Imágenes de páginas

lines, which, as you will see, when many forces have to be compounded, would cause much confusion in your figures.


Fig. 6.

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Let us apply this principle now to compound any number of forces acting on a point. Let there be five, and that will illustrate the rule as well as a thousand could. Suppose forces, o A, O B, O C, O D, O E, applied to the point, o. By the triangular rule, if I draw A R equal and parallel to o B, the line joining o with R is the resultant of the first two forces. I shall not actually draw this line, o R; let us suppose it drawn. Now, if I compound this resultant with o c, I have the resultant of three of the forces. But that, by the same rule, is got by drawing from R a line R R, equal and parallel to o c. The line o R is this resultant of three. Again we shall not draw it. The resultant of this and o D, for the same reason, would be o R, got by drawing R, R2 parallel and equal to o D, and, lastly, the resultant of this and o E would be o E, the line, R, R., being equal and parallel to o E. We have thus exhausted all the forces, and evidently o R, is the resultant of the whole five. There was here no confusing ourselves with parallelograms; all we had to do was to draw line after line, one attached to the other, carefully observing to keep their magnitudes and directions aright. A kind of unfinished polygon was thus formed, and the line o B,, which closes up the polygon, joining the last point E with the point of application, is the resultant in magnitude and in direction. Thus you have made another step in advance, and arrived at the Polygon of Forces. You have learned how, by the mere careful drawing of lines, to determine the resultant of any number of forces. All you require is paper and pencil, a rule, compasses, a scale, and a pair of parallel rulers.

Now, there is one point about this polygon I wish you carefully to note. You will observe that the arrows on its sides, representing the directions of the forces you have compounded, all point from left to right, as you go round the figure, turning it with you so as to bring each side in succession to the top. The resultant, however, points in the opposite direction, from right to left, when that side is uppermost. This is as it should be; the direction of the resultant, as you go round the figure, must be opposite to those of the components. The use of this you will see in the next lesson.


Now, let us suppose that, in determining the resultant after this method, as we come to the end of the operation, the end, E of the last line, R, R, chanced to coincide with, or fall upon the point of application, o. The polygon would close of itself without any joining line; what is the meaning of this? means that there is no resultant; the line, o R,, is nothing, and therefore the resultant is nothing, and the forces produce equilibrium. What a valuable result we have arrived at! A method by which we can, by rule and compass, tell at once whether any number of forces make equilibrium at a point or not. All we have to do is to describe the polygon of forces, and if it closes up of itself, there is equilibrium; if it does not, there cannot be equilibrium, and the resultant is in magnitude the side which is necessary to close the figure.

Deferring the further expansion of this subject to the next lesson, I shall now turn back and apply these principles to a few elementary examples.

First Example.-Three equai forces act at a point in different directions what condition should they fulfil in order to be in equilibrium? Get your ruler and compass, and commence constructing the figure by which their resultant may be found. From the end of one of the forces you are to draw a line equal and parallel to the second equal force, and from the end of that | another line, equal and parallel to the third. You will thus have three lines strung together, all equal to each other. But if the forces are in equilibrium, the end of the last line must fall on the point of application, that is to say, the polygon of forces must close up, and form a triangle. Your construction will then give you a triangle of three equal sides, commonly called an equilateral triangle. But such a triangle must have

all its angles equal; also the angles between the sides of the triangle, or of the polygon of forces, are the angles between the forces themselves, since they are parallel to these forces. This is evident from the properties, 1 and 2, of the parallelogram referred to above; therefore, in the case we are considering, the three equal forces must act at equal angles, as I showed other. wise must be the case at the close of the last lesson.




