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with entertainment, and much learning with true piety. Whoever is so happy as to be able to read and understand that book, possesses a treasure of divine knowledge and of true devotion

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Having now taken a general view of the public service of our church, let me beg you to consider what a blessing it is to us. In many countries men know not GoD, in many they do not worship Him as He has commanded; but in this happy land, every Christian may have the blessings of hearing God's world, and receiving his sacraments; he may join in prayer with a faithful congregation, and receive the instructions of a minister commissioned by CHRIST; and if he do this constantly and attentively, I will venture to say that the poorest man amongst us, though unable to read, and without the advantage of any other religious instruction, may gain more useful and important knowledge than the wisest man in the Heathen world ever possessed. Let him only attend to the Sunday lessons, and consider the great truths which he may learn from them. The Heathens knew not how the world was made; 'some thought it was formed by chance, and some that it existed from all eternity. But the first verse in the Bible removes all these doubts; "In the beginning GoD created the heaven

and the earth." They knew not how sin and misery came into the world; but from the Bible we learn, that it was through envy of the Devil, who persuaded Adam to disobey GOD. The Heathens knew not whether there was one GOD only, or whether there were many, and they worshipped wood and stone. But from the Bible we learn, that the great Creator said, I am the LORD thy God, and thou shalt have none other gods but me. They never heard of a Redeemer, and knew not how to obtain pardon for their sins; but the Bible tells us, that CHRIST JESUS came into the world to save sinners. The Heathens knew little of the will of God, or how they ought to act in order to please Him; but in the Bible we learn his will, and our duty to Him and to our neighbour. Lastly, the Heathens knew hot what to expect after death, or whether they were ever to live again after leaving this world; but from the Bible we learn this most important of all truths, that all men shall rise again with their bodies, and give an account of their own works; and the wicked" shall go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous into life eternal."*

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Such are the treasures of divine know. ledge, which are open to every Christian, * Matth. xxv, `46.

Let us thankfully acknowledge such great blessings; but let us also remember that "unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall much be required."* No man amongst us can justly plead ignorance of the law of GOD, as an excuse for not obeying it for every man may know what is necessary for the salvation of his soul, if he will only go to church, and attend to what he hears there. To those who add to this the happiness of being able to read the Bible at home, I earnestly recommend the study of that sacred book, as the greatest advantage, and the greatest pleasure, they can enjoy. It will be the guide of their youth, and the comfort of their old age. They will every day find new beauties, as they become more acquainted with it. Their understandings will be enlightened, their hearts will be softened. All the blessings of redeeming love will be presented to their view, all the glories of heaven will be open to their hopes. The joys and sorrows of this world will seem as nothing; they will learn to scorn its pleasures, and despise its temptations, while they press forward to the mark, with their eyes fixed on the glory which shall be revealed. And when they have finished their course with joy, they will resign their souls in peace to

Luke xii. 48.

Him who made, and who redeemed them; who will support them through the pains of death, and receive them into everlasting glory. To whom, with the Father and the Holy Ghost, be ascribed all honour and glory, by us and by all created beings, now and for ever. Amen.


ST. JOHN xvii. 4.


'ROM the example of our blessed LORD


we learn to glorify God, by our thoughts, by our words, and by our actions. I have endeavoured to shew you how we should imitate his piety, his fervent prayer, his constant attendance on all the appointed duties of religion; and we must humbly endeavour to follow his example in the reverence which he expressed for his Heavenly Father by every part of his conduct here on earth. I will mention some particulars which make a part of what is called our duty towards GOD, before I proceed to shew you how we ought to glorify Him, by performing our duty towards our neighbour in the manner which He has commanded.

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