Imágenes de páginas

the righteousness of the Scribes and Phari- bé unparalleled. If the disposition only sees, they should in no case enter into the existed, much might be done. In proof of kingdom of heaven. The Report now this, he begged to state an anecdote related read gave the Meeting to understand, that of a lady in Germany, who, in the devas, å number of persons who had been weekly tation brought upon her country, had lost subscribers to the Sooiety, the moment they ber all, so that, when a subscription was had received their Bibles had withheld all entered into for the peasantry, she was not farther weekly subscriptions. Now he even possessed of a sixpence to contribute must warn all such persons, that they must in aid of it. Grieved at heart that she not go away with the idea that their righ could not contribute her mite to alleviate the teousness exceeded the righteousness of the distresses of her countrymen, she cut off Scribes and Pbarisees. He trusted, how- her hair, and sold it to a manufacturer for ever, that all persons of this description twelve sbillings, which she gare in aid of who now heard him, would, from this night the subscription. A nobleman, however, forward, redeem their misconduct, and join hearing of the circumstance, re-purchased heart and hand in the cause in the support the hair of this patriotic lady, hnd it made of which they were now assembled. They into trinkets, and it produced the sum of did not know what good their pence might 1281.This showed, that where there was do. It was only by little and little that the disposition, the means would not be great sums were saved. He trusted, there wanting. He hoped, therefore, that the lafore, that they would come forward as dies, following the example of this German actively in the cause of Christ as the lady, would go and exert themselves. slaves of pleasure did in support of that The motion that the Report be received, cause which they worshipped. Some few was then put, and carried unanimously. yards distant from the place where they Charles Dudley, Esq. then rose.--If an were now assembled, there was a large house apology were required for him, who was a open for admittance, into which, for a single stranger, addressing the Assembly, he night, the votaries of pleasure thought it thought he found it in the words wbich no extraordinary tax upon them to be called first caught his eye when he entered the on to pay the large subscription of 6s, or door of the Chapel~" To the poor the 75. He did not call upon those whom he Gospel is preached.” He had been called now peculiarly addressed, for any such sub- ou, howerer, to attend this Meeting, in scription as this : let them come forward order that he might have an opportunity of according to their ability, were it but with pointing out to them what had been done the tenth or twentieth part of this sum: in Southwark, through the means of similar if they did even this, they would thereby societies, He must, notwithstanding, in produce a large subscription. Our Lord the first place, remark, that the fact of 385 said, “ By this shall all men know that ye persons having discontinued their subscripare my disciples, if ye have love one to an- tions, after they had been supplied with other." In no way, he ventured to assert, Bibles, had struck him with extreme surprise.. could this lore be shown so effectually, as He should have thought, that the very by putting the Bible into the hands of those circumstance of their having been furnished who had it not; and to accomplish this was with that Book would have been an additional the object of the preseặt Meeting. He stimulus with them to continue, if not to concluried by moving that the Report be increase, their subscriptions. It had been received.

so with the societies in Southwark; and Mr. James, in seconding this motion, there were many members of the societies thought it impossible for any one to con- there, who, after they had become possesstemplate the exertions now making in this ed of thcir Bible, would have subscribed country for the dissemination of the Holy more than the committees would accept of. Scriptures, without exclaiming, « Surely That the Bible was much wanted, particuthe work is of God, and must succeed.” larly in that country to which he believed He was sorry to find that some weekly many of those whom he now addressed subscribers to the present Society had belonged, he had reason to know. Within withdrawn their subscriptions after they these few years he bad travelled through had received their Bibles. The luxury of every county in Scotland, every county in doing good in a case of this kind, was England, except one, and he had traversed within every one's power. When the poor the whole of Ireland twice.--The result of widow threw into the treasury two mites, his investigation amounted to this: There which make a farthing, our Saviour declar- was not a cottage in the most distant part ed that she bad thrown more in than all of the Highlands of Scotland wbere the they who had cast money into the treasury Bible did not present itself. In England When he saw so many ladies in the galle- it was not so universally to be found : and Tie, he could not forbear from a dressing in Ireland there were but two instances them, and soliciting their support. If they in which he recollected to: þave found & Velid engage in the work, the effect would Bible in the abode of porérty. A worthy

