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ters V, ; and before Commandine, the learned John Dee in the Book XII. Commentary he annexes to this Propofition in Henry Billingsley's Tranflation of the Elements printed at London Ann. 1570, expressly takes notice of this error, and gives a Demonstration suited to the Construction in the Greek Text, by which he fhews that the perpendicular drawn from the point K to BD, muft neceffarily fall upon the point V.

Likewise it is not demonstrated that the quadrilateral figures SOPT, TPRY, and the triangle YRX do not meet the leffer sphere, as was neceffary to have been done. only Clavius, as far as I know, has observed this, and demonstrated it by a Lemma, which is now premised to this Propofition, fomething altered and more briefly demonstrated.

In the Corollary of this Propofition it is fuppofed that a folid polyhedron is described in the other sphere fimilar to that which is described in the sphere BCDE. but as the Conftruction by which this may be done is not given, it was thought proper to give it, and to demonstrate that the pyramids in it are fimilar to those of the same order in the folid polyhedron described in the sphere BCDE.

From the preceding Notes it is fufficiently evident how much the Elements of Euclid, who was a most accurate Geometer, have been vitiated and mutilated by ignorant Editors. The opinion which the greatest part of learned men have entertained concerning the present Greek edition, viz. that it is very little or nothing different from the genuine work of Euclid, has, without doubt deceived them, and made them lefs attentive and accurate in examining that Edition; whereby several errors, fome of them grofs enough, have escaped their notice from the age in which Theon lived to this time. Upon which account there is fome ground to hope that the pains we have taken in correcting thofe errors, and freeing the Elements as far as we could from blemishes, will not be unacceptable to good Judges who can difcern when Demonftrations are legitimate, and when they are not.

The objections which, fince the first Edition, have been made against some things in the Notes, especially against the doctrine of Proportionals, have either been fully anfwered in Dr. Barrow's Lect. Mathemat. and in these Notes; or are fuch, except one which has been taken notice of in the Note on Prop. 1. Book 11. as fhew that the person who made them has not fufficiently confidered the


Book XII. things against which they are brought; fo that it is not neceffary to make any further answer to these objections and others like them against Euclid's Definition of Proportionals, of which Definition Dr. Barrow juftly fays in page 297 of the above-named book, that "Nifi machinis impulfa validioribus aeternum persistet "inconcuffa."














UCLID'S DATA is the firft in order of the books written by the antient Geometers to facilitate and promote the method of Resolution or Analyfis. In the general, a thing is faid to be given which is either actually exhibited, or can be found out, that is, which is either known by Hypothefis, or that can be demonstrated to be known; and the Propofitions in the Book of Euclid's Data fhew what things can be found out or known from those that by Hypothefis are already known; fo that in the Analyfis or Investigation of a Problem, from the things that are laid down to be known or given, by the help of these Propositions other things are demonstrated to be given, and, from thefe, other things are again shewn to be given, and so on, until that which was propofed to be found out in the Problem is demonftrated to be given, and when this is done the Problem is folved, and its Compofition is made and derived from the Compofitions of the Data which were made use of in the Analysis. And thus the Data of Euclid are of the most general and neceffary use in the folution of Problems of every kind.

Euclid is reckoned to be the Author of the Book of the Data both by the antient and modern Geometers; and there seems to be no doubt of his having written a Book on this fubject, but which in the course of so many ages has been much vitiated by unskilful Editors in feveral places, both in the order of the Propofitions, and in the Definitions and Demonstrations themselves. To correct the errors which are now found in it, and bring it nearer to the accuracy with which it was, no doubt, at first written by Euclid, is the defign of this Edition, that so it may be rendered more useful to Geometers, at least to beginners who defire to learn the investigatory method of the antients. And for their fakes the Compofition of most of the Data are fubjoined to their Demonftrations, that the Compofitions of Problems folved by help of the Data may be the more eafily made.

Marinus the Philofopher's preface, which in the Greek Edition is prefixed to the Data, is here left out, as being of no use to understand them. at the end of it he fays that Euclid has not used

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