Imágenes de páginas

shells before devouring the animal contained within, its function | Regic'rung, f. govern- | Taucher, m. diver. must be considered as other than that of taste.

The bee licks up its honey with a very complex tongue; but as this member is composed entirely of a horny substance and stiff hairs, it cannot be used to taste the sweet compound elaborated by the flowers. An internal cavity to hold food during the time necessary to its digestion is so generally present in animals, that it almost serves as a character whereby to cut them off from the vegetable kingdom. A prompting to fill this cavity is of course always associated with the organ; but whether that prompting is automatic, instinctive, or rational, it is difficult to say. A sense that may be pleasurable or painful seems to imply some power of reasoning to make it useful. A sense which is neither pleasurable nor painful may stir but a blind instinct. There is, however, a lower impulse to action than even this, in which both intelligence and sense may not be at all involved. When the contact of food causes the sea anemone to close its arms around it, and force them into its mouth, it is probable that sense is no link in the chain of causes of this act, but the whole process of ingestion is parallel to that part of the action of swallowing which takes place in us after the senses have done their work, and the throat seizes the morsel of food and carries it down to the stomach by an involuntary act. Automatic and consensual acts are often as violent as those prompted by desire and reason, so that eagerness in feeding is nc infallible evidence of taste in the lower animals. We abstain, therefore, from describing those various and interesting organs which lie in such a relation to the entrance of the alimentary canal of snails, flies, bees, etc., as to have been called tongues, as though they were organs of sense.


SECTION XXXVII.-REFLECTIVE VERBS. REFLECTIVE verbs (§ 86. 1, 2, etc.) are those that represent the subject as acting upon itself, as:-Er bestunt sich, he bethinks himself, etc.

Verbs of this class are much more numerous than in English, and are variously translated, as :-Er macht sich über mich lustig, he makes himself merry over me (i.e., he ridicules me). Er härmt sich über seinen Verlust, he mourns over (or on account of) his loss. Er freut sich über sein Glud, he rejoices at his prosperity. Er wider sezt sich den Befehlen des Tyrannen, he opposes (himself to) the commands of the tyrant. Das Buch hat sich gefunden, the book has been found (active form, the book has made its appearance). Der Himmel bedeckt sich mit Wolfen, the sky is covered with clouds. Soll ter Frevel sich vor unsern Augen vollenten? shall the outrage be accomplished before our eyes? Er hält sich in Berlin auf. he (holds himself up) stops in Berlin. Er hat sich bei der Arbeit zu lange aufgehalten, he has (kept himself) remained too long at the work. (See §§ 86, 87.)

Sich aufhalten über signifies to find fault with, to sneer at, to criticise, to blame, as:- -Er hält sich immer über Kleinigkeiten auf, he is always finding fault about trifles (stopping over trifles). Er hält sich über Ihren Brief auf, he criticises your letter. Er hält sich über die ganze Gesellschaft auf, he sneers at the whole


[blocks in formation]


Reihe, f. row, range.
Sammeln, to gather,

Loben, to rage, to


lebel, evil.

leben, to exercise.

Schaten, to hurt, in- Unermeßlich, immea-
Selbst, self.
Un'gemach, n. affliction
Slave, m. Slavonian. Unzählig, innumera-
Strudel, m. whirl. ble.
Stürzen, to plunge.

Verbinden, to unite,


Der Kaiser hielt sich leßten Winter
in der Hauptstadt auf.

Der Spötter hält sich über Antere

Das Volk empört' sich gegen ten

Die Füchse graben sich Höhlen.
Der tap'fere Soldat erwirbt fich
Ruhm und Ehre.

Der Gei'zige freut sich über nichts,
obgleich' er sehr reich ist.

[blocks in formation]

The emperor remained in the
capital last winter.
The derider sneers (finds fault
with) at others.
The people rebel (risc) against
the king.

The foxes dig themselves holes.
The valiant soldier acquires

fame and honour.

The avaricious (man) does not enjoy anything, although he is very rich.

