Imágenes de páginas
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1. Was hat Ihr Herr Bruder? 2. Er hat neue Kleider und neue Bü cher. 3. Warum haben Sie heute meine weißen Handschuhe gehabt? 4. Ich hatte sie gestern; aber heute habe ich sie nicht gehabt. 5. Wir werden morgen einen angenehmen Tag haben. 6. Mein Vater wird meinen Brief vor seiner Abreise gehabt haben. 7. Dieser arme Mann ging vorgestern zu meinem Onkel. 8. Er gab ihm zwei Taschentücher und einen neuen Hut. 9. Siehst du meinen Bruder oft und sprichst du zuweilen mit ihm ? 10. Ich sah ihn gestern; aber ich habe nicht mit ihm gesprochen. 11. Sangen Sie heute Morgen, oder sang Ihre Fräulein Tochter? 12. Ich habe in meiner Jugend gesungen; aber jezt singe ich nicht mehr. 13. Haben Sie meine neue deutsche Grammatik? 14. Nein, eben nicht, aber ich habe sie geftern gehabt. 15. Niemand ist glücklich als der Zufriedene (Sect. XVI.), und Niemand ist weise als nur der Fromme. 16. Hat Ihre Frau Gemahlin einen Brief an Ihren Herrn Vetter geschrieben? 17. Nein, noch nicht, aber sie wird morgen an ihn schreiben. 18. Cäsar schrieb nach Rom:,, Ich kam, sah, und siegte." 19. Ich gab diesem armen Manne meine alten Schuhe.


1. Have you seen my [meinen] brother? 2. No, I have not seen him, but my wife saw him the day before yesterday. 3. He wrote a long [langen] letter and spoke not a [ein] word [Wort]. 4. She has given to me [mir] a new dress and a beautiful handkerchief. 5. Do you think [glauben Sie] that we shall have fine weather [Wetter] to-morrow? 6. No, but I think [glaube] that it will rain [regnen].

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* Such elliptical form as "His cloak is black and his brother's

is blue" (Sein Mantel ist schwarz, und seines Bruders ist blau) is very seldom employed in German.

Der Knabe hat sein Buch und das seines Vaters.

Die Knaben haben ihre Bälle und die ihrer Freunde.


Adolph, m. Adolphus. | Buchhalter, m. book

Amerika'nisch, adj.
Bild, n. picture,

Bild'hauer, m. sculp-

tor. Brief, m. letter.

Fabel, f. fable.
Gellert, m. Gellert.
Heinrich, m. Henry.
Rathhaus, n. city-hall,
Rosenfarben, adj. pink-

Tinte, f. ink.
Wann, when.
Welcher, which.
Zimmermann, m. Zim-


3oll'einnehmer, m. toll-
3milling, m. twin.

The boy has his book and that | The first errors that a pupil will make will be in the arrange.
of his father.
ment of his subject; he will find them out the second time
The boys have their balls and he looks it over before he begins to draw it. We advise
those of their friends.
him then only to "faint" them, not to obliterate them; they
are useful by pointing out to him where he is not to draw his
line; and they may be considered as beacons on a dangerous
coast, warning him of the perils he is to avoid. Here is thei
advantage; when mistakes are totally effaced, it is as likely a
not that the same errors may be repeated, or, what is equally
bad, a fresh fault may be committed by drawing the line in an
opposite extreme. It is a common thing to hear those who are
struggling with their difficulties say, "It's all wrong, but where
I cannot tell." The work may be all wrong, it is true; but
that learners may be the better able to tell where the errors
are, and how to correct them, it is necessary that teachers
should take care to set up guide-posts in the shape of the
rules and principles of the art, so that the safest and most
direct path may be pointed out, and to put up warnings marked
dangerous," by which the inexperienced may be cautioned
when they attempt to pursue what may appear to be shorter
ways, but which lead only to discouragement and failure. We
have often heard pupils say, "I have tried to draw this so many
times, and I cannot do it." Of course not; leave off the
drawing, and try the arrangement first. After what has been
now said we resume our instructions with greater confidence,
feeling sure that our pupils, knowing where they are likely to
fall into error, will adhere closely to the course of procedure we


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Das Licht der Sonne ist nüglich.
Wessen Buch ist dieses ?
Welchem von Ihnen gehört' dieses

Welches Buch meinen Sie?
Das neue, große Buch.

