Imágenes de páginas

defertion. Yet on a nearer view of circumftances and characters, we shall not confider the political martyr, merely as a convert to falfe popularity, but rather as a refined (though often difappointed) fpeculatift, who weighs the chances of events, and calculates the fluctuations of power with an almost arithmetical nicety.'

It is needlefs to lead our Readers into those intricate mazes in political conduct, which the ingenious Writer thinks it easy to unravel, by the help of this clue.

The third fpecies of thefe felf-created martyrs are, the self-proclaimed victims, who court the public favour, or pacify the public refentment, not only by voluntary but even by vifionary fufferings. In the front of this venerable band appear the military martyrs, armed with recriminating invectives, fhielded by new formed connections, ftored with voluminous harangues, arrayed in all the pomp of burlefque inquiries, and adorned with all the trophies of partial approbation. In vain would common fenfe oppofe her ftrength against the power of military eloquence; in vain might fhe reprefent, that true valour would require no aid from the refinements of fophiftry, that real exploits would borrow no ornament from the pomp of declamation; that the commanders of former days established the glory, and extended the empire of their country, not by tedious recitals, but by actual and effectual enterprizes; that the proofs of meritorious fervice did not then reft upon the opinion of friendly witneffes, but on the records of impartial hiftory, on the gra eful applaufe of their countrymen, on the univerfal fenfe of mankind.'

Here the Author approaches the main object of his view in this publication, viz. the arraignment of the conduct (military and political) of General Burgoyne; which is here expofed to a feverity of investigation by no means new to this unfortunate commander,who, fince his parole-return to England, hath fuftained many attacks of this kind: herein experiencing the truth of the maxim held by a celebrated French warrior-" That a loft battle hath a long tail."

Our Author takes leave of the General, with the following declaration of his inducements to the difcuffion of a fubject by no means agreeable,' viz. I will freely own, the first motive that led me to this inquiry, was a defire of vindicating characters very powerfully, or at leaft fpeciously affailed. Every flep I have proceeded in it, every view in which I have confidered it, has uniformly tended to confirm me in this opinion, that you are not that oppreffed officer, not that unprejudiced politician, which your speeches and publications have fo induftrioufly proclaimed you--that whatever misfortunes you may have fuffered, whatever loffes you may have endured, have been the confequence of your own acts, or the effects of your own folicitation.-Had the cafe appeared otherwife to my mind, no confideration could ever have induced me to throw the leaft imputation on your conduct, or infinuate the flightest doubt of your fincerity.

Art. 15. Speech of Edmund Burke, Efq; Member of Parlia ment for the City of Bristol, on prefenting to the Houfe of Commons (Feb. 11, 1780) "A Plan for the better Security of the REV. Mar. 1780.



Independency of Parliament, and the economical Reformation of the Civil and other Establishments. 8vo. 2s. DodЛley.

This noble and wonderful piece of oratory, of which we have here an authentic copy *, will immortalize the name of BURKE. Art. 16. Thoughts on the prefent County Petitions. Addreffed to the Gentlemen, Clergy, and Freeholders, throughout England. By an Old-fashioned Independent Whig. 8vo. 1 s. L. Davis. 1780.

This writer discountenances the petitions, on fuch grounds as feem to evince his thorough acquaintance with the ftate of parties in this country. In short, he is a political fceptic, and does not credit even the Minority themfelves for any degree of fincerity, in regard to this extraordinary manœuvre :-he does not believe they wish to obtain the prayer of their petition, left they should, themfelves, be affected by it, when it may be their turn to have the diftribution of the loaves and fishes.-Thefe cool thoughts were thrown out during the earlier ftages of the county meetings; and the publication was, no doubt, intended to act as a damper.

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Art. 17. An Answer to the Letter addressed by Francis Riollay, Phyfician of Newbury, to Dr. Hardy, on the Hints given concerning the Origin of the Gout, in his Publication on the Colic of Devon, &c. &c. By James Hardy, M. D. 8vo. 1 s. Cadell, &c. 1780.

When a man once mounts his hobby-horfe, there is no stopping him. 'Tis in vain for a friend to fay, "For God's fake, difmountthe vicious beaft will throw you-you will have your neck brokeyour joints diflocated-or at leaft, you will get heartily splashed and bedaubed."-It does not fignify-on he goes-whip and fpur-till his career ends in a quagmire.

