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degree according to their abundance; those in comparatively easy circumstances, according to their circumstances; and the poor who are not distressingly destitute, should give out of their little, according to that little; so that the united contributions on the average should not by any means come below sixpence per member. I fear this part of the subject has not been sufficiently considered by many of our brethren. Those in easy circumstances should look around on the poor members, and conscientiously and piously feel as Christian brethren; and also look with a fatherly concern over the interests of the Connexion at large: if this were achieved, we should never have to complain again of deficiency.

To enter a little further into particulars: The writer of this resides in a wide-spread Circuit, in the midst of a large agricultural district. In this Circuit there are numerous villages, in which we have societies, most of them very poor, and in some cases entirely so: from such places it is that we find by experience the deficiency arises, and that to a very considerable extent. Is it not, therefore, the plain and obvious duty of all our members who are raised above poverty, to take into the account the situation of our poor brethren,--and they are many,-so as to insure an average of at least sixpence per member, without having recourse to after painful restrictions and privations?

Our leading lay-brethren (they will pardon my freedom) should take an active part herein it comes from them with a peculiar grace. The writer of this paper resides in a very small town, not the head of a Circuit; and he has generally, at the proper time, met the whole society on a Sabbath evening after the public service, and endeavoured very concisely to state the righteous and truly scriptural principle on which the measure is based, and in a brief way inculcate some such views of the subject as those contained in this article. By far the greater part of our members, consisting of something more than one hundred, are poor, and some distressingly so; yet in a cheerful and truly Christian spirit, we have every year nearly doubled our average, so far as our own individual society is concerned.

Although it becomes the peculiar duty of our lay-brethren to carry out this arrangement, yet in such an extensive Connexion as our own, it is evident our Ministers also must co-operate, in order to do it most effectually, and at once. I know it is a delicate thing for a man to take up a subject in which he himself may become personally identified and concerned; yet the object is truly righteous and scriptural, and, one would think, must commend itself to every right-minded man's "conscience in the sight of God." In many country villages, particularly in agricultural districts, we frequently find that there is no layman who either could or would bring the subject before our people: in all such cases it must essentially depend and devolve upen our Ministers to carry it out. The writer of this, in the first year the measure came into operation, asked a young Minister if he had received the subscriptions for the "Worn out Ministers and Widows" from sundry village societies. He exclaimed, "O no, that is no business of mine: it belongs to the Leaders and Stewards." The consequence was, that nothing was raised in any of these places.

To conclude the object itself is so truly just and scriptural, and so much in unison with every pious feeling of the heart, and, at the same time, can be accomplished, if rightly entered into and set about, at such a trifling sacrifice, that the writer feels almost ashamed of having dwelt so long on the subject. If properly taken up and entered into by all parties concerned, there can be no difficulty: at the same time it will cheer and

comfort many an afflicted heart, and many a servant of God, fairly wornout in his great Master's service; and also console many a widow, and cr cause her desolate heart to sing for joy."


On the afternoon of the 29th of January (after the fight at Aliwal) the field-hospital, with the wounded men, was removed into Loodiana. I rode over to see a brother-officer who had been seriously wounded, and shall never forget the sad scene of human suffering presented to view. Outside the hospital-tents were laid the bodies of those who had recently died; many in the contorted positions in which the rigid hand of death had fixed them; others, more resembling sleep than death, had calmly passed away, struck down in full vigour and robust bodily health, when the human frame, it was natural to suppose, would have struggled more fiercely with its archenemy; but the groans of the sufferers undergoing painful surgical operations were more grievous to the senses than the sight of those who needed no mortal aid. Pain, in all its degrees and hideous varieties, was forcibly portrayed on every square yard of earth which surrounded me! and, passing from sufferer to sufferer, I felt, or fancied I felt, each patient's eye following wistfully the movements of such fortunate visitants as were exempted from the services of the knife or lancet, and sometimes dwelling reproachfully on the useless spectator of their sufferings. I felt it was almost a sacrilege to remain in such a place without being useful; but the medical officers and hospital assistants so zealously fulfilled every minute detail for the relief of their patients, that sympathy was the only offering we could present to our stricken comrades. Whilst raising the canvass-door of a dark tent which I was entering, I stumbled, and nearly fell over the leg of some one stretched across the entrance. When I turned to make apologies to the owner, I found it had none, but, on a pallet beside it, lay its former possessor, who had just undergone amputation; beyond him lay a dead artilleryman; and further on, amongst stumps of arms protruding from the pallets, lay my wounded brother-officer, who appeared to suffer much more from the surrounding objects than from his own severe personal injuries. But the attention bestowed on those wounded at Aliwal differed much from a preceding occasion, where the hospital stores and conveniences had been so far outmarched, that only two rushlights were procurable to illuminate the hospital.-Indian Campaigns.