Welches ist denn der rechte Name?

Have you ever heard the song
of the nightingale ?

Yes, very often, but never that
of the lark.

The light of the sun is useful.
Whose book is this ?

To which of you does this book

Which book do you mean?
The new large book.

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Which is then the right name? have marked out for them.

1. Welchen Tisch haben Sie? 2. Ich habe den meines Freundes, des Tischlers. 3. Welches Papier haben Sie? 4. Ich habe das meines Freundes, des Lehrers. 5. Welcher von diesen Knaben hat meine blaue Tinte? 6. Keiner von ihnen hat Ihre Tinte, aber einer von diesen Knaben hat Ihr schönes rosenfarbenes Papier. 7. Welcher von ihnen hat es ? 8. Adolph hat es, und Heinrich, Ihr kleiner Vetter, hat Ihren hölzernen Bleistift. 9. Welches von meinen Büchern ist in Ihrem Zimmer? 10. Ihre Gellert's Fabeln sind dort. 11. Welcher von diesen zwei kleinen Knaben ist Ihr Neffe? 12. Sie sind beide meine Vettern. 13. Sind sie Brüder? 14. Ja, fie find Zwillinge. 15. Welche Ihrer amerikanischen Freunde find in dem Rathhause? 16. Herr 6. und Herr L. 17. Wessen Buch haben Sie? 18. Ich habe das Ihres Vetters. 19. Wann hat Herr Zimmer mann meinen Brief gehabt? 20. Er hat ihn vorgestern gehabt, und sein Freund, der Maler, hat ihn gestern gehabt, und ich habe ihn heute. 21. Hat der Lehrer den Sohn des Bäckers oder den des Schneiders gelobt? 22. Er hat weder den des Bäckers, noch den des Schneiders, sondern den des Maurers gelobt. 23. Haben Sie die Federn des Kaufmanns, oder die bes Buchhalters? 24. Ich habe weder die des Kaufmanns, noch die des Buchhalters, sondern ich habe die des Zolleinnehmers. 25. Wer lobt den alten Capitan? 26. Der Hauptmann lobt ihn. 27. Er lobt das ganze Volk. 28. Der Wagen des Franzosen ist groß, und der des Engländers schön.


1. Which umbrella [Regenschirm] have you? 2. I have that of my brother, the sculptor. 3. When did you buy [kauften Sie] this pink-coloured dress? 4. I bought it yesterday from my cousin, the draper [Tuchhändler]. 5. Will [wollen] you give this book to this man or that? 6. I will not give it to either [Reinem].

LESSONS IN DRAWING.-VI. BEFORE proceeding with the more practical part of our instructions upon drawing, we wish to offer a few words of advice respecting the advantages of the errors the pupil may frequently make, and to persuade him, that although errors must naturally occur, there is no reason for discouragement, so long as he understands them and can feel his way out of his difficulties in correcting them. All beginners are liable to make many and great mistakes; but it is not their number that ought to discourage; it is the not seeing them, which in the first place disheartens the master, and then when pointed out disheartens the pupil, if he has not the courage and capability to correct and avoid them for the future. In the practice of drawing, errors, when seen and understood, are quite as valuable as those portions of the drawing that are right; we know then as well what we ought not to do, as what we ought to do, and it is this knowledge of right and wrong that keeps us in the true path.

