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One of two estates will merge in the other, as often
as that estate, if in the tenancy of a distinct
person, might have been surrendered to the
tenant of the other estate........................
.... 152
Of the general analogy between the law on merger
and surrender........
...... 153
That the more remote estate must be as large as
or larger than the more immediate estate...... 106
Of the gradation of estates
Of the merger of estates at will.....
Estates by extent...........
For years in each other........
..... 177
... 182
One term in another when the more re-
mote term is a remainder.............. 211
An interesse termini will neither cause or prevent
Estates after possibility of issue extinct, are for all
the purposes of merger, estates for life, and
may merge in estates of that, or of a supe-
rior degree....
.... 222
Estates for life may merge in each other or in larger
Of the merger of estates-tail.........................
..... 240
of determinable qualified fees........... 259
on powers and fee in the same per-
The several estates must be held in the same
legal right; or when the estates are held in
different legal rights, one of them must not be
an accession to the other, merely by the act of
Exemption, 1. As between husband and wife 298, 300
2. Executors and administrators hav-
ing one estate in their own right,
and another in right of their tes-
6. Trustees and cestuis que trust........ ib.
7. Descent to one of several joint-
8. Parsons........ .............
9. Prebendaries..... ..... ..
... ib.
...... 306
Freehold of wife will not merge in the estate of
Of the accession of one estate to another when the
two estates are held in different rights, one as
executor or administrator, and the other in pro-
prio jure.......
Exemption from merger as between persons who are
seised as individuals of one estate and of ano-
ther estate as part of an aggregate corpora-
Other exceptions in favor of
1st, Estates-tail ..
2d, Seisin to raise uses........................
Exemption does not apply as between trustees and
cestuis que trust..........
... 315
Merger of trust in legal ownership............... 327
A person cannot be trustee for himself............ 328
No equity between representatives............... ib.
Merger of charges.......
Examination of the cases of
Saunders v. Bournford and others 321
On the merger of estates-tail, and their exemption
from merger...................
Holt v. Sambach.......
Symonds v. Cudmore............
Shelburne v. Biddulph................................ 350
.... 360
Exemptions and privilege from merger under the
construction which the statute of uses has re-
Kinaston v, Clarke
........ ib.
As to the destruction of contingent remainders...... 399
The union of two estates in the same person by
means of the joint act of the respective owners
of these estates, with an intention that the
estate of their assignée should continue for the
collective time of their several estates, will not
be any cause of merger...............
.... 408
Examination of Bredon's case..
The manner in which merger affects the party whose
estate is merged.......................................
The situation in which it leaves other persons
who have any claims on the estate which is
merged, or any interest derived out of that
The effect which it produces on the estate in
which the merger takes place...
..... ib.
As to first and second mortgagees 457
Attendant terms........
Estates subject to a condition........ 502
to be enlarged on condi-
to be enlarged by confir-
by re-
The manner in which merger affects persons in their
individual capacity, and also in their corporate
titles by curtesy.......
to dower.......
who are copyholders.......
who claim by descent........
1. As to estates......
2. As to estates-tail...........
3. As to copyholds.... .....
..... 565
—who have collateral interests, or de-
Persons in ventre sa mere.......
rivative estates........
who have equitable estates......
who are creditors....
who have legal and equitable in-
terests united...............................
who have a prior title, and are
interested or may be affected by the conse-
quences of a merger...
who have collateral claims upon, or
interests derived out of both or either of the
estates which are united; and under this head
of the acceleration of the estate in reversion
or remainder as a consequence of the merger ib,