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" America is bounded on the north by the Arctic Ocean, on the south by the Antarctic Ocean ; on the east by the Atlantic ; and on the west by the Pacific Ocean. "
The first book of geography - Página 17
por Thomas Bowring - 1841 - 142 páginas
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The young man's best companion, and book of general knowledge

L. Murray - 1821 - 620 páginas
...miles. Boundaries. On the north, Europe is bounded by the Frozen Ocean ; on the west by the Atlantic Ocean ; on the south; by the Mediterranean Sea ; on the east, by the continent of Asia. Divisions. Europe is divided into several kingdoms and states, which may be...
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A general view of the sciences and arts, Volumen1

William Jillard Hort - 1822 - 308 páginas
...globe ? What calculation is made of their respective population ? CHAP. XXIV. GEOGRAPHY— continued. EUROPE is bounded, on the north, by the Arctic Ocean ; on the east, by the Uralian mountains, and the rivers Volga and Don ; on the south, by the Mediterranean Sea,...
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A system of geography

Thomas Keith - 1826 - 400 páginas
...noilh of the Pruth was ceded to Russia, together with }3essarabia. . ,. . EUROPEAN RUSSIA. RUSSIA IN EUROPE is bounded on the north by the Arctic Ocean ; on the east by the Ural Mountains, the Krimea, the Wolga, and the Don, which separate it from Asiatic Russia;...
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A compendium of ancient geography, intended as a sequel to the abbé Gaultier ...

Compendium - 1835 - 58 páginas
...the middle. HISPANIA, OR HISPEBIA. How was Hisperia bounded? On the north, by France and the Atlantic Ocean. On the south, by the Mediterranean Sea. On the east, by the same. On the west, by Lusitania. How was Hispania divided 1 Into two parts, Tarraconensis, and...
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A System for the Education of the Young: Applied to All the Faculties

Samuel Wilderspin - 1840 - 520 páginas
...continent, much larger than Europe. It is surrounded on three sides by water, and on the other by land : on the north by the Arctic Ocean ; on the south by the Indian Ocean; on the east by the North Pacific Ocean, which separates Asia from America; and on the...
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An Easy Guide to Geography, and the use of the globes

Charles Butler - 1846 - 222 páginas
...Northern Asia, and claiming also immense territories on the north-western coast of North America. 2. It is bounded on the north by the Arctic ocean, on the south by Tartary, the Black sea, Persia, the Caspian sea, Independent Tartary, and China, and on the west by...
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Modern School Geography: On the Plan of Comparison and Classification : with ...

William Channing Woodbridge - 1847 - 364 páginas
...the K. going from N. to S.; on the S. going from E. to \V.; and on the W. going from S. to N. Thus Europe is bounded on the North by the Arctic Ocean; on the East by the Ural Mountains and Ural River, which separate it from Asia j on the South by the Mediterranean...
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Modern School Geography: On the Plan of Comparison and Classification, with ...

William Channing Woodbridge - 1848 - 364 páginas
...the E. going from N. to S. ; on the S. going from E. to W. ; and on the W. going from S. to N. Thus Europe is bounded on the North by the Arctic Ocean ; on the East by the Ural Mountains and Ural River, which separate it from Asia ; on the South by the Mediterranean...
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De Bow's Review, Volumen11

James Dunwoody Brownson De Bow, Robert Gibbes Barnwell, Edwin Bell, William MacCreary Burwell - 1851 - 756 páginas
...separated from Asiatic Russia by the Ural Mountains on the east and the Caucasus on the south ; and is bounded on the north by the Arctic Ocean, on the south by the Black Sea, and on the southwest and west by Turkey in Europe, the Austrian empire, and the kingdom...
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DeBow's Review ...: Agricultural, Commercial, Industrial Progress ..., Volumen11

1851 - 748 páginas
...separated from Asiatic Russia by the Ural Mountains on the east and the Caucasus on the south ; and is bounded on the north by the Arctic Ocean, on the south by the Black Sea, and on the southwest and west by Turkey in Europe, the Austrian empire, and the kingdom...
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