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SUTTLE is when part of the allowance is deducted from the gross.

NEAT is the pure weight, when all allowances are deducted. RULE 1st. When the tare is at so much per bag, barrel, &c, multiply the number of bags, barrels, &c. by the tare, and subtract the produce from the gross, the remainder is neat.

NOTE. To reduce pounds into gallons, multiply by 2, divide by 15.

1. In 7 frails of raisins, each weighing 5 cwt. 2 qrs. 5 lb. gross, tare at 23 lb. per frail, how much neat weight?

Ans. 37 cwt. 1 gr. 14 lb. 5...2... 5

[blocks in formation]



[blocks in formation]





2. What is the neat weight of 25 hogsheads of tobacco, weighing gross 163 cwt. 2 qrs. 15 lb. tare 100 lb. per hogshead? Ans. 141 cwt. 1 gr. 7 lb. 3. In 16 bags of pepper, each 85 lb. 4 ox. gross, tare per bag 3 lb. 5 oz. how many pounds neat?

Ans. 1311.

RULE 2. When the tare is at so much in the whole gross weight, subtract the given tare from the gross, the remainder

is neat.

4. What is the neat weight of 5 hogsheads of tobacco, weighing gross 75 cwt. 1 gr. 14 lb. tare in the whole 752 lb. Ans. 68 cwt. 2 qrs. 18 lb. 5. In 75 barrels of figs, each 2 qr. 27 lb. gross, tare in the whole 597 lb. how much neat weight? Ans. 50 cwt. 1 qr. RULE 3. When the tare is at so much per cut. divide the gross weight by the aliquot parts of a cut. which subtract from the gross, the remainder is neat.

Note. 7 lb. is 1, 8 lb. is, 14 lb. is †, 16 lb.

6. What is the neat weight of 18 butts of currants, each 8 cwt. 2 qrs. 5 lb. tare at 14 lb. per cwt.?

cwt. gr. B.

8...2... 5



14=} 153...3...

134..2... 8

7. In 25 barrels of figs, each 2 cwt. 1 gr. gross, tare per cwt. 16 lb. how much neat weight? Ans. 48 cwt. 0 qr. 24 lb. 8. What is the neat weight of 9 hogsheads of nutmegs, each weighing gross 8 cwt. 3 qrs. 14 lb. tare 16 lb. per cwt? Ans. 68 cwt. I gr. 24 lb. RULE 4. When tret is allowed with tare, divide the pounds suttle by 26, the quotient is the tret, which subtract from the Euttle, the remainder is neat.

9. In one butt of currants, weighing 12 cwt. 2 qrs. 24 lb. gross, tare 14 lb. per cwt. tret 4 lb. per 104 lb. how many pounds neat? cwt. gr. lb.




141424 gross.

178 tare.

26)1246 suttle,
47 tret.

1199 neat

10. In 7 cwt. 3 qrs. 27 lb. gross, tare 36 lb. tret 4 lb. per 104 lb how many pounds neat?

Ans. 826 lb. 11. 152 cwt. 1 gr. 3 lb. gross, tare 10 lb. per cwt. tret 4 lb. by 101 lb. how much neat weight? Ans. 133 cwt. 1 qr. 11 lb. RULE 5. When cloff is allowed, multiply the cwt. suttle by 2, divide the product by 3, the quotient will be the pounds cloff, which subtract from the suttle, the remainder will be neat.

12. What is the neat weight of 3 hogsheads of tobacco, weighing 15 cwt. 3 qrs. 20 lb. gross, tare 7 lb. per cwt. tret 4 lb. per 104 lb. cloff 2 lb. for 3 cwt.? Ans. 14 cwt. 1 gr. 3 lb.

cwt. gr. lb.

7 15...3.. 20 gross.

3...27 ture.

14...3...20 sutile,

2... 8 tret.

14...1...12 suttic.

9 clo

14...1... 3 next.

13. In 7 hogsheads of tobacco, each weighing gross 5 ewt. 2 qrs. 7. tare 8 lb. per cwt. tret 4 lb. per 10 l. cloff 2 lb. per 3 cmt. kow much neat weight? Ans. 31 ewt. 2 qrs. 8 lb

1. (T. S.) In 16 frails of raisins, each weighing 6 cwt. 3 qrs. 2 lb. gross, tare 26 lb. per frail, how much neat?

2. In 83 barrels of figs, each weighing 1 cwt. 2 qrs. 14 lb. gross tare 11 lb. per barrel, how much neat?

3. What is the neat weight of 26 bales of silk, each weighing 1 cmt. 2 qrs. 16 lb. gross, tare 16 lb. per bale.

4. What is the value of 63 parcels of goods, each 1 cwt. 2 qrs. 18 lb. at 7s. 6d. per hundred, tare in the whole I qr. 12 lb ? 5. What is the neat weight of 57 casks of Russian tallow weighing 165 cwt. tare allowed 576 lb.

6. In 27 casks of currants, each weighing 7 cwt. O qr. 27 lb. tare 80 lb. per cask, what is the neat weight?

. What is the net weight of 99 barrels of anchovies, each weighing qr. 11 lb. tare at 13 lb. per cwt.?

S. In 75 chests of sugar, each weighing 9 cnt. 3 qr. 17 lb. gross, tare 14 lb. per cwt. and tret as usual, what is the neat weight.

