Imágenes de páginas
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3. The Old form of the superlative is rarely used; the article (as in English) always preceding it, as:-Mein Hut ist der schönste, any hat is the finest. Instead of the regular form, the dative of the New Declension, preceded by the particle am, contracted from an tem, is often used, as :-Mein Hut ist am schönsten. (See §. 38. 1, etc.) The adverb mehr, like its English equivalent (more), is likewise employed in the comparison of adjectives, as :- -Sie ist mehr liebenswürtig, als schon, she is more amiable than beautiful. (See § 42. 1, etc.)

4. Adjectives of all degrees of comparison may in the simple and absolute form he employed as adverbs; but when the superiative is so used, the form produced by the union of am with the dative is adopted, as :-Er schreibt schön, he writes beautifully. Er liest schneller, als ich, he reads more rapidly than I. Sie liest am schnellsten, she reads the most rapidly. (§ 106.)

5. Participles, when used as adjectives, are compared in the like manner, as :-Gelehrt (learned), gelehrter (more learned), gelehrtest (most learned); rührend (affecting), rührenter (more affecting), rührendst (most affecting).

6. Je je or je beste, in phrases like the following, is answered in English by "the-the;" thus, Je mehr, je munterer, the more the merrier. Je mehr, besto besser, the more, the better. Je is sometimes preceded by testo, as:-( -Ein Werk ist desto nüßlicher, je volltem arener es ist, the more perfect a work is, the more useful it is.

7. Defte is likewise used without je, as:-Er lief darauf befto schneller, thereupon he ran the faster. Er hörte nun desto aufmert famer zu, he listened now the more attentively.

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8. The following adjectives are irregular in comparison (see § 39): Gut, good; Body, high; Nahe, near. Vic, much; Wenig, little or few;

näher, nearer. mehr, more ; weniger, minder, less or fewer;

Mume, f. flower.
Bude, f. beech.
Did, thick, stout, cor-
Giche, f. oak.
Gin'fluß, influence.

höchst or am höchsten, highest. nächst, or am nächsten, nearest. meist or am meisten, most. wenigft or mindest, least or fowest.

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1. Dieser Jäger hat einen schönen Hund, meiner ist schöner, und der ourige ist der schönste von allen. 2. Die Erte ist kleiner, als die Senne. und die Sterne sind entfernter, als der Mond. 3. Virgil ist ein angeneh als Paris merer Schriftsteller, als Ovid. 4. Die Stadt Canton (§ 123. 6) ist größer, 5. Alerander der Große hatte weniger Klugheit, als Muth 6. Man fintet viel mehr Kupfer als Silber, und mehr Eisen als Zinn. 7. Dieses Märchen plaurert mehr, als sie (§ 134. 2) arbeitet. 8. Die Luft in den Städten ist unreiner, als die Landlust. 9. Frankreich ist nicht so wie fein Bruter, aber er hat auch nicht so viel Eitelkeit. 11. Die Rose ist fruchtbar, wie Deutschland. 10. Dieser Jüngling hat nicht so viel Berstant eine der schönsten Blumen in der Welt. wenigften stolz, deren Geist am gebildetsten ist. 12. Diejenigen sind gewöhnlich am 13. Die Sitten derjenigen, mit welchen wir umgehen, haben gewöhnlich Einfluß auf uns. Die Wohlthaten, deren wir würtig sind, sine uns angenehmer, als tie, teen wir unwürtig sind. 15. Derjenige ist der reichste, dessen Kinder tugentban int. 16. Der Herr hat keinen Gefallen an denjenigen Menschen, die keine Liebe zu ihren Brüdern haben. 17. Der Apfelbaum hat einen riden


Stamm, tie Buche hat einen dickfern Stamm, und die Eiche hat den diffiten Stamm. 18. Je mehr er hat desto mehr will er. 19. Florenz ist schöner, als Parma.


