Imágenes de páginas

ever will do so with the divine help. All the Protestant Churches consider the Original Greek Testament authentic, and their versions which differ from each other, of secondary importance. That popular versions should be made and conformed to, the best editions of the Greek Original, is a position too plain for proof. "This position there is a difficulty in maintaining on account of its exceeding obviousTo defend it is like trying to confirm a self-evident truth. To find argument is not easy, because an argument is something clearer than the proposition to be sustained."


I take leave of the controversy for the present with the excellent words of my favorite Editor, the venerable Dr. Griesbach.

At enim vero verbum Dei incertum redditur, si unicuique editori textum sacrum refringere licet! Eis qui ita sentiunt, respondeo, primum non licere cuipiam quicquam mutare pro libitu. Nil mutatur, nisi quod mutare jubent partim documenta et testimonia vetustissima ac fide dignissima, partim regulæ criticæ certæ, indubiis observationibus superstructæ, et a viris critica artis peritissimis admissæ et pro veris agnitæ.... Nemo itaque verbum Dei se defendere ideo jactet, quia textum Elzevirianum tuetur. Nam æquo jure ii, qui manuscriptorum codicum textum defendunt, dicere possunt, verbi divini integritatem a se propugnari contra corruptorum interpolationes. Si verbum Dei salvum esse non potest, nisi salvo textu Stephanico aut Elzeviriano, ubi, quæso, erat verbum Dei ante procuratas istas editiones? Immo ubi fuit ante tempora Erasmi et Complutensium? Nusquam profecto istis temporibus reperiebatur nisi in iis ipsis codicibus vetustis.. Verbum Dei manet in æternum! Nec incertum fit studiis criticorum moderatorum atque piorum, qui unice id agunt, ut Deo auxiliante, quam possunt maxime, verbum divinum reddant certissimum.

Banaras, 12th June, 1840.


NOTES BY T. S.-As it seems exceedingly desirable that the matter of the Urdu version of the New Testament should here cease and determine, I have been asked by the Editors of the Observer with consent of the writer of this paper to append to it a note. I have only to state four propositions.

1. The Translator has not shewn and cannot possibly shew that the MSS. A. and C. make for the omission of the verses John viii. 1-12.

2. According to his own principle expressed in his first paper, that not the number but the antiquity of MSS. proves any thing, he ought to admit the passage on the single authority of the Codex D. seeing that it is admitted by all but unanimous consent to be the oldest MS. extant.

3. The Translator has not attempted to vindicate Griesbach's giving T. as one of the MSS. that make against the passage, which I have asserted to be "utterly unfair."

4. The Translator has not ventured to allude to my remarks on his statement as to the connection of the passage.

The vindication by the translator of his misquotation and misapplication of Scripture savours more of the school of Semler and De Wette than of that of Tholuck. Regarding the principle of accommodation I beg to be permitted to recommend to his most careful perusal some brief remarks by Moses Stuart at the conclusion of his letters to Dr. Channing.

VOL. 1.

3 G



"It is Christ that is risen again who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us. Who shall separate us from the love of Christ ?" Rom. viii. 34,35.

THOUGH clothed in majesty and might,
And circled by celestial light,
God rests upon his holy throne-
Blest thought! he rests not there alone;
On his right hand a throne of gold
Is held by one of mortal mould,
Who bends in love a listening ear
The melodies of Heaven to hear.
Yet calm his brow, and still his eye,
Familiar sounds that minstrelsy;
For well he knows that bliss inspires
The music of those angel choirs.

But hark! a mourner's cries ascend
To him, our Saviour and our Friend.
Forward he bends-a Brother's eye
Looks from the glory seat on high,
And in a lowly cot he sees

A weeping sinner on his knees;
Mid all the burst of heavenly song
Raised by the "bright angelic" throng,
That still small voice of newborn love
Sounds sweetest in the realms above.

