Imágenes de páginas

specimens of wild plants and preserve them in water; or, what is better when practicable, take them up bodily with the roots and plant them in pots. From these, separate and careful studies may be made, which will prove to be an excellent preparation for more extensive practice when drawing them collectively in their natural state, as seen on the common, under the hedges, or in shady lanes. We cannot here refrain from expressing regret that we are limited in these lessons to form only, since so much is gained by colour in the general effect of ground plants. If we reflect for a moment upon the infinite variety of growth they exhibit upon the flowers whose brilliant colours, blue, red-and yellow, and sparkling whitecrop up from amongst greens of every hue, we must confess that we should be very glad, were it possible, if we could take up the palette as well as the pencil, and by introducing our pupils to these additional charms, give them another sensation besides that which is produced by form only; but, even if this were practicable, we must withstand the

temptation to turn aside from the path we are pursuing, which leads to a point where form and colour meet and help to perfect each other by their union; for if we must maintain that form without colour is less satisfactory, it is, nevertheless, expressive; but colour

without form, however beautiful the arrangement may be, conveys no mean

ing, and presents nothing whereby to characterise it.

In the practice of drawing foreground herbage, a writer on art observes "that the edges of the several more advancing leaves must be made sharp and decisive against the ground, whilst those that retire may have less opposition; this will assist their perspective," and they will acquire a more receding character by slightly toning down or blendingthe remoter parts with the

ground or ob

jects behind them: this rule may be applied to all objects, regardless of their size or form. The strength of the shadows must be allowed to be an important consideration. Our pupils will remember the observation, that near the highest lights are the darkest shadows; so, for example, should the light fall strongly upon the leaves of a plant, the shadows beneath them will bear the same proportion of depth, and those leaves which receive less light will have less strength in their shadows. Whilst we recommend our pupils to make close copies of plants separately, in order to obtain a knowledge of their construction and character, we are not advising them to make botanical studies, but art studies; this procedure will be all that is necessary to obtain a practical acquaintance with their forms, and will enable our students to represent them with greater skill and freedom, which is of such great importance when grouping plants in a landscape. The work then will be in the end pleasing and satisfactory, because it is truthful; otherwise, when less attention is paid to particular details, and a slovenly manner is employed, it is sure to terminate in confusion and failure. Mr. Burnet, in his work on Landscape Painting, says, "To begin with the foreground, as being that part of the landscape nearest the eye, it is necessary, therefore,



SECTION L.-THE PAST DEFINITE [§ 120]. 1. THE past definite may be called the narrative or historical tense of the French. It is used to express an action entirely past, definite and complete in itself. The time must be specified, and every portion of it must be elapsed. Some time at least should have occurred since the action took place. Mon frère partit hier pour Paris,

My brother left yesterday for Paris.

2. The student will bear in mind that the past indefinite [Sect. XL.] may be used for the past definite. The past definite, however, may never be used for the indefinite. In conversation the indefinite is often preferred to the definite, as the latter would at times appear too formal [§ 121 (3)}.

3. The past definite may generally be rendered in English by the simple form of the imperfect, or by the same tense conjugated with did. The past definite can never be rendered in English by the participle present of the verb preceded by was. J'allai à l'église hier matin, I went or did go to church yesterday morning.


[blocks in formation]

soldat? 24. Je ne lui ai rien donné. 25. Pendant son séjour à B., nous lui donnâmes tout ce qu'il voulat.


