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the way of the cross. The power of blessing such crucifixes is obtained from the Pope, and always for a certain number, and on the following conditions, viz. that the privilege of gaining the Indulgences of the Way of the cross in this manner ceases, or is suspended, when the person can go to perform this devotion where it is established, whereas it is evidently granted only to those who cannot go to perform it.

Pius VI, granted that the Way of the Cross may be erected by those who have permission, not only in Churches and public Chapels but in private ones, in the smallest Oratories, and even in private rooms, in order that those who have a lively faith and devotion towards the passion of Christ may gain all the advantages attached to this ho ly.practice.

The following form of offering our actions in the morning was composed by blessed Leónard.

O eternal God! behold me prostrate before the throne of thy divine majesty; with humble and profound adoration, I offer thee all my thoughts words and actions of this day, I am determined to do every thing for thy love, and glory; to accomplish thy divine will, to serve thee, to praise and bless thee, with a view to obtain light in the mysteries of faith, to secure my salvation and to exercise hope in thy mercy, to satisfy thy divine justice for so many

enormous sins which I have committed, to relieve the suffering souls in purgatory, to obtain the grace of true conversion for all sinners; in a word, I wish this day to perform all my actions in union with those pure intentions which Jesus and Mary and all the saints in heaven had in this life, as well as with those of all the just on earth. I could wish to seal this intention with my blood, and to renew it every moment of my existence, as well as during eternity. O my God! accept of these desires, give me thy divine blessing, with an efficacious grace never to fall into mortal sin, but grant it to me particularly this day on which I desire to gain all the Indulgences which it will be possible for me to gain, to assist at all the masses which will be celebrated all over the world, and to obtain thereby relief for the souls in purgatory, that they may be delivered from their sufferings. Amen.


A method of hearing Mass devoutly, composed by blessed Leónard, Missionary Apostolic of the order of St. Francis, who died in the year 1750. Translated from the Italian of St. Alphonsus de Ligorio, by his Eminence Cardinal Galefi.

This method of hearing mass is recommended to the public for two reasons: 1st, because being the work of a saint, it may be reasonably supposed that particular graces are annexed to it; 2nd, because Pius VI, after approving of it and recommending it to the faithful, granted an Indulgence of 300 days as often as they would assist at mass in this manner. Leonard was beatified

by this Pope in 1797.

A few Reflections on the Mass.

Mass is the most sacred and solemn act of religion that man can perform, it being the renewal of the sacrifice which Jesus Christ offered upon the cross: the only difference is the manner of offering. It is that which most glorifies God, and which most promotes our own eternal interests; it is that first and most necessary act of religion, by which we acknowledge God's supreme dominion It consists in over us, and our total dependence on him. the oblation of a victim by a lawful minister and in a change being made in that victim, to acknowledge the dominion of God over all his creatures. supreme mass, Jesus Christ is the victim: the Priest as the visible and Jesus Christ as the invisible minister makes the oblation of this victim to the Eternal Father, on behalf of

In the

being careful that your exterior corresponds with the sentiments of your heart, pray as follows.-

O my God, I adore and acknowledge thee as my Lord and Sovereign Master: I confess that all that I am, and all that I have, are the gratuitous gifts of thy boundless liberality; but whereas thy sovereign majesty deserves an infinite homage, which my extreme poverty and misery render me incapable of offering, I offer thee the humiliation and the homage which thou receivest from Jesus Christ upon this altar. I prostrate and humble myself with Jesus before thy supreme Majesty. I adore thee with the same sentiments of humiliation as my Jesus does, and I rejoice with all my soul in seeing thee thus infinitely honoured for me by thy most blessed Son.

Here you may close the book, and continue to form interior acts of joy at the infinite honour which Jesus Christ gives to his Eternal Father: repeat also at intervals the following or any similar aspiration.

Yes, my God, my soul exults in the infinite honour which this adorable sacrifice offers to thy sovereign greatness. My joy and satisfaction are inexpressible.

Do not, however confine yourself to a scrupulous repetition of the same words, but give free scope to the sentiments which your devotion may suggest, while you are

united in a spirit of recollection with your God.. Thus you will discharge the first obligation.


You are indebted to God for many great and signal graces and innumerable benefits which he has bestowed upon you. Offer him, therefore in thanksgiving this gift of infinite value, the adorable body and the precious blood of Jesus Christ. Invite all the angels and saints in heaven to join you, and for this end pray in the following


O my God! and sovereign benefactor, who hast loved me so tenderly and so perseveringly, and whose infinite charity no efforts of mine could ever repay, behold me prostrate before thee, laden with the innumerable benefits with which thou hast enriched me in time, independent of those reserved for me in eternity. I acknowledge these mercies, these great, infinite, unmerited, and unceasing benefits, the very least of which I am unworthy to receive, as well as unable to repay. However, I am enabled by thyself to testify my gratitude, and to present thee a sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving fully proportioned to the greatest of thy gifts. Receive, O Lord, this adorable victim, who is God equal to thee; receive this pure and spotless host, which I present thee,

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