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We turn now to objects of a uniform character-viz., bottles, wine-glasses, vases, etc. We will first consider only their profile form—that is, the outward line when presented horizontally before the eye; afterwards we will exhibit them with their retiring parts. Fig. 45 is a bottle. Draw a b, a perpendicular line passing through the whole centre from the top to the bottom. In drawing objects of this class we advise the pupil always first to draw this perpendicular line, because from this line each way he may mark in the distances of the several parts as they approach or depart from it. The characteristic points of the outline are c, d, e, f, g, h, marked on both sides of the central straight line with a corresponding equidistance from it; therefore, if these points are carefully arranged with regard to their distances from each other, and from the centre, there will be very little difficulty in drawing through them the continued outline which will represent the object.

The wine-glass, Fig. 46, is another subject requiring the same mode of treatment; and the method we have given for drawing the bottle will apply here also.

The vase, Fig. 47, is another example; the letters are not repeated here, simply because we wish the pupil to apply the above method of drawing it without our assistance; he will easily recognise the characteristic points and angles for himself. We propose now to draw these objects with their retiring parts, and, as they are for the most part circular at their extremities, we must first explain the geometrical method of drawing a circle in perspective. Many suppose that a circle in perspective is a true ellipse; such is not the case. If the pupil will examine Fig. 48, he will see that the portion above the central line ik is much smaller than the portion below i k, owing, as we have before stated, to the diminishing appearance of objects in perspective.

To draw Fig. 48, he must make use of parallel rulers and compasses. Begin, then, by ruling the plane of the picture, here represented by a line, because, the plane or surface of the picture being always considered in an upright position, the plan of that plane or surface would be a line. This will be fully explained when we enter into geometrical perspective. Draw the line of sight, H L, anywhere above, and parallel to, the plane of the picture; place the point of sight, P S, and draw the line PSO perpendicularly, or at right angles with the HL and picture plane; from o, as a centre, draw the semicircle afbfc; about it describe the rectangle a dec; draw o d and o e; and through the points where these last lines cut the semicircle draw h g and hg. From a hoh and c respectively, draw lines to the P5. Place on each side of P S on the H L two points, D P 1 and DP2 These are called distance points, and represent the distance of the eye from the picture plane-in this case, also, from the object, as the circle touches the picture plane. From cand a draw the diagonal lines am and el towards the distance

points, D P 1, D P 2. Join 1 m; 1 m ca will be a square in perspective, within which we draw the circle by hand as follows:-The point n, where the diagonals I c and a m intersect each other, is the centre of 1 m ca (see p. 138); through this centre n draw the line i k parallel to a c. Now observe where the lines from h h cut the diagonals in s, s, s, s; through these points, and also through riok, draw by hand the perspective circle as in the figure. We recommend the pupil to draw this figure several times, as it requires much practice to draw the perspective circle properly. When this difficulty has been overcome, he may try to draw the circle without the geometrical perspective lines, as follows

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more underneath the eye than the top, he has a more enlarged view of the base; through k draw pr, the diameter of the base, equal to the diameter a b of the top, and mark the distance kn, which, from its being lower to the eye than the distance o e of the upper circle, the line k n will be somewhat longer. (Now here, again, we should like to prove this by another geometrical drawing, but we decline it at present for reasons already stated; but the pupil may very easily, for his own satisfaction, draw again Fig. 48, placing the H L double the height from the plane of the picture as therein shown, keeping D P 1 and D P 2 the same distance from P s as before; the result will show him


(see Fig. 49):-First draw a b, according to the required width or diameter of circle, say the top of a wine-glass; through o, the centre of a b, draw the perpendicular c d, mark the point e from o (if the pupil has a glass before him, let him stretch a piece of thread over the top of the glass to represent a b; he will then perceive that the distance o e must be regulated according to the view the object presents to the eye); make o h equal to o e, and divide o h into three equal parts, add one of these parts from h to f; then through a e bf draw, by hand, the perspective view of the circle as in the copy. This, we allow, is an approximation, but sufficiently near for practical purposes. To complete the wine-glass, Fig. 50, continue the line c f to m any length; mark fi for the depth of the glass, and i k for the length of the stem. If the pupil will place a wine-glass before him on the table, he will notice that the circular base, being