friend of his, the Rev, Mr. Robert Shaw, was, enabled to pay up his weedily pennies had informed him, that in Cashel, the see till he procured his Bible. Harag obtains of an atchbishop, he had not been able to ed it, he concealed it in his bed, lest his fa borrow a Testament. He himself was an ther should discover it. One day, howe Irishman, and he felt for Ireland. There on his return home from school, to his were among those whom he now addressed, amazement he found his father, who he ex he was sure, hearts which beat strongly for pected had gone to the alebouse, at home, Ireland. There were in that country mil and in the act of reading his Bible. The lions of their fellow-subjects panting after boy was afraid to approach, when the fathis bread and water of life; and would ther inquired of him where he had got the not their fellow-countrymen, many of whom book; and on being informped, started from were now present, .wish, even out of their his seat, tore bis hair, exclaiming, “ Yes, own penury, to assist in procuring it for I was bringing you up to perdition!'!, The them? He should mention the state of father then proceeded to tell the boy, that the Bible societies in Southwark, as á sti- he came bome to clean himself, in order to mulus to them. Within eighteen months go to the cursed alehouse, when, look they had there established twelve Bible so: ing into the bed, he found the Bible which cieties, which had raised 34001. and had the boy had hid there, which he had, providistributed 13,600 copies of the Bible. Let dentially, been led to look into, and that the Bible societies, then, evangelize Ireland, be should never again frequent tbe ale before they go to China; and let the mem- house. The man, from being a complete bers of the present Society come over to reprobate, was now a reformed character; Southwark, and endeavour to excel the he was so to his (Mr. Dudley's) knowledge. Bible societies there. This be 'would say, This was one of the blessed effects pro if there were any Catholics present, and be duced by the distribution of the Bible, by believed there were many in this neighbour Bible societies, and by these schools for hood, that they had in the Southwark socie- the instruction of youth. If they persevered ties 842 Catholics, four of whom were on in these schools, they would find thein á the committee, and they were among the rich mine. But those to whom he now most active of the whole. There was no- peculiarly addressed himself might say, thing, he was convinced, could cure Ireland." Why do you call on us, who are poor, to but religion and the Bible. It was said come forward on such an occasion ?" His that the Roman Catholic priests would answer was, the rich had done much alnot allow the Catholics to be taught, or rearly; though he hoped they would still to read the Bible. He should men- go on doing more. The rich had already ţion a fact, illustrative of this assertion, subscribed upwards of 75,0001.; and they which had occurred in Southwark. They hrad distributed upwards of 1,700,000 cobad there a school for adults, into which pies of the oracles of God. He would resix Catholics had entered, all of whom fled late a fact respecting a Roman Catholic girl She following day. The committee (of who came to one of the Southwark Bible whom he, Mr. Dudley, was one) inquired societies, desiring to get a Bible. They into the cause of this, and were informed, told her, that the large copy which she that the six persons had heard that their wished to have cost them ttvelve shillings, priests were averse from their continuing at but that she might havet on payment of the school. The committee went to the six shillings. She said she had not that priests, who, instead of being displeased at sum to pay. They then asked her if sle the persons' remaining at school, thanked could afford to pay one penny per week.the the committee for admitting them, begged She said, Yes ; she could afford to pay sixthat they might continue at it, and there pence per week: her mistress gave ber sixthey now were. .

pence per week for porter, and, to get a * One fact in illustration of the benefits to Bible, she could be content to drink water! be derived from Bible societies he should Now those to whom he was address:ag bim- , state; and one fact was worth' a dozen of self would, in order to enable them to do what arguments.-- There was a school at Wal- was now asked of them, have no worth, the boys of which being waited give up their porter. Ten thousand houses upon by some of the committee of one of in Southwark had sared by paying this the Southwark Bible societies, all agreed penny a week, and by many it was emphato become subscribers for a Bible except tically called, their blessed penny a week. one boy, whose father was a reprobate, The Bible Society had met with opposition and who would not allow his son a half- with opposition, too, from gentlemen of penny for a Bible, though he had no ob. the Church of England; and the reason jection to give him sixpence at a time to go was, that those gentlemen thoughi t better to Peckham, St. Bartholomew, and all the that the Bible should not be at all distriother fairs. This boy, however, was as- buted, than that it should not be accompasisted by a companion, whose mother was nied by a Prayer Book. He had an invina poor washerwoman, and by his means cible answer, however, to this chicction,

