Imágenes de páginas
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Attend-re, 4, to expect, Gât-er, 1, to spoil.
to wait for.

Robe, f., dress,


Soin, m., care.

Tomb-er, 1, to fall.


Chocolat, m., chocolate.
Courrier, m., courier.
Croi-re, 4, ir., to believe.
Déchir-er, 1, to tear.

Gouverneur, m.,


Lorsque, when.
Port-er, 1, to wear.
Quelquefois, sometimes.

Tach-er, 1, to stain, to spot.


Se tai-re, 4, ir., to be

1. Allez voir mon frère, il a quelque chose à vous communi quer. 2. Courez leur dire que je les attends. 3. Mon frère a 4. Votre cousine a-tbien pris garde de déchirer ses habits.

1. Envoyez chercher le médecin, votre petit garçon est malade. 2. Nous l'avons déjà envoyé chercher. 3. Vous n'avez pas besoin de votre crayon, prêtez-le-moi [Sect. XXVI. 4; Sect. XXVII. 4]. 4. Je ne saurais vous le prêter, je m'en sers. Donnez-le-moi ou me le prêtez [§ 100 (6)]. 6. Je l'ai promis à votre institutrice. 7. Si vous ne le lui avez pas dit, dites-le-lui aussitôt que possible. 8. Ne le lui dites pas encore. 9. Parlezlui-en [§ 39, 17] la prochaine fois que vous le verrez. 10. Ayez patience, mon ami, votre père ne tardera pas à venir. 11. Obéissez à votre précepteur. 12. Je lui obéis toujours, donnez-elle pris garde de tacher sa robe? 5. Elle a pris garde de lui-en une bonne partie. 13. Je lui en ai déjà donné plus des tomber, car en tombant elle l'aurait gâtée. 6. Ces petites filles deux tiers. 14. Avez-vous porté cette clef au serrurier? 15. ont-elles pris le deuil? 7. Elles viennent de le prendre. 8. J'ai oublié de la lui remettre. 16. Portez-la-lui sans faute cette Pour qui prenez-vous le deuil? 9. Je porte le deuil de ma après-midi. 17. Veuillez me dire où demeure M. G. 18. mère. 10. Prenez-vous du thé ou du café le matin? 11. Nous Prenez la première rue à gauche, il demeure dans la deuxième prenons du thé et du café. 12. Ne prenez-vous pas quelquemaison à droite. 19. Allons, Mesdemoiselles, dépêchons-nous. fois du chocolat ? 13. Nous n'en prenons que lorsque nous 20. Menez-les-y le plus tôt possible. 21. Ne me les rapportez sommes malades. 14. Quel parti le gouverneur a-t-il pris? 22. Renvoyez-les-moi demain. 23. Portons-les-y. 24. 15. Il a pris le parti de se taire. 16. Prendrez-vous mon parti Ne les y portons pas. 25. Prêtez-les-lui, mais ne les lui donnez (my part) ou celui de votre fils? 17. Je prendrai le vôtre, si je crois que vous avez raison. 18. Pourquoi ne prenez-vous pas la peine de lire sa lettre? 19. Parce qu'elle n'en vaut pas 21. П la peine. 20. Votre courrier a-t-il pris les devants? prendre son parti? 23. Je n'ai pas tort de le prendre. 24. n'a pu prendre les devants. 22. N'avez-vous pas tort de Avez-vous pris le thé (your tea)? 25. Nous n'avons pas pris (our) le thé, nous avons pris le café ?