Er ist und hört tem Rauschen der He sits and listens to the roar-
Gewässer zu.
ing of the waters.


6. Der


1. Alle Dünste und Dämpfe, welche beständig von der Erde aufsteigen, sammeln sich in der Atmosphäre, und indem sie sich verbinden, entsteht daraus Regen, Schnee, Nebel, und jede andere Veränderung in der Luft. 2. Derjenige, der sich in der Jugend an Arbeit gewöhnt, braucht im Alter nicht zu darben. 3. Die Ludwigstraße in München zeichnet sich durch eine 4. Diejenigen Personen, welche sich selbst Reihe prachtvoller Paläste aus. loben, machen jich sehr oft lächerlich. 5. Die Söhne Karls des Großen mußten sich in den Waffen, im Reiten und im Schwimmen üben. fühne Taucher wagt es (Sect. XXXV. 4), sich in den tobenden Strudel zu stürzen. 7. Der Neitische schadet sich selbst mehr, als andern. Friedrich ter Große hielt sich oft zu Potsdam, im Schlosse Sanssouci, Ungemach wie ein Fels im Meere, wenn die Meereswogen um ihn toben. auf 9. Das Gute belohnt sich selbst. 10. Der Gläubige zeigt sich im meßlicher Raum, in welchem die Groe, die Sonne, der Mond und unzählige 11. Das große, blaue Gewölbe, welches wir Himmel nennen, ist ein uner Sterne sich bewegen. 12. Die Kraft, mit welcher die Muskeln sich zusammenziehen und austehnen, ist sehr groß. 13. Viele Menschen eignen sich übel Gewohnheiten so leidenschaftlich an, daß sie dieselben für Bedürfnisse der Natur halten. 14. Ein Kind an der Hand seiner guten Eltern fürchtet fich nicht, so der Mensch, der Vertrauen zu Gott hat. 15. Die Armee zog fich zusammen, und bewegte sich dem Flusse zu. 16. Der Feind lagerte ich um die Stadt. 17. Er zeichnete sich vor den andern durch sein tapferes über die Worte meines Nachbars auf. Betragen aus. 18. Er fürchtete sich vor Niemanden. 19. Er hält sich



1. The youth mourns at the loss of his parents. 2. Mother was pleased when the letter from my sister was read to her. 3. She consoled herself with the thought that she would arrive 4. Will you sojourn long in Italy? No, it is not my intention. 5. An honest man fears nothing. 6. The Slavonians have rebelled against the Austrian government. 7. The English troops distinguished themselves at the battle of Waterloo by their bravery. 8. He who rejoices at the downfall of another deserves not the approbation of the virtuous. 9. He who is vexed when another is praised in his presence, is a man who does not deserve to be loved and honoured. 10. He who rejoices when his neighbour is loved is a good-natured man.

SECTION XXXVIII.-REFLECTIVE VERBS-(continued). Many verbs in German, as in other languages, especially when used as reflectives, acquire in certain phrases a figurative sense which deserves to be noted. Thus from schicken, to send, we have the reflective sich schicken, to send or throw one's self into, i.e., to adapt or conform to, as:-Der Mensch muß sich in die Zeit, in seine Umstände schicken, man must adapt himself to the times, to his circumstances. Es schickt sich nicht, das zu thun, it is not proper to do that. So from fragen, to ask, we have fich fragen, to be question

