N T O JOHN CARIEL WORSLEY, Efq; LATE PRESIDENT OF THE ACADEMY IN WARRINGTO N. SIR, T HIS work having been undertaken principally with the design of assisting the Students at Warrington in acquiring a just and graceful Elocution, I feel a peculiar propriety in addreffing it to you, as a public acknowledgment of the steady support which you have given to this Inftitution, and the important fervices which you have rendered it. In this Seminary, which was at first eftablished, and has been uniformly conducted, on the extenfive plan of providing a proper course of Inftruction for young men in the most useful branches of Science and Literature, you have seen many respectable characters formed, who are now filling up their tations in fociety with reputation to 4021 ·325 .12 (RCPXR) themselves and advantage to the Public. WHEN this, this little group their country calls And light up glory thro' her wide domain ; I am, With fincere Refpect and Gratitude, DEAR SIR, Your much obliged, and most obedient Servant, WILLIAM ENFIELD. UCH declamation has been employed to convince the world of a very plain MR truth, that to be able to speak well is an ornamental and useful accomplishment. Without the laboured panegyrics of ancient or modern orators, the importance of a good elocution is fuf ficiently obvious. Every one will acknowledge it to be of fome confequence, that what a man has hourly occafion to do, fhould be done well. Every private company, and almost every public affembly affords opportunities of remarking the difference between a juft and graceful, and a a 3 faulty |