1. Give a book to the young man. 2. I have already given him one, and he does not read it. 3. Lend it to him, if you will not give it to him. 4. I will not lend it to him. 5. Make haste, young ladies, it is ten o'clock. 6. Have the goodness to give me a pen. 7. I have given one to your brother. 8. Obey your father, and speak to your sister. 9. Will you not send for the letter? 10. I will send for it. 11. Send for it as soon as you can. 12. Do not do so (le), but write to my cousin. 13. Come, children (mes enfants), learn your lesson. 14. Give him some [§ 39 (17)], or lend him some [§ 100 (6)]. 15. Do not make haste, we have (le) time. 16. Have patience, my child, the merchant will soon come. 17. Send it to him, if you cannot give it to him. 18. Write to him this afternoon without fail. 19. I would write to him if I had time. 20. Let us take the first street to the left. 21. Take the second street to the right. 22. Pay attention to what your brother says. 23. Let us tell the truth. 24. Let us read that book to-day. 25. Pay your debts as soon as possible. 26. Let us obey our instructor. 27. Carry the key to him. 28. Bring me back the books which I have lent you. 29. Do not bring them back to me, read them. 30. Let us have patience, we shall soon have money. 31. Let us speak to them, they are at my father's. 32. Tell them that I intend to write to them to-morrow morning. 33. Go to church this afternoon. 34. Bring me back my letters. 35. Do not carry them there, but bring them to me as soon as possible.


13. We

1. Has your brother taken care not to spoil his hat? 2. He has taken care not to spoil it, he has only one. 3. Go and speak to your sister, she calls you (appelle). 4. Will you not take a cup (tasse) of tea? 5. I have just taken my tea. 6. What have you said to your little girl? 7. I have told her to take care not to tear her dress. 8. Let us take care not to tear that book. 9. My son has just brought it. 10. Has he taken his tea? 11. He has not yet taken tea, it is too early. 12. At what hour do you take tea at your house? take tea at six o'clock. 14. Do you take tea or coffee for breakfast (à votre déjeûner)? 15. We take coffee. 16. Is your courier gone on before? 17. He has not been able to go on before. 18. What resolution have you taken? 19. I have taken the resolution to study my lesson. 20. Have you taken care not to tear your books? 21. I have taken care not to stain them. 22. What has your brother determined? 23. He has determined to remain silent. 24. Have you taken my part? 25. I have taken my brother's part. 26. Are you right to take his part? 27. I am right to take his part, because he is right. 28. Are you not afraid to take his part? 29. I am not

SECTION LXX.-THE IMPERATIVE AND THE INFINITIVE afraid to take his part. 30. Will you take your sister's part

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EXERCISE 42 (Vol. I., page 207).

1. Où votre ami va-t-il ? 2. Il va chez vous ou chez votre frère 3. N'a-t-il pas l'intention d'aller chez votre associé ? 4. Il a l'intention d'y aller, mais il n'a pas le temps aujourd'hui. 5. De quoi avez-vous besoin aujourd'hui ? 6. J'ai besoin de mon gilet qui est cher k tailleur. 7. Vos habits sont-ils chez le peintre? 8. Ils n'y sont pas ils sont chez le tailleur.

9. Où demeurez-vous, mon ami?

10. Ja


demeure chez votre belle-sœur. 11. Monsieur votre père est-il à la maison? 12. Non, Monsieur, il n'y est pas. 13. Où votre domestique porte-t-il le bois? 14. Il le porte chez le capitaine russe. Le monsieur qui cst avec Monsieur votre père, demeure-t-il chez lui? 16. Non, Monsieur, il demeure chez moi. 17. A-t-il tort de demeurer chez vous? 18. Non, Monsieur, il a raison de demeurer chez moi. 19. D'où le charpentier vient-il ? 20. Il vient de chez son associé. 21. A-t-il deux associés? 22. Non, Monsieur, il n'en a qu'un, qui demeure ici. 23. Avez-vous le temps d'aller chez nous ce matin? 24. Nous avons le temps d'y aller. 25. Nous avons l'intention d'y aller et de parler à Mademoiselle votre sœur. 26. Est-elle chez vous? 27. Elle est chez elle. 28. Avez-vous du pain, du beurre et du fromage à la maison ? 29. Nous y avons du pain et du beurre. 30. Nous n'y avons pas de fromage, nous n'aimons pas le fromage. 31. Votre montre est-elle chez l'horloger? 32. Elle y est. 33. Avez-vous deux montres d'or? 34. Je n'ai qu'une montre d'or. 35. Qui a l'intention d'aller chez mon père ce matin? 36. Personne n'a l'intention d'y aller.

