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and retardment of the cultivation and improvement of the faid province: his Majefty is thereupon pleafed, with the advice of his Privy Council, to revoke and make ́void (and doth hereby revoke and maze void) all orders made by his Majefty in Council for the grant of lands in the province of Nova Scotia, which bear date prior to the first of January, 1774, and have not yet been carfied into execution; and his Majesty is hereby further pleased to order, that the Governor or Commander in Chief for the time being of his Majefty's province of Nova Scotia, do forbear to iffue any order of furyey to the Surveyor-General of lands in the faid province, or to pafs any grants under the feal of that province, of any lot or parcel of land within the faid province, in purfuance of any order made by his Majetty in Council, which bears date prior to the first day of January, 1774, and that this his Majefty's order in Council be pubifhed in the London Gazette, to the end, that all perfons may have due notice thereof.


St. James's Aug. 22. The king was this day pleafed to confer the honour of knighthood on Thomas Hyde Page, Efq; lieutenant in his majefty's corps of engineers.

Whitehall, Aug. 23. The king has been pleafed to appoint the Hon. Henry Erskine to be his majesty's advocate in Scotland.

The king has been pleafed to grant to Henry Mathias Efq. the offices or places of prothonotary and clerk of the crown in the counties of Carmarthen, Pembroke, and Cardigan, and the town of Haverfordwest and borough of Carmarthen.

St. James's, Sept. 9. On Saturday night laft, Capt. Warner arrived with the Preliminary Articles between his Majefty and the States General, figned at Paris, on the 2d inftant; as alfo the Definitive Treaties of Peace between his Majesty and the Moft Chriftian and Catholic Kings, figned at Versailles on the 3d inftant, by his Grace the Duke of Mancheiter, his Majesty's Ambassador Extraordinary, and Plenipotentiary, and by the refpective Plenipotentaries of their Moft Chriftian and Catholic Majefties, and the States General.

The Definitive Treaty with the United States of America was alo figned at Paris on the 3d inftant, by David Hartley, Efq. his Majefty's Plenipotentiary, and by the Plenipotentiaries of the United States.

Whitehall, Sept. 16 Advices have been received over land from Fort-William, Bengal, dared the 10th of March laft, which confirm the accounts of the treaty with the Mahratta ftate being concluded on the 17th of May, 1782, and ratified at Fort William on the 6th of June following; that it was compleatly ratified by the Paishwa, and minifters at Poona, on the 20th of December; and that the original

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The king has been pleafed to grant unto lord Sheffield, the dignity of baron of the kingdom of Ireland, by the title of baron Sheffield of Rofcommon.

Alfo the dign ty of a baron of the faid kingdom to the following gentlemen and their respective heirs, with their titles ans nexed:

Arthur Pomeroy, of Newbery, Efq. baron Harberton.

Robert Clements, Efq. baron Leitrim. Francis Matthew, Efq. baron Landaff. William Tonfon, Efq. baron Riverfdale. Sir John Huffey Delaval, Bart. baron Delaval.

Richard Pennant, Efq. baron Penryn.
John Pennynton, Efq. baron Muncafter.

And the dignity of baronefs to the wife of the Rt. Hon. J. Hely Hucheton, Efq. with the remainder to the heirs male of her body, by her faid husband.

By a letter from a gentleman at Copen hagen, dated August 18, we are favoured with the following account of an island newly thrown up in the fea by fubterraneous fire, about thirty miles diftant from the coaft of the district called Guldbringe in Iceland:

66 Capt. Peterfon, "failing for Havnefeord harbour, defcried about the middle of May laft, a great body of black smoke, through which, at intervals, bursting flames made their appearance. As he approached, it became more terrible; and when arrived within three English miles of the place, he difcovered an island ftill burning in many places, and throwing into the air vaft columns of fire and fmoak, He founded at the distance of eight miles from the ifland, and found W. S. W. from Rykenees, in Iceland, forty-four fathom water, upon a burnt bottom, fomething like pit-coal. At the distance of about four miles, the fea was covered with pu mice ftone, which floated on its furface. The island appeared to be about fix English miles in length, and, it is faid, has fince been taken poffeffion of in the name of the king

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king of Denmark. A later account confirms the above circumftances, and adds that the new ifland is of a rocky appearance, and that fire was ftill iffuing from two of its eminencies; that the inhabitants of Iceland had feen a column of black fmoke rifing from the fea, about the ime the eruption is fuppofed to have happened; but that no unufual fwell of the ocean, nor any symptoms of an earthquake had been felt.

