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1. To find the longitude of a place.

Look to the top or bottom of the map, or on the Equator, and find the degree opposite the given place, taking care to follow the course of the meridians.

Questions. What is the longitude from London, of Philadelphia? What is that of Mexico from the same place? Of the Sandwich Islands? Of China?

II. To find the difference of time between any two places.

On the Chart of the World, (where the meridians are drawn every 15 degrees,) count the number of meridians from one place to the other, and you will have the number of hours difference in their time.

If the place is East of the place given, the time of that place is so many hours earlier than that of the place given; If West, so many hours later than that of the place given.

Questions. What is the difference of time between Philadelphia and Mexico? What between Philadelphia and the Sandwich Islands, and China? What is the difference of time between London and Philadelphia? What between London and China? What between London and Egypt?


120. There are five races of men on the earth, distinguished from each other by their features and colour.

121. 1st. The European race, with features like ours; which includes Europeans and their descendants, with the Moors of Africa, and the people of western Asia and Persia.

In cool climates they have light complexions: but in the warm climates of Asia, Africa, and the south of Europe, they are swarthy, or brown.

122. 2d. The Asiatic or Mongolian race, of a deep yellow, extending over the eastern parts of Asia. They have straight black hair, small eyes set obliquely, and projecting cheek bones.

The inhabitants of the Frigid Zone are like the Mongolians, except that they are dwarfish.

123. 3d. The American or Indian race, who are chiefly found in America, of a copper colour, with straight black hair, and high cheek bones.

124. 4th. The Malay race, found in Malacca and some of the Asiatic Islands, of a deep brown colour, with black curled hair, and broad mouths and noses, but otherwise with regular forms and features.

125. 5th. The African, or black race, with flat noses, woolly hair, and thick lips, who are found chiefly in Africa and Australasia.

*126. The scriptures inform us, that all these races are brethren of the same family; the children of the same first parents.

*127. The great difference between them has been in part produced by the difference of climate, food, dress, and modes of living; and in part by other causes which we do not fully understand.

Questtons.-How many races of men are there? What is the first race mentioned, and who belong to it? What is their complexion? What is the second race? What are the peculiar features of the Mongolian race? What are the people of the Frigid Zones? Where is the Indian race found, and what are their peculiarities? Describe the Malay race. What is the fifth race? To which race do we belong? Are these races from the same first parents? What has produced the difference?


128. Men are found in five different states of society; the savage, barbarous, half-civilized, civilized, and enlightened.

*129. The state of society depends on the knowledge of the people, their skill in the mechanic arts, such as building, weaving, working in iron, &c. and their manners and customs.

130. 1st. The savage state is that in which men gain their support chiefly by hunting, fishing, or robbery; dress in skins, and generally live in the open

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air, or in miserable huts. (See the engravings for the NORTH WESTERN TERRITORY, SIBERIA, AUSTRALASIA.)

They have little knowledge of agriculture or the mechanic arts, and no division of lands, or system of laws. They seldom collect in towns or villages.

131. 2d. The barbarous state is that in which nations subsist by agriculture, or the pasturage of cattle and sheep, with some knowledge of the mechanic arts. (See the engravings for CIRCASSIA, TARTARY, ARABIA, and SOUTH AFRICA.)

Barbarous nations collect in villages, and have some regular forms of government and religion; but they have no written language or books.

Savages and barbarians are usually cruel and revengeful, and oblige their women to labour like slaves.

132. 3d. The half civilized state is like that of the Chinese, and other nations in the south of Asia, who understand agriculture and many of the arts very well, and have some books and learning, with established laws and religion.

Still they treat their women as slaves, and have many other customs like those of barbarous nations.

133. 4th. In the civilized state, which is found in Poland and South America, the sciences and arts are well understood, especially the art of printing; and females are treated as companions.

Many of the customs of those civilized nations which are not enlightened are still barbarous, and most of the people remain in the grossest ignorance.

134. 5th. Enlightened nations are those in which knowledge is more general, and the sciences and arts are found in the greatest perfection, as in most of the nations of Europe.

The degree of civilization of each country is shown in the Chart of the World by several shades, which are there explained.

Questions-What are the different states of society among men? What is the savage state? What can you say of the knowledge and customs of savages? What nations of the world are in this state? (See the Chart.) What is the barbarous state? What are the customs of these nations? What nations are barbarous? What is the general character of savage and barbarous nations? What is the half-civilized state? What knowledge have half-civilized nations? How do they treat their women? What countries are half-civilized?

Describe the state of civilized nations. What can you say of their customs and information? What are enlightened nations? In what quarters of the world do you find civilized and enlightened nations? What are those of each class in Europe and America?



(For the Review.) a. The first kind of government in the world was the patriarchal, in which every father, or patriarch, governed his own family and servants.

b. Some patriarchs became governors of many kindred families, or a tribe, and were called chiefs.

The government of savage and barbarous nations is usually that of patriarchs, or chiefs, as among the Indians.

c. When particular chiefs become very powerful, they conquer many others, and become rulers of large countries. They are then called monarchs, kings, or emperors.

d. An absolute monarchy is a government in which the will of the monarch is the law, as in Turkey and Russia.

e. A republic is that government in which the people choose their own rulers, as in the United States.

f. A limited monarchy combines these two governments, and is that in which the people assist in making laws, which the king is also obliged to obey, as in England.

On the Chart of the World, chiefs are indicated by stars: an absolute monarchy by a crown: a republic by the Roman fasces and the cap of liberty: and a limited monarchy by uniting the two last emblems.

Questions. What was the first kind of government? What was the next? What is done by some chiefs? What are they then called? What is an absolute monarchy? What absolute monarchies in Europe and Asia? What is a republic? What republic is there in Europe? What is a limited monarchy? Mention the limited monarchies in Europe.

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(For the Review.)

a. The four prevailing religions of the world are, the Pagan, Mahometan, Christian, and Jewish.

b. Pagans are those who believe in many false gods, and in different nations worship the sun, stars, rivers, idols and even beasts and insects.

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c. They often torture themselves, destroy their children,. and practise other cruel and wicked rites to please their gods, and obtain the forgiveness of their sins. (See the engravings for HINDOOSTAN, THIBET, TONKIN, and POLYNESIA.)

Pagan countries are distinguished on the Chart of the World by an altar.

d. Mahometans are those who believe in Mahomet, an impostor in Arabia, who lived 600 years after Christ, and pretended to be inspired.

e. He commanded all his followers to go on a pilgrimage to the temple of Mecca, and to kneel when they came near it.

f. He forbade idolatry and the worship of many gods. But he allowed some crimes, and promised the faithful a sensual paradise hereafter.

Mahometan countries are distinguished on the Chart by a crescent, the standard of Mahomet.

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