Second Example.-Let a weight hang from the ceiling by means of two cords of unequal length, as in Fig. 7. It is evidently at rest. Whatever be the forces called into action, they produce equilibrium. Is there nothing further to ascertain ? There is; it may be desirable to know by how much each cord is strained. Our assurance that the cords will support the weight depends on this knowledge. Let p and q be the two points of support of the strings which meet at o. Now, whatever be the strains on the cords, o P, o Q, they make equilibrium with w, the weight. Therefore, if we suppose a length, o A, of O P to represent the strain on o P, and from a draw a line, A R, parallel to o Q, equal to the strain, o B, on o Q, then, since the three forces are in equilibrium, the line, R o, closing up the triangle must be equal to, and be in the direction as, the third force, or weight, w. This, then, tells us what to do. Measure on o R upward as many inches as there are pounds in w; and from R then draw RA parallel to the cord o q to meet the cord o A. The number of inches in o A will represent in pounds the strain cn o P, and those on RA the strain on o o. All, therefore, that we desire to know is determined.


Fig. 7.

Third Example.-A horse pulls a roller up a smooth inclined plane or slope; what is the force he must exert when he just keeps the roller at rest? And by how much does the roller press on the plane?


Let the horse pull in any direction, o A. Then there will be three forces acting on the roller; namely, its own weight right downwards, the horse's pull, and the resistance of the plane or slope, perpendicular to itself. There must be this third force, for the other two, not being opposite to each other, cannot make equilibrium. The roller is somehow supported by the plane; and that it cannot be unless by its resistance; and plane cannot resist except perpendicularly to itself. This third force, you thus see, must be



Fig. 8.

taken perpendicular to the plane. It is represented in the figure by o B. Now apply the polygon of forces. Let o c represent the weight of the roller, and from c suppose a line, c R, drawn equal and parallel to o A, the horse's pull. Then, since there is equilibrium, the polygon of forces should close up and become a triangle-that is, the line joining R with o should be the pressure, and therefore should be perpendicular to the plane. What then are we to do? Take o c, equal in inches to the number of pounds in the roller, draw then from c a line c R parallel to the horse's pull, to meet the line drawn from the centre o of the roller perpendicularly to the plane; C R so determined will in inches tell the pounds in the horse's pull, and O R the amount by which the roller presses the plane. You can easily see from this that as the slope increases the pull will increase and the pressure diminish. This is what naturally we should expect. The plane I have supposed to be smooth; for, where there is friction against the roller caused by roughness in itself or in the plane, of in both, the question is much altered, as in due time you will see.

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41. I, i.—Name, EE, ee; sound, like the letters ee in the Ces demoiselles sont-elles studi- Are those young ladies studious? English word see.

thus accented.

This vowel receives but one kind of accent, and that is the circumflex, viz.:-1, ; though it is comparatively seldom found This vowel has two sounds, viz., long and short; long, as ee in the English word see, and short, like i in the English word pin, or nearly like it. It becomes nasal in combination with the letters m and n, in which case the character of its own sound is completely changed, which is indeed true of all the vowels.

In these Lessons, the vowel I, i, will be represented by the two letters ee, when long or under the circumflex accent, and by e when it has the short sound.

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euses ?

Elles ne sont pas très-studieuses.
Ces règles sont-elles générales?
Leurs habillements sont superbes.
Ces principes sont généraux.
Avez-vous peur de ces chevaux

rétifs ?

Vos montres d'or sont excellentes. Les miennes sont-elles meilleures que les vôtres ?

Les vôtres sont meilleures que les


Agréable, agreeable. Ainé, e, elder. Allemande, f., German. Jamais, never. Indulgent, -e, indulgert Laine, f., wool; woollen. Maroquin, m., morocco.

They are not very studious.
Are those rules general?
Their clothes are superb.
Those principles are general.
Are you afraid of those restive

horses ?

Your gold watches are excellent. Are mine better than yours?

Yours are better than mine.