1. What did you receive last week? 2. We received fifty francs from your friend, and twenty-five from your brother. 3. Did you take your son to church with you yesterday? 4. I did not take him there (y). 5. What did you lose last year? 6. We lost our money, our clothes, and our horses. 7. Have you looked (cherchés) for them? 8. I looked for them, but did not find them. 9. Did they speak of your brother yesterday? 10. They spoke of him and of you. 11. What did the physician give you? 12. He gave me nothing. 13. At what hour did your sister rise yesterday? 14. She rose at five o'clock. 15. Did you rise early this morning? 16. We rose at half-past six. 17. Has your cousin sold all his property? 18. He has not sold it, he has given it to his eldest sister. 19. Has the traveller related his adventures to you? 20. He related them to me. 21. Did that man try (cherché) to speak to your father? 22. He tried to speak to him. 23. Did the professor speak of your brother during his stay at your house? 24. He spoke of him. 25. Has your friend worn his new coat? 26. He has not worn it yet. 27. Have you thanked your brother? 28. I have thanked him. 29. What have you given to your eldest sister? 30. I have given her nothing, I have nothing to give her. 31. When your brother gave you a book last year, did you thank him? 32. I did not thank him. 33. Is it late? 34. It is not late, it is only six. 35. Is it fine weather or bad weather? 36. It is very fine weather.



1. The terminations of the past definite of irregular verbs are seldom arbitrary,* but an irregular verb of one conjugation will sometimes, in this tense, assume the terminations of another

5. It will be seen that the terminations of the second and fourth conjugation. In a few instances the stem [Sect. XXII.] of the conjugations are alike.

verb is entirely changed.


[blocks in formation]
[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]


LIRE, to read.



1 -ut.

1 -úmes.

1 -ûtes. 1-urent.

Le banquier nous a donné de l'ar- The banker has given us money.

Le professeur nous parla de vous The professor spoke to us about you l'année dernière.

last year.

2. Avoir and être, it will be perceived, take in this tense a

Il nous a parlé de ses amis et des He spoke to us of his friends and of new stem, e-us, f-us; être and lire, though belonging to the fourth

[blocks in formation]

1. Le banquier reçut-il beaucoup d'argent la semaine dernière? 2. Il en reçut beaucoup. 3. Aussitôt que vous aperçûtes votre frère, ne lui parlâtes-vous pas ? 4. Dès que je l'aperçus, je lui parlai. 5. Avez-vous déjà porté vos habillements neufs? 6. Je ne les ai pas encore portés. 7. Quand il vous donna de l'argent hier, le remerciâtes-vous? 8. Je le remerciai et je le priai de vous remercier. 9. Avez-vous trouvé vos livres ? 10. Je ne les ai pas encore trouvés. 11. Lorsque vous vîntes nous voir ne finîtes-vous pas vos affaires avec mon père ? 12. Je les finis alors et je le payai. 13. N'avez-vous pas vu votre sœur aînée pendant votre séjour à Lyon? 14. Je ne l'ai pas vue. 15. Ne vous couchâtes-vous pas trop tôt hier au soir? 16. Je me couchai tard. 17. À quelle heure vous êtes-vous levé ce matin? 18. Je me suis levé à cinq heures; je me lève ordinairement de bonne heure. 19. Ne cherchâtes-vous pas à vous échapper de votre prison l'année dernière? 20. Je n'ai jamais cherché à m'échapper. 21. Avez-vous vendn vos propriétés ? 22. Je ne les ai pas vendues. 23. Qu'avez-vous donné au

CONNAÎTRE, to know. conn -us conn -us conn -ut conn -ûmes


to conduct. conduis -is.

conduis -is.

conduis -it.

conduis -îmes.

v -int Nous v -inmes primes Vous v -intes pr -îtes conduis -ites. craign -ites Ils vinrent prirent craign -irent conn -urent conduisirent.

conn -ûtes

4. Like venir, are conjugated all verbs ending in enir; like and wire; and like prendre, those composed of this verb and a craindre, connaître, and conduire, those ending in indre, altre, prefix, as comprendre, surprendre, etc.

5. We would at all times refer the student to the table of

irregular verbs, § 62, for those tenses of the irregular verts

with which he is not familiar.

[blocks in formation]

Il vint me voir; il fut bien étonné

de trouver chez moi un de ses anciens amis.