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1. Es fragt sich, ob wir morgen schönes Wetter haben werden. 2. &8 gehört sich, den Sonntag zu heiligen. 3. Es gehört sich, ältere Leute zu achten. 4. Man arbeitet viel frcher, wenn man das Bewußtsein hat, etwas Gutes zu thun. 5. Es schickt sich nicht, die Einladung abzuschlagen. 6. Der wirklich kluge Mann wird, so viel (Sect. XXXIV. 4) es ihm möglich ist, sich bemühen, sich in die Zeit zu schicken. 7. Es macht große Freute, das Gute zu fördern. 8. Ge schickt sich, daß ein jeder Fremdling die guten, aber nicht die üblen Sitten eines Volkes annimmt. 9. Das Vermögen dieses Maines vermehrt sich zusehends (§ 101). 10. Es schickt sich nicht für Kinder, ungehorsam zu sein. 11. Es fragt sich, ob dieser Mann seine Pflicht gethan hat. 12. Es trägt sich zuweilen zu, daß die Betrachtungen bei einer scherzhaften Begebenheit sehr ernsthaft sind. 13. Es trägt sich häufig zu, daß kleine Veranlassungen große Ereignisse herbeiführen. 14. Wer ist (§ 71. 1) Ihnen heute Morgen begegnet? 15. Mein Freund, der Capitän, ist mir begegnet. 16. Ift ihm auf der lezten Reise nichts Unangenehmes begegnet? 17. Ja, es ist ihm ein großes Unglück begegnet. 18. Was ist Ihnen geschehen? 19. Es ist mir nichts geschehen. 20. Gs geschieht ihm diese Strafe recht.


1. It is proper that the children should respect their parents. 2. It becomes not a wise man to follow the multitude. 3. Most young people wish to appear great in the world. 4. You should under all circumstances say the truth. 5. It is questionable whether we shall accept your invitation. 6. It is questionable whether you are right or wrong. 7. It happens sometimes that the best man fails. 8. The government asks obedience from its subjects. 9. The inhabitants of London increase enormously every year. 10. My brother devoted himself more to science than to pleasure. 11. Do you know to what extent your friend has counselled you? 12. He has counselled you to do that of which he spoke yesterday.


Lassen is often employed in the sense of causing or ordering, like the English verbs "have" and "get," as:-Er läßt seine Kleiter in Paris machen (Sect. XXXIII. 1), he gets his clothes

made in Paris. Sie lassen ein Haus bauen, they are having a house built.

1. Holen (Sect. XXV.) signifies to go for. The phrase Selen lassen signifies "to cause to go for;" that is, "to send for," as:-Ich laffe Aepfel holen, send for apples. Ich habe sie schon holen laffen (Sect. XXIV. 7), I have already sent for them. VOCABULARY. Fehlen, to fail. Koffer, m. trunk. Lassen, to let, to

Bahnhof, m. railway

Diener, m. servant.
Ein laden, to invite.
Ereignis, n. event.


Major', m. major. RÉSUMÉ OF EXAMPLES.

Poft, f. post-office.
Ruhe, f. rest, repose.
Ruhen, to rest.
Todt, dead.

Weg, m. way.

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Dieser Mann läßt den Freund im This man leaves his friend in
the lurch.

1. Was holt jenes Dienstmärchen? 2. Sie holt Waffer von dem Brunnen, Holz aus dem Walte und Fleisch vom Markte. 3. Hat sie schon meinen Koffer von dem Bahnhofe geholt ? 4. Ja, gleich nach dem Aufstehen (Sect. XLI. 3) hat sie ihn geholt. 5. Wir ließen dem kranken Manne einen Arzt holen. 6. Er ließ mich den Brief abschreiben, und ihr dann auf die Poft tragen. 7. Ich lasse es an nichts fehlen (§ 146. 1 d.) um Ihren Sohn auf einen bessern Weg zu bringen. 8. Lassen wir uns durch dieses Greigniß nicht täuschen. 9. Man sollte den Todten ihre Ruhe lassen. 10. Er ließ mich warten, obleich ich in Eile war. 11. Warum ließet Ihr Euren kleinen Bruder nicht kommen? 12. Weil er den ganzen Nachmit tag in der Schule war. 13. Lassen sie Ihre Kinder Französisch lernen? 14. Nein, weil ich die englische Sprache für nüßlicher halte. (Sect. LXVIII. 2.) 15. Der Major ließ seinen Diener mir den Weg nach dem Dorfe zeigen. 16. Der Herr, nach welchem Sie fragen, ließ den Hauptmann auf das Land fahren. 17. Für wen lassen Sie die Bücher holen? 18. Ich laffe fie für meine jüngste Schwester holen, um sie italienisch zu Ichren. 19. Er ließ mich einladen, in der nächsten Woche mit ihm zu reisen.