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1. Les chevaux de notre ami sont-ils rétifs ? 2. Ses chevaux ne sont pas rétifs, mais ses mules sont très-rétives. 3. Les chevaux et les mules de votre frère sont excellents. 4. Vos sœurs sont-elles très-vives? 5. Mes frères et mes sœurs sont très-vifs. 6. Sont-ils souvent oisifs ? 7. Non, Monsieur, mes sœurs ne sont jamais oisives. 8. Avez-vous peur de votre frère ? 9. Non, Monsieur, je n'ai peur de personne. 10. Ne sommes-nous pas indulgents ? 11. Vous êtes indulgents, et vous avez raison. 12. Ai-je vos livres ? 13. Vous ne les avez pas, vous avez ceux de mon frère aîné. 14. Ne les avez-vous pas ? 15. Je ne les ai pas. 16. Avez-vous une bonne paire de bas de laine? 17. J'ai une belle paire de bas de soie. 18. Avez-vous les bonnes maisons ou les mauvaises ? 19. Je n'ai ni les bonnes ni les mauvaises, j'ai celles de ma cousine. 20. Le travail est-il agréable? 21. Le travail est utile et agréable. 22. Avez-vous mes beaux souliers de maroquin ? 23. Je n'ai pas vos beaux souliers de maroquin, j'ai vos belles pantoufles de velours.


brothers are quick, but my sisters are not quick. 3. Have you 1. Are your brothers and sisters very (bien) quick? 2. My not two restive horses ? 4. No, but I havo a restive mule. 5. Have you not two good pairs of silk gloves? 6. I have a good pair of cotton gloves, and two pairs of silk gloves. 7. Are you not afraid of your friends? 8. No, Sir, I am never afraid of my friends. 9. I am afraid of nobody. 10. Are you right or wrong? 11. I am right. 12. Have you my beautiful leather slippers, or my old satin slippers? 13. I have your old leather shoes and your velvet slippers. 14. Are those ladies pleased? 15. Those ladies are pleased, and they are right. 16. Has the German lady your father's shoes or mine? 17. She has neither his nor yours, she has my sister's. 18. Has your elder brother good houses or bad? 19. His houses are better than yours and than mine.* 20. Are his houses old? 21. His houses are old, but they are good. 22. Have you them? 23. No, Sir, I have them not, I have no houses. 24. Have you my brother's or my sister's? 25. Your sister has hers and my mother's. 26. Are your scholars attentive? 27. My scholars are very attentive and very studious. 28. Are those German ladies studious? 29. They are very studious and very attentive. 30. Are you

8. For more explicit rules, and for exceptions, see § 17, often wrong?

Part II.



Je ne suis pas,

Tu n'es pas,

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I am not. Thou art not.

He is not.

She is not.

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1. The adjective in French follows the noun much more Art thou not? frequently than it precedes it [§ 85 (1)].

Is he not? N'est-elle pas ? Is she not? sommes-nous Are we not?


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[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

ami a-t-il des parents? 17. Oui, Monsieur, il en a. 18. Co
Monsieur a-t-il une bonne plume d'acier ou une belle plume d'or?
19. Il en a une d'acier et nous en avons une d'or. 20. Le
général n'a-t-il pas de bons soldats ? 21. Il en a de très braves.
23. Ils en
22. Les Américains n'ont-ils pas de bonne terre ?
ont d'excellente. 24. Le marchand a-t-il des couteaux anglais
ou français ? 25. Les couteaux du marchand ne sont ni anglais
ni français, ils sont belges.


1. Has your brother Arabian horses? 2. Yes, Sir, he has some. 3. Has he handsome ones ? 4. Yes, Sir, he has handsome ones. 5. Are the good Americans wrong? 6. No, Miss, they are not wrong, they are right. 7. Have you a French shawl? 8. Yes, Sir, I have one, I have a handsome French shawl. 9. Has your innkeeper your silver knife or mine? 10. He has neither yours nor mine, he has his sister's handsome steel knife. 11. Has the Belgian a good guitar? 12. He has an excellent French guitar. 13. He has an excellent one. 14.

5. 3rd. Almost all adjectives ending in al, able, ible, ique, Has the gentleman amusing books? 15. Yes, Sir, he has two and if.

Ces hommes libéraux sont aimés,

Voilà un esprit raisonnable,
Voilà un esclave fugitif,

Those liberal men are loved.
That is a reasonable mind.
That is a fugitive, slave.