that, when the circle is placed lower, the eye looks more upon it.) Proceed with k m and the divisions as before, and draw by hand the circle through the points pnr m. There is scarcely anything more difficult for a beginner than the circle, under any conditions; therefore we earnestly recommend him to practise it well from the foregoing instructions. Our reason for giving the above simple geometrical problem for constructing the perspective view of a circle is to satisfy the mind of the pupil upon the proportions and changes of its retiring dimensions, according as it is seen nearer to or further below the level of the eye. Let him raise the glass until the top is on a level with the eye; the top will then present a straight line; let him lower it gradually, and he will see that the retiring diameter of the circle seems to expand, until, when it is exactly under his eye (looking down upon it), it then presents the true circle.

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(subject) of

to or for. (object) 0!

by, with, or from. Abl. -is by, with, or from. Here you may remark that in the singular two case-endings are the same-namely, those of the nominative and the vocative, both being a; and that in the plural taken with the singular, four case-endings are the same namely, in the plural those of the nominative and the vocative; in the singular, the genitive and the dative. This undoubtedly is a defect in the language. By practice only can you learn in reading to ascertain which, in any particular instance, the writer intended; the difficulty, however, is not so great as you might imagine.

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so on with the rest.

Before you proceed further, you should make yourself perfectly master of the case-endings and the example. Exercise yourself in giving from memory any case-endings you may please to require; also in giving the corresponding English sign.

Observe that in the example, after the word mensa, æ, stand 1 and fem. Here 1 with a noun denotes the first declension, as afterwards 2 with a noun will denote the second declension, 3 with a noun the third declension, and so on; f. or fem. denotes the feminine gender, and intimates that mensa is a noun of the feminine gender. It may appear strange to you that a thing which in English is of the neuter "gender," as being without sex, should in the Latin be of the feminine gender. So, how ever, it is. In Latin, one way of determining gender is by the termination. Thus, all nouns ending in a (with an exception which will be pointed out by-and-by), are of the feminine gender. And as all nouns ending in a are of the first declension, so all nouns of the first declension, generally speaking, are of the feminine gender.

Decline the following nouns like mensa :

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1. Rana coaxat. 2. Rana sæpe est præda ciconia. 3. Ciconia nocet ranæ. 4. Ciconia devorat ranam. 5. O rana, coaxas. 6. Aqua turbatur a ranà. 7. Plantæ florent. 8. Terra vestitur copiâ plantarum. 9. Procellæ nocent plantis. 10. Terra gignit plantas. 11. O plantæ, quam pulchre ornatis terram ! 12. Terra vestitur plantis.

On this exercise I must give a few words of explanation. In the sentence Ciconia nocet ranæ, you have the object in the dative case. Generally the object is in the accusative case, but noceo is one of the verbs which govern their object in the dative instead of in the accusative case, as will be more fully set forth hereafter.

After the passive verb turbatur, you have the instrument ranā with the preposition a; whereas after the passive verb vestitur, you have copia without the preposition. The reason is that, in Latin, when the instrument is a person or living creature, the preposition a is usual; but it is not used when, as in the second case, the instrument is a thing, that is, something without life.

Vestitur is not given in the vocabulary to this declension, because it has been given before. Here, as in other instances, words, the English of which has been previously stated, are repeated without the English, in order to secure attention and to assist the memory by repetition.

As the English sign of the dative is to or for, so you must use the one or the other as the sense requires. And as the English sign of the ablative is by, with, or from, so must you use either by, or with, or from, according as the English idiom requires.


1. The plants flourish. 2. The storm injures the plant. 3. Plants are injured by the storm. 4. Frogs are swallowed by the stork. 5. The earth produces plants. 6. Plants are produced by the earth. 7. O plants, how beautifully are you produced by the earth! 8. I praise abundance of water. 9. The storm moves the waters. 10. The waters are moved by the storm.