EXERCISE 43 (Vol. I., page 215).

1. Where am I going? 2. You are going to the hatter's. 3. Am I going to the bank? 4. You are going to the bank and to the concert. 5. Do I cut your wood? 6. You cut neither my wood nor my coat. 7. Do I wear a green hat? 8. You do not wear a green hat, you wear a black one. 9. Is your scholar going anywhere? 10. He is going to church, to school, and to market. 11. Is he not going to the hairdresser's ? 12. He is going nowhere. 13. Do you not wear red leather boots? 14. I wear black leather ones. 15. Do you not go to the banker's? 16. I do not go to his house, he is absent since yesterday. 17. Is he coming to the bank this morning? 18. He intends to come if he has time. 19. Has he a wish to go to the concert? 20. He has a great wish to go, but he has no ticket. 21. Do you live in this village 22. Yes, Sir, I do. 23. Do you send this note to the postoffice ? 24. I send it to its address.

EXERCISE 44 (Vol. I., page 215).

1. Est-ce que je porte mon grand chapeau noir? 2. Vous portez 3. Le banquier va-t-il chez le perruquier ce un beau chapeau vert. matin? 4. Il y va ce matin. 5. A-t-il l'intention d'aller à la banque ce matin? 6. Il n'a pas l'intention d'y aller, il n'a pas le temps. 7. Envoyez-vous vos lettres à la poste? 8. Je ne les y envoie pas, elles ne sont pas encore écrites. 9. Est-ce que je vous envoie un billet? 10. Vous m'envoyez un billet, mais je n'ai pas envie d'aller au concert. 11. Monsieur votre frère va-t-il à l'école demain? 12. Il y va aujourd'hui et il reste demain à la maison. 13. Est-ce que j'y vais? 14. Vous n'allez nulle part. 15. Où allez-vous? 16. Je vais chez M. votre frère; est-il à la maison? 17. Il n'est pas à la maison, il est absent depuis hier. 18. Monsieur votre frère demeure-t-il dans ce village? 19. Il n'y demeure pas, il demeure chez mon neveu. 20. Avez-vous tort d'aller à l'école? 21. Non, Monsieur, j'ai raison d'aller à l'église et à l'école. 22. Avez-vous envie de venir chez moi? J'aime à aller chez vous et chez M. votre frère. 24. Quand venez

est-il ? 14. Il est chez Monsieur votre père ou chez M. votre frère. 15. Avez-vous l'intention d'envoyer chercher le médecin ? 16. J'ai l'intention de l'envoyer chercher. 17. Ai-je raison d'envoyer chercher l'Écossais ? 18. Vous avez tort de l'envoyer chercher. 19. Allez-vous trouver M. votre père l'après-midi ? 20. Je vais le trouver le matin. 21. Votre frère va-t-il chez votre oncle tous les lundis. 22. Il y va tous les dimanches. 23. Allez-vous apprendre la musique? 24. Ma nièce va l'apprendre, si elle a le temps. 25. Est-ce que je vais lire ou écrire ? 26. Vous allez lire demain. 27. Va-t-il chez vous tous les jours? 28. Il vient vous trouver tous les mercredis. 29. À quelle heure ? 30. À neuf heures moins un quart. 31. Vient-il de bonne heure ou tard? 32. Il vient à neuf heures et quart. 33. Qu'allez-vous chercher ? 34. Nous allons chercher des légumes, de la viande et du sucre. 35. Nous avons besoin de sucre tous les matins. EXERCISE 47 (Vol. I., page 251).