1. Which of those physicians will you send for? 2. I shall send for neither. 3. Let me be quiet, for I am not well. 4. Only cowardly soldiers leave their commander-in-chief in the lurch. 5. Why did you not let your little sister come? She could not, for she was at school the whole morning. 7. He has sent for a dentist to have a tooth extracted. 8. For what have you sent your servant? 9. I have sent her for paper and ink. 10. Let us act humanely. 11. Pray let us go to school. 12. Let us not follow the examples of the wicked.

LESSONS IN PENMANSHIP.-XXI. IN our last lesson in Penmanship, in Copy-slip No. 57 (page 317), were given the elementary strokes of which the letter k is composed; and in Copy-slip No. 76, on the opposite page, the learner will find this letter in its complete form. In writing the letter k, a straight-stroke is first made, and then a stroke of peculiar form is added to it, which somewhat resembles a brace, and which may be considered to be a modified form of the top-and-bottom-turn, made by turning the pen in to the left just before reaching the line cc, and then, after forming a very small loop, out towards the right, and finishing as in the ordinary bottom-turn, as shown in Copy-slips Nos. 75 and 76. In Copy-slip No. 77, in the word kafir, the letter k is shown in conjunction with a letter that follows it. There is no necessity for giving an example of the method of joining it to any letter that precedes it, since, as it begins with a straight-stroke, the method of connecting letters with others into whose composition the straight-stroke enters, may be seen from Copy-slips Nos. 59 and 60 (page 261). It may be remarked, for the benefit and satisfaction of such of our readers who may not have met with the word before, that the "Kafirs" are a fine an

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him how the letter f is connected with letters that precede and follow it when it stands in the middle of a word. The letter Z is formed in two ways, as shown in Copy-slip No. 78. The first form consists chiefly of hair-strokes in the shape of the italic printed letter z. It is commenced with a hair-line a little below the line a a, which is carried along in a serpentine form from left to right. The pen is then turned to the left in a loop over the first part of the stroke, and the line is


the line bb is turned in a larger loop towards the right, and brought downwards towards and as far as the line hh, the letter being finished with a loop, resembling, in a great measure, the loop of the letter j. In Copy-slips Nos. 79 and 80, examples are given of the letter z in combination with other letters.

We will now say a few words in recapitulation of the instruc tion in the art of writing, and the directions for forming the small letters of the writing alphabet that have been given in this and

2. The "top-turn," which enters into the formation of three letters of the alphabet, namely, m, n, and r. This elementary stroke, unlike the bottom-turn, does not form a complete letter without some other elementary stroke being joined to it.

the preceding lessons on Penmanship. In our first lesson, we enters into the composition of nine letters, namely, a, b, d, i, endeavoured to explain to students who are seeking to teach | 1, q, t, u, and W. Of these i and u are formed of the bottomthemselves how to write, or trying to improve their handwriting, turn, without any modification; while t and 1 consist of the the proper position of the body, the hand, and the pen; and in bottom-turn slightly modified. subsequent lessons we showed how each letter was formed of one or more simple elementary strokes and their modifications, the proportions of each letter being regulated by horizontal lines placed at certain distances from each other; thus creating a system which has never before been attempted in teaching writing, and which possesses the merit of enabling the selfteacher to test by actual measurement how much he knows of the regular proportions of the letters in relation to each other, when he casts aside his leading-strings-as the lines within and on which copies are written may be appropriately termed—and endeavours to write on a blank sheet of paper, with no other guide to the form, connection, and proportion of the letters than that which is furnished by memory, of the copies he has written in lines for practice, and the instructions which have been given in our lessons.

The early copy-slips, numbered from 1 to 6, were traversed by fine diagonal lines running from right to left, in a downward direction. These lines served to show the proper slope or inclination of the letters for writing. They are inclined to the horizontal lines crossing the paper from side to side, at an angle of 60 degrees. This inclination is shown in the annexed diagram by the diagonal line running upwards from the point b, in the left-hand column of letters, from left to right, and crossing the perpendicular line on the right at a point between a and d, in the right-hand column of letters.