"When we combine the time and circumstances of this phenomenon with the late earthquake in Calabria, in Germany, in Sweden, in Siberia, we readily have recourse to the fame common caufe, namely, that fubterraneous fire which has lately fpread terror over fo great a part of the globe."

The following dreadful affair was perpetrated at Wetherfield, near Hartford, in New England, on the 11th of December laft.

William Beadle, who had refided in that town nearly ten years, married about 14 years fince an amiable woman, of a reputable family, by whom he had one fon aud three daughters, whofe education he fuperintended with great care and feeming folicitude, and was apparently an affectionate hutband.

About fun-rife on the day above-mentioned, he fent his fervant maid (the only) perfon of the family who furvived) with a letter to a friend in the neighbourhood, therein declaring that before his friend fhould read the letter, he and his family fhould enter into a happier ftate, and de firing him to call two perfons and come to his houfe, gently to alarm the neighbours, and advise them to be as collected in their minds and reafon as he then was. Upon receipt of this letter the house was instantly opened; they found a knife, axe, and piftols; the latter he had made use of upon himfelf; the two former upon his family; thefe inftruments he had carried with him to his bedchamber for fome weeks, under pretence of defending himself against thieves. In this horrid manner he destroyed a worthy and beautiful wife, and four children, fleeping in their beds, the eldest about twelve years of age. He then finished the awful fcene by deftroying himself. Some circumstances rendered it probable that he had given an opiate to the inily before they retired to reft.


Speaking of this catastrophe in one of his letters, he fays, "I mean to close the eyes of fix perfons through perfect huma nity and the most endearing fondness and friendship; for never mortal father felt more of thefe tender ties than myself."

The jury of inqueft were of opinion that he was of found mind, and returned their verdict accordingly.

The corpfe of the murderer was laid on two barrels and expofed to fhame, with the bloody knife faftened on his breast, after which it was placed on a horfe-fledge, dragged to an obfcure place, and buried with every mark of infamy.

It is confidently reported at Paris, that the court of Verfailles had demanded of the Dutch the fum of 87 millions of livres, 3,481,9071. fterling, as a recompence for the trouble and expence which France has incurred in refcuing from the English Trincomale, Demerary, and St. Euftatia and for preferving the Cape of Good Hope.

The advices received by the Licorne frigate, which arrived laft Friday at Falmouth, bring the information that a vessel called the Dragon, Capt. Campbell, had arrived at New York in eighteen days from Havanna, by whom they learned that new, and far more ferious revolt than ever in that part of the world, has happened in South America, particularly at Panama and its vicinity.

On the roth inft. at noon the Rt. Hon. the lord mayor, attended by the aldermen Crofby, Peckham, Clarke, Saintbury, Kitchen, Gill, anderfou, and the fheriffs, deputyrecorder, city-council, remembrancer, and town-clerk, and about one hundred of the common-council went to St. James's with the addrefs to his majesty on the fafe delivery of the queen, and the birth of another princefs, and alfo upon his royal highnefs the prince of Wales arriving at the age of twenty-one years.

To which his Majesty gave the following anfwer:

"I return you my hearty thanks for your dutiful and loyal congratulations on the happy recovery of the queen, and the birth of another princefs, and upon the prince of Wales having attained the age of twenty-one years.

"Nothing can be more acceptable to me, than thefe teftimonies of affection to me and my family, on the part of my faith ful fubjects it is the warmest with of my heart, and has been the conftant object of my life to promote their honour and happinefs."


They were very gracioufly received, and had the honour of kiffing his majesty's hand.

The duke of Portland, lords North and Amherst, the hon. Mr. Fox, and several foreign ambaffadors were about the throne.

On Friday the 19th inft. came on the election of a physician to St. Thomas's hofpital, to fucceed Dr. Watkinson : on cafting up the ballot, the numbers were, for, Dr. Blain, 98, Dr. Crawford 84 whereupon Dr. Blain was declared duly elected.