Soon Jesu leaves his lofty seat
And kneels before his Father's feet;
For every lamb his Spirit feeds,
The watchful Shepherd swiftly pleads;
"Father of light, of love, of hope,
Another wandering sheep is brought
Within Christ's Fold, his pardon seal,
The sorrowing mourner's doom repeal.
The Father smiles! the mandate's given
To light with joy the halls of heaven.
Sun, moon and stars, creation's train,
Swell with their song the holy strain.
Sin tainted mortals! can ye hear
Man's soul is held in heaven so dear
That hallowed Spirits bless the hour
It yields beneath redeeming power,
And yet cold as the darksome grave,
Forget ye have these souls to save ?
Think, O but for a moment think,
While yet ye're hovering on life's brink;
Probe deep your hearts with searching eye,
For time fast nears eternity.

And if the canker worm within

Still holds you in the bonds of sin,

June 6th, 1840.

Burst from its fetters--rend its chain-
Be free-and call on Jesu's name.
O'er flowery paths, o'er fields of light
His Spirit e'er will guide ye right;
Each cloud of sin shall flee away
Before the dawning star of day.
And bright as yonder setting sun,
Whose measured course of glory's run,
A radiance o'er thy path shall shine,
Brightening as thy days decline.

So shall the Christian's hour of rest
Be bless'd in Thee-Sun of the blest!
And long thy glorious rays shall light
The regions where shall end his flight.

Missionary and Religious Entelligence.


Since our last the following movements have taken place in the Missionary circle. The Rev. F. Wybrow and Mrs. Wybrow have left Calcutta for Goruckpore, the Rev. J. Wilkinson at that station being obliged to seek for health in a change of clime. We sincerely regret Mr. Wybrow's departure from Calcutta. The Rev. W. Glen has left for his station at Moorshedabad. May the Lord bless him in his work. -The Rev. Geo. Pickance, formerly of the General Baptist Communion, is a candidate for holy orders in the Episcopal Church.


The general impression is that Hinduism is Anti-missionary and unambitious of conversions. This may be applicable to the system but certainly not to individuals. The bráhmans have ever been zealously employed in propagating their tenets amongst the numerous hill tribes of India, and in many instances with complete success. Their efforts and success are much more extensive than we are at present aware of, and it behoves Christian people to be up and doing amongst the hill people before they be converted from Deism to the idolatries of the country. The last and most novel movement on the part of the Hindu is that of the Vedists. They have, we understand, determined to send out Missionaries to preach the doctrines of the Vedas amongst the people. They also design to establish a páṭshálá for the vernaculars in which the Vedas shall alone be taught. This even is good; it will serve to set the lethargic minds of the people at work-which is a great end gained.


The number of well-educated and wealthy Hindu youth in and about Calcutta is now very considerable, and the question which seriously suggests itself to a reflecting mind is, what part will they enact in the promotion of their country's welfare when they attain to the rights of manhood and heirship. This is a far more serious matter than it may

appear to a superficial observer. These young men will in a few years be the leading members of society-how will they lead it? They will not, cannot follow in the footsteps of their less educated and more idolatrous fathers. They will doubtless aspire after the character of liberals; they will seek to imitate the habits of the western aristocracy-we would fain hope their virtues. The circles into which they have been thrown however almost destroys that hope. Gambling, horse-racing, dinners, inebriation, and the like, are, we fear, too inti mately bound up with their western associations to leave much room for the hope that they will be found taking the lead or even aiding others in effecting practical reform in Hindu Society. We would, if it were possible, warn the rising race of Hindu gentlemen to eschew the associations of dissipated and infidel Europeans, strive to leave the low pleasures of even civilized lands for the higher walks of usefulness, and the more improving and healthful connection of those who are in many ways proving themselves the friends of India.


This document, so long sought by the press, has at length made its appearance. We propose to analyze it for our next issue. In the mean time we would remark that it contains enough to startle even legislators bent on the revival of the slave-trade, and develops the evils connected with the traffic in such a way as to induce in our minds the impression that if its statements be fairly weighed, India will not be a nursery for the future vassals of British slave colonies. We pray that England may not add to the evils already inflicted on her colonies the additional one of serving the justly-blighted interests of a mere handful of monied oppressors, by enslaving the before happy and free though poor hill tribes of India.