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which he should state to them. He refer the way: they formerly crossed to avoid Ted to their estimatle Chairman, whether each other; they now crossed in order to the sole and only merit of the Prayer Book shake hands.-Such was another of the efwas not, that it flowed from the Bible. Iffects of reading and disseminating the the hall of a thing, therefore, was good, Bible, and the doctrines of the Bible! I the whole was better. It was sait; and he was a work wbich must go forward, for it admitted it to be so, that half a loaf was was the work of God. Be it the endeavour better than no bread; bat be bad nerer yet of those whom he now addressed to proheard it eræn attempted to be argued, that mote this work, satisfied that erery pennt

half a loaf was better than a whole loaf. which they subscribed trould be an addition . He was sorry, however, to thiök that this to the river which was now so rapidly fow:

opposition had ceased, for he thought it ing. He concluded by moving, that the had done them good.' He had omitted to Rev. Wm. Gurney be the President of the state, that not only tbe Roman Catholics, present Association ; which, being second

but even the Jews, had lent their aid to the ed by Mr. Tucker, was agreed to ubani. :: Bible societies in Southwark. There were mously... ung, fewer than fifty-six Jews subscribers to . Thanks were 'unanimously voted to the

those Bible societies; and when asked their Treasurer, Secretaries, Committees, &c. * Season for assisting them, their answer was, and various eloquent speeches in further.

“Because we see that those Christians who ance of the object of the Meeting were de
have Bibles; are better than tbose who livered.
have none.” He hoped that those whom . Thanks were also voted to the Rex. Mr.
he now addressed would show that the same Garney; who, in returning his acknow
cause produced a similar effect on their con- ledgments, declared St. Giles's to be ni
duct. A friend of bis, who had been a longer entitled to that character for profii-
subseriber of a guinea a year to one of the gacy and profaneness for which be acknor
Bouthwark societies, and whose servants ledged it to have been formerly justly pro
had also become members of it, some time verbial. He had seen proofs of reforma
ago intimated to him (Mr. Dudley) that he tion in the conduct of the inhabitants,
could no longer give to such societies his which gare him strong reason to bope, that,
support. On being asked his reason, bis within a few years, this place, once a wila
friend replied, they had ruined his servants. derness, would become the garden of the
He had one of the best women servants mount.
possible; and on an occasion when he wish . The Meeting was then adjonrnet, the
ed to be denied, he desired her to say that utmost decorum baring prevailed through
be was from home ;. to which she answer- out. The subscription had every appeare
ed, that she could not. “Why so.?"-"I ance of being liberal.
bave read my Bible, and I cannot tell a
falsehood." His friend being a sensihle
man, he (Mr. Dudley) had little ditficulty

CONTRİBUTIONS FOR THE WIDOW AND in convincing him that he was wrong in

supposing the Bible had had the effect of
rufning bis servant; on the contrary, that

(Received by Mr. Seeley.)
it was more likely, that she who now told
lies for him, would soon tell lies to him.

£. s. d. His friend, in consequence, instead of

ad of W.M. Förster, Esq. :

..... Ś0 withdrawing, doubled his subscription; and M. D. Clapham ... this was the effect of opposition. Before

C.S.... the establishment of the Bible: societies,

s. Mr. R. W. Allix... if Seccders, Quakers, or any other two

Miss Allix ................
members of Opposite denominations of Miss M. Allix .........
Christians met. their only anxiety was to Anonymous ............... 5 0 C
keep aloof from each other, and with that

that W. E..........,
view they crossed over to opposite sides of Ecárg, por Rov, Mr. Steinkopff

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Church of England Magazine.




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A SHORT ACCOUNT OF THE LATE of late been considerably improve

THEOPHILÚS - LANE, L. L. D. OF ing; so that only about ten days the 1 LEWISHAM, AND PREBENDARY before his death he had conducted

OF HEREFORD, WHO WAS RE- the morning and evening service,
MOVED IN THE MONTH OF JULY preached twice, and administered
LAST, FROM AIS SORROWING the sacrament at Carshalton
FAMILY AND FLOCK, BY A SUD- church, not only without fatigue,