6. Some adjectives have a different meaning, according to 22. Has your friend's sister a good steel pen? 23. My friend's their position before or after the noun [§ 86].

Un brave homme, a worthy man. | Un homme brave, a brave man. 7. En is used for the English words some or any, expressed or understood, but not followed by a noun; en has also the sense of it, of them, thereof, generally understood in English sentences,

16. Has the general French or Arabian horses? 17. He has
neither French ner Arabian horses, he has English horses. 18.
Who has Arabian horses ? 19. The Arabian has some. 20.
Has the Englishman any? 21. The Englishman has some.
sister has one, but my relations have none. 24. Are you not
wrong, Sir? 25. Yes, Madam, I am wrong. 26. Are those
knives English? 27. No, Sir, they are Belgian. 28. Have
you relations ?
29. I have two, and they are here (ici). 30.
Has the Englishman butcher meat? 31. Yes, Sir, he has much.
32. Has he much money? 33. He has but little. 34. Has the
35. Yes, Sir, he has good

particularly in answers to questions [§ 39 (17), § 104, § 110 (2) Belgian general brave soldiers?

Avez-vous des souliers de cuir?
J'en ai,

Votre fils en a-t-il ?

Have you leather shoes?

I have some, I have (of them).
Has your son any?

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1. Avez-vous une bonne guitare ? 2. Oui, Monsieur, j'ai une guitare excellente. 3. Avez-vous de bons habits? 4. Oui Madame, j'ai de bons habits noirs et de belles robes blanches. 5. Votre mère n'a-t-elle pas un châle de soie? 6. Oui, Mademoiselle, elle en a un de soie et un de laine. 7. L'aubergiste a-t-il de bons chevaux anglais ? 8. L'aubergiste a des chevaux anglais, français, et arabes. 9. Il en a de superbes. 10. L'ami de votre frère a-t-il des bijoux d'or? 11. Oui, Monsieur, il en a. 12. A-t-il aussi des bijoux d'argent. 13. Il en a aussi. 14. En a-t-il beaucoup? 15. Non Monsieur, il n'en a guère. 16. Votre



SIR RICHARD GRENVILLE, WHEN HE CRIED "NO SURRENDER!" DURING the time Queen Elizabeth was on the throne of England (1558 to 1603), there was a public feeling of a kind and intensity unequalled by any that has existed either before or since. It was a feeling in which political and religious hatred were closely combined, and which was fanned from a spark to a flame by repeated provocations. There are those yet living who can freshly remember the rancorous animosity which existed in this country towards the French, when the great French war was at its height. That animosity, bitter as it was, and tersely expressed in the summary of advice which Nelson is said to have given his midshipmen-"Fear God; honour the king; and hate a Frenchman as you do the devil" -was not, if we may judge from the circumstances attending it, so bitter, or so uncompromising as the hatred Elizabeth's Englishmen had for the Spaniard and the Pope.

In that day, the kingdom of Spain, which now has sunk so low, was only being weighed in the balance. She had beer. found wanting in many things which, as the event proved, were necessary to her life as a nation; but she had not been found wanting in strength. Her power was enormous, and the ambition of her princes aimed at universal dominion. Spain, the Netherlands, Naples, and Sicily were her European possessions, and in Germany her influence was all-powerful. In the East Indies the sovereignty of the King of Spain was acknowledged in many a place, while the whole of the Western hemisphere was under his sway. By succession, by marriage, by purchase, or by conquest, the territory of the Spanish king was so great that it was well said the sun never set in his dominions. The wealth of the mines of Mexico and Peru was his; the most splendid troops that Europe could produce did his bidding; diplomatists the most subtle and the most accomplished were his servants, and among his naval and military commanders were men of names the most renowned and illustrious. No other power in Europe, whether allied or singlehanded, was willing to measure itself with Spain; the odds were so great, the issues so momentous, that lesser nations preferred to put up almost with anything rather than bring down upon their people the wrath of the cruel and haughty Spaniards. It was only when desperation made men blind to the consequences that resistance was offered to the dominant and domineering power-and then, as in the Netherlands, where

the people were goaded into insurrection, the fight was long and bloody, and the victory dearly won.

