most civilized of our New-Zealand Chiefs; and, what is far better, he is a man of decided piety. In the evening we reached Waingaroa, having passed over the only land-journey made by the late excellent Mr. Waterhouse, and one of the most easy to travel over, because much has been done in clearing a path, and making temporary bridges, by Mr. Wallis, whose cheerful and energetic wife, and a fine, healthy, clean family of children, met us at the door with many a smile and a good old English welcome. any one wishes to judge of the fine climate of New-Zealand, let him only see the Mission family at Waingaroa, and all further inquiry will be unnecessary. The blooming faces here will soon put doubt to flight.


The chapel is large, but not quite finished. In the evening we held service with the natives, and administered the sacrament of the Lord's supper to the church members. The head Chief of this place is called William Naylor: I suppose after my old friend of that name at home. For general information and weight of character, William stands

among the first of his class. I brought with me his son, who also is a Local Preacher, to enter the Native Institution at Auckland.

12th. Leaving this interesting station, we journeyed over the most fearful hills it ever fell to my lot to ascend and descend; but there was no escaping them; so we girded on our travelling costume, and, dispensing with coats and many other things, passed on very slowly over those awful precipices, the careful natives placing themselves in situations where they might be most useful. Every now and then we were at a full stop, on the edge of a great gulf. The guides, under these circumstances, would give directions in this way: "Hold fast by that bush; fix your staff here; put your right foot there; now leap; try again: there are much worse places yet to be encountered." Having succeeded in getting over one mountain, nothing remained but to cross the river or bog below, and immediately ascend the next cloudcapped hill. This is the general character of many hundreds of miles in NewZealand. Wild goats might "walk up and down" these places, but surely they are ill-adapted for the path of men. And yet these hills are securely held by parchment-deeds, and the money paid for them, or for others like them, by some of my countrymen, who have acted upon the representations of "the Company," and of other land-jobbers, but who never saw New-Zealand, where their lands are as firmly secured as the hills which cannot be moved nor improved. This, however, must not be taken as a fair representation of all the land in New-Zealand,-far from it: there are many places where the English farmer would succeed admirably well, both the soil and climate being very good.

13th.-Having crossed the Waikato river yesterday in a native canoe, we pitched our tent upon the sand of the sea-shore near the mouth; but in the night the rains fell and the winds blew, and the tent came down about our ears. Both Mr. Wallis and I were fully aware of our situation: such, however, was our fatigue, that we took things as they came until the dawn of day, when we started on the sandy beach towards Manukau; and while we were preparing our wood, and boiling the kettle, a little distance from the rolling waves of the ocean, up came Jabez, well-mounted and well-dressed. He was to be our escort to his Pa, about four hours' journey;

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