After having learnt each vocabulary, you will do well to try to ascertain what words in it have representatives in English. These English representatives (denoted by the initials E. R.) are words in English derived more or less directly from the

corresponding Latin words. Thus, from aqua we have E. R. aquatie; from copia, we have E. R. copious; from herba we have E. R. herb; from præda we have E. R. prey; from terra covering the E. R. in all cases, and in the discovery you will we have E. R. terrene, etc. You will soon acquire skill in disgain an aid to memory, as well as an insight into the exact original meaning of many English words. Indeed, you should never allow a Latin word to pass you without endeavouring to ascertain whether it has any E. R., and if any, whether one or more, what they are, and what their signification. This you see exemplified in the following example :Adjectives in the feminine gender are declined like mensa.


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Alba rosa, a white rose. Magna præda, great booty.

Ancilla, a maid-servant.
Augusta, sacred.
Est mihi, I have.

V. Bona puellæ, O good girls! Ab. Bonis puellis, by good girls. manner write out and learn by

Pulchra columba, a beautiful pigeon. Quadrata mensa, a square table.

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OBS.-The Latin word ne is employed in asking a question, and is placed after a word and joined to the word it follows; the Latin word an is employed in asking a question, and is placed before a word or sentence; nonne asks a question with not included, as, nonne vituperas? dost thou not blame? EXERCISE 17.-LATIN-ENGLISH.

1. Est mihi pulchra alauda.

2. Estne tibi pulchra alauda? 3. Mea alauda est pulchra. 4. Estne mea alauda pulchra ? 5. Nonne est



tua alauda pulchra ? 6. Tua columba valde est pulchra. 7. Est mihi bona ancilla. 8. Mea ancilla est pulchra. 9. Julia est augusta. Julia angusta est pulchra. 11. Estne Julia augusta pulchra ? Alauda mes ancilla est pulchra. 13. Tua mensa non est quadrata. 14. Magna est insula.


1. I have a pigeon. 2. Thou hast a good girl. 3. Hast thou a good girl? 4. I have not a good girl. 5. Thy lark is beautiful. 6. Is not the island great ? 7. The island is not great. 8. Hast thou a good maid-servant ? 9. I have not a good maid-servant. 10. The lark of the girl (the girl's lark) is beautiful.

In dea, a goddess, and filia, a daughter, the dative and the ablative end in abus, instead of is; thus, deabus, to or by the goddesses; filiabus, to or by the daughters. This change is made in order to distinguish the dative and the ablative cases of these feminine nouns from the same cases of the corresponding masculine nouns, namely, deus, a god; which has deis or diis, in the dative and ablative; and filius, a son, which has filiis.

Nouns of the first declension which denote male beings are of the masculine gender (denoted by m). This fact remains a fact, though the termination of those nouns should happen to be feminine. Thus, nauta, a sailor, is masculine, though its termination is the same as that of mensa, a table, and puella, a girl. Masculine nouns of the first declension are declined like feminine nouns of the first declension. Observe, however, that they take their adjectives in the masculine; that is, the adjectives agree not in form but in sense with these masculine nouns of the first declension, as in the following example:


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1. Pérfuga Jugurthæ est mihi. 2. Malus pérfuga est tibi. 3. Poetam bonum laudo. 4. Bonus poeta laudatur. 5. Equa laudatur ab anriga. 6. Nautæ ad insulam navigant. 7. Boni nautæ patriam laudant. 8. Aquila a poetis sæpe laudatur. 9. Agricolæ magnopere delectantur plantis. 10. Erras, O nauta! 11. Nonne erratis, aurige? 12. Tristitia poetarum bonorum est mihi. 13. Umbras silvarum magnopere amo. 14. Agricolæ per silvam equitant.


1. Hast thou a deserter ? 2. Is the deserter bad? 3. Good poets are praised. 4. I praise good poets. 5. Good husbandmen praise (their) native country. 6. The native country of good poets is praised. 7. The pirate rides through the wood. 8. The sailor sails to the island. 9. The mare of the good charioteer is good.


