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pleasure. His Lordship concluded by ob- and classes, and uniting under the influence serving, that when the conduct of Alexan- of common principles, agreeing to promote der the Macedonian was compared with the one common object, equally grand and conduct of Alexander of Russia, it shrunk magnificent, not forgetting at the same into nothing. The Christian hero, instead time the necessary gradations and distincof murdering a friend, saves an enemy; in- tibus in society. Here the lowest may en. stead of burning a city, saves one from gage without presumption, and the loftiest destruction. Such are the true friends of without degradation. It is not because we the Bible Society, carrying into effect the have in this place forgotten our distinctions, leading principles of the Bible. He moved or consider them as unimportant: no; but thanks to the Royal Dukes.

because we know and feel that we are enCharles Grant, jun. Esq. seconded the gaged in a cause which shall survive all disresolution in a brilliant speech, that was tinction. The doctrines of this sacred delivered with the most impassioned elo- book, which we are anxious to circulate, quence, and of which we are able to give will rise above expiring nature, triumphing but a faint outline. He entered feelingly over every dangerous foe. On this hallowa mto the distinguishing excellencies of the ed ground our affections and views are institution. He referred to the Report as combined. Never was there a moment containing absolute demonstration of its more auspicious, or a crisis more stupenbenign and salutary effects. He referred to dous. How many signal and important the affecting déclaration, delivered in fo- lessons are afforded by the last war! It: reign accents, which they had that day was a moral war, not an appeal to a physiheard. To have witnessed such declara- cal force, but to those stern virtues in so. tion must have removed all opposition to ciety which are the master principles of ac this Society; if any opposition had remain- tion. The happy events which have occur ed, it must have impressed and imbued every red open a field which is peculiarly propi. heart. No imagery was sufficient to de- tious, by the return of peace and the repose scribe the scenery of that day. Here we of Europe. Last night it was unanimously ascend above the storm and tempest, and resolved in the House of Commons, to adindulge with angels our contemplations of dress the Prince Regent to use his influence victory and conquest, with pure and un- to make the general abolition of the slavemixed delight. Here are trophies and con- trade a specific article in the treaty which is, quests which produce the most refined plea- now consolidating. It must be a peculiar sure, without touching with remorse the pleasure to him who had commenced the silent reflections of the soul. Europe has labonr of attempting the abolition in this been delivered from the most destructive country, that he should live to see its final of all tyrannies, and we cannot but justly extinction in other nations. Having resolved applaud our brave deliverers. But such a that the world shall be free, let us be deconquest is attended by many secret sorrows, sirous that it should not be a pernicious and many fearful forebodings. At what a vast worthless freedom. Let this boon be beexpense of blood and treasure has this con- stowed. To our best advice, direction, and quest been obtained! We hear the groans example, let us follow them by our pledge of fathers and widows, of brothers and to this sacred cause. Let all Europe and husbands. But in the conquest which we the world know what'are the sleepless enerbave this day met to celebrate there are no gies which are treasured up in the heart of secret misgivings, no painful feelings; here a free people; that, however insulated in is ample scope in our imaginations for all our names and institutions, yet in a spirit. that is great and good. How much per- of humanity we are enthroned in the hearts sonal, domestic, and general happiness has of the inhabitants of Europe. May we. been produced! What consolation has been not anticipate the time when this meeting poured forth into the abodes of misery, af- shall be gratified with the presence of refiction, and distress! what triumphs of presentatives of different societies from the charity! These are scenes which the most four quarters of the globe? It is no disa exalted and religious may desire to contem- honour to the greatest names and the most plate. These are scenes which may occupy eminent rank to enrol themselves with us. the range of unseen worlds, and the flight It will add splendour to the highest dignia of interminable ages. On this occasion he ties. Let us, therefore, rally round this beheld in their procession princes, nobles, standard, this safeguard of civil life.--Imand senators, the guardians of our coast, pressed with these sentiments, he concur. and the protectors of our laws. Religion red in that motion which had been before was calculated to exalt every station, and read. inspire every noble sentiment in the heart Lord Teignmouth here read a communiof a free people, rendered still more poble cation from the Duke of Gloucester, apo." by deeds of beneficence. He hailed with logizing for his absence. delight an assembly of Christians, laying His Royal Highness the Duke of Kent . aside the distinctions of their several orters felt more than usual diffidence upon = this occasion, on account of the superior fections softened. It contains all that is eloquence of those gentlemen who had al- delightful, with all that is magnanimous ready spoken; they left him so far behind infinite in wisdom, affording materials for them, that he could only crave their indul- thinking, models for composition, calongence to a few words. He mentioned that lated to promote a true literary taste. Ita the absence of His Royal Highness the morals are sublime. It promotes every Duke of Sussex was solely occasioned by thing dear and valuable to man, as an inill health. They would consider his own telligent and immortal being. thanks as the thanks of the other branches - The Rev. Dr. Blackburne, Warden of of his family whose names had been men- Manchester, proposed the thanks to the tioned. The support wbich he had given Treasurer, which was seconded by John to that institution arose from a conviction Poynder, Esq. . , ;.. which he felt, that it was the most effectual Henry Thornton, Esq. rose to acknowmethod of rendering real service to the ledge thanks, and to propose a vote of poorer classes of society; there was no- thanks to the Secretaries. Grateful for the thing so beneficial as to put the word of honour conveyed, he could assure them God into their hands. It gave him plea- that he still felt disposed with zeal to serve sure that this Society was composed of per- in this cause. He mentioned the signal adsons of different religious tenets. Although vantages which arose to the friends of the,