1. The more frequent our intercourse is with nations, the more our commerce will be extended. 2. Are the palaces of the kings of England as beautiful as those of the German kings? 3. England is not so fertile as Spain or Italy. 4. It is as easy to do good as to do evil. 5. Virtue is the greatest ornament of man. 6. A sage said (used to say), that the more he reflected on the immortality of the soul, the more important it appeared to him. 7. The Rhine presents the most beautiful view. 8. The country air was more beneficial in the recovery of this youth than the treatment of the most efficient doctor 9. Ovid is a less agreeable writer than Virgil. 10. The spring is more variable than the autumn. 11. This view is beautiful, but the view from that hill is more beautiful. 12. Augustus was not, perhaps, a greater man than Antony, but he was more fortunate than he. 13. Of all flowers the rose is the most beat tiful, if the violet is not still more beautiful. 14. The society of that youth is less agreeable than that of his brother. 15. Mont Blanc is a high mountain, but Chimborazo is higher, and Mount Everest the highest. 16. Virtue is more to be prized than riches 17. The soldiers are going to Vienna. 18. The woodcutter cuts down the highest beech in the forest. 19. Florence is the capital of Italy. 20. The stars in the heaven shine brightly 21. She is more beautiful than amiable. 22. The louder the man called, the faster the boy ran. 23 The boatman rowed rapidly across the river.


ANY intelligent self-teacher, who has carefully followed our instructions from the beginning, and has been able to find time to write for at least an hour daily, will now find that he has acquired the proper position of the hand in writing, and the right mode of holding the pen, while he has also gained sufficient, control over the muscles of his hand and wrist to be able to make the movements necessary to form the letters that have already been brought under his notice, without the temporary inconvenience which a beginner invariably experiences from an undue tension of the ball of the thumb and the muscles on the opposite side of the palm of the hand, caused by holding the pen too stiffly, and not permitting the fore-finger and thumb to


graved copy-slips, there must still be many of our readers who do, and for their benefit examples for practice are given in Copy-slips Nos. 58, 59, and 60. After furnishing examples of the seven letters of the writing alphabet that yet remain to be mentioned, we shall proceed to give a series of copy-clips in the various kinds of writing generally taught in schools, from which the learner will be able to make himself acquainted with the forms of the capital letters. The instructions already given for tracing out the shapes of the small letters have, of necessity, been copious and ample, and to those of our readers who may be able to write, the explanations of the methods used in forming each letter of the writing alphabet, may have appeared minute and tedious. It must be remembered, however, that these elementary lessons in Penmanship are intended rather






play freely on the joints by which, so to speak, they are hinged together and connected with the wrist and arm. On the contrary, through having gained sufficient confidence in his skill and powers by daily practice, he begins to move the pen freely and rapidly over the paper, while the down-strokes of his letters, which were at first crooked and unevenly formed, are now regularly sloped and sharply and clearly defined at the edges. He begins to find, too, that he no longer requires so many examples for practice in words composed solely of the small letters of the writing alphabet to be placed before him by means of engraved copy-slips, inasmuch as he can select words enough for himself, in writing which he finds a useful exercise in testing his snowledge of the forms of the letters with which he is already acquainted, the way in which each is connected with letters by which they are preceded or followed, and the relative proportion of the parts which extend above and below the lines that contain the body or main part of the letters. But although the majority of our self-taught students may not require en

for learners who are trying to teach themselves to write, and for those who are endeavouring to improve a faulty style of handwriting, than for those who have had the benefit of being shown how to shape their letters by a writing master; and it is for the guidance of self-teachers, who have no one to show them how each letter should be formed by writing it before them, that our instructions have been made as elaborate and precise as they are.

But even to those who know how to write, these minute directions may be of the greatest importance. Many of our readers, we trust, are engaged in the good work of teaching adults in evening schools. To such as these our lessons will afford assistance in conveying in suitable terms the instructions they are giving, and accompanying that instruction by accurately-formed diagrams on the black-board, which will serve as examples to all the members of a large class, and save the labour and loss of time involved in writing separate copies for each individual of which the class is composed.