Dr. Hardy having laid down to himself as an undeniable pofition, "that the primary caufes of the gout arife from the action of mineral fubftances admitted into the human fyftem," will not recede from his point, though affailed by the most powerful arguments, both theoretical and experimental. If you tell him, that French gentlemen, who make their own wine, and are remarkably curious about it, would never be fo abfurd as to mix poison with it,—and yet have their full share of the gout-he answers you with a quotation from the Maifon Ruftique, in which you find three methods directed for preventing wines from turning four. The firft of thefe is the fufpending á ball of lead in the cafk. Here nobody would deny the poffibility of a noxious impregnation. The fecond is the fumigating with brimitone, or, as we call it, the fumming of wine. Now, mark the Doctor's ingenuity! This brimftone, he fays, may be native fulphur -native fulphur often contains arfenic-confequently your wine may be impregnated with arfenic by this practice. The third method is boiling down the muft; concerning which, the Doctor thinks it fuf

Another edition has appeared, (but not printed under the Author's infpection) price 1 s. 6 d. Published by Hey, in Paternofter Row.



ficient to fay, that as a veffel of copper, tin, or lead, would probably be used in this operation, his mineral hypothefis is still safe. If, after all, you urge, that thefe noxious impregnations might poffibly occafion a colic or pally, but that the gout is a different affair-no, fays he, they are the fame thing in effect, though a little different in appearance. To fuch reafoning do people fometimes defcend in fupport of a favourite hypothefis!


Art. 18. An Efay on the Cure of Abfceffes, Wounds, and Ulcers. Alfo, a New Method of curing the Lues Venerea, with Dr Hunr's and Mr. Cruickshanks's Opinion on this Method, and alfo on the Abforption in Human Bodies; with Experiments on infenfible Perfpiration. By Peter Clare, Surgeon. The Second Edition, illuftrated by Cafes and Anatomical Engravings. 8vo. Boards. Cadell. 1779.

4 S. In our Review for June laft, we gave fome account of the first edition of this work. Confiderable additions are now made to it, particularly in the obfervations furnished by Mr Cruickshanks. Art. 19. Thoughts on Amputation. Being a Supplement to the Letters on Compound Fractures, and a Comment on Dr. Bilguer's Book on this Operation. To which is added, A fhort Effay on the Ufe of Opium in Mortifications. By Thomas Kirkland, M. D. Member of the Medical Society at Edinburgh. 8vo. 2 S.

Dawfon. 1780.

Mr. Pott, in a late publication, pointing out the neceffity of amputation in certain cafes, and the advantage of performing this operation speedily, was led to make fome fevere ftrictures on Dr. Bilguer's celebrated work, in which a contrary practice was maintained. On the other hand, Dr. Kirkland, of Afhby, takes up the pen in favour of Bilguer, and attempts to fhew, that his general doctrine is neither fo abfard nor mischievous as Mr. Pott has reprefented it; and that his own experience, particulary in compound fractures, confirms the fuppofition that amputation is much less frequently neceffary than is ufually imagined. As degree of injury is almost the fole thing which must determine this point, it is very dif. ficult to lay down any precife rules in thefe cafes; but we think it fufficiently appears, that Dr. Kirkland and his friends, as well as practitioners in various other parts of the country, have faved many a limb, which would have been doomed, without hesitation, to the knife, in a London hospital. It is very poffible, however, that the attempt to fave the limb in one cafe, and its fpeedy removal in the other, may be both equally right; fince the difference between the air of a crowded city hofpital, and that of a private chamber in the country, will give room to expect a very different event in fimilat accidents and we are rather furprised, that this important circumftance in the debate has been fo little dwelt on by either party.

Dr. Kirkland's remarks on the ufe of opium, in mortifications, tend chiefly to fhew, that the propriety of employing this remedy will entirely depend on the particular nature and symptoms of the cafe: that wherever there is much pain and irritability, opiates will greatly affift in the cure; but that where the vis vita are very languid,

* See Review for March 1779.
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the part affected indolent, and nervous energy destroyed, cordial and ftimulating medicines are proper, and opium is prejudicial.


A. Art. 20. The Relapfe. A Novel. In Two Volumes. 12mo. 5 s. Lowndes. 1779.

There has, of late, been fuch an uncommon dearth of this kind of food, that, at this time, no doubt, many thousand eager appetites are craving for fomething new, to whom a dish prepared by the author of Indiana Danby will be a delicious morfel.