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3. The "top-and-bottom-turn," which enters into the composition of six letters of the alphabet, namely, h, m, n, p, V, and y.

4. The "straight-stroke," which enters into the formation of three letters of the alphabet, namely, h, k, and p.

5. The letter o, which is a complete letter in itself without any addition, and which, as an elementary stroke, enters into the composition of four letters of the alphabet, namely, a, g, d, q; and in a modified form into the formation of four additional letters, namely, C, e, 8, and X.

6. The elementary looped form turned at the bottom, which enters into the composition of three letters, namely, g, j, and y; and in a modified form into the composition of z.

7. The elementary stroke, that completes the formation of three letters, namely, b, v, and w, in combination with the bottom-turn or top-and-bottom-turn.

8. The elementary stroke that is added to the top-turn to form the letter r.

9. The elementary looped form turned at the top, which enters into the composition of the letter f, which is finished below the line bb, with the straight-stroke. In small-hand writing, this form is used instead of the straight down-stroke for those portions of the letters b, h, and 1, which extend above the line a a.

10. The elementary stroke, that may be called a modification of the top-and-bottom-turn, added to the "straight-stroke," to form the letter k.

The following table shows at a glance the formation of all the letters of the alphabet in reference to the numbers attached to the recapitulation of elementary forms that has just been given:





The horizontal lines that cross the copy-slips from side to side, and which are shown at one view in the accompanying diagram, are designed, as it has been said, to fix the proper proportions of the letters in height and depth. Starting from the centre' line cc, the line a a above it, and the line bb below it, show the common level of the letters that are written within these lines, and do not extend beyond d them either above or below. The letters that are contained within the lines a a, b b, are a, c, e, i, m, n, o, r, s, u, v, W, ƒ X, or exactly half the alphabet. Of the remaining thirteen, six-namely, b, d, h, k, l, t-extend above the upper common level a a; five-namely, g, j, q, y, z-extend below the lower common level bb, while the remaining two, p, f, extend both above a a and below b b. Of the last-named thirteen letters, t is included between the lines dd, bb; b, d, h, k, l, between the lines e e, bb; q, between the lines a a, gg; g, j, y, z, between the lines a a, hh; f, between the lines kk, gg; and p, between the lines ƒff, 9 9. The student is advised to rule a piece of paper in this manner, and write the alphabet upon it. He will then have all the letters together at one view, in their relative proportions. The distances of the lines from the central line cc, on either side of it, are shown by the numbers annexed to the diagram. Those on the left-hand side represent the distances in sixteenths of an inch; those on the right-hand side, in fractional parts of an inch. These are the proper proportions for large-hand writing; but in small-hand, the space between the lines a a, bb is considerably reduced, while the loops and tails of the letters that extend above a a, and below bb, are greatly extended in proportion, as will be seen from our future copy-slips in small-hand.

The width of the letters contained within the lines a a, bb, and indeed the width of all letters used in large text, except i, m, and w, should be exactly one-half of that part of the diagonal line that is intercepted between them. In the annexed diagram, the proper width of a letter in large-hand is shown by Zhe line intercepted between a in the left-hand column of letters, and o, the point in which the line a a is crossed by the diagonal. It measures exactly seven-twenty-fourths of an inch in width. The elementary forms of which the small letters of the writing alphabet are composed, in large-hand writing, are ten in number, namely:

1. The "bottom-turn," which in its simple or modified form


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Meter, metro, with the signification of "mother," of Greek origin (unτnp, pronounced meet-ear, a mother), enters as the first two syllables into the word metropolis (roλis, pronounced pol'-is, a city), a mother city, the capital of a country, the chief city of a province.

"By consent of all churches, the precedency in each province was assigned to the bishop of the metropolis, who was called the first bishop, the metropolitan.”—Barrow.

Micro, of Greek origin (upos, pronounced mi-kros, little), is seen in microcosm (Greek, koσuos, pronounced kos-mos, the world), that is, a little world.