IN 1700 Dampier, at this time celebrated for his buccaneer (piratical) expeditions, discovered some new islands contiguous to New Guinea, or Papua. Wood Rogers sailed round the world in three years and three months; and encouraged by his successful expedition, the maritime powers proceeded to attempt similar enterprises, hitherto considered as extremely dangerous. Towards the end of the preceding century, France had also made expeditions into the Southern Ocean. Her first vessel which appeared in the Pacific Ocean was commanded by one

Lafeuillade; but the voyage, which took place in 1667, produced no new discovery.

The discoveries of the Russians in the north of Asia must be noticed. At the beginning of the seventeenth century they knew nothing of the coasts of Siberia beyond the Yenisei. War and conquests laid open to the emperors the way to this immense region. In the space of less than a century, the whole of Northern Asia, from the frontiers of China to the Frozen Ocean, was brought under the dominion of Russia. Geography was benefited by this annexation, which gave to the Russians new facilities for performing useful explorations in these inhospitable countries. In 1728 Behring made the important discovery of the strait which separates Asia from America, and rendered the peopling of the New World no longer a question of difficulty or doubt.

The northern circumpolar regions had not been the theatre of any important expedition, from that of Baffin, above mentioned, until the middle of the eighteenth century. The era of scientific expeditions was now begun. Geography, so long retarded in her progress to perfection, proceeded with a sure and rapid step. This was the most brilliant period of the history of navigation from the time of the great discoveries of the sixteenth century. It was particularly remarkable for the positive character of its results. Bougainville, who had gained renown in the wars of Canada, anticipated that which he gained as a navigator, by an expedition to the Malouine or Falkland Islands, where he went to found a French colony in 1764. The circumnavigation of the world by Commodore Byron, also begun in the same year, produced very important results; and so did the voyages of Wallis and Carteret, in clearing up some practical questions relating to the geography of Oceania. Carteret, in particular, determined the geographical positions (that is, the latitudes and longitudes) of several islands in the direction of New Britain; his vessel having been the first English man-of-war which had touched at the island of Celebes. Three years after his first voyage, in 1767, Bougainville undertook his grand expedition to circumnavigate the globe. short stay in the river La Plata, he was detained in the Strait of Magellan no less than fifty-two days. He then entered the South Pacific Ocean, or South Sea, as it was then called, and discovered the islands of Pomotou, which he called the Dangerous Archipelago. He then entered the chief port of Tahiti, or Otaheite; and his transactions with the inhabitants of New Cythera were not only pacific but amicable. He next visited the Samoa or Navigator's Islands, touched at Papua or New Guinea, discovered to the east of it an assemblage of islands which he called the Louisiade Archipelago, several of the Admiralty Isles, and another called by his own name near Solomon Isles. In the same direction he discovered several other islands of less importance, which had been seen by other navigators; and having visited New Ireland, discovered by Carteret, he arrived at Batavia; whence he sailed to Europe by the Cape of Good Hope. This expedition was well received in France and been marked with interesting episodes which were related with in Europe; it had made several important discoveries, and had spirit and talent; and created a still greater desire for circumnavigating expeditions.

After a

The greatest navigator of modern times is acknowledged to be Captain James Cook. His first voyage to the Pacific had for its grand object the observation of the transit of Venus, that is, the passage of this planet in its orbit over the disc of the sun, a phenomenon alike important in astronomy, navigation, and geography. Having received his promotion from the rank of master in the Royal Navy to that of lieutenant, he was put in command of the Endeavour, a small ship of 370 tons, in which he left England in August, 1768. After touching at Rio de Janeiro, he proceeded to the Strait of Lemaire, in order to double Cape Horn. Tierra del Fuego did not present to him such a dreadful aspect as it did to Wallis; the naturalists of the expedition, Sir Joseph Banks and his friend Dr. Solander, a Swedish gentleman, a pupil of the eminent botanist Linnæus, collected there some plants and animals. One of their excursions, however, nearly proved fatal to them. Having ascended a mountain whose vegetable products they wished to examine, they were overtaken by the shades of evening and the coldness of a severe frost. Dr. Solander was on the point of perishing under its influence, when the wise importunity, or rather pertinacity, of his companions saved his life, by hindering him from

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