Ne prites-vous pas congé de vos anis hier?


He came to see me; he was much | d'argent et le porte-crayon d'or. 12. A-t-elle la robe de satin?
astonished to find one of his old La sœur du médecin a la robe de satin. 14. Qui a le bois ? 15. Le
friends at my house.
frère du charpentier a le bois. 16. Avez-vous les bas de laine?
Did you not take leave of your friends 17. Non, Monsieur, j'ai les bas de coton." 18. Qui a le pain du
1. ulanger? 19. Nous avons le pain du boulanger et la farine du
meunier. 20. Avons-nous le foin du cheval? 21. Vous avez l'avoine
du cheval. 22. Avons-nous le chapeau de soie du tailleur ? 23. Oui,
Monsieur, vous avez le chapeau de soie du tailleur et le soulier de
cuir du cordonnier. 24. Avez-vous le soulier de drap de la sœur du
médecin? 25. Non, Madame, j'ai la robe de soie de la dame.

Je "ris congé d'eux, et je les priai I took leave of them, and begged them
de m'écrire.
to write to me.


Accompagn-er, 1, to De mon mieux, as well

[blocks in formation]

Histoire, f., history.
Inform-er, 1, to inform.
Se dépêch-er, 1, ref., to Lu, from lire, 4, ir., to
make haste.

Dès que, as soon as.
Ecolier, m., scholar.
S'ennuy-er, 1, pec., to
become weary.

Se hât-er, 1, ref., to


Notaire, m., notary.
Peintre, m., painter.
Sans, without.
Secour-ir, 2, ir., to suc-


1. Nos écoliers s'ennuyèrent-ils hier d'attendre si longtemps? 2. Ils furent obligés d'attendre si longtemps, qu'à la fin ils perdirent patience. 3. Ne reçûtes-vous point votre parent amicalement lorsqu'il vint vous voir? 4. Je le reçus de mon mieux. 5. Ne lûtes-vons pas la lettre de votre frère avant-hier? 6. Je la lus et je l'envoyai à mon oncle. 7. Ne courûtes-vous pas au secours de votre frère aussitôt que vous le vites en danger? 8. Je me hâtai de le secourir. 9. Ne vous êtes-vous pas dépêchés de venir? 10. Nous nous sommes dépêchés. 11. Aussitôt que vous eûtes aperçu mon frère, ne m'informâtes-vous pas de son arrivée ? 12. Je vous en informai. 13. A quelle heure votre sœur est-elle venue aujourd'hui ? 14. Elle est venue à midi. 15. Vos compagnons vinrent-ils hier vous prier de les accompagner? 16. Ils vinrent me voir, mais ils me quittèrent sans me parler de leur voyage. 17. Ne peignîtes-vous pas un tableau l'année dernière ? 18. Je peignis un tableau d'histoire. 19. Le peintre italien a-t-il fini son portrait ? 20. Il le finit hier. 21. Il l'a fini ce matin. 22. Dès que j'eus reçu cette nouvelle, j'envoyai chercher le notaire. 23. Ce jeune homme a-t-il pris congé de son père? 24. Il a pris congé de lui. 25. Il prit congé de lui hier.


EXERCISE 5 (Vol. I., page 20).

1. Have you some (or any) meat? 2. Yes, Sir, I have a pound of meat. 3. Has your son a piece of bread? 4. Yes, Madam, he has a piece of bread. 5. Has the bookseller a book? 6. He has ink and paper. 7. Has your sister a gold watch? 8. She has a gold watch and a silver thimble. 9. Has the baker wine or beer? 10. The baker has tea and coffee. 11. Has your brother cheese? 12. He has cheese and butter. 13. Has the lady a silver spoon? 14. The lady has a fork and silver spoon. 15. Has the butcher any meat to-day? 16. Yes, Sir, he has a piece of beef. 17. Has the carpenter a table? book? 20. No, Madam, but I have your sister's book. Yes, Sir, he has a mahogany table. 19. Have you the physician's 21. Who has coffee and sugar? 22. The grocer has coffee and sugar. 23. Has the bookseller's sister a glove? 24. No, Sir, but she has a book. 25. Has she a steel pen? 26. No, Sir, she has a gold pen. 27. You have the physician's pencil-case.