THROUGH the good offices of the Hon. C. A. Murray, who had lived amongst the North-American Indians, the party of Ojibbeways who visited this country a few years ago, enjoyed the honour of a presentation to the Queen at Windsor. We begin with the preparations :

Colours, and ribbons, and beads, of the richest hues, were called for, and procured from various parts of the city; and both night and day, all, men and women, were constantly engaged in adding brilliancy and richness of colour to their costumes.

The old Chief was painting the stem of his pipe of peace (or calumet) sky-blue, emblematical of the feelings they carried in their breasts; and

decorating it also with blue and red ribbons, as a suitable gift to royalty. The little girl, Nib-nab-e-qua, was crying, as she embroidered with red and white porcupine-quills, fearing that her new mocassins would not look so brilliant as she had sometimes made them. Her mother was arranging black mourning plumes in the cradle in which her infant had died, and which, by the custom of the country, she was obliged yet to carry on her back. The war-Chief was repainting his shield, and arranging his scalps on a little hoop, to give proper effect to the scalp-dance. The Medicine-man was preparing his wa-be-no drum. Gish-ee-Gosh-ee-Gee was stringing beads with his wife; and Sah-mah was brightening his tomahawk and his scalping-knife, for a glittering effect in the war-dance. Cadotte, during this time, was parading before the mirror, examining, arranging, and re-arranging, the ostrich plumes in his cap, and the fit of a laced frock he had just made; and (I had almost forgotten myself) I was anxiously awaiting the arrival of a new coat I had ordered at my tailor's for the occasion.

On the morning appointed, all were satisfactorily prepared, and, being seated in an omnibus posted with four horses, we were on our way, and soon after that arrived at the gates of Windsor Castle. Descending from the carriage, the poor old Chief, whose eyes were getting a little dim with age, was completely nonplussed at beholding the magnificent figure (in scarlet, and gold lace, and powdered wig) of (His apparent Majesty) Sykes, the well-known porter of the palace, who had him by the elbow, and was conducting him and his heavy paraphernalia towards the door. The good old Chief turned round and gave him his hand, not knowing as yet what to say, as they had none of them contemplated anything so brilliant and dazzling, short of Majesty itself. He was at this moment, however, saved from committing himself or bestowing his pipe of peace, by the sudden approach of several others of the household, in liveries equally splendid, who conducted us into the hall, at which moment we met our friend the Honourable Mr. Murray, whom we followed to the waiting-room, adjoining to the Waterloo Gallery, in which our reception was to take place. Here we were seated, and awaited the anxious moment when it was to be announced that Her Majesty was ready to see us.

The Indians were here parading before the large and splendid mirrors, and adjusting their feathers and ornaments, and suggesting many surmises about the long table which was dressed out in the room where we were, and which they supposed was the place where the Queen and all her officers about her took their dinners. This, as the sequel will show, was a very great error, as it was preparing for another and entirely different purpose.

After waiting half an hour or so, an officer in full dress came into the room and informed us that the Queen was in the adjoining room, and ready to receive us, and showed us the way. There was a moment of jingling and rattling of trinkets as the Indians were throwing on their robes and gathering up their weapons; and when they responded to my question "if they were all ready?" by their how! how! how! I led the way, and they followed into the Waterloo Gallery. They were now all at full length before her Majesty and the Prince, who most graciously received them. The Queen arose from a sofa in the middle of the room, having her Majesty the Queen Dowager and Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Kent by her side; and, advancing towards the Indians, was joined by his Royal Highness Prince Albert and the Honourable Mr. Murray. Her Majesty desired that the interpreter and myself should advance nearer to her, and at her request I introduced each individual by their appropriate

names, explaining their costumes, weapons, &c. Her Majesty beckoned the little girl up to her, and held her some time by both hands, evidently much pleased with her appearance, and also the woman with the cradle on her back, in whom she seemed to take much interest. She asked many questions, as well as the Prince, relative to their costumes, modes, &c., and they then took their seats on the sofa to witness the dances which the Indians had come prepared to give.

The Indians were at this time seated in a circle on the floor, when the Medicine-man gradually commenced tapping on his drum and singing in a low tone. In a few moments the house jarred with the leap of the warChief, who was upon his feet, and after him all the party, in the din of the war-dance.

This dance finished, they were again seated on the floor, when the old Chief, seventy-five years of age, having lighted his pipe and passed it around, arose and made the following address to Her Majesty :

"Great Mother, I have been very sorrowful since I left my home; but the Great Spirit has brought us all safe over the great waters, and my heart will now be glad that we can see your face. We are now happy. "These are all the words I have to say. not very well to-day. The other Chief will say."