1. Are you going to write to him? 2. I am going to write to him and communicate to him this news. 3. Are you going to speak to him of me? 4. I am going to speak to him of you and of your com. 6. I send them applepanion. 5. Do you send them fine trees? trees, pear-trees, and cherry-trees. 7. Do you not send me cherrytrees ? 8. I do not, you have some already. 9. Are you right to speak to them of this affair? 10. I am not wrong to speak to them 11. Come to us to-morrow morning. 12. Come to us

of this affair. this afternoon. 13. Do you go to them every day? 14. I go to them every evening. 15. Do you give them good advice? 16. I give them good advice and good examples. 17. Do you speak to us about your sisters ? 18. I speak to you of them. 19. Do you not speak to us about our brothers? 20. I speak to you of them. 21. Do you not love them? 22. We love and respect them. 23. Do you think of this book or do you not? 24. We think of it, and we speak of it. 25. We do not think of it.

EXERCISE 48 (Vol. I., page 251).

1. Quand allez-vous écrire à M. votre frère ? 2. Je vais lui écrire demain matin. 3. Avez-vous l'intention de lui écrire tous les lundis?

4. J'ai l'intention de lui écrire tous les mardis.

5. Avez-vous envie

14. 15.

de lui parler aujourd'hui ? 6. J'ai envie de lui parler, mais il n'est pas ici. 7. Où est-il? 8. Il est chez lui. 9. Leur parlez-vous ? 10. 11. Vous donnent-ils Oui, Monsieur, je leur parle de cette affaire. de bons avis ? 12. Ils me donnent de bons avis et de bons exemples. 13. Allez-vous trouver Mademoiselle votre sœur tous les jours? Je vais la trouver tous les matins à neuf heures moins un quart. Aime-t-elle à vous voir ? 16. Elle aime à me voir, et elle me reçoit bien. 17. Pensez-vous à cette affaire ? 18. J'y pense toute la journée. 19. En parlez-vous avec M. votre frère ? 20. Nous en parlons souvent. 21. Envoyez-vous votre compagnon chez moi ? 22. Je l'envoie tous les jours. 23. Êtes-vous chez vous tous les jours? 24. J'y suis tous les matins à dix heures. 25. Aimez-vous à aller à l'église? 26. J'aime à y aller tous les dimanches avec un compagnon. 23. 27. Parlez-vous de vos 28. J'en parle. 29. M. votre frère parle-t-il de ses amis ? 30. Oui, Monsieur, il parle d'eux. 31. Pense-t-il à eux ? 32. Oui, Monsieur, il pense à eux. 33. Pense-t-il à cette nouvelle ? 34. Oui, Monsieur, il y pense. 35. Je les aime et je les honore.

vous chez nous? 25. Demain, si j'ai le temps. 26. Le banquier

aime-t-il à venir ici? 27. Il aime à venir chez vous.


28. Le perruquier vient-il? 29. Il ne vient pas encore. 30. Qu'envoyez-vous à l'écolier? 31. Je lui envoie des livres, du papier et des habits. Où est-il? 33. Il est à l'école. 34. L'école est-elle dans le village? 35. Elle y est.

EXERCISE 45 (Vol. I., page 236).

maisons ?

EXERCISE 49 (Vol. I., page 252).

1. Will you give this book to my brother? 2. I can lend it to him, but I cannot give it to him. 3. Will you send them to us? 4. The milliner can send them to you. 5. Do you show them to her? 6. I see them and show them to her. 7. Are you afraid to lend them to us? 8. I am not afraid to lend them to you. 9. Can you not send us some fish? 11. Will 10. I cannot send you any, I have but little. you speak to them of it? 12. I will speak to them of it, if I do not 14. I come to see forget it. 13. Do you often come to see them? them every morning and every evening. 15. Do you not speak to them of your journey to Poland? 16. I speak to them of it, but they will not believe me. 17. Do I see my acquaintances on Mondays? 18. You see them every day of the week. 19. Do they send you more money than our merchant's clerk ? 20. They send me more than he. 21. Do you send any to the bookseller? 22. I send him some when I owe him. 23. Are you not wrong to send him some? 21. I cannot