EXERCISE 6 (Vol. I., page 20).



1. Avez-vous du thé? 2. Oui, Madame, j'ai une livre de thé. Qui a du pain? 4. Le boulanger a du pain, du beurre, et du fromage. 5. Le tailleur a-t-il du drap? 6. Le tailleur a un morceau de drap. 7. Le médecin a-t-il de l'or? 8. Oui, Monsieur, le médecin a de l'or et de l'argent. 9. La dame a-t-elle une montre d'argent? 10. Oui, · Mademoiselle, la dame a une montre d'argent et une plume d'or. 11. Votre sœur a-t-elle de la soie? 12. Oui, Monsieur, elle a de la soie et du coton. 13. Avez-vous un couteau? 14. Oui, Monsieur, j'ai un couteau d'acier et un fourchette d'argent. 15. Avez-vous de la viande aujourd'hui, Monsieur? 16. Oui, Monsieur, j'ai un morceau de bœuf. 17. Votre charpentier a-t-il une table d'acajou? 18. Oui, Monsieur, il a une table d'acajou? 19. Votre sœur a-t-elle un gant? 20. Oui, 21. Le fils du libraire a-t-il un Monsieur, ma sœur a un gant de soie. 22. Oui, Monsieur, il a porte-crayon d'or? un porte-crayon d'or et une plume d'acier. 23. Qui a la montre de votre sœur? 24. Votre frère a la montre d'or et le chapeau de soie. 25. Nous avons de l'or, de l'argent, et de l'acier.

EXERCISE 7 (Vol. I.,

page 20).

1. Did the notary accompany you yesterday? 2. He accompanied me as far as (jusque chez) your brother's. 3. Did your companion take leave of you yesterday? 4. He took leave of me this morning. 5. Did you read yesterday the book which I have lent you? hir). 7. At what time did the painter come this morning? 8. He came at half-past nine. 9. Has he finished your father's portrait? 10. He painted all day yesterday, but the portrait is not yet finished. 11. Did you not run to your father's relief when you saw him in danger? 12. I hastened to succour him. 13. What did you do when you came? 14. As soon as I came I sent for my brother. 15. Did you take your sister to Germany last year? 16. I took her there this year. 17. Did you take your children to school yesterday? 18. I took them to my brother's. 19. Do you paint an historical picture? 20. I painted last year an historical picture. 21. Did your sister beg you to accompany her? 22. She begged me to accompany her. 23. Did you send for the notary as soon as you heard from your father? 24. I sent for him. 25. When did the notary take leave of you? 26. He took leave of me this morning at nire. 27. Has the apothecary finished his letter? 28. He has not yet 29. Were you not astonished yesterday to see that lady? 30. I was not astonished to see her. 31. Did you make haste to read your book last night (hier au soir)? 32. I made haste to read it. 33. Have you finished it? 34. I have not yet finished it.

1. Has the hatter silk? 2. The hatter has no silk, but he has velvet, 3. Has he cotton velvet? 4. No, Sir, he has no cotton velvet, he has

silk velvet. 5. Have you meat? 6. Yes, Sir, I have meat. 7. The 6. I read it the day before yesterday (avant-physician has no money. 8. Who has money? 9. The merchant kas

finished it.

