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as not Paul, but the Lord that opens the eyes, and turns men; yet the Lord fent Paul to do it, and furely the Lord enabled him, by his Spirit and power, to do what he fent him to do.

Object. But though it is not here particularly expressed, yet it may be implied or intended. Or if this commiffion did not reach to him, the former apoftolic commission would, he being made fo extraordinary an apostle. Or at least it would reach him as a teaching difciple; for he that bath ́authority to teach the nations, bath alfo authority to baptize them.

Anfw. No, Paul neither by this commiffion, nor by the apoftolic commiffion, nor by his discipleship, had any authority or miffion from God to baptize, if ye take baptifmn in this place for baptizing with outward water, as he himself exprefly faith, Chrift fent me not to baptize (fpeaking of waterbaptifm), but to preach the gospel, i Cor. i. 17. Ñay, he thanks God that he baptized none of them, to his remembrance, but Crifpus, Gaius, and the houfhold of Stephanus, ver. 14. 16. Now if he had looked upon waterbaptifm as Chrift's ordinance, and as the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jefus, would he thank God he had obeyed it no more?

Object. But he gives the reafon of that, left any should fay he had baptized in bis own name.

Anfw. Why, perfons might fay he preached in his own name, yet that would not have excufed him from preaching. No more would mens faying he baptized in his own name, excufe him from baptizing, if water baptifm had been Chrift's command and ordinance.

The laft place he brings to prove water-baptifm to be the law of the Spirit of life in Chrift Jefus, is Mark xvi. 16. He that believeth, and is baptized, fhall be faved; but he that believeth not, shall be damned.

Reply, This fheweth the neceffity of the gospel-baptifm, but this doth not exprefs which the gofpel-baptifm is, whether an inward or outward washing. We know, having been taught by the Lord, that there is no falvation without inward washing, which is alfo very demonftrable to others; but God forbid that all fhould be damned, that are not baptized with outward water.

He faith, This law was confirmed by them that had the Spirit-baptifm, being commanded to be obeyed by them that had the Spirit, Acts x. 47, 48.

Reply, That Peter did command perfons to be baptized with water, and that John's baptifm, or water-baptifm, was made use of in those days, and that John had it from God, and that it was done in God's name, this is not denied; but that water-baptifm was Chrift's baptifm, or the gofpel-baptism, this place doth not prove.

He faith further, The kind of this baptism is water-baptism, bringing Mat. iii. 16. and Acts viii. 38, 39. to prove it.

Reply, Matt. iii. 16. only proves that Chrift was baptized with water, but doth not prove that water-baptifm is the gospel-baptifm. If I could prove by scripture exprefly, that Chrift was circumcifed, yet that would not


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prove that therefore that was to be the gofpel-circumcifion. So though it be manifeft, that Chrift was baptized by John, with his water-baptifm, yet that doth not at all prove that John's water-baptifm is Chrift's golpelbaptifm. The end of John's baptizing with water was, that Chrift might be made manifeft, John i. 31. And when he is made manifest (when he who is the word, who is the life, is made manifeft, 1 John i. 1, 2.), then men must come to him, to be baptized by him with his baptifm, which is with the Holy Ghost, and with fire, Matt. iii. 11. or with the Spirit of judgement and burning, Ife. iv. 4

That other place of Ats viii. 38, 39. doth not at all prove that waterbaptifm is the gofpel-baptifm, but only that Philip did baptize the Eunuch with water, which is not a thing denied by us. Yea, what if I fhould grant, that the Lord did honour it as much as any fhadow, or more than other fhadows, by letting it have a longer time, and otherwife; yet that will not prove it to be Chrift's baptifm, or a golpel-ordinance. And if men do take it up in tenderness of fpirit, bowing to the Lord, it is fo much the better; yet it is not easy to believe that all do fo; and thofe that do fo, may err in their judgments, notwithstanding; though I am perfuaded, the Lord is tender to perfons that do things in tenderness of heart to him, notwithstanding fome error or mistake in their judgments.

Query 2. What is it that is to be washed in the gospel-fate? Is it the outward or inward man? And what is the inward man to be washed with?

