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ABSOLUTION OF шe church, heresy to
deny it, 551.

Adam, how many generations we are
probably removed from him, 95, 96.
Adoption, what it is, 41.
Etius, 472.

Alcoran, it teacheth that God hath no
Son, 207.

Almighty, the notion of it, 63. Three
degrees of God's Almighty power, 64.
How some extend the word Almighty, 68.
A distinction between the first and second
Almighty in the Creed, 69. 429.

Anabaptists of Flanders, their heresy,


Angels created, 75.

Anointing, the use and design of it, 123.
Anointings under the law typified that of
Christ, 141. The Jews' anointing oil was
hid in the days of Josiah, 149. Christ
was anointed with the Holy Ghost, 150.
This proved to be a proper and sufficient
unction, 152, 153. Where see the gene-
ral reasons for anointing.

Anomeans, 472.
Antidicomarianitæ, 264.
Apelles, 409.

Apollinarians, 244. 263.285. 358-360.
Arians, 47. 203. 244. 285. 358. 472.
Aristotle, his maxim, That out of no-
thing nothing can be produced, refuted,


Ascension, that Christ ascended not
into heaven till after his resurrection,
proved, 164. The effects of his ascension,
410, 411.

Assent, what it is, 2.
Augustine, St. his wish, 16.

Authority, of testimony, wherein it con-
sisteth, 4, 5.

Baptism, available for the remission of
all sins before it, 549.

Basilides, 280. 307.

Belief, general notion of it, 2. 5, 6.—
of the heart, 17.

What it is to believe, 17.

To believe in, whence this phrase had
its original, and what it implies, 22, 23.

Bonosus, 264.
Buddas, 97, 98.

Burial, not allowed by the Roman laws
to persons crucified, 330. Reasons of our
Saviour's burial, with the manner of it,
329, 330. Grounds for decent burial of
all Christians, 338.

Calvin, his explication of Christ's de-
scent into hell, 348.

Catechising before Easter very ancient,
and the reason of it, 17, &c.

Catholic. The general meaning of the
word, and the particular sense of it when
applied to the church, 516-518.

Wherein its catholicism consisteth, 520,


Cerdon, 98. 243. 280.

Chaldeans, their forged accounts of
time, 89.

Chaldee paraphrase. See Word of

Charity, motive to it, 536.

Christ, the signification of that name,
121. The Jews expected Christ, and
upon what grounds, 123. The time of
his coming ascertained, 125, 126. To
what end Christ was anointed, for what
offices, in what manner, 141–154. That
Christ had a real existence in heaven
before he was born of the Virgin, proved,
163-173. Christ the true God, 197,
&c. How Christ is born in us, 255.

Church, what it is in the language of
the New Testament, 504-509. The au-
thor's definition of it, 511. Why called
holy, 513. In what persons this holiness
is really inherent, 514, 515. Necessity of
believing in the holy catholic church, 522,


Clergy, constantly repeated the Creed
to the people, 20.

To Communicate with sinners in that
which is no sin, is lawful, 532.

Communication of the Divine essence
from the Father to the Son, 203-210.
From the Father and the Son to the Holy
Ghost, 483.

Communion of saints with God and an.

gels, 530-532. With one another on
earth, 532, 533. Of saints on earth with
saints departed, 533. How saints com-
municate with hypocrites, 532.

Bears wit-

Confession of the mouth, 18. Neces-
sity of it, 19. Practice of it useful, 20.
Every one obliged to it, ib.
Conscience, twofold, 441.
ness to the being of God, 32.
Contradiction, how an action may im-
ply it, 432.

Creation, the oldest poets and philoso-
phers taught it, 77. Some in after ages
denied it upon weak arguments, 78. which
are there set down. Creation defined, 80.
Why attributed to the Father, 99. What
uses may be raised from the doctrine of
the creation, ib. Two ways whereby
heretics elude the force of those scriptures
which ascribe the creation to Christ, 173.

Creature, God cannot receive any real
benefit from it, 67. How then hath he
made all things for himself? See 67, 68.
Every creature is good, 96. A new crea-
ture and new creation, what, 175.

Credible, credibility, what it is, 4.
Creed, whence so called, 1. A three-
fold signification of it, 1, 2. Recited at
baptism, 19. We believe what it con-
tains no otherwise than as we find it in
the Scriptures, 344.

Cross, the form of it, 308. The ascer-
bity and ignominy of it, 312.

Crucified, that the Messias was to be,
301, &c. Multitudes of Jews crucified
by the Romans, 317.

Crucifixion forbidden by the Christian
emperors, 307. The death of slaves only,


David, Christ himself so called, and
wby, 233. 421. Throne of David, how
continued for evermore, 421.

