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their sincere regards for the worthy Chairman, whose exertions in every good cause have been well known to the public during

twenty years.

The Bishop of Norwich has been erroneously reported as dead. We are happy to say that the worthy prelate still lives an ornament of the church, and a blessing to society.

A new chapel belonging to the Wesleyan Methodists was opened at Sheffield on Sunday se'nnight: the chapel was crowded almost to suffocation. The Rev. Dr. A. CLARKE had just concluded his sermón, when a temporary railing, (put up to prevent pressure upon an unfinished part) gave a sharp crack; this created a dreadful consternation. The congregation conceiving that the east side had given way, a general rush took place both in the galleries and below: whole lights of windows, with the iron-work, were forced out. More than a dozen windows were broken; and one of the large windows at the western entrance broken in two and carried away. Upwards of 400 panes of glass were smashed and broken to atoms, and the pews greatly damaged. Happily no lives were lost.



Slave Trade. (From the "Additional" Slave Trade Papers.)→ A lingering disposition to favour this commerce exists among the natives along the whole line of coast, with the exception of Sierra Leone; and wherever the British flag is flying at other places, its most decided influence will be required to check it effectually.

When a man, for instance, is indebted, and finds in the person of another a more convenient article for sale, which he can readily convert into cash with much less trouble than he could raise the hundredth part of the value by labour, the means of doing so are seldom wanting where mutual interests conjoin, and here those of the slave seller and slave buyer unite. It consequently gives rise to every sort of dissipation and licentiousness, leading the mind of the more active of the natives away from the less productive and slower pursuits of agriculture and commerce.

The system of 'panyarring,' or stealing of people, is very general in some parts. Whilst we were at Cape Coast, a woman belonging to that town was stolen by a man of a village about five miles off, as she was returning from the rice plantation. Sir Charles Macarthy had the man who carried her away caught and brought before him. He acknowledged the fact; said he was in debt and had no other means of paying. The woman, it seems, would have been kept until she was redeemed by her friends; or if that were not done within a short period, she would have been sold to a slave dealer. I was present at the examination of the man, and therefore vouch for the fact. It was with some difficulty

Sir Charles was enabled to get the woman restored, as the village, with its surrounding territory, by our late treaty, has been ceded to the King of Ashantee. Wherever the traffic in slaves has been checked, the natives appear to have shown a fair and reasonable desire of cultivating the natural productions of their country. Our resident officers and merchants agree in asserting, that these would be raised to any extent from which a market could be found. I presume this is as much as could be expected from any people in a state of nature.

Our merchants had complained that it had been a practice in the river Bonny, with King Peppel, to pay him a proportion of the cargo of each ship, by way of duty, before he would allow them to trade: but that these exactions not being defined in their amount, had risen to 3007. sterling on each ship. In addition to this intolerable burden, a delay of six or seven months occasionally arose from the preference given to the slaving vessels, which was as ruinous to the interests of these valuable ships, as it was productive of a great mortality among the crews.

In order to put a stop to these arbitrary proceedings, an agree ment has been entered into with this king, in the presence of the masters of several merchant ships, obliging him to complete their cargoes in three months, which is only half the time they have hitherto remained out, and likewise a stated sum fixed to be received by him as duty. This he signed with some hesitation, and at length promised most faithfully to comply with it; but as much dependence is not to be placed upon the faith of African Monarchs, he has been given to understand that a man of war will be frequently ordered to visit his river, and enforce a strict performance of his promise

Being strongly urged to abolish the Slave Trade, he replied, that it was his chief support; but if the King of England would send him annually a seventy-four gun ship laden with goods, he would give it up. His modest request, at all events, shews the value he puts upon this traffic.

Their Lordships being already acquainted with the desperate attack made by the French and Spanish slave ships in the river Bonny, on the boats of this ship and the Myrmidon, which ended in the capture of the whole of these ships, I feel it incumbent on me here to mention a combination said to be entered into by the officers and crews of the whole of these vessels, by which they bound themselves to put to death every English officer or man belonging to the navy, who might fall into their hands on the coast of Africa. This was in perfect unison with all and every thing which the slave dealing has engendered. Of a similar nature was the agreement between the Spanish captains and their seamen, the latter binding themselves blindly to obey every order, of whatever nature it might be, and in case of the vessel being taken not to receive any wages. Such is the depravity to which this Slave Trade debases the mind, and the character of the banditti engaged in it. These outlaws and robbers assume any flag as best suits their purpose at the time, and would equally trample on the lily that protects them, as on the crucifix which they im

piously carry in their bosoms. It is necessary to visit a slave ship to know what the trade is.

(Commodore Sir R Mends's Report to J. W. Croker, Esq. Admiralty, dated April 17.)