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A few words of explanation may here be desirable. The Latin c represents the Greek g (gamma), and for the most part was pronounced like our k. Thus, the Romans pronounced Cicero, the name of their great orator, Kikero. Now the a in judex is made up of these letters, thus, judecs-the c and s blending together to form x; hence, judec, judicis, judecs: in the genitive, the laws of pronunciation convert the e of the nominative into i; as it does in comes, comitis. From this example you see that the variations which words undergo are not arbitrary. Those variations depend on the nature of the letters that come together, and in their ultimate causes, on the structure of the organs of speech, as these organs are in each nation modified by natural endowments, climate, culture, and a variety of other


The bin urbs may be considered as equivalent to p, for b and p being labials-that is, letters in pronouncing which the lips are chiefly used-are, as letters of the same organ, interchangeable, or may be used. the one for the other, under certain conditions.

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1. Artifices debent pueros docere. 2. Pollicem movet rex. 3. Reges custodiunt leges. 4. Leges custodiuntur a regibus. 5. Filius pollicem mordet. 6. Equites vexantur. 7. Artifices ornant urbes. 8. Merces artificum nutriunt filios et filias. 9. Cælebs dormit. 10. Plebs defenditur. 11. Stirps artificis laudatur. 12. Estne tibi seges? 13. Cervix militis læditur. 14. Cælibis ætas magna est.


1. I defend artists. 2. Artists are defended by me. 3. Has he a reward? 4. He has not a flock. 5. I am pricked in the neck. 6. Artists paint flocks. 7. The laws of the kings are deadly. 8. The corn-land of the horseman is yielded. 9. Why is the bachelor blamed? 10. The people blame bachelors. 11. Soldiers have rewards. 12. Age teaches many things (multa).

Altare, altāris, n., an altar.

Civis, civis, m., a citizen. Clades, cladis, slaughter.



mare (neuter), the sea. maris, of the sea.

mare, the sea.
mare, O sea!
mari, by the sea.

maria, seas. marium, of seas. maribus, to seas. maria, seas. maria, O seas! maribus, by seas. VOCABULARY. Ignis, ignis, m., fire. Navis, navis, f., a ship. Orbis, orbis, m., a globe, the world. Ovile, ovilis, n., a sheepfold.

navis, of a ship. navi, to a ship. navem (im), a ship. navis, O ship!

navi or nave, by a ship.

naves, ships. navium, of ships. navibus, to ships, naves, ships, naves, O ships! navibus, by ships,

rete (neuter), a note, retis, of a net. reti, to a net.

rete, a net. rete, O net! reti, by a nets.

retia, net. retium, of nets. retibus, to nets. retia, nets. retia, O nets! retibus, by nets.

Rupes, rupis, f, a rock. Securis, securis, i., an


Sedes, sedis, f., a seat.


1. Aves fallunt cælibes. 2. Matres occiduntur febribus.

3. Valde diligo mare. 4. Mare diligitur a nautis. 5. Agricolæ colunt segetes. 7. In orbe est ignis. 8. In ignibus sunt 6. Nautæ sunt in navibus. fratres. 9. Altaria sunt deabus. 10. Nonne diis sunt altaria? IL Securi defendunt agricole ovilia.


1. Sailors defend ships with (their) bodies. 2. Birds are on the rocks. 3. Are rocks loved by sailors ? 4. Slaughter injures the 6. Axes defend the ships. 7. people. 5. Birds strike the clouds. The birds of the citizens are injured. 8. The seat of the prince is praised. 9. We conquer the companions of the princes. General view of nouns of the third declension, according to their

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Nouns with consonantal stems, or imparisyllabic. 1st division: Nouns without the termination s.

1st subdivision: Nouns in which the nominative and the stem are the same; the stems end in r and l.

2nd subdivision: Nouns in which the nominative and the stem are different; the stems end in n and r.

2nd division: Nouns with the termination s, with the sounds k, t, p.

Class II.

Nouns with the vowel-stems, or parisyllabic.
With and without the termination s.