he was sincerely attached to the Established institution from Bible associations. He , Church, yet he entertained equal respect could give testimony to their beneficial tend

for others who worshipped the Creator with ency, even in the promotion of other bereverence, who were obedient to the laws, nevolent objects. He had seen it in a disand manifested loyalty to the King. Had trict with which he stood most intimately he found it a society for promoting the in- connected. He pressed it upon the clergy terest of one class of religious professors in particular; for by their aid in the bobefore that of another, they would not rough of Southwark, they had considerably have had his support. He most cordially increased the funds. He noticed the libeunited in the zeal and gratitude which in- rality displayed towards the German suffer#amed this Meeting; and he hoped that in ers; and that the sums were nearly equal, every succeeding year, so long as he lived which had been collected for both purposes and was in this country, he should attend during the past year; proving that we were and bebold an assembly, as respectable as equally concerned for the bodies as the souls upon that occasion.

• of men. He then mentioned how much The Earl of Northesk proposed the vote the Society was indebted to the labours and of thanks to the Committee, which was se- exertions of the Secretaries; it was to conded by the Rev. Dr. Romney, from New them, perhaps, more than to any other, York. The Rev. Doctor lamented the ex- cause, that so many associations had been istence of the war between the two coun formed. tries, and more especially from what he The Rev. Dr. Thorpe, of Dublin. In Irehad seen and heard that day. One circum- land the exertions employed in this cause stance, however, afforded much pleasure, were equally improring with the present that however different their views in poli- labours and exertions of the British and tics, yet it was impossible to separate the Foreign Bible Society, The branches of bonds of Christian charity. They were the Hibernian Bible Society last year were still bound by the strongest ties. He could thirty-seren; but now they have increased not, therefore, but give his feeble testi- to fifty-three. Sixteen have been establishmony to the excellency of the plans of the ed during the past year, and their exertiong British and Foreign Bible Society; and he are still crowned with growing success. was confident he was expressing the general They have circulated more than fifty thoufeelings of his countrymen, for they have sand copies of the Bible during the past caught our spirit, and they emulate our year. In that country the clergy were example. In these causes it was impos- united upon this subject. They had three, sible to feel any sentiments of jealousy. In archbishops at their head, with the whole paying a national tribute to the Bible, we bench of bishops without a single exceponly recognise the claims which that book tion. Their exertions were not nominal, has upon every heart. That any person The Lord Primate had remitted, in various professing Christianity should oppose the ways, three hundred pounds. He is a free circulation of the Bible, was to Chris- warm advocate ;-he does not suffer the intians in America a subject of the greatest stitution to be whispered away in private. astonishment. The Bible contains matter. If any dare to speak evil of the Bible Socifor the understanding of an angel, yet ety, he is rebuked most sharply by him. brought so low as to suit the capacities of The poor in Ireland are anxious to receive mėn. Revelation was suited to man as an the Bible: females will part with articles of intelligent being; under its influence the dress to procurè a copy. A poor man who understanding is enlightened, and the af- came to a village to purchase two shirts,