5.-EFFORTS FOR THE ABOLITION OF THE CHARAK. When the abominations of the Charak are before us, all are agog for its abolition; but no sooner have its sights and sounds passed away than it is forgotten until another year revives our feelings and strengthens our resolutions. So has it been with other years; we trust it will not be so with this. Let the friends of humanity collect information form every quarter on the subject, and hand it over to those interested in the matter, and it will then be likely to assume a more tangible form. We understand a Committee has been formed in Calcutta for this purpose, to whom we shall be happy to forward any documents or facts on the subject.


The Old Testament Scriptures in Persian so long under translation by Mr. Glen of Astrachan are now completed and in process of printing. Mr. G. has repaired to Tabreez for this purpose, that he may avail himself of the aid of the best Persian scholars in carrying the work through the press.

7.-THE MONTHLY MISSIONARY PRAYER MEETING was held at the Baptist Chapel, Intally, last month. The address delivered by Dr. Duff was characterized by his usual energy and eloquence. The points primarily adverted to were the present state of society in Britain-the influence of infidelity, politics and popery on the masses; and the blessed effects of revivals-a most interesting and stirring account of which was afforded by the Reverend speaker, who had been an eye and ear-witness of some of the recent revivals in Scot

land. The address was listened to by a deeply attentive and crowded audience with the most intense interest.


It is with the sincerest regret we announce that Popery is successfully cheating nominal Protestants to give it their support to gain ascendancy once more over the minds of men, which it most assuredly has, for during the last month we have read that many of the leading members of professedly Protestant principles have subscribed to a fund for the establishment of an Ursuline Nunnery in Calcuttaamongst whom are to be found members of council, judges, church officers and other equally prominent members of Society. Surely this is one of the signs of the times, and one too that should set all sincere Christians a thinking, and make them unite against the common enemy of heavenly truth. But not only have we to regret the spread of the influence of Popery, but also the appearance and advocacy of its twin sister, Puseyism. This Protestant-Popery has found its way to India, and advocates, we fear have sprung up for it in the very fountain of episcopal learning. Feasts and fast-days, rites, ceremonies, and externals are being put in comparison with the great truths of our holy faith. The fathers are added to the authority of Scripture, and the fundamental principle of the Reformation, the Scriptures the only rule of the Christian faith, sapped to its very base. May there not be wanting men who shall be valiant to defend Christ's truth, both from the open assaults of Popery without, and the insidious attempts to bring the Protestant church into the bondage of Popery within. The Bishop of Calcutta deserves thanks at the hands of the whole church, for his lucid and firm expose of the errors which are mixed up with this new form of Popery. It is to be found in his last charge and will well repay a careful perusal. Our contemporary the Intelligencer republished it in his last issue.


The whole of the expedition destined for war with China has arrived in safety at Singapore. The casualties had been few; the troops were well and in high spirits. Nothing definite had transpired as to the destination of the expedition: all is mystery as yet. Our hope for the speedy and bloodless termination of the threatening war is alone in God.


The meeting of the above Society for reading the report of the Committee for the last three or four years, was held at the Town Hall on Saturday the 6th of June. Sir E. Ryan presided and read the Report. We gather from the speeches delivered on the occasion, that the Society has risen from its slumbers and is now about to take the lead in providing instruction for the youth of India-a resolution curious enough, since there are other societies in the field. While this has slumbered and slept others have endeavoured to provide school-books from which the Gospel shall not be excluded and references to Christianity systematically opposed. The meeting itself beyond the reading of the Report and a very high eulogy passed by Sir E. Ryan on the late indefatigable Secretary, Rev. W. H. Pearce, was destitute of interest as it regards the grand theme of educating the natives of this country;-the report of the meeting at least consists of little beyond a few complimentary resolutions and speeches.


During the last few months several vernacular schools have been established by wealthy Baboos in different parts of the presidency, and some

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