Some peculiarities belonging to this declension must be briefly indicated. The termination of the accusative singular is properly m, which is connected with the consonantal stem by the interposition of c. In the vowel-stems no interposing vowel is required, because there is a vowel in the stem. That vowel is i. Vowel-stems, therefore, end in im in the accusative, and in i in the ablative singular; for the most part, however, they in usage have e in both. However, in sitis, thirst, tussis, a cough, and vis, strength, i only is used. Vis is a defective noun, and is thus declined: singular, vis, vim, vi; plural, vires, virium, viribus, vires, vis, virious, the plural being complete and regular. In these nouns,-namely, febris, a fever; securis, an axe; pelvis, a basin; turris, a tower; and restis, a cord, im is more usual than em; but less usual than em is it in classis,

a fleet; messis, a crop of corn; clavis, a key; navis, a ship. The ablative singular has for the most part i (perhaps from ie) instead of e in parisyllabics with the vowel-stem in i. In imparisyllabics with consonantal stems, e is the usual ablative termination, but is sometimes found, derived from the usage in the vowel-stems.

Nouns which make the ablative singular in i, make the genitive plural in ium instead of um; and nouus neuter, which in the ablative singular end in i, in the nominative, accusative, and vocative plural end in ia.

Adjectives of the third declension, in general, follow the declension laws of the nouns, only that in the ablative singular they prefer i. Adjectives of the third declension are of two sorts: first, those that have three terminations, as, alăcer, m., alăcris, f., alăcre, n., lively, active; second, those that have two terminations, as the comparative, vilior, m. and f., vilius, n. meaner; under this second class may stand such as ferox, fierce, which in the nominative singular is m., f., and n. (accusative, ferocem), but in the plural has for the neuter a separate form in ia, as ferocia.


EXAMPLE.-Acer, acris, acre, sharp, acute, pungent, energetic.

Cases. M.



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Cases. M.

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F. acres. acres. acrium. acrium. acribus.


Ac. acres.


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N. acria. acrium. acribus. acria. acres.

Ab. acribus. acribus. acribus.

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LESSONS IN DRAWING.-IX. THE aim of all instruction in drawing ought to be, first, to convey in as clear and simple a manner as possible the best means of judging of the relative proportions of objects, not only with regard to their individual component parts, but also with reference to the proportions these objects bear to one another; and, secondly, to place before the pupil the most ready methods of representing these objects, subject as they are to an endless variety both of form and position. How is it that when standing upon the side of a hill, and looking over a large extent of country, if we raise the hand and hold it parallel to our eyes at arm's length, it will cover or prevent our seeing probably many miles of landscape, including houses and villages? Or, if we select a closer object-for instance, the house on the opposite side of the street-and place the hand as before, we find the result to be the same? Simply because as objects retire, or are further from the eye, they occupy less space upon the vision than when nearer. Here, then, we have practical evidence that to represent these objects correctly we must inquire for some means which will enable us to accomplish our task, and satisfy our minds that we have given these objects their right proportions as they retire, and that each object, and cach part of an object, occupies its proper space upon the paper as it does in the eye; in short, giving them their true scale of representation according to their distances from ourselves and from one another. The science of perspective enables us to accomplish this end, and although we do not attempt, in these lessons upon free-hand drawing, to go very deeply into geome trical perspective, yet we find it absolutely necessary to make some use of it in order to render our explanations clearer; for by the assistance of rules, difficulties are lessened, especially when we can classify many objects and the circumstances in which they are placed under the same principles.

We said in a previous lesson that there were rules in perspec tive for regulating the retiring horizontal distances of objects, as well as their heights; and we now propose to give such of these rules as are absolutely necessary for the pupil's guidance in free-hand drawing. We must first remind the pupil of what majoribus, majoribus. majoribus. has been already said respecting the theory of planes or surfaces. audacia, n., bold.


M. and F.

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Plural. M. and F. audaces.

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N. audacia. audacium. audacibus. audacia. audaces. audacia. audacibus. audacibus.



A horizontal plane is a plane parallel with the earth; a perpendicular plane is one perpendicular to the earth. The top of a table and the ceiling of a room are horizontal planes; the walls of the room are perpendicular planes. These are visible planes. We are sometimes, in practical perspective, compelled to use imaginary planes. These more properly belong to the practice of geometrical perspective. It will be very necessary for the pupil, if he wishes thoroughly to understand the principles of drawing objects at a given distance from him, especially buildings, to go very attentively through future lessons on geometrical perspective, given in the pages of the POPULAR EDUCATOR, for this reason: no one ought to be satisfied with the result of his work, even if it be correct, unless he knows the whole of the why and the wherefore which have brought out the result. 8. I have a It is, unfortunately, a very common practice in some books of instruction upon drawing, when the subject is a building, to mark a copy with letters-a, b, c, d, etc.-and carry the instructions no further, but merely tell the pupil to draw from a to b, and from c to d, and to observe that d is a little higher or a little lower than c, as the case may be, without any mention whatever as to why d should be higher or lower. Now in this, and all similar cases, a little knowledge of perspective would make the practice simpler and the result certain. The pupil may make an exact imitation of his drawn copy, but that is not enough; he must be able to do the same from the object; and how is this to be done correctly by such a system as that which only enables a pupil, parrot-like, to reproduce a copy and

