ADVERTISEMENT. IN the Advertisement to our LXVth Volume we explained the sources of our difficulties, and the attempts by which we purposed to remove them. They have undoubtedly succeeded in fome degree; but the deficiency was so great, that a flight afsistance could procure but an inadequate alleviation. Our chief confolation has, however, been, that the confidence of the Public in our judgment has not leffened; that we have experienced every mark of candour and respect from authors whose opinions have not coincided with our own; that our plan and our conduct have generally met with approbation, both on the continent and at home. These confiderations muft neceffarily excite all our zeal, and awaken all our attention: they will forcibly impress on our minds the rule so often recommended to historians, ' Ne quid falfi dicere audeant, ne quid veri non audeant' But it is now neceffary to be more particular. The addition of an Appendix, we hoped, would have supplied all our demands, and given us that scope which was wanting to render our Journal a faithful picture of the literature of succeeding periods. We had room indeed to make some additions, which were indispensible; to extend our accounts of publications, either little known or not fully understood, and to infert occafionally fome information respecting the more important works on the continent. But we foon anticipated the limits which the public had indulged us with; and our only apology must be, that we anticipated it not by frivolous contests, or interested explanations. We confidered every line as devoted to the purposes either of utility or entertainment; as defigned to inform our readers what had been done, how far the new discoveries were connected with former attempts, and often what remained to be performed. Science is, however, inexhaustible; the taste for literary information of every kind is not easily fatiated; and we had often much to say, when our limits forbad us to enlarge. For proofs of the difficulties which we continue to feel, it is only neceffary to refer our readers to many articles, which have been discontinued, and which we have not been able to refume, at a period of the year when new publications abound; and when, from these alone, our labours had been usually urgent and unremitted. We must, therefore, have continued to difappoint our readers, or extend the bulk of our Numbers, in the manner we have propofed. A 2 proposed. When the alternative was confidered, little hefitation was necessary; and we trust the Public will be too candid and generous to disapprove of the attempt, when they reflect, that notwithstanding the numerous additional impediments in the way of publications, the advancement of literature and science has been chiefly attended to in our present arrangement. It should not be confidered as again intruding on their indulgence; for we truft, that, except in peculiar emergencies, where the subjects will be a fufficient apology, the additional sheets will superfede the neceffity of an Appendix. Our extended limits will also permit the trial of an improvement, which we have long meditated, and which will, we think, render our Journal more complete. In the Foreign Intelligence for December last, we explained the difficulties occafioned by having no English work, in which authors could give a short and early account of their attempts, either to gratify the curiosity of others, or ascertain their own titles to what they may have discovered. We offered a part of our Journal for that purpose; and it is now necessary to explain the manner in which this new attempt will be conducted. We find that authors will not be fatisfied with having their accounts inferted in the Sketch of Foreign Literature; wishing, perhaps, to have a better claim to the public attention by a separate department. If therefore our proposal meets with their approbation and support, we shall occafionally give a concise Article of Domestic Intelligence.' Though our accounts must be short, we wish to receive the plans or the experiments at length: we will abridge them with care; mark on the copy the time of receiving, and return it, if required, to the author. By this plan, every advantage which can accrue to him, or the public, will be obtained; and every injury to his fame or to his emoluments avoided. - Whether this proposal be ever practised, or practised with effect, must depend on their opinion of it, and the encouragement they may think it merits. We must not conclude without expressing our thanks for the attention and indulgence we have received, and our confidence in the patronage of the public, while we continue to deserve it. ALPHA ALPHABETICAL TABLE CONTENTS, AUTHORS' NAMES, &c. of the Publica- tions reviewed in this Volume. An Account of a bituminous Lake, or Plain, in the Island of Trinidad, by Mr. Alexander Anderson, commu- nicated by Sir Joseph Banks, bart. P. R. S. to the Royal Society, 417 ral Productions of Boutan and Thi- A brief Account of the Istand of An- tigua; in Letters to a Friend, writ- An Address to the Diffenterson Cla Epistolary Address to the Rev. Dr. 161 The Adventures of a Speculatift; or a Journey through London, compiled from Papers written by G. A. Ste- vens, with his Life, a Preface, Cor- 232 African Geography of Herodotus, by The Aggrandisement and natural Per- fection of Great Britain: an humble Propofal, comprehending under one simple and practicable undertaking, without laying additional Burdens upon the Subject, the means of pay- ing off the Public Debt, within the Space of Thirty Years, by George Edwards, Efq. M. D. Albertina, a Novel, a Vols. 12mo, 494 Alfred, anhiftorical Tragedy; to which is added, a Collection of Mifcellane- ous Poems, by the fame Author, 159 |