1. What are you going to do? 2. I am going to learn my lessons. 3. Are you not going to write to your acquaintances? 4. I am going to write to nobody. 5. Who has just spoken to you? 6. The Irishman has just spoken to us. 7. When is the Scotch lady going to teach you music? 8. She is going to teach me next year. 9. Is she going to commence on Tuesday or on Wednesday? 10. She is going to commence neither on Tuesday nor on Wednesday; she intends to commence on Thursday, if she has time. 11. Does your companion go to church every Sunday? 12. She goes every Sunday and every Wednesday. 13. To whom do you go? 14. I do not go to any one. 15. Do you not intend to come to me to-morrow? 16. I intend to go to your dyer. 17. Do you send for the physician? 18. When I am ll I send for him. 19. Does he remain with you the whole day? be wrong to pay my debts. 20. He remains with me only a few minutes. 21. Do you go to school in the morning? 22. I go in the morning and in the afternoon. 23. Do you go every day? 21. I go every day, except Monday and Sunday. 25. Saturday I remain at home, and Sunday I go to church.

EXERCISE 46 (Vol. I., page 236).


1. L'Irlandais que va-t-il faire? 2. Il va enseigner la musique. 3. Vient-il de commencer son travail? 4. Il vient de le commencer. 5. Qui vient de vous écrire ? 6. Le teinturier vient de m'écrire. Votre petit garçon va-t-il à l'église tous les jours? 8. Non, Monsieur, il va à l'église le dimanche, et il va à l'école tous les jours. 9. Allez vous chercher le médecin? 10. Je l'envoie chercher parceque ma sœur est malade. 11. Allez-vous trouver mon médecin ou le vôtre ? 12. Je vais trouver le mien, le vôtre n'est pas à la maison. 13. Où


EUROPE (continued).

THE maps that accompany our present lesson in Geography present accurate delineations of the principal features of France and the great Scandinavian and Iberian peninsulas. We shall supplement these in our next with a map of the countries of Central and Southern Europe on nearly the same scale as the map of France in this lesson.

We now proceed with an enumeration of the islands which belong to Europe. Of these, by far the most important, botli in political and commercial importance, are the British Isles.

Under this head are included Great Britain, anciently called Albion or Britannia, and divided into the three countries of England, Wales, and Scotland; and Ireland, anciently called Hibernia, with various islands of much smaller dimensions lying around or near the coast. The principal of these are the Isle of Man, in the Irish Sea, situated at nearly an equal distance from England, Scotland, and Ireland; the Isle of Anglesea, which is separated from the mainland of Wales by the Menai Straits; the Scilly Isles, anciently called Cassiterides, or the Islands of Tin, adjacent to Cornwall, the real tin region; the Isle of Wight, south of, and forming part of, Hampshire; the Hebrides, or Western Islands, lying west of Scotland; the Orkney and Shetland Islands, north of Scotland; and the Channel Islands, Guernsey, Jersey, Alderney, and Sark, which lie the northwest of France.

Next to the British Islands, the most important in the north of Europe are those which belong to and

form part of the kingdom of Denmark, and lie in the channel or passage to the Baltic, called the Cattegat viz., Zealand, which contains Copenhagen, the capital of that kingdom, with Fünen, Laaland, Falster, Moen, Langeland, Bornholm, and various others.