DEN AND MOST AFFECTING DIS- but with great comfort to himself; - PENSATION OF PROVIDENCE. and was thence, anticipating the

resumption of his clerical duties My dear deceased friend's life with much delight. But it has - Mas terminated by means of what pleased his Divine Master to call we denominate an accident, and him to still more exalted duties, one as extraordinary as it was fa- and to unmixed and interminable tal. He was on a visit at the house delights of a sublimer order. As a of a friend at Sudbury, with whom, preacher, his prominent characterand one of his own sons, riding out istics were simplicity and earnestin a single horse chaise, on the ness. While in the pulpit he was 11th of July, they were all thrown manifestly absorbed in his object; from the vehicle, in consequence but that was no less than to of the horse tripping. None of “preach Jesus Christ in simplicity them were injured by the accident and godly sincerity.”. His sermons except. Dr. Lane, whose walkingwere of a highly practical tenden. stick, entering at the socket of the cy; but the practice he recomreye, penetrated the brain, and oç. mended was founded upon those -casioned his death on the succeed- doctrines which mark Christianity , ing day! Thus has the church as a restorative dispensation : and been deprived of one of its' most his doctrinal statements and prac

faithful ministers, and society, in tical exhortations were usually so athe vicinity of Blackheath, of one blended, and flowed so mutually of its brightest ornaments.

one into and from the other, that it Dr. Lane had officiated for some would have been difficult at any time years at Dartmouth Row Chapel, to say he was exclusively doctrinal · Blackheath, with much acceptance or exclusively practical. His sentiand benefit. But about a year and ments were of the moderate coma half ago, becoming incapacitated plexion now most prevalent, I for preaching, by reason of a se- conjecture, amongst pious clergyrious attack upon the lungs, he men. He was not a Calvinist ; nor was succeeded by the Rev. John was he an Arminian; nor can I : Sheppard, A, B. His health had positively affirm that be was a Baxe


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terian ; though his opinions doubt- all, of every description, within the less approximated to the line sphere of his benevolent exertions ; drawn by the excellent man from and especially to be most active whom the latter denomination ori. where there is the greatest need ginated. He was a firm and de- for activity and exertion. This, cided churchnan upon mature con: Sir, is precisely the object of the viction ; but he was free from bi- Bible Society, and a more glorious gotry, and was a true lover of object the mind of man cannot sincerely good men of every per- conceive.”. . suasion.

I cannot trust myself to say all He was a warm friend to the that iny feelings would dictate in Bible Society; and, in the capa- reference to the character of my city of Secretary, took a most ac- departed friend, in private and dotive part in the concerns of the mestic life ; yet I feel that I should · Blackheath Auxiliary Society. neither do justice to him, nor to the

Perhaps you will allow me, now I religion of whose richest graces he am discharging the melancholy du- exhibited so pleasing a picture, if I ty of sketching his character, to were entirely silent on that head. transcribe his own sentiments on Into such complete subjection had this momentous subject, as deliver the goodness of God enabled him ed at the meeting when that 'Auxi. to bring all the ruder passions of liary was instituted.

our nature, that he was a pattern It is to me matter of astonish- of equability, mildness, and pla"ment and regret, that any man, çidness of disposicion. What Dr. who has the use of his reason, Lane was seen to be once, he was and the benefit of the Christian seen to be always. So much, in: Revelation, should for a moment deed, was this the case, that on

doubt,' whether it be his duty to my stating to a relative of his, that . promote the interests of so noble, I had never seen his brow clouded

so beneficial, an institution as this. by a frown, or heard an angry ex. As a Minister of the church of pression from his lips, I received England, I feel, Sir, that decided in reply the declaration—" I have preference for my own church seen and associated with him alwhich a military man usually does most daily for the last twenty for the regiment to which he be- years, and yet can testify the longs; and I trust that I shall same." "always be as ready to defend the The meek and unruffed serenity church when attacked, as he of his demeanour was the obvious would be to repel any aspersions result of the tranquillity which Cast upon his own corps. But a reigned within. And his unobtrutrue patriot will feel a "noble im- sive humility was, in like manner, pulse, a more generous affection: the genuine offspring of Christian his bosom will be fired with the principles. So unassuming, inlove of his country. When the in- deed, was he in the whole of his terests of his country are at stake, deportment, that though he was a he will overlook all other consider- man of talent, and, in reference to

ations; he will sacrifice all minor many points of difficulty, a man of · attachments. Now, a Christian is considerable research ; yet, on asktaught to regard the world as his ing myself, since his death, why I country, and all its inhabitants as loved him, I find it was purely on his brethren. Instructed by the account of his goodness. The precepts, influenced by the spirit, 'sterling excellencies of his characand animated by the example of ter were so conspicuous and prehis blessed Master, he will be in. vailing, that they found their ivay clined to extend his good offices to to wy heart, and pgaged my af

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