[blocks in formation]

no money, but he has cloth, velvet, and silk. 10. Have you anything?
11. No, Sir, I have nothing at all. 12. Has the tailor two silver but-
tons? 13. No, sir, he has two silk buttons. 14. Who has your dog?
15. The neighbour has my cousin's dog. 16. Has he not your horse
also? 17. No, Sir, he has your friend's horse. 18. Have you the
history of France? 19. No. Madam, I have neither the history of
France nor the history of England. 20. Have you neither the book
nor the paper? 21. No, Miss, I have neither the one nor the other.
22. Who has paper? 23. The bookseller has no paper.
24. Has any
one a book? 25. No one has a book.

EXERCISE 8 (Vol. I., page 21).

1. Le boulanger a-t-il du velours? 2. Non, Monsieur, le boulanger n'a pas de velours. 3. Qui a du velours de soie? 4. Le chapelier a du velours de soie et un chapeau de soie. 5. Avez-vous deux boutons d'argent? 6. Non, Monsieur, j'ai un habit de drap, un chapeau de soie, et un soulier de velours. 7. Votre voisin a t-il une table de bois? 8. Oui, Monsieur, il a une table d'acajou. 9. Votre cousin a-t-il une histoire d'Angleterre? 10. Non, Monsieur, il a une histoire de France. 11. Je n'ai ni le drap, ni le velours. 12. Nous n'avons ni la viande ni le café. 13. Quelqu'un a-t-il un livre? 14. Votre cousin a un livre,

un habit de velours, et un chapeau de soie. 15. Avez-vous le livre du médecin ? 16. Oui, Madame, j'ai le livre du médecin, et la plume d'or de la dame. 17. Le marchand a-t-il du drap? 18. Le marchand n'a pas de drap, mais il a de l'argent. 19. Qui a le chien de votre voisin? 20. Personne n'a le chien de mon voisin. 21. Quelqu'un a-t-il mon livre? 22. Personne n'a votre livre. 23. Le frère de votre cousin a-t-il quelque chose? 24. Non, Monsieur, il n'a rien. 25. Qui a le livre de votre ami? 26. Votre frère a le livre de mon cousin. 27. A-t-il l'habit du tailleur? 28. Il n'a pas l'habit du tailleur. 29. Nous n'avons ni le drap ni la soie.

EXERCISE 9 (Vol. I., page 43).

1. Who is sleepy? 2. My brother is hungry, but he is not sleep.


3. Are you right or wrong? 4. I am right, I am not wrong. 5. Have called the square of that number. But the numbers 1, 4, 9, 16, you my brother's good gun? 6. I have not the gun. 7. Are you cold 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, etc., are the squares of the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, to-day? 8. I am not cold; on the contrary, I am warm. 9. Have you 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, etc., because they are found by multiplying the good bread? 10. I have no bread. 11. Are you not hungry? 12. I latter numbers each by itself; and the fractions 1, 1, 1, à, i, j, am neither hungry nor thirsty. 13. Are you ashamed? 14. I am neither ashamed nor afraid. 15. Have we pepper or salt? 16. You, etc., are called the reciprocals or inverses of the squares; have neither pepper nor salt. 17. What book have you? 18. I have and ratio means the rate at which anything increases or demy cousin's book. 19. Have you the iron hammer or the silver creases; hence, the force of heat, or quantity of heat received hammer? 20. I have neither the iron hammer nor the silver ham- from a common fire, is in the ratio of the inverses of the squares mer, I have the tinman's wooden hammer. 21. Is anything the of the distances; or more shortly, in the inverse ratio of the matter with you? 22. Nothing is the matter with me. 23. Have squares of the distances. you the bookseller's large book? 24. I have neither the bookseller's large book, nor the joiner's small book; I have the captain's to be placed at 2 feet distance from the fire, and B at 3 feet good book.

LESSONS IN GEOGRAPHY.—XV. ASTRONOMICAL PRINCIPLES OF GEOGRAPHY. IN our last lesson we endeavoured to explain to our geographical students the nature of the motion of the earth round the sun, and of its motion round its own axis. We there stated the principle or law of attraction in the language peculiar to the science of astronomy, somewhat modified and simplified; but as some of our readers may be entire novices, and may never have heard or understood several of the terms we made use of, we shall in this lesson endeavour to make the subject clearer still.