It is remarkable that four of the phyficians

cians and furgeons of St. Thomas's hofpital have died of violent fevers, in the prime of life, within thefe three years; Dr. Keir, Dr. Watkinfon, Mr. Elfe, and Mr. Waring.

We are forry to hear the diftemper among the horned cattle ftill appears in fome part of Nottinghamshire. A proclamation from the king was distributed in the neighbourhood of Caulk in Derbyshire, where the mifchief first appeared as long ago as the 12th inft. commanding all perfons immediately to feparate fuch cattle, as thewed any figns of diftemper from the reft, and to kill them without effufion of blood, and bury them, hide and all, forthwith; thefe and the other ufual precautions ordered in the proclamation, have had the happy effet of ftopping the diftemper in thofe parts, and we hope to hear will alfo be efective in the neighbouring county.

On Sunday evening as two gentlenen and their wives were coming to town from Tottenham in a hackney coach, they were topt in Kingsland road by five footpads, who with lng knives threatened them with immediate death, if they did not deliver, then robbed them of between 41. and 51.

and their watches.

Sunday the 21ft inft. in the morning early the houfe of Ed. Boehm, Efq. Chathamfquare, was entered and robbed of plate, jewels, rings, bank-notes, cash, and many valuable medals and coins, to a very confiderable amount, part of which belonged ΤΟ a valuable old fervant. Never was greater violence ufed in a burglary than in the above: the thieves entered at a fmall window in the back front, where the iron bars were an inch and one-quarter fquare; one of the bars was broke in the middle, and an afh leaver fix feet long was broke in forcing the bars. They came by water, and are fuppofed to be the fame gang who robbed Mr. Leatham, of Chatham-square, three nights ago.

On Saturday clofed the Old Bailey feffions, which, if measured by the number of perfons convicted, was one of the most important that ever was opened. Fiftyeight perfons were found guilty, and received fentence for capital offences: In pronouncing their awful doom, the deputyrecorder was particularly pathetic, humane and judicious. His obfervations, while they were well calculated to roufe the criminals to a juft fenfe of their guilt and ferious fituations, were tempered with a moderation of language, and an encouragement to hope for divine mercy, which did great credit both to his head and heart.

Wednesday morning the following malefactors, being ringleaders in running the Swift cutter on fhore near Rye, in Suffex, en the 30th of last August, who were

convicted last week at the Old Bailey of being found at large, after receiving fentence of tranfportation, were executed at Tyburn, viz. Charles Thomas, alias George Godby, William Matthews, alias John Bird, Thomas Millington, Chriftopher Trufty, David Hart, and Abraham Hyams. They all behaved fuitably to their unhappy fate.

Tuesday the 9th inft. were executed at Kennington-common, the two following convicts, viz. George Wood, and William Smith; the firft for robbing a deaf and dumb man, in Peckham-fields, of his watch and fome filver; the latter for a burglary at Vauxhall. They behaved with that decency that became their unhappy fituation.

His majefty has been pleased to grant his free pardon to William Higginson, one of the forters in the General Poft-office, who was capitally convicted in June feffion, on his tranfporting himself for life within fourteen days.

Government intend in future to fend out a number of marines on board the fhips that carry the convicts over to America and Africa, who are to keep a regular guard over them night and day, to prevent their efcaping.

Chelmsford, Sept. 12. There is now in full bloom and beauty, at Ingatestone, a cockscomb with a purple head, which meafures in circumference 31 inches without the volutes, and is four feet eight inches high; and in the fame place are feveral others, and fome with yellow heads of equal beauty.

