| Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 400 páginas
...born on Britifh ground ; Where ftreams of heavenly mercy flow, And words of fweet falvation found. I would not change my native land For rich Peru with...all her gold : A nobler prize lies in my hand, Than Eaft or Weftern Indies hold. How do I pity thofe that dwell Where ignorance and darknefs reigns ! They... | |
| Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 434 páginas
...born on Britifh ground ; Where ftre;ims of heavenly mercy flow, And words of fweet falvation found. I would not change my native land For rich Peru with all her gold i A nobler prize lies in my hand, Than Eaft or Weftern Indies hold. How do I pity thofe that dwell... | |
| English poets - 1790 - 264 páginas
...born on Britifti ground ; Where ilreams of heavenly mercy flow, And words of fweet falvation found. I would not change my native land For rich Peru with...all her gold : A nobler prize lies in my hand, Than Eaft or Weftern Indies hold. How do I pity thofe that dwell Where ignorance and darknefs reigns ! They... | |
| Vicesimus Knox - 1791 - 510 páginas
...born on Britifli ground ; Where dreams of heav'nly mercy flow, And words of fwcet falvation found. I would not change my native land For rich Peru, with...all her gold : A nobler prize lies in my hand Than Eaft or Weftern Indies hold. How do I pity thofc that dwell Where ignorance or darkncfs reigns I They... | |
| James Roach - 1794 - 272 páginas
...heav'nly mercy ftow, • And words of fweet falvation found. . I would I would not change my native lanj For rich Peru, with all her gold : A nobler prize lies in my hand Than Eaft or .Weuern Indies hold. '• How do I pity thofe that dwell Where ignorance or darknefs reigns... | |
| 1794 - 958 páginas
...Britilh ground ; Where ftreams of heavenly mercy flowy And words of fweet falvation found. I would net change my native land For rich Peru with all her gold : A nobler prize lies in my hand, Than Eaft or Weitem Indies hold. How do I pity thofe that dwell Where ignorance and darknefs reigns ! They... | |
| Robert Anderson - 1795 - 972 páginas
...born on Britifh ground ; Where dreams of heavenly nrercy flow, And words of fweet falvation found. I would not change my native land For rich Peru with...all her gold : A nobler prize lies in my hand, Than Eaft or Weftern Indies hold. How do I pity tnofe that dwell Where ignorance and darknefs reigns ! They... | |
| Vicesimus Knox - 1796 - 574 páginas
...lircams of hcav'nly mercy flow, i of l\vcct falvïliun found. 1 would not change my native land "or rich Peru, with all her gold : A nobler prize lies in my hand Than Eaft or Weftcrn Indie» hold. iow do I pity thofe that dwell Where ignorance ordarkncfs rcigni! They... | |
| Isaac Watts - 1807 - 410 páginas
...growing years improve my song. Tis to thy sovereign grace I owe That I was born on British ground ; I would not change my native land For rich Peru with...lies in my hand, Than East or Western Indies hold. How do I pity those that dwell Where ignorance and darkness reigns ! They know no Heaven, they fear... | |
| Alexander Chalmers - 1810 - 556 páginas
...born on British ground ; Where streams of heavenly morcy flow, And words of sweet salvation sound. I would not change my native land For rich Peru with...lies in my hand Than East or Western Indies hold. How do I pity those that dwell Where Ignorance and Darkness reigns ! They know no Heaven, they fear... | |
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