My words are few, for I am tell you what I intended to

The war-Chief then rose, and in a very energetic manner made the following speech, which was also literally interpreted to Her Majesty :"Great Mother, the Great Spirit has been kind to us, your children, in protecting us on our long journey here. And we are now happy that we are allowed to see your face. It makes our heart glad to see the faces of so many Saganoshes (English) in this country, and all wearing such pleasant looks. We think the people here must be very happy.

"Mother, we have been often told that there was a great fire in this country, that its light shone across the great water; and we see now where this great light arises. We believe that it shines from this great wigwam to all the world.

"Mother, we have seen many strange things since we came to this country. We see that your wigwams are large, and the light that is in them is bright. Our wigwams are small, and our light is not strong. We are not rich, but yet we have plenty of food to eat.

friends, your children. And for many years we

"Mother, myself and my friends here are your We have used our weapons against your enemies. have received liberal presents from this country, which have made us quite happy and comfortable in our wigwams.


Mother, the Chief who has just spoken, and myself, have fought and bled by the side of the greatest warrior who ever lived, Tecumseh. "Mother, our hearts are glad at what we have this day seen, that we have

*The poor old Chief met with a sudden embarrassment at this monent that he had not thought of, and was not prepared consequently to know how to proceed. He had, according to the custom of his country, prepared and brought with him a beautiful calumet or pipe of peace, to present; and on rising to make his speech, (the moment when it is customary to present it,) it for the first time occurred to him that he was about to present it to a woman, the impropriety of which was evident to him. He thought of the Prince, but as the pipe of peace can only be given to the highest in power, he had another misgiving; and, unlike to orators in the Indian countries, continued to hold it in his hand while he was speaking, and brought it away with him.

been allowed to see your face. And when we get home our words will be listened to in the councils of our nation.

"This is all I have to say."

After his speech the war-Chief resumed his seat upon the floor; and as Her Majesty could not be supposed to reply to this speech, she called upon the Prince, who thanked them for the amusement they had afforded to Her Majesty, who felt a deep interest in their welfare, and thankful to the old Chief for the noble and religious sentiments expressed in his remarks.

After this, the Indians rose and gave their favourite, the Pipe Dance, which seemed to afford much amusement to the royal party. The Queen and the Prince then graciously bowed and took leave, thanking them, through the interpreter, for the amusement they had afforded them. The Indians at the same moment shouldered their robes and retired, sounding their war-whoop, to the amusement of the servants of the household, who had assembled, to the amount of some hundreds, in the galleries of the hall. They were now in the waiting-room again, where, to their surprise and no little satisfaction, they found that the table they had seen so splendidly arranged, was intended for their own entertainment, and was now ready for the "set-to." Mr. Murray announced it as ready, and we all went to work. Mr. Rankin, who had been seated in the gallery during the presentation, having joined the party, had now taken his seat with them at the table. With his usual kindness, Mr. Murray insisted on carving the roast beef and helping them around, and next in drinking the Queen's health, which is customary at all public dinners. For this the first bottle of champagne was opened; and when the cork flew, and the wine was pouring into glasses, the Indians pronounced the word Chick-a-bob-boo! and had a great laugh. A foaming glass of it was set before each Indian; and when it was proposed to drink to Her Majesty's health, they all refused. I explained to Mr. Murray the promise they were under to drink no spirituous liquor while in the kingdom. Mr. Murray applauded their noble resolution, but said at the same time that this was not spirituous liquor, it was a light wine, and could not hurt them; and it would be the only time they could ever drink to Her Majesty so properly, and Her Majesty's health could not be refused by Her Majesty's subjects. When again urged, they still refused, saying, "We no drink, can't drink." They seemed, however, to be referring it to me, as all eyes were alternately upon me and upon their glasses, when I said to them, "Yes, my good fellows, drink; it will not hurt you. The promise you have made to Mr. Rankin and myself will not be broken: it did not contemplate a case like this, where it is necessary to drink the Queen's health. And, again, this is champagne, and not spirituous liquor,* which you have solemnly promised to avoid." How! how! how! they all responded, and with great delight they all joined in "Health to the Queen!" And as each glass was emptied to the bottom, they smacked their lips, again pronouncing the word, Chick-a-bob-boo! Chick-a-bob-boo! with a roar of laughter among themselves.

Mr. Murray and I becoming anxious to know the meaning of Chick-abob-boo, it was agreed that the war-Chief (who had a dry but amusing way

Mr. Catlin never lets us hear the last of the story of the champagne and its eurious name; which the Indians by degrees extended to every other drinkable. Their vow of "total abstinence" once broken, on the excuse that wine and spirits bore a different meaning, Mr. Catlin, we think, had small right to wonder that after they parted company from him they did not confine themselves to French wine and malt, but addicted themselves to mountain dew.

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