"Because in the little frame of man's body there is a representation of the universal, and (by allusion) a kind of participation of all the parts there, therefore was man called microcosmos, or the little world." -Raleigh, "History of the World."

Micro appears also in microscope (Greek, σкоTEш, pronounced skop'-e-o, I look at, see).

"The works of art do not bear a nice microscopical inspection; but the more helps are used, and the more nicely you pry into natural productions, the more do you discover of the fine mechanism of nature."-Berkeley,


Mid, of Saxon origin (compare middle), halfway, makes a part of several English words, as midland, midnight, midday, midship, midsummer; the meaning of which is very plain. Midrif (rif, rib, Saxon, division) is the diaphragm, the skin or membrane which separates the heart and lungs from the lower belly.

Mid, though belonging to the Saxon, is an Indo-Germanic word. It appears in the Greek, in μeros (mes-os), middle; μera (met-ta), in the midst of, among; in the Latin, in medius, middle; medium, the middle, the half, the means, or medium; in the German mitte, mit, with; in the Sanscrit, madhya.

The term midwife is given, by Richardson, as "med-wife, a woman hired for meed or reward." But how does the meed distinguish the midwife? Are not all servants hired for meed or reward? And do not all professions receive a meed or reward? The proper meaning of mid-wife is evidently, from our preceding remarks, medium-wife, a woman who, from having been married herself, which the word wife denotes, becomes useful as a medium or means of assisting other married women at child


"Nor need I claim the Muses' midwifry,

To bring to light so worthless poetry."-Bp. Hall.

Mille, of Latin origin (mille, a thousand), appears in millennium and its derivations. Millennium (Latin, annus, a year) properly signifies a period of a thousand years.

"When at your second coming you appear,
(For I foretell the millenary year)

The sharpened share shall vex the soil no more,
But Earth unbidden shall produce her store."
Dryden, "Palamon and Arcito."

Mis, of Saxon erigin, found in the verb to miss, and in the adverb amiss, denoting something wrong, forms a prefix to many words, as misallied, misapply, misbecome, misconceive, misjudge, mislike, misrepresent. Mischief (French, achever, to accomplish) is a bad or wicked deed; the second syllable is not the same as eur word chief, that is, head. What we now call mis'-chievous was formerly pronounced, according to the vulgar error, mis-chie'-vous.

"And every one threw forth reproaches rife,

Of his mischievous deedes, and sayd that hee
Was the disturber of all civill life,

The enemy of peace, and author of all strife." Spenser, "Faerie Queene." Misgive is used in the derivative sense of yielding, weakly yielding, and as yielding weakly, so improperly, the notion of impropriety lying in the mis.

"Great joy he promised to his thoughts, and new
Solace in her return, so long delayed;

Yet oft his heart, divine of something ill,
Misgave him."

Milton, "Paradise Lost."

Mod, of Latin origin (modus, manner, limit), appears in modify (Latin, facio, I make), to state with some restriction or qualification; to alter slightly; also in modest, moderate, commodious, commodity, etc.

Molli, of Latin origin (mollis, soft), appears in mollify, to make soft; to appease, render gentle; mollifier, mollification, mollifiable, etc.

"While the vocal flute,

Or numbered verse, by female voice endeared,

Crowns his delight and mollifies the scene."-Shenstone. Mono, mon, of Greek origin (uovos, pronounced mon'-os, alone), gives rise to monachos, a monk, one who lives alone; monachism,

the society of monks; monas, a monad, a single object, a unit; monarch (Greek, apyn, pronounced ar'-ke, government), one who rules alone; monogamy (Greek, yauos, pronounced gam'-os, marriage): monopolise (Greek, wwλea, pronounced po'-le-o, I sell), to have the sole power of selling; monotheism (Greek, 0eos, pronounced the'-os, God), the belief in one God; monosyllable, a word of one syllable.

"Conjunction, preposition, adverb join

To stamp new vigour on the nervous line;
In monosyllables his thunders roll,

He, she, it, and we, ye, they, fright the soul."

