Imágenes de páginas

I am 30 years of age; says K, I am as old as H, and of L; and says L, I am as old as you both. What was the age of each person? Ans. H 30, K 50, and L 80.

5. D, E, and F played at cards, staked 324 crowns; but disputing about the tricks, each man took as many as he could; D got a certain number; E as many as D, and 15 more; and F got a fifth part of both their sums added together. How many did each get? Ans. D 127, E 112, and F 54.

6. A gentleman going into a garden, meets with some ladies, and says to them, Good morning to you 10 fair maids! Sir, you mistake, answered one of them, we are not 10; but if we were twice as many more as we are, we should be as many above 10 as we are now under. How many were they?

Ans. 5.


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S receiving money in one country for the same value paid i


The Par of Exchange is always fixed and certain, it being the intrinsic value of foreign money, compared with sterling; but the Course of Exchange rises and falls upon various occasions.


They keep their accounts at Paris, Lyons, and Rouen, in' fivres, sols, and deniers, and exchange by the crown=4s. 6d. at

[blocks in formation]

RULE. AS 1 crown is to the given rate :: so is the French sum to the sterling required.

To change Sterling into French. RULE. As the rate of exchange is to 1 crown: so is the sterking sum to the French required.


1. How many crowns must be paid at Paris, to receive in London £180 exchange at 4s. 6d. per crown?

d. C. £

As 54: 1 :: 180:





2. How much sterling must be paid in London to receive in Paris 758 crowns, exchange 56d. per crown?

Ans. 176. 17.4.

3. A merchant in London remits £176. 17.4 to his correspondent at Paris; what is the value in French crowns, at 56d. per crown?

Ans. 758.

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4. Change 725 crowns, 17 sols, 7 deniers, at 544d. per crown, nto sterling, what is the sum? Ans. £164.14.0 319 5. Change £164.14.0 sterling, into French crowns, exchange at 54 d. per crown? Ans. 125 crowns, 17 sols, 7



10 deniers.

They keep their accounts at Madrid, Cadiz, and Seville, in dollars, rials, and maravedies, exchange by the piece of eight 4s. 6d. at par.

[blocks in formation]

6. A merchant at Cadiz, remits to London 2547 pieces of eight, at 56d. per piece, how much sterling is the sum ?

Ans. £594.6.0.

7. How many pieces of eight at 56d. each, will answer a bill of £594. 6.0. sterling? Ans. £2547, 8. If I pay a bill here of £2500. what Spanish money may I draw my bill for at Madrid, exchange at 571d. per piece of eight? Ans. 10434 pieces of eight, 6 rials, 8 mar.


They keep their accounts at Genoa and Leghorn, in livres, sols, and deniers, and exchange by the piece of eight, or dollars 4s. 6d. at par.

[blocks in formation]

1 piece of eight at Genoa.
1 piece of eight at Leghorn.

N. B. The exchange at Florence is by ducatoons; the exchange at Venice by ducats.

[blocks in formation]

9. How much sterling money may a person receive in London, if he pays in Genoa 976 dollars, at 53d. per dollar?


Ans. £215.10.8

10. A factor has sold goods at Florence, for 250 ducatoons, at 54d. each, what is the value in pounds sterling?

Ans. £56.5.0. 11. If 275 ducats, at 4s. 5d. each, be remitted from Venice to London, what is the value in pounds sterling?

Ans. £60...14...7.

12. A gentleman travelling would exchange £60. .14...7. sterling for Venice ducats at 4s. 5d. each, how many must he receive?


Ans. 275.

They keep their accounts at Oporto and Lisbon, in reas, and exchange on the milrea 6s. 84d. at par.

NOTE. 1000 reas make 1 milrea.

RULE. The same as with France.


13. A gentleman being desirous to remit to his correspondent in London 2750 milreas, exchange at 6s. 5d. per milrea, how auch sterling will he be the creditor for in London?

Ans. £882...5...10 14. A merchant in Oporto remits to London 4366 milreas, and 183 reas, at 5s. 5d. exchange per milrea, how much sterling must be paid in London for this remittance?

Ans. £1193...17...64, 074 15. If I pay a bill at London of £1193...17...64,075. wha must I draw for on my correspondent at Lisbon exchange at 5s. 5d. per milrea?

Ans. 4366 milreas, 183 reas


They keep their accounts at Antwerp,, Amsterdam, Brussels, Rotterdam, and Hamburgh; some in pounds, shillings, and pence, as in England; others in guilders, stivers, and pennings; and exchange with us in our pound, at 33s. 4d. Flemish, at par.

NOTE. 8 pennings make

1 great. 2 groats, or 16 pennings 1 stiver. 20 stivers


1 guilder or florin.