having heard that a Bible could be pure tude and joy. Even some Roman Catho, chased, and which he had never possessed, lics upon the Continent, with the utmost purchased one shirt, and, with the remain- liberality, coincided with the plan of that der of his money, a Bible, saying, he institution. He concluded by reading a would rather have one shirt and a Bible, very interesting letter from Coant ștenthan two shirts without one. He could heil, Governor-general of Finland. give many instances of the good effects of The Rev. J. Owen concurred with Mr. H. the Bible upon the minds of the poor in in his adherence to brevity. He bad some Ireland. He would mention one: a person feelings of respect for their jaded and extravelling in Ireland met with a poor wo hausted spirits, and only had time to comman, who declared the good effects which a municate the very liberal contribution New Testament had produced upon the which he had just received, of a bond of mind of herself and son. She said, that 25001. from Thomas Bates, Esq. of Hatton since she had read the Bible she had be-. Castle,' near Newcastle-upon-Tyne; one come acquainted with her guilt as a sinner, thousand pounds of which to be devoted to and the necessity of a Saviour. The gen- promote the objects of the Society in. tleman asked her if she had nothing to fear France, from the priest; and she said, that here The Rev. Mr. Pinkerton was introduced she found some difficulty; but “ since she from Moscow. He gave a pleasing account had confessed her sins to God, she had less of the establishment of a Bible Society in desire to confess them to man.” She men that place after its destruction and other welltioned, likewise, that her little boy, every known events. The population of the naSunday afternoon, assembled the women in tive Russians exceeds thirty millions. They the neighbourhood in her cabin, and there first distributed the Bibles in the prisons read to them the New Testament, instead and hospitals, and then in Siberia among of their going to mass. You need not go the poor unfortunate exiles. He had posas far as Iceland in order to perceive the sessed opportunities of recommending this want of the Bible.--Ireland is equally ne- institution among the Calmucs and Tartars. cessitous: there are two or three millions Already three thousand of the New Testain that country who never possessed a ment had been printed in the Tartar lan- . Bible. Upon this subject he did not de- guage, chiefly at the expense of this instituspair: it was not the characteristic of the tion, and were now circulating with avidity. Irish to despair. The Roman Catholics in They have earnest applications from Crimea maany places were equally desirous of our for copies. The Mongol tribes of Asia, of assistance; and in one of our branches a which the 'Calmuc is one, have not been priest is among the most forward of the neglected. The Calmuc New Testament is members of the committee. The very op- in progress, and the Society are proceedposition of others excites inquiry. In one ing to procure a translation in the language parish where opposition was manifested, of Thibet. He concluded with reading the twelve Testaments were left; and, notwith- translation of an ukase which has recently standing the prohibition of the priest, they been read in all the churches of Asia. were speedily rendered illegible by their The Bishop of Norwich moved thanks constant perusal. They would always act, to the Presbytery of Glasgow for their if possible, in concert with the Roman annual collection; in which he felt pleaCatholic priesthood; but if they would not sure, that, whatever difference might exist afford their assistance, even their opposi- in forms and ceremonies, their objecte tion excited attention to the Scriptures. was one and the same. He really believed He seconded the resolution of thanks to that there had been more religious benefit the Secretaries. ' .

anti derived from this institution to the uninThe Rev. J. Hughes felt himself much structed part of mankind, than from any obliged to the assembly, and infinitely more other, since the first promulgation of the ändebted to the Supreme Being. He wished Gospel to the present day, to inclnde the whole of his reply in this Lord Gambier seconded the above: statement, and in the assurance that he, The Rev. W. Dealery moved the thanks would continue to prosecute his official la- to the Auxiliary Societies throughout the bours with unabated zeal.. . ; world. He could not sufficiently express · The Rey.C. Steinkopff.-_While accepting the glow of feeling pervading his breast. the thanks of this Meeting, he was desirous Their hearts had been that day expanded by to lay them upon the altar of his God. If such interesting facts, as must raise the deSwedish hearts could overflow with grati- sire that Bible Societies might surround the tude to Britons, surely a German heart globe. Were he to set out in life as a parshould abundantly more so. The English ty man, on a subject in which we could had done great things for their bodies as feel no party spirit, for here we have no well as their souls. The benefit of the mean jealousies, he would be inclined to Bible Society among his poor countrymen prefer these societies, as an Englishman, had produced the liveliest feelings of grati- for the extensixe benefits derived therefron. CHRIST. GUARD, VOL. VI.