over. Protestants and freedom-loving Catholics learned in the Low Countries, from the Duke of Alva, Requesens, and other Spanish rulers, how that the tender mercies of the cruel are cruel also. In the newly-discovered regions of America, which the enterprise of Columbus had opened to Spain, the religious system of the Spaniards was so unlike the religion of Him whom "the common people heard gladly," that

The strength of Spain was tremendous, crushing; but there was a canker in it, which, eating through, eventually proved fatal to the life of the tall tree. The King of Spain, Philip II., arbiter as he was of the fate of millions, mighty and feared as he was, was the abject slave of another power. The priests of the Roman Church were his masters, the Pope of Rome was his lord, and the mind of the man was in perfect subjection to the rule of his spiritual guides. So the interests, or supposed interests fled in horror from it, preferring death to conversion. Champ

"the poor Indian, whose untutor'd mind Sees God in clouds, or hears him in the wind,"

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of the Roman-Catholic Church became identified with those of | the Spanish crown. Wherever the Spaniard came, there came the priest, and the two together represented pure despotism in the State, and a Church system which was carried out through the medium of the Inquisition. Countries in which the Roman Church was already deeply rooted viewed the approach of the Spanish ecclesiastics with jealousy and dislike, thougn they were not necessarily in danger of injury at their hands. But in countries where the Roman faith was not the faith of the people, where the Protestant form of Christianity, or no Christianity at all, was the popular religion, the coming of the Spaniards and the Pope was a thing to be dreaded and grieved

lain, the navigator, after whom the American lake of that name is called, and who visited the West Indies in 1599-1602, thus wrote of the Spanish priests and the Indians :-"At tha commencement of his conquests, he (the King of Spain) had established the Inquisition among them, and made slaves of, or caused them to die cruelly in such great numbers, that the sole recital would cause pity. This evil treatment was the reason that the poor Indians, for very apprehension, fled to the mountains in desperation, and as many Spaniards as they caught they eat them; and on that account the said Spaniards were constrained to take away the Inquisition, and allow them personal liberty, granting them a more mild and tolerable rul>

of life, to bring them to the knowledge of God and the belief of the holy Church; for if they had continued still to chastise them according to the rigour of the said Inquisition, they would have caused them all to die by fire."

Such then were the causes of the deep hatred already spoken of as existing among Englishmen during the reign of Elizabeth. The Spanish political power and the Spanish ecclesiastical power, each lusted after dominion, and allowed no considerations nor scruples to stand in their way. Each helped the other; the priests taught the "right divine" of the Spanish king "to govern wrong," and the Spanish king in return upheld, with brutal obstinacy, the priests' Inquisition-an institution of which more will be said in another paper; but of which it will be enough here to say that it was a spiritual tribunal, irresponsible and acting in secret, which punished men and women with all punishments, including death, for not acting in strict accordance with the rules of the Roman-Catholic Church.


Englishmen, after the Reformation especially, hated both these powers. The one cramped their action and their enterprise, forbidding them under pain of being treated as pirates to trade to places where the Spaniards claimed to have a monopoly, as in America; the other oppressed their souls with burdens too heavy to be borne, and then killed them for stumbling. Generous sympathy also for those who suffered wrong at the oppressor's hands, and were unable to help themselves, glowed in the English breast; and that sympathy, in an age of adventure and of chivalrous feeling, was not slow to express itself in action. It had received a fillip, too, in a point which nearly concerned the best interests of the nation. An attempt had been made after the death of Edward VI., in 1553, to introduce both the detested powers into England. Philip II. of Spain, was actually married to Queen Mary of England, and though the nation was, to a man, hostile to the introduction of the Inquisition, and swore it would not have it at any price, the energy and watchfulness of the best men were required to prevent the planting of the Spanish political power. In 1558 Elizabeth came to the throne, and not only roused the wrath of disappointment and jealousy by her prompt rejection of Spanish advances, directly and indirectly she challenged the Spaniards by the uncompromising Protestantism of her policy.