Churchill, "Rosciad."

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"All purchases made by corporate bodies were said to be purchases in mortmain; for this reason, those purchases were usually made by ecclesiastical bodies, the members of which being professed (in orders), were reckoned dead persons in law; land, therefore, holden by them might, with great propriety, be said to be held in mortud manu.— Blackstone, "Commentaries."

Multi, of Latin origin (multus, much), appears in multifarious, of many sorts; multiform, of many shapes; multiply (Latin, plica, a fold), to take many folds, etc.

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Neo, of Greek origin (veos, pronounced ne'-os, new), doubtless the same as our new, which thus appears to be Indo-Germanic. Neo forms the first syllable in neology, or new-science, new-dootrine terms that might be used as fittingly as the Greek word neology. Neo is found also in neophyte (Greek, puros, pronounced fu'-tos, born), a new-born person, a recent convert.

Non, of Latin origin, not, stands before words of historical importance, as, non-conformist, non-juror.

"By that Act (the Five Mile Act), passed in the Parliament held at Oxford, October 9, 1665, and entitled, 'An Act for restraining Nonconformists (to the Established Church) from inhabiting Corporations,' the non-conforming ministers were prohibited, upon a penalty of forty pounds for every offence, to come, unless only in passing upon the road, within five miles of any city, corporation, etc."-Locke. Non-juror is a term usually applied to those persons who refused to take the oaths of allegiance to William III. at the Revolution. "The nonjuring prelates were Sancroft, Turner, Lake, Ken, White, Lloyd, Thomas, and Frampton."-Sm lett, "History of England.”

Ob, of Latin origin (as a preposition, on account of), has the general meaning of towards, and hence at, near, and varies with the word with which it is connected, the meaning of which it sometimes merely strengthens. In object' (Latin, jacio, I throw), to throw before or against, it conveys the idea of obstruction, an idea which it expresses more fully in obstruction (Latin, struo, I build), which, according to its constituents, signifies a building or blocking up. In obliterate (Latin, litura, an erasure), to blot out, it has an augmentive force. Passing into the first letter of its principal, ob becomes oc, as in occasion (Latin, cado, I fall), a suitable fall, a fall before you so as to suit your purpose, something seasonable and convenient, by which you may profit. Ob passes also into of, as in offer (Latin, fero, I bear). This of must not be confounded with of or off signifying from, and found in off-scouring and offspring.

"Our prayer hath

No power to pass; and thou hast made us fall, As refuse and off-scouring to them all."-Donne. "Whence it follows that these were nations not descending from us, but born with us; not our off-spring, but our brethren."-South.

Octo, also octa, of Latin origin (octo, eight), appears in octagon,

eight-angled; octosyllable, of eight syllables; octoteuch (Greek, TEUXη, pronounced tu'-ke, a fold or volume), the first eight books of the Old Testament.


No one, we presume, will question our statement when we say, that in giving these instructions in drawing, there are two great and important considerations to fulfil, both of which are indispensable and cannot be treated independently of each other: the one is to lay down data or rules for practical use, the other is to direct the pupil in what way he may ascertain for himself the Mort, of Latin origin (mors, death, genitive mortis), forms the principles upon which rules are founded, as well as to guide him basis of mortal and immortal. Mortgage is a dead gage or in his method of observation. The root of all knowledge of any pledge; that is to say, something so pledged, as what are called real value, is found in the capability of giving a satisfactory deeds or writings, so that it cannot be used for raising money. answer to the simple questions, why and wherefore. One man, "Mortuum radium, a 'dead pledge, mortgage, is when a man borrows who takes for granted all facts as they are given to him, may of another a specific sum,-e.g., £200, and grants him an estate in fee, gain a great deal of information upon many subjects; another, On condition that if he, the mortgager, shall repay the mortgagee the who stops to inquire into the truth or foundation of those facts said sum of £200 on a certain day mentioned in the deed, then the—that is, to satisfy himself thoroughly respecting the why and

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