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But we stand upon much higher ground Let us turn to Mim with our whole heart no less than that of promoting the univer- and mind. Let us not be proud of our own sal welfare of mankind. He would say to deeds. Let us nerer imagine that we are them, Inasınuch as ye have done it to one more than weak mortals. What are we? of these little ones, in the most distant So long as the hand of God is with us, we part of the world, ye have done it to us : are in possession of wisdom and might; but our hearts rejoice in your welfare, and we without him we are nothing. Let all the rejoice in your joy. Is it possible, that praise of man, therefore, be silenced beamidst such a profusion of sacred fire we fore him. Let each of us present the sam. can continue cold and insensible? Shall our crifice of praise to Him to whom it is due. hearts remain frozen, while Finland and Si- Our true glory and honour is humility beberia are melting? Shall we feel no anxie- fore Irim. We are convinced that each of ties, when Ethiopia stretches out ber hands our faithful subjects always feels this, and to God? Shall we go quietly to sleep, while especially after so much divine goodness Moscow, and all Russia, are vigilant and has been poured out upon us. Animated, active? Is it possible that we should faint, therefore, by these sentiments of humility when the whole world is rising? For, lo! and zeal, we ordain, on the present occathe winter is past; the rain is over and sion, that throughout our whole empire gone; the flowers appear on the earth; the every temple of God be opened ; that in time of the singing of birds is come, and the every church solemn thanksgivings. be prevoice of the turtle is heard in our land. sented, on bended knees, to the Maker and Now the tempest is over, and the clouds Disposer of all things; and that all present are driven away; hosts are advancing on all tears of the warmest gratitude to bim, for hands, and the harps of Zion are playing the unspeakable mercy shown us. By the to the breeze, the melody of heaven, power of his almighty aim' he hath drawn • This nfotion was seconded by the Rev. us out of great deeps, and placed us on the Dr. Macbride.

pirmacle of glory:-what shall we render A motion was then put for thanks to the unto him but tears of gratitude and joy! President for the day, by 2. Macaulay, Esq.

(Signed)'. ALEXANDER which was seconded by the Rev. J. Owen, Given at the Head-quarters, who concluded the business of the day by Carlsruhe, Dec. 6, (0.S.) * many lively and pleasant remarks, wbich: 1813. he finished with this devout aspiration : Blessed be the Lord God, the God of Israel, who only doeth wondrous things. · And ANNIVERSARY MEETING OF THE NATIONAL blessed be his glorious name for ever : and

SOCIE let the whole earth be filled with his glory. The National Society for the Education Amen, and Anen. . .

of the Poor in the Principles of the Established Church held their Anniversary Meet

ing at Sion College, on Thursday, June 2; The following is the Imperial Ukase or where the Archbishops of Canterbury and * Proclamation read by the Rev. Mr. Pin York, many of the bishops, of the nobility,

kerton, at the Meeting of the British and of the other subscribers, attended. And Foreign Bible Society, as cvincing After the Report of the proceedings of the the lively Interest which the Emperor Society during the last year had been read, Alexander takes in the cause of Religion. the Archbishop of Canterbury, in a most (See p. 243.)

eloquent and able speech, addressed the BELOVED subjects! A year is elapsed Meeting, and congratulated them upon the since we were called upon to return thanks vast progress which the efforts of the Nato God for delivering our realnis from the tional Society had made in every part of hands of cruel and powerful enemies. England. It appeared by their Report, that. Scarolg is, the present year expired, and since their last anniversary, 151 schools already our victorious banners are erected had been united to the body, which, in adon the banks of the Rhine. Europe, which dition to those that were previously in was 'armed against us, is now voluntarily' conjunction with it, had made the whole marching with us! All the nations whick number of schools under their patronage lie between Russia and France follow our and superintendence, 381: that in these example; and having uvited their arms 151 new schools, 22,370 children received with ours, turn them against the oppressor their education, which, together with those of the nations!