Her subjects were imbued with the same spirit as the Queen. The Spaniards were looked upon as public enemies, whom to destroy was to do God service; and many was the private adventure made by persons of good name and reputation, to make war upon them. In a time when the two governments were at peace, cruisers were fitted out in England- notably in West-country ports-to prey upon the enemy's commerce on the Spanish

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could be nothing but perpetual war between the nations, and a fresh declaration of an old fact would have been useless as well, as tiresome. So whenever a Spanish treasure fleet was coming home, or a Spanish squadron of merchantmen was known to be on the seas, the English royal vessels slipped out of port, and smote the Philistines wherever they found them.

One of the most courageous and indomitable of the English rovers was Sir Richard Grenville, of Stowe, in Cornwall, a gentleman of ancient family and large fortune, an enthusiastic admirer of all that was generous and manly. He hated the Spaniards with an exceeding bitter hatred, and again and again left his pleasant home in Cornwall to roam the seas after the enemies of God and man, as he considered them to be. He had been eminently successful, both in distant expeditions and in repelling the attack of the Armada on the English coast itself, and his name was a terror to many & Spanish sailor. It happened, in the year 1591, that a Government expedition of the kind above-mentioned was about to sail under orders of Lord Thomas Howard, to intercept the Spanish treasure ships on their way from the West Indies. Sir Richard was appointed second in command, and hoisted his flag on board the Revenge; the rest of the squadron inIcluding eight fighting ships, with tenders and victuallers. The account of the action in which the Revenge fought single-handed for England is given here as best showing the kind of spirit it was which animated Englishmen at the time when their enemies were the detested upholders of Absolutism in Church and State.



Lord Thomas Howard sailed with his ships in August, 1591, and after cruising about for some time, put into the Western Islands, to recruit his men, ill with scurvy, and to wait there for the treasure ships. On the 31st of August, 1591, the lookout men reported a fleet in sight, and great was the joy and


greedy, perhaps, the expectation of the English warriors. But a nearer view disclosed, not the Spanish treasure ships, but a fleet of fifty-three ships of war, which had been equipped and sent out for the very pur pose of pouncing on the pouncers. Half the English crews were on shore, ill, and the rest were busy watering and victualling the ships. Lord Thomas looked at his vessels and sickly crews, and then at the enemy's ships, concerning which the cry was still, "They come." Eight against fifty-three-the disproportion was too great. He determined not to try conclusions with them, and having recalled his crews by signal, stood out of the Bay of Flores, and succeeded in getting away.

There was one ship, however, which did not follow. Sir Richard Grenville felt it to be almost an immoral act to retreat before a Spaniard, and though he was too good an officer wilfully to


advantage of some unavoidable delay which occurred in getting his men from the shore, to stay behind. The other English ships gained the offing, and thither, too, was sent the master of one of the victuallers, who, seeing Sir Richard's danger, offered to stay and share it with him.

Main and in the West Indies. Such men as Sir John Haw-| disobey the orders of his superior, he was not loth to take kins, Sir Martin Frobisher, Sir Walter Raleigh, Sir Francis Drake, Sir Humphrey Gilbert, and Sir Richard Grenville, sailed on their own account upon expeditions which, directed against any other power than Spain, would have been called piratical, or at least, buccaneering; and they won honour and no small profit in the course of them. After the Spanish Armada, sent in 1588 for the avowed purpose of conquering England and establishing despotism and priestcraft therein, had shown the depth of the Spanish ill-will, the Government acted pretty much as its subjects had done, and made war whenever it chose. There was no declaration of war. After the Armada there

On came the Spanish fleet, on the weather bow of the Revenge. Some of the officers remonstrated with the admiral, and advised him to crowd all sail and try to outsail the enemy; but Sir Richard declared "he would much rather die than leave such a mark of dishonour ou himself, his country, and the Queen."

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