12 groats or 6 stivers muke 1 schelling.
20 schellings or 6 guilders... 1 pound.
To change Flemish into Sterling.

RULE. As the given rate: is to 1 pound :: so is the Flemish sum to the sterling required.

To change Sterling into Flemish.

RULE. AS £1. sterling is to the given rate:: so is the sterKing given to the Flemish sought.


16. Remitted from London to Amsterdam a bill of £754. 10. sterling, how many pounds Flemish is the sum, the exchange at 33. 6d. Flemish per pound sterling? Ans. £1263.15.9. Flem. 17. A merchant at Rotterdam remits £1263. 15.9. Flemish to be paid in London, how much sterling money must he draw for, the exchange being at 33s. 6d. Flemish per pound sterling? Ans. £754. 10.0 18, If I pay in London £852. 12. 6. sterling how many guilders must I draw for at Amsterdain, exchange at 34 schel. 4 groats Flemish per pound sterling?

Ans, 8792 guild. 13 stiv. 14 pennings. 19. What must I draw for at London, if I pay at Amsterdam 8792 guild. 13 stiv. 14 pennings, exchange at 34 schel. 44 groats per pound sterling? Ans. £852.12.6. ̧

To convert Bank Money into current, and the contrary. NOTE. The Bank Money is worth more than the Current. The difference between one and the other is called agio, and is generally from 3 to 6 per cent. in favour of the Bank.

To change Bank into Current Money.

RULE. AS 100 guilders Bank is to 100 with the agio added so is the Bank given: to the current required.

To change Current Money into Bank.

RULE. AS 100 with the agio added: is to 100 Bank: so is the current money given: to the Bank required.

20. Change 794 guilders, 15 stivers, current money into Bank florius, agio 4 per cent. Ans. 761 guilders, 8 stivers, 1117 pens. 21. Change 761 guilders, 9 stivers Bank, into Current Money, agio 43 per cent. Ans. 794 guilders, 15 stivers, 4% pennings.


22. A gentleman remits to Ireland £575. 15. sterling, what will he receive there, the exchange being at 10 per cent?

Ans. £633...6...6.

23. What must be paid in London for a remittance of £633...6...6. Irish, exchange at 10 per cent? Ans. £575.15.



1 If 50 Dutch pence be worth 65 French pence, how many Dutch pence are equal to 350 French pence?

Ans. 269.

2. If 12 yards at London make 8 ells at Paris, how many ells at Paris will make 64 yards at London ?

Ans. 42

Ans. 375.

3. If 30lb. at London make 281b. at Amsterdam, how many b. at London will be equal to 350b. at Amsterdam? 4. If 956. Flemish make 100%. English, how many 16. English are equal to 275lb. Flemish?

Ans. 289.

10. A factor has sold goods at Florence, for 250 ducatoons, at 54d. each, what is the value in pounds sterling?

Ans. £56.5.0. 11. If 275 ducats, at 4s. 5d. each, be remitted from Venice to London, what is the value in pounds sterling?

Ans. £60...14...7.

12. A gentleman travelling would exchange £60. .14...7. sterling for Venice ducats at 4s. 5d. each, how many must he receive?


Ans. 275.

They keep their accounts at Oporto and Lisbon, in reas, and exchange on the milrea=6s. 84d. at par.

NOTE. 1000 reas make 1 milrea.

RULE. The same as with France.


13. A gentleman being desirous to remit to his correspondent in London 2750 milreas, exchange at 6s. 5d. per milrea, how much sterling will he be the creditor for in London ?

Ans. £882...5...10 14. A merchant in Oporto remits to London 4366 milreas, and 183 reas, at 5s. 5d. exchange per milrea, how much sterling

must be paid in London for this remittance?

Ans. £1193...17...64, 074 15. If I pay a bill at London of £1193...17...64,075. wha must I draw for on my correspondent at Lisbon exchange at 5s. 5d. per milrea?

Ans. 4366 milreas, 183 reas

V. HOLLAND, FLANDERS, AND GERMANY. They keep their accounts at Antwerp,, Amsterdam, Brussels, Rotterdam, and Hamburgh; some in pounds, shillings, and pence, as in England; others in guilders, stivers, and pennings; and exchange with us in our pound, at 33s. 4d. Flemish, at par.

NOTE. 8 pennings make
2 groats, or 16 pennings

20 stivers


[blocks in formation]

12 groats or 6 stivers muke 1 schelling.
20 schellings or 6 guilders... 1 pound.
To change Flemish into Sterling.

RULE. As the given rate is to 1 pound :: so is the Flemish sum to the sterling required.

To change Sterling into Flemish.

RULE. AS £1. sterling is to the given rate:: so is the sterKing given to the Flemish sought.

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