Derby, Sept. 6. The following account has been fent us of a fhocking murder conmitted at a place called Mill-dale, in the parish of Alftonfield, in Staffordshire: A man, named John Green, having for. fome time kept company with one Ann Haftings, and the proving with child, is thought to be the reafon of his planning this diabolical act. 'e appointed to meet her on Saturday evening, August 23, at an uninhabited houfe, and the coming according to promife, he there importuned her to take a medicine, in order to destroy the child, but the refufing to comply, he then pulled a cord out of his pocket (which he had prepared for that purpose) and immediately tied her up to a beam, but the cord breaking before the was dead, he attempted with a knife to cut her throat, when the ftruggling very much, before he could accomplish his barbarous defign, the unhappy young woman received feveral wounds on her hands, breafts, &c. notwithstanding which, it is faid the crawled about forty yards, to a neighbouring houfe, after the inhuman wretch had left her for dead. A furgeon from Ashbourne was fent for with



all speed, who upon his arrival immediately fewed up the wound in her throat, and it is faid the was then able to speak, and declared that Green was the man who had fo

cruelly ufed her. After langoithing til about noon on Sunday the expired. Next day the coroner's inquef fat on the body, and brought in their verdict wilful murder, by John Green, who was taken up the fame day, and committed to Stafford gaol by Port, Efq; of Ilam, to take his trial at the next affizes for that county.

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At Pontefract, aged 97, William Wilkins, Efq. he had ferved under the duke of Marlborough.

The Rev. Dr. Benjamin Kennicot, canon of Christ church, and keeper of the Radcliff library at Oxford; a gentleman well known in the learned world for his elegant edition of the Hebrew Bible, and other publications.

In Berkeley-fquare, Lady Dowager Gerard.

The Right Hon. Lord Afhburton, chancellor of the dutchy of Lancaster.

Suddenly, Mr. Muffelton, attorney, in Lincoln's-inn.

At his houfe in Park-ftreet, of the wounds he received in a duel with colonel Gordon, in Hyde-park, colonel Thomas, of the guards.

On his return from London, the Rev. Mr. Gresham, of Woodminster.

Suddenly, as he was dreffing himself, Capt. Stanhope, formerly an officer in the Eaft India Company's fervice.

The lady of John Mumford, Efq. at

Sutton in Kent.

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William Richards, of Darlafton, Staffordthire, baker.

John Dealtry, now or late of Snaith, Yorkthire, butcher.

John Burrows, of James-ftreet, Goldenfquare, in the parish of St. James, Westminfter, druggift.

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James Ruffell the younger, late of the ifland of St. Thomas, but now of the city of Bristol, merchant.

Thomas Goddair, late of Wakefield, Yorkfhire, linen-draper.

Jonathan Lowes, of Middleton in Teesdale, Durham, grocer and haberdasher.

Thomas Seamark, late of St. Paul's church yard, in the parish of St. Faith, in the city of London, merchant, but now a prifoner in the king's bench.

James Rowlandfon, of Satterthwaite, in the parish of Hawkshead, in the county of Lancaster, and Richard Rowlandfon, of Caton, in the faid county, papermakers and partners.

William Kimber, of Po tfmouth, Southampton, coal-merchant.

David Cobb, of Kingston upon Hull, cornfactor.

John Coles, formerly of Basinghall-street,

in the city of London, fince of New York, in North America, but now of Hadleigh, Middlefex, merchant. James Boydell, of Charterhoufe-square, merchant and infurer.

Thomas Hart, late of Bifhops Waltham, in Hants, linen and woollen-draper.

Nicholas Hane, and Gerard Berk, of Crutched-friars, merchants and part


William Hopps, of Darlington, linendraper.

Benjamin Cottrell, late of Deptford, Kent, mariner.

Daniel Roberts, of Fenchurch-street, in the city of London, merchant. Thomas Chefleyn, of the city of Coventry, mercer and draper.

William John Banner, of Birmingham, Warwickshire, button-maker.

John Poftlewaite, of Liverpool, Lancashire, merchant, furviving partner of John Benfon, late of Liverpool, merchant, deceased.

James Davis, of the Minories, London, woollen-draper.

Samuel Partridge the younger, and Samuel Punfield, of Birmingham, Warwickfhire, merchants and co-partners. Thomas Webster, late' of Wavertree, Lancafhire, wheelwright and timber-mer. chant.

William Miller, late of Warrington, but now of Manchester, Lancashire, linendraper.

William Dandifon, of Spilby, Lincoln fhire, mercer and grocer.

James Fowler, of Wapping, Middlesex, brandy-merchant.

John Sutton and Thomas Rylands, both now or late of Liverpool, Lancashire, thipwrights and co-partners.

REGISTER of CHRISTENINGS and BURIALS within the Weekly Bills of Mortality?

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