In other parts of the Baltic are the islands of Rugen, Oland, Gottland, Aland, Oesel, and Dago. The islands called the Azores, Western Is


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Minorca, Ivica, and Formentera, E. of Spain; Sicily, S.W. of Naples, and separated from it by the Strait of Messina; Malta, S. of Sicily, and belonging to Great Britain; the Ionian Islands-viz., Corfu, Cephalonia, Zante, Santa Maura, Theaki or Ithaca, Cerigo, and Paxo, situated W. of Greece, and S.W of Turkey, in the Ionian Sea, and now belonging to Greece; Candia or Crete, S.E. of Greece; many of the islands of the Archipelago-namely, the Negropont (anciently Euboea), Andros, Syra, Naxia, Paros, Antiparos, Hydra, Spezzia, Egina, etc., lying E. and S. E. of Greece; and Lemnos or Stalimene, Imbros, Samothraki, and Thaso, lying S. of Turkey, and belonging to that power. The chief islands in the Mediterranean reckoned as belonging to Asia are Lesbos or Mitylene, Scio or Chios, Samos, Patmos, Rhodes, and many others, lying to the E. of

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Turkey in Asia, or rather Asia Minor; and Cyprus, situ ated in the Levant, which belongs to Turkey, and whose chief town is Nicosia. The principal capes (Latin, caput, a head) in Europe are the following:-The North Cape, on the island of Mageröe, in lat. 71°10',and long 26° 1' E., is com monly reckoned the most northern point of Europe; but this, according to some authors, is Nordkyn, is Finmark, in lat 71° 6' N.; the north point of Nova Zembla is

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W. of Portugal, to which they belong. The island of Iceland, which belongs to Denmark, and is celebrated for its hot springs and its volcanoes, is situated on the edge of the arctic circle, and having its northern point within the Arctic Ocean; the Faroe Isles, which belong to the same kingdom, and are situated N.W. of the Shetland Isles. Ferro, one the Canary Isles, once formed the site of the first meridian, to which all nations referred the longitude, and it is to be regretted that this did not retain its position as the universal meridian for the world at large, and for the simplification of the mode of reckoning the longitude in different countries. The islands which lie in the most northern regions of Europe are the Lofoden Isles, W. of Norway; Spitzbergen, and Nova Zembla, in the Arctic Ocean.

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The islands of the greatest importance in the south of Europe, and which lie in the Mediterranean Sea, are the following:-Corsica, which belongs to France, lying in the Tuscan Sea; Sardinia, S. of Corsica, and separated from it by the Strait of Bonifacio; the Balearic Isles-viz., Majorca,

in lat. 77° 4' N., and long. 77° 5' E.; the Naze (German, the


or beak), the most south

ern point of Norway, on the Skager-Rack; the Skaw, or most northern point of Jutland, in Denmark; Cape La Hogue, in France; Capes

Ortegal and Finisterre, in Spain, of which the latter, as the name indicates (Latin, finis, the end; terræ, of the earth), was deemed by the ancients the end or uttermost extremity of the world; Cape Roca, near Lisbon, and Cape St. Vincent, in Portugal; Cape Trafalgar and Tarifa Point, lat. 36° 1' N., long5° 36' W.; Cape Spartivento and Cape di Leuca, in Italy, and Cape Matapan, in Greece (the Morea), the last-named cape being in lat. 36° 22' N., and long. 22° 28' E.; Cape Passaro, in Sicily; and others of less importance. In the British Islands Dunnet Head, and not Cape Wrath, is the most northerly point of Great Britain; also Lizard Point, and not Land's End, is the most southerly point. The most northerly point of Ireland is Mullin or Malin Head, and the most southerly point Mizen Head, and not Cape Clear, which is on an island called Clare Island.

The northern highlands of Europe are those which contain the Scandinavian system chain of mountains, extending from the Naze to the North Cape, and consisting of the Langefield,

which flows from the Carpathian Mountains, and, after 2 course of 500 miles, falls into the same sea at Akerman; the Danube, which has its source in the Black Forest (Schwarzwald), flows through Bavaria, Austria, and Turkey, and, after a