We have much pleasure in noticing another Report from that unobtrusive society, the Provisional Protection. The object of which is the protection of virtuous female servants, rendered destitute from misfortune, illness, &c. It is entirely conducted by a Committee of Ladies, who relieve applicants by the loan of clothes-money-board or lodging-as the case requires-and we understand they do much good with very small means. We think such an institution so admirably calculated to prevent crime, that we strongly recommend its support-and trust that increased funds will enlarge its sphere of action.

We are sorry to hear that JOSEPH LANCASTER, the active founder and supporter of the important system which bears his name, is in a declining and alarming state of health, which is attributed to the climate of America not agreeing with his constitution.

Irish Evangelical Society.-The Ninth Annual Meeting of the above Society- was held at the City of London Tavern, Bishopsgate Street, on Tuesday Evening, the 13th of May last. Thomas Walker, Esq. Treasurer, in the Chair. The Rev. G. Collison commenced by solemn prayer, and the Report of the Committee for the past year having been read, the Rev. Mr. Julian, of Trinley, John Wilks, Esq., Rev. Messrs. D. Stuart, of Dublin, T. Smith, of Rotherham, M. Wilks, of Paris, J. Blackburn, of London. D. H. Creighton, of Patricroft, J. A. Roberts, Matthew Wilks, and J. Conder, severally addressed the Meeting, and urged the present circumstances of Ireland, as calling for a prompt and special display of Christian liberality for the furtherance of the Society's operations, and the extension of its benefits throughout the country.

In reference to the Society's Academy, for the education of native and other Students for the work of the ministry in Ireland, the Report having entered into detail respecting the resignation of the Rev. R. Cope, LL.D. the late Tutor, and the subsequent appointment of the Rev. D. Stuart, Minister of the Secession, as the Theological Tutor, and of the Rev. W. H. Cooper, as the Classical and Resident Tutor, then remarks-" The new tutors have entered upon the important work under the most auspicious circumstances. Their classification of labour is most judicious, the term of study has been extended, from the period of three, to four years, and from the reports which the tutors have made of the piety, proficiency, and exertion of the Students, the internal affairs of the academy may be considered as in a prosperous state. The students continue to supply Manor Street Chapel, the House of Industry, Bray, Black Rock, Celbridge, and Kingsend, with general and very encouraging success. Inquiry is excited, pre

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judices begin to abate, and the cause of divine truth is evidently advancing. They have been compelled to suspend their labours at Bunleary, in consequence of the room, where the services were usually held, having been accidentally destroyed by fire."

In reference to the operations of the society, at all its stations, announced at former meetings, the Report shows, that they have been regularly carried on during the past year, and Tralee, Limerick, Mallow (with but a few weeks suspension) Youghall, Maryborough, and Portarlington, Enniskillen, Camphill, Newry, Armagh, Moy, Bangor, Carmoney, Carrickfergus, and Londonderry, together with the places of itinerant labour, around each station, are regularly supplied with the glorious Gospel of the blessed God. The Sunday Schools, uniformly connected with these operations, are all of them in an increasing, and some of them in a truly flourishing, state of prosperity.

With the warmest congratulations to the members and friends of the society, the Report next "adverts to the progress of those of their Missionaries, who, itinerating from village to village, from hamlet to hamlet, and from house to house, are proclaiming to the Irish, in their native tongue, the wonders of redeeming love. Amidst hardships and dangers, privations and distresses, from which multitudes would instantly recoil, these pious and exemplary men have proceeded in their arduous employ, and their success has been of a highly encouraging character. Their journals contain accounts of powerful impressions, and hopeful conversions, produced in widely extended, and populously inhabited districts in Connaught, in which your ordinary ministers could not itinerate. They exhibit the power of the truth prevailing over the most besotted prejudices, the happy suppression of superstitious feelings, and the peculiar willingness of the Roman Catholics to receive the truth as it is in Jesus, particularly when proclaimed to them in their vernacular tongue,"

In reference to the still widening sphere of the society's labours, the Report announces that three students have finished the pe riod of their studies in the academy during the past year, and are now occupying important stations in the country, as faithful evangelists of Jesus Christ. The new students have been admitted, all of whom are Irishmen, and, as additionally marking the Ca. tholic principles of the society, one of them is an Episcopalian, another a Presbyterian, and the third an Independent: there are eight students now in the institution. The Report also states that the number of the Irish preachers who labour under the society, in the vernacular tongue, has been increased from two to four, and that other openings of a most cheering character are inviting the still further extension of the society's labours, but the Committee were compelled to pause, on account of the embarrassments that rested on their funds. The receipts of the society, during the past year, amounted to 2,2751. 2s. 2 d., and its expenditure to 2,4467. Is. 74d. leaving a balance due to the Treasurer of 1701. 198. 54d.

Sailors.-The progress of genuine piety among seafaring men, eflate years,is a subject of great congratulation among Chris

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