Anfw. His answer is, it is the body, the whole man or woman to go into the water, in the name of the Father, Son, and Spirit; fo that the foul comes to be fanctified by the word and Spirit. For the proof of which he quotes, John viii. 32. and chap. xv. 3. Reply, That the whole body was to go into the water, according to John's baptifm, is granted; but that this is the gospel-baptifm, or Chrift's baptifm, is denied by us. It is the inward Jew that is to be washed in the gofpel-ftate, and is inward water, fpiritual water, that he is to be washed with. pray confider that fcripture seriously (and the Lord give you the true understanding thereof), Zech. xiii. 1. Doth not that fcripture fpeak of the gofpel-ftate? What fountain is it that is opened in the golpel-ftare? Is it an outward fountain of outward waters, which is opened for fin and for uncleanness, to wash it away? The Lord knoweth of what nature fin is, and with what water it is to be washed away, and therefore openeth that foun tain in the house of David in the gospel-ftate, which is proper to wash it away with. What is the house of David? Who is the Jew in the gospelftate? What is the tabernacle or house of David that is raifed up then? What is the fountain that is opened there for fin, and for uncleannels? Can fin be washed away from any heart and confcience, but by the water of this fountain? And is not the gospel-baptifm with this water? Do not those that are washed with this water feel the true washing, and know it certainly, evidently, infallibly, in the demonftration of God's Spirit, to be the true


baptifm; not the figurative outward washing of the body, but the real inward washing of the foul? There is the washing of regeneration, Tit. iii. 5. which is with that which regenerates, which the water of the fountain of life and holiness doth, which God opens in the heart, and washeth the foul with, and causeth the foul to wash in; but the outward water, which washeth the outward body, hath no fuch nature or virtue in it, nor ever was appointed by God to produce any fuch effect. That the foul is fanctified by the word and Spirit, is granted: but that the foul is not fanctified by the word and Spirit, unless the body is washed with outward water, that is denied; and the fcriptures afore-mentioned by him, of John viii. 32. and chap. xv. 3. do not at all prove any fuch thing. Now the gospel-obedience is to Chrift's baptifm, not to John's baptifm. And the foul that is fubject to Chrift's baptifm, doth not live in difobedience, for not taking up John's baptifm; which God doth not allow him to do; but in the gofpel-state, every one is to hear the Son, the Shepherd of the foul, and follow him the fubftance, and not Mofes's circumcifion or John's baptifm.

Query 3. What is washed away by the gospel-baptifm? Is it the filth of the outward body or flesh? Or the filth of the foul? And with what water is the filth of the foul to be washed away?

Anfw. Sin is washed away by the gospel-baptifm: for the proof whereof he quotes, Acts xxii. 16. Rom. vi. 17, 18.

Reply, Thus far we agree, that fin is washed away by the gospel-baptism; but what that baptifm is which washeth away fin, herein we greatly differ. He affirmeth it to be outward water, and the washing of the outward man therewith. I affirm it to be inward water, from the inward holy fountain which God opens in the house of David, whereby the foul and confcience is washed from fin, and from uncleannefs. That place of Acts xxii. 16. speaks of Paul's being baptized, and washing away his fins; but doth not fay, that outward washing the body with outward water is the washing away of fins; but bids him wash away his fins, calling on the name of the Lord. And thus the washing away of fins is at this day experienced. The Lord manifefts fin, turns the mind against it, and caufeth a cry to the Lord, and then the Lord opens the fountain, caufeth the pure water to flow, which the foul is washed with; and fo far as it is washed therewith, it is clean in the fight of God, and hath the inward fenfe of its cleannefs from the Lord. Yet that there was a figurative washing away of fins by John's baptifm, I do not deny; for it was unto repentance, and they thereby profeffed repentance, and were to bring forth fruits meet for repentance, Matt. iii. 8. Nor doth that other place (Rom. vi. 17, 18.) prove, that washing the body with outward water wafheth away fin, or maketh free from fin; but that which makes free from fin, is the power, virtue, and life of truth felt in the heart, washing and cleanfing it. It is receiving the truth in the love of it, and being moulded into the nature of it, believing it in the evidence and demonstration of God's Spirit, and obeying it in the obedience of the new

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nature, mind, and Spirit. And the answer of a good confcience comes from the inward baptifm, from the washing which the apoftle calls antiter the anti-type, 1 Peter iii. 21. which baptifm is not the washing away the filth of the flesh or body; but an inward baptifm, which fo wafheth inwardly, that the answer of a good confcience is prefently felt, in the fight and prefence of God. And then the foul knows what water it was wafhed with, which was able to produce, and did produce this effect.

He faith, And thus it appears; Firft it takes off disobedience.

Reply, What is it takes off disobedience? The truth as it is in Jefus, the life and power of truth, felt and working in the heart, deftroys the dif obedient nature, and takes away the difobedience thereof; but outward washing of the body doth not, though men may apprehend there is an cutward command for it, and judge they do it in obedience to that outward command. But obedience is from true understanding of the mind and will of God, and from that holy light of his Spirit wherein the holy underftanding is given. And in this obedience the Lord's juftification is witneffed; which is not witneffed in the other; I mean in that which men call obedience to that which they account a literal command, according to their conceivings and apprehenfions.