9. In 29 chests of sugar, each weighing two thirds of 2 cwt. 1 qr. tare 11 lb. in every 3 cwl. tret and cloff as usual, what is the neat weight, and what is the value of it at 7d. 4 per lb ? 10. What is the neat of 9 cwt. 1 qr. 16 lb. gross, tare 1 cwt. 2 qr. 25 lb. tret 4 lb. per 14 lb. and cloff 2 lb. per 3 cwt. 11. I have 99 jars of oil, each containing 1345 cubic inches, tare 1 lb. in 11 lb. tret and cloff as usual, and 7 lb. to the gallon of 231 cubic inches, what is the value of the whole at 25s. 4d. per cwt. ?

12. What is the neat weight of 27 hogsheads of tobacco, each 6 cwt. 3 qr. 17 lb. gross? tare to the whole 18 cwt. 2 qr. 5 lb. and what is the value of the whole at 10d. per 17 oz.?

13. What is the neat weight of 3785 barrels of figs, each 2 cwt. 1 qr. 17 lb. gross, tare 14 lb. 6 oz. per cwt. and what is the value of the figs at the rate of 7 lb. 5 oz. for 3s. 4d. ? 14. In 3000 bags of coffee, each weighing, gross 2 cwt 3 qr. 27 lb. tare 13 lb. per 112, and tret 4 lb. per 104 lb. what is the heat weight, and what is the value at 1s. 2d. per lb. ?

15. What is the neat weight of 15 barrels of spices, weighing altogether 52 cwt. 3 qr. 9 lb. 6 oz. gross, allowing for cloff 2 lb, per 3 cwt. and what is the value of the whole, if 1 lb. 3 oz. be worth 6s. 9d.?

16. What is the neat weight of 136 cwt. 3 qr. 20 lb. gross, allowing for tare 7 lb. В oz. per cwt. tret 4 lb. per 104 lb. and cloff 2 lb. for 5 cwt.?

17. Find the neat weight of 800 chests of sugar, each 1 cwt. 2 qrs. 4 lb. 6 oz. draft 1 lb. per chest, tare 6 lb. 3 oz. per chest, what is the value at 37s. 4d. per cwt.?


Is the PROFIT allowed in lending or forbearance of any sum of money, for a determined space of time.

The PRINCIPAL is the money lent for which Interest is to be received.

The RATE PER CENT, is a certain sum agreed on between the Borrower and the Lender, to be paid for every £100. for the use of the Principal 12 months.

The AMOUNT is the Principal and Interest added together. INTEREST is also applied to Commission, Brokage, Purchasing of Stocks, and Insurance, and are calculated by the same rules.

To find the Interest of any Sum of Money for a year. RULE I. Multiply the Principal by the Rate per cent. that product, divided by 100, will give the interest required,

For several Years.

2. Multiply the interest of one year by the number of years given in the question, and the product will be the answer.

3. If there be parts of a year, as months, weeks, or days, work for the months by the aliquot parts of a year, and for the weeks and days by the Rule of Three Direct.


1. What is the interest of £375 for a year at 5 per cent, per annum. ?





Ans. £18...15...0. per cent. per annum ? Ans. £10...14...4 3. What is the interest of £945...10...0 for a year at 4 per cent. per annum? Ans. £37...16...44 4. What is the interest of £547...15...0 at 5 per cent. per annum, for three years?

2. What is the interest of £268 for one year at

5. What is the interest of £254...17...6 for

cent. per annum?

Ans. £82...3...3 5 years, at 4 per Ans. £50...19...6.

6. What is the interest of £556...13...4 at 5 per cent. per an- num, for 5 years? Ans. £139...8...4.

7. My correspondent writes me word, that he has bought goods to the amount of £754...16...0 on my account, what does his commission come to at 2 per cent? Ans. £18...17...4. 8. If I allow my factor 3 per cent. for commission, what may he demand on the laying out £876...5...10? Ans. £32...17...2}. 9. At 110 per cent, what is the purchase of £2054...16...0 -South-sea Stock?

Ans. £2265...8...4.

10. At 104 per cent. South-sea Annuities, what is the pu chase of £1797...14...0? Ans. £1876...6...114. 11. At 963 per cent. what is the purchase of £577...19...0 Bank Annuities? Ans. £559...3...3. 12. At 1243 per cent. what is the purchase of £758...17...10 India Stock? Ans. £945.. 15...44.


IS an allowance to Brokers, for helping merchants or factors to persons to buy or sell their goods.

RULE. Divide the sum given by 100, and take parts from the quotient with the rate per cent.

13. If I employ a broker to sell goods for me, to the value of £2575...17...6. what is the brokage at 4s. per cent?






4s. 25...15...2

Ans. £5... 3...01

14 When a broker sells goods to the amount of £7105...5...10 what may he demand for brokage, if he is allowed 5s. 6d. per cent? Ans. £19...10...91 15. If a broker is employed to buy a quantity of goods, to the value of £975...6...4 what is the brokage at 65. 6d. per cent.? Ans. 3...3...44.

16. What is the interest of £547...3...4 for 5 years and a half, at 4 per cent. per annum? Ans. £120...7...3. 17. What is the interest of £257...5...1 at 4 per cent. for a year and three quarters ? Ans. £18...0...14 18. What is the interest of £179. .5...0 for 5 years, 1 quarter, at 5 per cent. per annum? Ans. £125...16...0%. for 7 years, at 4

19. What is the interest of £576...2...7

per cent. per annum ?

Ans. £187...19...2.

20. What is the interest of £279...13...8 at 54 per cent. per for 3 years? Ans. £51...7...10.


When the Interest is required for any Number of Weeks. RULE. AS 52 weeks are to the interest of the given sum for a year: so are the weeke given to the interest required.

21. What is the interest of £259. 13. 5 for 20 weeks, at 5 per cent per annum? Ans. £. 19.10. 22. What is the amount of £375.6.1 for 12 weeks, at 41 per cent. per annum ? Ans. £379.4. OL

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