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To his Excellency the Governor, permit me respectfully to present the salutations customary on an occasion like this. It is pleasant to welcome anew to the chair of state, one who has so long filled it with such distinguished ability, and so manifestly to the high satisfaction of the citizens of this Commonwealth, and one, too, whose long-tried fidelity in public life, and whose consistent moral and Christian character, may justly be regarded as a sure pledge, that, in ruling over men, he will be "just, ruling in the fear of God." Long may your Excellency continue to enjoy the confidence and esteem of your fellow-citizens. Long may your services be continued in some one of the elevated places of the state or nation. And long, too, may your energies be exerted and your influence felt, as heretofore, for the suppression of vice and immorality, and for the promotion of virtue; in the liberation of the suicidal slaves of appetite from their voluntary bondage, and in the general advancement of the best interests of man. And at the end of a long and useful life, may your sun set on a cloudless sky, and your memory be blessed.

His Honor the Lieutenant Governor, the Honorable Council and Senate, and the assembled Repre

sentatives of the people, will please accept respectful salutations. Having, in accordance with longestablished custom, come up to this house, to bow before God and seek His aid, may not your fellowcitizens regard this as a pledge, publicly given to them and to the world, that, to the extent of your ability, the principles of justice shall be maintained, in the "fear of God." Being confident that, in your hands, the interests of the Commonwealth are safe, you are now affectionately commended to the guardian care and guidance of Him to whom rulers and subjects are alike accountable. In humble dependence on Him may all your official acts be performed, and may all your deliberations be marked by that Christian courtesy and candor which become the rulers and legislators of a Christian State. May your influence be such as shall tend to perpetuate and improve all our free institutions. And when you and I shall have passed away, and others, from generation to generation, shall come up to this house as we now do, may they be in possession of the same rich blessings, and have the same glorious hopes which are

now ours.

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