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the Dovrefield, and the Kiolen ranges, of which the highest point is Skageslöestinden, in the southern range, about 8,670 feet above the level of the sea; and the Uralian or Ouralian chain, extending from the shores of the Arctic Ocean to beyond the source of the Ural river, which falls into the Caspian Sea, and forms, with both, the boundary between Europe and Asia. The south-eastern highlands of Europe are the Caucasian chain of mountains, between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea, of which the highest peak is Mount Elburz, about 18,500 feet above the level of the sea, and the highest mountain in Europe. The southern highlands of Europe consist of the Balkan (anciently Hamus) Mountains in Turkey, the highest points being about 10,000 feet above the sca level; the Eastern Alps (German, mountains), stretching from the Balkan range to the commencement of the Western Alps, north of the Adriatic, of which the highest summits are Mont Blanc and Mont Rosa, each more than 15,000 feet above the level of the sea, and which border Switzerland on the south, and Italy on the north; the Carpathian Mountains in the north of Hungary and Transylvania; the Hercynian Mountains, in Germany; the Cevennes and the Vosges, in France; the Pyrenees, between France and Spain, of which the highest points or peaks are Mont Perdu and Maladetta, each more than 11,000 feet high; the Cerro Mulhacen, the highest point of the Sierra Nevada, in Spain, 11,633 feet above the level of the sea; and Etna, the Sicilian volcano, which is nearly of the same elevation as the Pyrenean peaks, being 10,874 feet in height.

The principal rivers in Europe are the following:--The Volga, which rises in the Valdai Hills, in Russia, runs a course through that country of about 2,400 miles, and falls into the Caspian Sea at Astrakhan, where ite delta (or land enclosed by its mouths in the shape of the Greek letter ▲, or delta) is about fourteen miles wide. The Ural, which rises in the Ural Mountains, runs a

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course of nearly 1,800 miles, falls into the Black Sea at Ismail; the Rhine and the Rhone, which both

spring from the Swiss Alps, take opposite courses, the former running through the Lake of Constance, after a northern course of about 600 miles through Germany, France, and the Netherlands, falls into the Ger

man Ocean, after losing itself in the Waal, the Maese or Meuse, the Leck, and the Old Rhine, and

forming the great delta of Holland between Rotterdam and Amsterdam; the latter running through the Lake of Geneva, after a southern course of about

645 miles through France, falls into the Mediterra


nean Sea at the Gulf of Lions, where it also forms a delta; the Arno and the Tiber, on the west of Italy, fall into the Tuscan Sea; and the Po and the Adige, on the east of Italy, fall into the Adriatic; the Xucar and the Ebro, of Spain, fall into the Mediterranean; the Douro and the Tagus, of Portugal, with the Guadalquivir of Spain, fall into the Atlantic; the Dwina and the Onega, of Russia, fall into the White Sea; the Vistula and the Oder, of Germany, fall into the Baltic Sea;

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and the Elbe, of the same country, into the 44 German Ocean, at Hamburg.


The chief lakes of Europe are the following-In the north, Ladoga and Onega, in Russia, the largest in Europe, the former being 130 miles long and 70 miles broad, the latter smaller; Peipus and Ilmen, in the same country, very considerably less (the lastnamed is connected with Lake Ladoga and the river Volga by means of canals, and thus a line of communication is formed between the Baltic and the Caspian Seas); the Lakes Wener, Wetter, and Mälar, in Sweden, with the river Gotha, which form a line of communication between the middle of the Baltic 36 Sea and its entrance. In S tho south of Europe the lakes of Constance, Lucerne, and Geneva, in Switzerland; and of Maggiore, Lugano, and Como, in Italy, are all remarkable for the beauty of their scenery. The following table contains some useful particulars relating to the lakes of Europe.

course of about 1,800 miles, and falls into the Caspian Sea; the Don, which, after a course of nearly 1,000 miles, falls into the Sea of Azof, at the town of Azof; the Dnieper, which, after a course of a little more than 1,200 miles, falls into the Black Sea at Kherson; the Dniester,

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Aland, Baltic.

British Islands, N. Atlantic.

Candia, S. of Greece.

Corsica, S. of Sardinia.