First, then, as to the said law of attraction: let us illustrate this, by a very familiar instance taken from the heat of a common fire. Suppose two persons, A and B, sitting at the same distance from the fire, both in front of it-at least, the one as much as the other; it is plain that they would both feel the same degree of heat; for, whatever reason may be assigned to show that A received more heat than B, the same reason might be assigned to show that B received more heat than A; therefore, they must both receive the same heat.

Now, suppose that B removes to double the distance that he was at when alongside of A, and that A remains in the same place; it might then be supposed that B would receive only half as much heat




This may be explained in another way still. Suppose A

distance; then B will receive less heat than A, not in the ratio of 2 to 3, the numbers which represent their distances, but in the ratio of 2 times 2 to 3 times 3, that is, of 4 to 9: in other words, as 4 is contained 2 times in 9, so A will receive 2 times more heat than B; and this is all that is really meant by the phrase the inverse ratio of the squares of the distances.

Having thus explained the law of the influence of heat upon








two bodies, or any number of bodies at different distances from the source of heat, in the case of a common fire, we again observe that this law is equally true of the influence of light and of the influence of attraction upon bodies at different distances from the source of light and of attraction. Thus we know and feel that the sun is the great source of light and heat to this world of ours; and Astronomy teaches us that it is also the source of attraction, or of that power which has operated upon the earth and the other planets, and which continues still to operate upon them, by causing them to revolve in elliptical orbits or paths round that luminary, as explained in our last lesson.

was now enjoying double the
heat which B was receiving in his


From the earliest ages up to the time of Kepler, the planets (Greek, λavηTMηs, pla-ne'-tees, a wanderer), or wandering stars so called in opposition to the fixed stars, which appear always to preserve the same relative distances from each otherwere reckoned to be in number only six; and this number being mathematically perfect-that is, equal to the sum of all its factors, 1, 2, 3 -it was imagined that no more planets could exist, or could be expected to be found. Kepler, indeed, inquired most earnestly why new position. Such is not the case, however; for the degree they were only six in number; but Galileo, who first applied of heat does not diminish at the same rate that the distance the telescope to astronomy, opened a new door in the temple of increases, as you might expect at first sight; but it diminishes science, by the discovery of the four satellites of Jupiter, in at a much greater rate, and the question is how much greater? 1610, and led by this discovery to that of the other planets Now, well-conducted and careful experiments in Natural at a later period, which put to flight all reasons why the Philosophy have proved that the heat received at the dis- number of the planets should be limited to any given number. tances of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, etc., feet, is not,,,,,,,He would be a bold man indeed now-a-days who would try to of the heat received at 1 foot; but it is,,,,limit the number of the planets, seeing that so many have etc., of the heat received at 1 foot. So that B will receive at been discovered within these few years past. double the distance of A, only one-fourth of the heat which A receives; at triple the distance, only one-ninth of the heat; and so on.

The law of progression then is as follows:-Let the heat received at the distance of 1 foot be denoted by 1, then the heat received at the distance of 2 feet will be represented by 1 divided by 2 times 2, or; the heat received at the distance of 3 feet will be represented by 1 divided by 3 times 3, or; the heat received at the distance of 4 feet will be represented by 1 divided by 4 times 4, or; and so on.