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Secondly, As it leads perfons unto Chrift; for which he quotes, Rom. vi. 2, 3. Gal. iii. 27.

Reply, That which leads unto Chrift, and into the truth as it is in him, the children of the new covenant know, who are drawn by the Father, and are taught and learn of him to come to the Son, John vi. 44, 45. And how can we give that honour to John's baptifm, or outward washing the body, which belongs to the Father, and his powerful Spirit? To be baptized into Chrift is a great thing. To be buried with Chrift by baptifm into death, is a precious ftate, and effected by the inward work of the Spirit in the heart, working against fin, working the mind out of fin, into the nature, Spirit, and life of Chrift. And the being baptized into Chrift, is the real putting on Chrift. It is the effect of knowing the truth as it is in Jefus, which caufeth the putting off of the old man, and the renewing in the Spirit of the mind, and putting on the new, Ephef. iv. 22, 23, 24. But John's baptifm, or the washing the body with outward water, doth none of these things, but is only a type or reprefentation of what is done in and by the inward baptifm.

He adds further, And fo the foul receives Chrift in his prophetical and priestly office; fo by Christ we are delivered from all filthiness of flesh and spirit, that we may perfect boliness in the fear of God.

Reply, The kingdom of Chrift is fpiritual, the kingdom of Chrift is within, and he that would truly know him as he is king, prophet, and priest, must hear his knocks, know his voice, open to him, and let him in, and then he will manifest himself there, and the soul shall know what he is, even his king, priest, and prophet, and feel him exercifing all these holy


offices, in the authority and power of his Father, in the heart. This is precious knowledge indeed. Yea, he fhail know him with his fan in his hand, thoroughly purging his floor from all unbelief, from all disobedience, from all chaffinefs and earthlinefs; yea, from all filthiness of flesh and fpirit; for his fan turns against them all, and his Spirit of judgment and burning flames inwardly against them all; and as they are confumed and burnt up, the pure fear of the Lord is increased in the heart, wherein holinefs is begun, and at length perfected, by the thorough circumcifion and baptifm of the Spirit. But the Corinthians were not cleanfed from all filthinefs of flesh and spirit by water-baptifm, but were afterwards exhotred by Paul to do it.

Query 4. What water is it that the inward Ifrael shall be sprinkled with, that they may be clean? Is it not inward water, Spiritual water? And can any be clean or baptized in the fight of God, that are not baptized with this water, wherewith God Sprinkleth and washeth his spiritual and inward Ifrael ?

Anfw. Baptifm is not fprinkling, nor fo rendered by the Spirit, but baptize; baptize is to dip or put into the water.

Reply, When God fprinkleth his inward Ifrael, with the water which he hath promised to sprinkle with, he doth fufficiently cleanse them; for whom the Lord fprinkleth with this water, they are cleansed thereby, Ezek. xxxvi. 25. And this relates to the gospel-ftate; for a new heart is immediately promised, ver. 26. which is the promise of the gospel-covenant. And the blood of fprinkling in the new-covenant doth fufficiently wash and cleanse, Heb. xii. 24. Rev. i. 5. fprinkling and dipping are but figures; but they are both comprehended in the fubftance, which we should wait inwardly to feel and experience. The water which Chrift speaks of, John iii. 5. (which place he quotes) is not outward, but of the fame nature with the Spirit, whereof the foul is washed and born again, and rifeth up in the new life with Chrift.

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He faith, The inward fits for the outward.

Reply, It is true, John's baptifm did require inward qualifications (inwhich respect it went beyond circumcifion), and fo where thofe qualifications were found, who could forbid water? But Chrift's baptifm, the baptifm with Spirit and fire to purify the mind and burn up the drofs, is of an higher miniftration, and a far more glorious baptifm than that, Matt. iii. 11. He fhall baptize you: you, what you? You whom I have baptized with water. So that thofe whom he had baptized to repentance, he tells of another baptism, a more glorious baptifm than his, which happy are they that wait for, and feel accomplished in them.

Query 5. What is the gospel-circumcifion? Is it not an inward and spiritual circumcifion? and is not the circumcising knife, wherewith the inward Ifrael is circumcifed, inward. and Spiritual? And is not the gospel-baptifm, wherewith the inward Ifrael is washed, as inward and spiritual as the gospel-circumcifion?


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