Cyprus, the Levant.

Fünen, W. of Zealand.
Gothland, Baltic.

Greek Isles, Archipelago.
Iceland, Arctic Circle.
Malta, S. of Sicily.
Negropont, Archipelago.

Nova Zembla, Arctic Ocean.
Sardinia, S. of Corsica.
Sicily, S. of Italy.
Spitzbergen, Arctic Ocean.
The Azores, N. Atlantic.

The Balearic Isles, E. of Spain.
The Ionian Isles, W. of Greece.
Zealand, Cattegat.

Finisterre, W. of Spain.
La Hague, France.

Matapan, S. of Morea.
Naze, S. of Norway.
North Cape, I. Mageröe.
Ortegal, Spain.

St. Vincent, S. of Portugal.
Spartivento, S. of Italy.
Tarifa Point, Gibraltar.


Alps, N. of Italy.
Apennines, Italy.
Carpathian, Hungary.
Dovrefield, Norway.
Etna (volcano), Sicily.
Pyrenees, France,
Ural, Russia.

Vesuvius (volcano), Naples.


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William. Well, however that may be, I really fancy I shall never be able to speak correct English, for I suppose he like reading" is wrong.

Thomas. Certainly, it is not good English. William. And yet I have tried to correct what you term the errors of my bringing-up; and now, alas! I am as far off as ever. Thomas. No, by no means as far off as ever, if only because you are trying to get right; earnest effort never wholly fails; you are a little too impatient. Why, one thing you have over. come; you used to say "I speaks," and "they speaks."

William. Yes, and I someway had got it into my head that by dropping the s I should put all right.

Thomas. I have known others make a similar mistake. But come, I will endeavour to give you such instructions and explana tions as shall make the case clear to you. Only observe that you must watch and suspect yourself, and you must never cease your self-questioning until you have rigidly applied and know that you habitually apply in practice that which you learn in study. For your comfort I may tell you that I know many persons who once spoke as ungrammatically as you do, nay, as you did, and who now both speak and write our language with neatness as well as strict accuracy. Let us begin. You know what a noun is? William. Yes, a noun is a name.

Thomas. Exactly: the noun may be called the namer, for it is the part of speech which gives names to things, to all objects and realities, whether they are audible or visible, whether they are thoughts or feelings, whether in the outer world or in the mind. Every real object, and some that are unreal; everything known, conceived of, felt, or beheld, is called a noun; for everything must, for grammatical purposes, have a name. If an idea or a material object has no name, it has, as far as grammar is concerned, no existence. You know, also, what a pronoun is?

William. Yes, a pronoun is a for-name, a word that stands in the place, or performs the work of a noun; thus, instead of saying "he like reading

Thomas. No, go no farther, please to correct yourself.
William. Thank you, I am glad you stopped me.
Thomas. Learn to stop yourself when wrong.

William. I will try.

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Thomas. And when you speak to me, you say you?

William. Certainly.

Thomas. And when you speak of your father and mother you say they?

William. I do.

Thomas. Well, then, you see there are three ways of speaking of persons, as for instance, I, you, they. William. Exactly so.

Thomas. Now, of these, which think you is "number one ?" William. Well, I hope I am not selfish.

Thomas. I mean no imputation; I dare say you are no more selfish than other people; however, is not "the great I" in all cases "number one?" At any rate, we may, in grammar, call I the first person; do you allow that?

William. I suppose I must not object.

Thomas. Let us then call you the second person. Next to two stands three, and, consequently, he and they may be termed the third person. Mark, I represent the speaker, you the person spoken to, he the person spoken of. Do you understand? Here you have the same facts set forth in instances :


1. I love. 2. You love. 3. They love. Here I is the first person, you the second, they the third. William. Thank you; so far all is plain.

Thomas. Observe, then, that as there are (you know) two numbers, the singular and the plural, so each number has pronouns of its own. Here they are in full, the figures denoting the persons.


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