Now, dividing 1 by any number gives a result which in mathematics is called the reciprocal or inverse of that number; and multiplying any number by itself gives a result which is

The six planets known from antiquity are the following:Mercury, Venus, the Earth, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn; no satel lite was known from antiquity but the Moon. The first addition to the planets of the Solar System was Uranus, at first called the Georgium Sidus (the Georgian Star), in honour of King George III., by Sir William Herschel, who discovered it, March 13th, 1781. It was afterwards called Herschel, in honour of the discoverer; but it is now called Uranus, because, for sooth, Uranus was in the Greek mythology (the fables of the heathen gods) the father of Saturn! Uranus has eight satellites, of which six were discovered by Sir William Herschel. Of these, five have since been observed by other astronomers. The planet Neptune, the third in point of size of those that

are yet known to form part of our Solar System, was discovered by Dr. Galle, of Berlin, September 23, 1846, in consequence of a letter received from Leverrier, of Paris, stating that he had calculated the position of a planet outside Uranus which would account for certain irregularities in the motion of that planet, hitherto unexplained, and indicating the part of the heavens in which it ought to be found. Neptune has two satellites. The credit of the discovery of the planet Neptune belongs to Leverrier and Galle, but it should be said that Mr. J. Couch Adams, of Cambridge, had also gone through a series of calculations establishing the existence of this planet, and would have had the honour of being its discoverer, had the French astronomer been a little less prompt in giving publicity to the result of his calculations. By means of the calculations of Mr. Adams, Professor Challis, of Cambridge, also detected the planet simultaneously with Dr. Galle. In 1859 a French physician named Lescarbault asserted that he had discovered a planet, to which he gave the name of Vulcan, moving in an orbit within that of Mercury. Leverrier was satisfied at the time that Lescarbault had really lighted on a fresh member of our Solar System, but as no astronomer has yet been successful in detecting it a second time, it is supposed that Lescarbault was mistaken and that Leverrier gave credit to the supposed discovery because it satisfied an hypothesis he had formed, that a planet existed, moving between Mercury and the sun, and which would be at that time in that part of the heavens in which Lescarbault supposed he had found Vulcan.

At the close of the last century, and for some time prior to this, it was supposed that a planet, which had either escaped discovery or had disappeared from the Solar System, moved in an orbit between those of Mars and Jupiter, for reasons detailed at the close of this lesson. This suspicion was confirmed by the discovery of Ceres by a Sicilian astronomer named Piazzi, at Palermo, January 1, 1801, moving between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. Further research has resulted in the discovery of nearly one hundred of these small planetary bodies having orbits near that of Ceres. These small planets are called planetoids or asteroids. They were at first supposed to be fragments of a shattered planet which once revolved round the sun between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter; but this supposition has been proved to be untenable. The following is a list of the planetoids that have been discovered since the finding of Ceres, with the names of their discoverers and the dates and places of their discovery:LIST OF PLANETOIDS REVOLVING BETWEEN THE ORBITS OF MARS AND JUPITER.

[blocks in formation]
[ocr errors]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

21 Lutetia

23 Thalia

25 Phocea

18 Melpomene

20 Massalia

22 Calliope

24 Themis

26 Proserpine

37 Euterpe

28 Bellona

29 Amphitrite

39 Urania

31 Euphrosyne

De Gasparis Goldschmidt

Hind Hind

De Gasparis Chacornac Luther Hind



June 24, 1852.



Aug. 22, 1852.

[blocks in formation]


Naples Marseilles Bilk London Bilk

[blocks in formation]

Nov. 16, 1852. Dec. 15, 1852. April 5, 1853. April 6, 1853, May 5, 1853. Nov. 8, 1853. Mar. 1, 1854. Mar. 1, 1854. July 2, 1854. Sep. 1, 1851.

The additions made to the satellites of the planets since the discovery of those of Jupiter and the ring of Saturn by Galileo, are the following:-M. Huygens discovered one of Saturn's satellites in 1665; M. Cassini, four, between 1671 and 1685; Sir W. Herschel, two, between 1787 and 1789; and Messrs. Lassell and Bond, one, September 19th, 1847; making in all eight satellites for Saturn. Mr. Lassell has discovered satellites belonging to Neptune; it is also supposed that this planet possesses a ring like Saturn. The following is a table of the principal planets of the solar system; their approximate mean

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