1. I have great grief. 2. Hast thou not great grief? 3. Mothers bave great griefs. 4. The colour of the cushion is beautiful. 5. Is the colour of the cushion beautiful? 6. He has (is under) a deadly error. 7. Why has father (is under) deadly errors? brother.

9. Brothers have great griefs. 10. Lightning frightens animals. 11. Does not lightning frighten mothers? 12. Lightning frightens sparrows.


1. Est mihi calcar. 2. Estne tibi anser ? 3. Illis sunt anseres. 4. Estne tibi agger? 5. Fulguris odor in pulvinari est. 6. Vectigalia non diligo. 7. Molesti sunt rumores. 8. Pulvinar est ne illis ? 9. Non est illis unser. 10. Tibi sunt pater, frater, et mater? 11. Illis sunt dolores. 12. Tibi est magnum pulvinar.


1. I fear charcoal. 2. The boy strikes the peacocks. 3. The regions are beautiful, 4. Thou hast an opportunity. 5. We move the ashes.

nothing more ? But we hope that very few of our readers will like to stop there. To draw from nature and the real thing, we trust, is the ambition of every one who makes up his mind to go through these lessons, that he may make the art of drawing a useful and valuable auxiliary to his occupation as a means of expressing himself, as well as a pleasing recreation for leisure hours. Another reason why we recommend the pupil to study our lessons in geometrical perspective is, as we have said before, when treating upon drawing a simple outline from the flat (a term used by draughtsmen when copying from a drawing), that the practice of geometrical perspective assists the eye to under

panying barns, stables, strawyards, etc. etc.-that we must first make a measured plan of the whole, and go through the drawing geometrically, before we can hope to make a truthful picture. It would be as ridiculous to suppose that when we write a letter or an essay, we ought to repeat all the rules of syntax, so that the grammatical construction of the sentences may be correct. Every educated man knows that the right words flow naturally into their places in proper agree. ment and sequence. The phrases harmonise without any effort on his part, simply because he knows the rules, and experience makes them easy to apply.

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stand and calculate more readily the proportions of retiring lines and planes. As a practical illustration of this principle, we meet with it repeatedly in the readiness with which an experienced carpenter will tell you the length of a board without taking the trouble to measure it. His eye is so accustomed to the foot-rule, and the space a repeated number of measurements will cover, that to him it is no difficulty to say within a very close approximation how long the board is. It is the repeated practice of geometrical perspective that enables a draughtsman to decide upon the proportional length of a line or plane as it retires, and to draw either correctly on his paper. If we did not consider it in this way with regard to free-hand drawing, it would be of very little use in the practice of drawing from nature. It would be absurd to expect, when we are seated before a subject-say a picturesque farmhouse, with the accom


We will now give a geometric method of representing two walls meeting at an angle, as an illustration of what we have stated. Let two lines, ab, ac (Fig. 65), forming an angle of 90 degrees, represent the plan of two walls meeting at the point a, of which ba forms an angle of 40 degrees with the picture plane. PP is the picture plane, H L the line of sight, BP base of the picture, SP the station point, and v P1 and VP2 are the vanishing points for the corresponding numbered lines of the plan. First draw the picture plane, and then the line ba, placing it at an angle of 40 degrees with the PP; then from a draw a c at an angle of 90 degrees—that is, a right angle-with ab; this will be the plan of the walls as they are placed before our vision. Then mark s P to represent the supposed distance we are from the angle of the walls. Find the vanishing points for the two lines of the plane. We have already given the rule

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