Days of Christ's death, how made out
to be three, 394, 395.

Dead. Jews never burnt the bodies of
their dead, 329. Romans and Grecians
did, 338. Why they left this custom off,

Death, what it is, 321. Death of Christ
necessary for more ends than one, 329.
How Christ destroys the power of death,
424, 425.

Descent into hell, understood by some
of Christ's burial only, 343. Three scrip-
tures of greatest validity to prove Christ's
real descent into hell, 344-347. Va-
rious opinions about it, 347. The most
received and reasonable notion of it, 355,
&c. The end and design of it, 362. 378.
Devotion, a proper motive to it, 437.
Divinity of Christ proved, 182, &c.
The identity of it with that of the Father,
187. 192. 202. He has it, not of himself,
but by communication from the Father,

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Faith, the object of it, 2, 7. The act
of faith must be applied to the object, ac-
cording to the nature of it, 511.

Human faith, what it is, 5.
Divine faith, what it is, 7, 8.

How to come at the right notion of
faith, 9.

Definition of the apostolic faith, 13.
Another definition of Christian faith, 17.
Faith, i. e. affiance in God, the grounds
of it, 436.

Father, heathens worshipped God as
such, 38. Why God is so called, 38, 39.
Necessity of believing in God as our Fa-
ther, 42. It is a reason for our imitation
of God, 44. Why Christ says your, but
never our Father, 46. God is called Fa-
ther in the Creed, with respect chiefly to
Christ, 45. How many ways he is the
Father of Christ, 48. Father denotes
priority, and how, 50. 53. 482. Proper
notion of the Father, 59.

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His operations, 480. How he is distin-
guished from the Father and the Son, 480.
Proved to proceed from the Father and
the Son, 483. The Greek and Latin
churches reconciled about this procession,
484. The occasion of their difference
here-about, which ended in a schism,
486. Holy Ghost, why called holy, 488.
His offices, 489, &c.

Glaucias, 307.

God, his knowledge, wisdom, justice,
holiness, 7, 8. How God's omnipotence
consists with his holiness and truth, 8.
Notion and name of God, 25.
His ex-
istence, 27. How known to us, ibid.
God proved to have no beginning, 28,
29. No nation without its God, 30. All
creatures depend on God, 31. A two-fold
necessity to believe a God, 33. Unity
of God proved, 34. A twofold necessity
to believe this unity, 35, 36.

God, taken absolutely, how to be un-
derstood, 60. Often of Christ, 194-197.

Goodness of God infinite, how it con-
sists with it to defer the creation so long
as he did, 86, 87.

Guilt, what it is, 539.

Hades. See Hell, $62.

Happiness of God, not to be augmented
or diminished by the creatures, 86.
Happiness, eternal, wherein consists,
586, 587.

Heathen, begun every action in the
name of God, 22. Their opinions of the
duration of the world, 75, 76. 85, &c.

Heaven and earth, in what latitude
taken, 71, 72.

Three heavens, and how different in
glory, 75.

Christ ascended into the highest hea-
ven, 409.

Hebrew, no single word in it which
signifies the world, 73.

Hell, how Christ descended into it, 347,
&c. Why he could not suffer the pains
of it, 348, 349. Hell sometimes put for
the grave, 350, $51. What the ancients
understood by it, 362. Our church's opi-
nion concerning what Christ did in hell,
374. How Christ destroys the powers
of hell, 424.

Helvidius, 264. 267.
Heracleon, 98. 243.

Heretics, who taught there were two
gods, one the author of good, the other of
evil, 96, 97.

Hermiani, 410. 574.
Hermogenes, 241, 242.

Holiness, what it denotes when ap-
plied to persons or things, 534. Motives
to holiness, 529.

Holy. See Ghost, church, saints.

Holy of holies, was to the Jews an em-
blem of the highest heavens, 405.

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Light, Christ so called from the per-
spicuity of his doctrine, 130.

Limbus Patrum, whether Christ deli-
vered souls out of that place, 373.

Lord, determinately used for Christ in
the New Testament, 220. But some-
times used for men both in the Old and
New Testament, 221. How the Greek
and Hebrew words for Lord correspond,
221-223. Christ is Lord, as that word
is the interpretation of the name Jehovah,
proved, 225-228. How and in what
respect Christ is Lord, 250, 251. How
many ways he hath a right to be our
Lord, 233.

Lucanus, 243.

Macedonians, their heresy, 472. 486.
Mahometans keep their sabbath on Fri-
day the sixth day of the week, and why,


Manes, 97, 98.
Marcion, 97. 243.
Marcosians, 243.

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