E. AFFAIRS OF THE EAST-INDIA COMPANY. Art. 21. Thoughts on the Treaty now agitating between Government and the East India Company, fhewing the conceived Defects of the Propofitions drawn up by the Court of Directors; and containing a new Set of Propofitions, perhaps more advantageous to the Public, to the Company, and the oppreffed Inhabitants of Hindoftan. By Archibald Mitchell, late Major of Engineers, belonging to the Eftablishment of Fort St. George. 4to, I s. 6 d. Donaldfon. 1780.

Mr. Mitchell appears to have ftudied his subject with due attention, and to have difcuffed it with ability and perfpicuity. The points under his confideration are enumerated in the title. He puts the following query, Would it not be proper that the Government or the Company should give 1000 1. or fuch other fum as they shall think adequate, to be paid to the perfon who gives in the best and fhortest draughts of a charter, or articles of partnership, betwixt Government and the Company ?'-Should this hint be taken, we think Mr. Mitchell well qualified to put in for the prize; of which his Propofitions, above mentioned, may be taken as a fpecimen, being laid down as the basis of an agreement between Government and the Company.

Art. 22. Heads of an Agreement between Parliament and the East India Company. 8vo. 13 Pages.

Thefe propofitions feem to be laid down on the part of the Company, but we know not on what authority. They are dated Feb. 18, 1780: thofe, prepared by the Court of Directors were given at the Eaft India Houfe, on the 28th of January.

Art. 23. State of the East India Company, with an Examination of the Propofitions now before the Proprietors, confidered as Matter of Account; and Sketch of equitable Terms of an Accommodation between the Public and the Proprietors. 8vo. I s. Sewell. 1780.

The calculations, eftimates, and obfervations contained in this compendium of the Company's great and most effential concerns, appear to come from a perfon well informed, and deeply experienced, in regard to a fubject which muft, in the highest degree, affect the commercial and eventually the political interefts of this country. The Writer figns himself" An old and faithful Servant of the Com

The Company's Propofitions are added, by way of Appendix to this pamphlet.


pany" and we are ready to conclude, from the contents of his publication, that he has not affumed an imaginary character. LAW.

Art. 24. Abstract of the Smugglers, Arreft, Militia, Convicts, House Tax, and other interefting Acts of Parliament paffed in the Seffions of 1779. 8vo. I s. 6 d. Fielding and Walker.

An useful and judicious abridgment. The great bulk to which the volume of our acts of parliament is annually fwoln, renders fome publication of this kind almoft neceffary. We really believe that the most prolific authors in this country are (with due reverence be it fpoken) Meffrs. the King, Lords, and Commons; and that the fruits of their joint labours, for ten years paft, far exceed, in number and fize, all that the two univerfities have produced in the course of half a century. Is it not then time to abrogate the ancient maxim that "ignorantia legis excufat neminem? What a task does the legislature impofe on the good fubjects of this realm in expecting that their understanding and memory fhould keep pace with the enormous growth of the ftatute book!

"For who can read so fast, as they can write?"



Art. 25. The Times; a Comedy. As it is now performing at the Theatre-Royal in Drury Lane. By Mrs. Griffith. 8vo. 5. 6 d. Fielding and Walker. 1780.

To this comedy is prefixed an advertisement beginning thus:

The favourable reception which the following comedy has met with from a candid and generous Public, calls for my warmeft acknowledgments; and though it may be of little confequence to them. to know the fource of fo flight an amusement, I think myself bound by truth and gratitude to own, that the first idea of this piece was hinted to me by my ever-refpected and lamented friend Mr. GARRICK, who mentioned GOLDONI's Bourru Bienfaifant, as a sketch that, if adapted to our times and manners, might be rendered pleafing to an English audience. Those who have read the French piece muft judge how far I have profited by GOLDONT's work; but of this I am certain, that had Mr. GARRICK lived to afford me that friendly affistance which he has done on former occafions, my comedy would have been more worthy of the reception with which it has been honoured. I will, however, hope that," with all its imperfections on its head," the fame indulgence which attended its reprefentation, will follow it into the clofet; and that the Reader will allow me the only merit I prefume to claim, that of meaning well.'

Sir William Woodley, the Bourru Bienfaifant, has, we think, been rather more ably delineated by Garrick's own hand, in his little comedy of Bon Ton. His Sir John Trotley and Mrs. Griffith's Sir William Woodley are, in their leading features, extremely fimilar to each other. The additional touches, given to Sir William, rather aggravate than heighten the character: for furely his intention to join his niece to a man thirty years older than herself, relishes of abfurdity rather than benevolence. His peevishnefs, and harmlefs love of backgammon, are more pleafant qualities.

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