who attended the old schools, formed an • So great a change upon earth could only aggregate of 62,000 throughout England, have been effected by the special power of under the protection of the National $oGod. The destiny of nations and states ciety: that by their aid, 36 new schoolrises and falls by the power of bis almighty rooms had been erected in the course of the arm. Who is powerful without him? Who year, and 45 masters trained in the central is strong and stable, unless by his will? Schools for the purpose of supplying these

new establishments. It appeared also, that bury, who, amidst the arduous duties of the Military Asylum at Chelsea, the Naval his exalted station, had bestowed the most Asylum at Greenwich, the Royal Arsenal unremitting attention to the welfare of this at Woolwich, and all the Regimental institution, proposed that the most cordial Schools, though not formally united to the and respectful thanks of this Society should National Society, are in strict conformity be presented to His Grace. The thanks of with it, both in principle and practice, and the Meeting were also given to Joshua Watobserre in every respect the regulations of son, Esq. the Treasurer, as a tribute of its terms of union. His Grace remarked, their gratitude, not only for his zealous that through the unremitting exertions of and unwearied exertions in their interests, the Rev. Mr. Johnson, with the able as but for the great sacrifices both of time and sistance of Mrs, Rogers, the central school money which he had made to their welfare. at Baldwiu's Gardens had arrived at so high A vote of thanks was passed to the Rev. a pitch of perfection, as to give the utmost "Mr. Walmsley, the Secretary, who had satisfaction to the stinguished characters gratuitously undertaker, and most faithwho daily visited it in great numbers: that fully executed, the laborious duties which her Imperial Highness the Grand Duchess the vast and complicated 'concerns of the of Oldenburgh, in particular, had ex- Society had imposed upon him. Esprespressed the highest satisfaction at the ag sions of gratitude were also given to Dr. euracy with which the children answered Latham, jun. and Mr. Henry Earle, for the various questions which were put to the professional assistance they had given to them. In conclusion, His Grace observed, the children of the central school. blint he wished to be fully and distinctly it appeared from the Treasurer's report, understood, that the schoois patronized by that, in consequence of the numerous calls this Society were what they pretended to upon the funds of the Society, for their aid be -- National Schools, schools open to the in erecting school-rooms, &c, 'a considerwhole nation, to the children of Dissenters, able diminution of their capital stock bad as well as of Churchmen; that all were taken place. The institution, however, admissible, without any reference to their trust, that the generosity of the English sector denomination. All that was re- nation will not suffer their exertions to be quired of the children was a conformity to cramped in the diffusion of the blessings of the rules of the school, as nothing, less a religious and moral education, and in than this could be admitted, without the which the prosperity of the country is so production of much dis: raction and confu- deeply involved. sion.

Sir Thomas Ackland, in a very animated : speech, stated, that he could bear the most EXTRAST OP A LETTER FROM THE REV. G. ample testimony to the exertion of the So-' C. SITH, DATED LEZO, NEAR PASSAGES, ciety in every part of England; that its ef- IN SPAIN. forts were not confined to the metropolis DEAL SIR,

April, 1814. alone, but were extecked to the remotest You will, I am sure, feel pleased to hear corners of the kingdom; that wherever its that the Rev. Mr. Mills, Chaplain to the influence was felt its effects were visible, forces here, is a very worthy man, anxious not only among the children, but also to promote the eternal welfare of souls, and among the parents; and that a new moral ardently desirous of glorifying God. He atmosphere appeared to hare been created visits the hospitals in rotation, and reads in every spot to which its exertions had been prayers and preaches every Lord's day at directed. He concluded with moving the Passages, at ten o'clock; at Lezo, (a large thanks of the Meeting to the General Con- deput, two miles from Passages) at twelve mittee, for the unwearied zeal which they o'clock; and at Reinteria (one mile from had ever shown in forwarding the views and Lezo) at half past one. I have just bad the promoting the interests of the Society, pleasure to hear him preach directly before · The Archbishop of Canterbury, after the door of a large church, now a barrack having spoken in the highest terms of tbe for the invalids who are to be sent to advantages derived by the female part of England. Many of the wounded, all the the school in Baldwin's Gardens from the invalids, and effective men, were drawn up. kind and assiduous attention of ladies who around him, when, after reading prayers, he bad undertaken the office of visitors, was delivered a very affecting and interesting persuaded that the Meetins wonld feel their discourse from our Lord's words : “ I ain best thanks to be due to those ladies for the the way, the truth, and the life.” I felt pains which they had taken in the improve- xbundantly thankful to bear the Gospel ment of the children, not only in reading thus faithfully preached in a Spanish village, and writing, but also in their needle-work. and to a people so awfully depraved as our

Lord Kenyon, in consideration of the troops appeared to be ou these stations. I very great obligation which the Society had previously attended a large Catholic were under to the Arehbishop of Canter- church, and heard the service of the day, .

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