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he was as a preacher is well known. dently declined in health, but re

No man understood his subject tained his usual fine flow of spirits, 'better, or entered more heartily with an easy and contented mind into the marrow of it. None could under great bodily, weakness, and bę more methodical, lucid, and sometimes most excruciating pain. full, on every subject. His style The following is an extract from was classical, elegant, and simple ; a letter written in August last, . his attitude and manner in the from Ramsgate, to his friend the pulpit commanding and engaging. Rev. Mr. Newcatre: All he said came with great unc- “ After all, my dear friend, tion, because there was great life is hardly worth an anxious unction on his own spirit. No thought : were it not for its intipreacher of his day was heard with mate connexion with eternity, it more interest and delight. Those would be a mere non-entity, a who heard him the oftenest were dream, a shadow, a nothing. Thus, his warmest admirers. There was as Ministers, we teach our people; great variety in his preaching; he and, as Ministers, let us exemplify always had new matter. The Lord our own lessons ; we shall then be blessed his labours to a very con- solicitous not so much for our considerable degree.

tinuance in this world, as for an « As a Christian man he excel- honourable departure out of it. I led. The leading features of his thank God, that, in the prospect character were these : he had of my removal, my chief regret is, great compass of understanding; that I have not served him better., his knowledge was general; in no- On the other hand, in the prospect thing, perhaps, did he excel so of living a few more years, my. much as in humility; and if ever chief desire is to serve him with I saw a man without guile, it was more fidelity in the time to come.' Earle Gilbee: kindness, and bene. It is in that regret and in that devolence were his very nature and sire that I see my best evidences; temper of mind; it, was his meat encouraged by them, I can quietly and drink to lessen human misery, leave it with God to shorten my. and produce happiness : he was a life or to lengthen it, to sweeten it true lover of peace, and would or to embitter it, as seemeth to make any sacrifice to obtain it him good. You must not, howwith all men. I never knew the ever, suppose, that I have no fears man that was more dead to this with regard to death and a judgworld : perhaps he even erred in ment to come ; on the contrary, I inattention to his earthly concerns. am at times sharply exercised by In a word, if there was a shade in them; but still I would not be his character, it was that such a without them. Our fears I consiman lived too much in the shade : der as very unpleasant compahe was too fond of a retired life. nions; but perhaps they are our

" It would be unnecessary to best safeguards, inasmuch as they add, that such a man made the excite us to prayer and watchfulbest of parish-priests, husbands, ness, discover to us our insuffifathers, and friends."

ciency and nothingness, and cause After several years passed in the us to cling more steadfastly to the useful and honourable exercise of blessed hope set before us in the his ministry, it at length appeared Gospel. Such I experience to be to be his heavenly Father's will to the blessed fruits of fear: nor will remove him from the church mili- I quarrel with the unpalatable. tant on earth to that triumphant ness of this medicine, while it opein heaven. For several months rates thus kindly. I need not debefore the Doctor died, he evio tail this argument farther. The balance between life and death is tell them from me, their dying easily struck by the Christian : the pastor, and one that has a regard Apostle incloses it all in a nut- for their immortal interest, to shell (Philipp. i. 21): · For me watch and pray much, that their to live is Christ, and to die is spiritual enemies may not get the gain. May the grace of God en- advantage over them. i recomable us both to attain to his expe- mend them to attend diligently on rience in this point !"

all the means of grace, waiting He returned from Ramsgate to upon God, that they be not moved Barby in September. It was not from the hope of the Gospel; and long before an increase of alarm- let them not be ashamed to declare ing symptoms began to appear. to the world that they are on the He was evidently sinking into the Lord's side ; let them act a faithgrave.

ful part, that they may in their The night before this excellent last moments say, from heart-felt man of God departed, he sent for a experience, " Lord, now lettest few of his most intimate friends in thou thy servant depart in peace, the town, to leave with them his for mine eyes have seen thy salvadying testimony, and addressed tion.' them to the following purpose: “ Tell those of them that begin

“ I do not think it right to leave to have some thoughts of religion, this world without leaving behind not to put such concerns off till me my dying testimony for the another time, but to be in earnest comfort of my people. I charge now, for time flieth fast away, and you, therefore, to tell them from death is at their door. O bid them me, that the truths which I have from me, not to trifle with prepreached to them bear me up now cious time, but to seek Christ above the fears of death. My with their whole heart while he faith in Christ is without a cloud, may be found. The work is most and makes me happy in the pro- important; let them no longer spect of death. The Gospel sup- halt between two opinions, but be ports my soul; but I have to re- decisive where their eternal salvapent that I have not been more tion depends. faithful and zealous for the Lord. " Tell those of my parishioners The religion of Jesus is so precious who have made light of the truths to me, that it suppresses all doubts which I have 'preached, now to and fears: "For me to live is reflect and consider how many opChrist, and to die is gain.' Though portunities they have lost, how my family at this time want a fa- many sermons they have heard ther's care, yet with Christ in with indifference, how many sabview, I can confidently trust him baths' they have trifled away, and with my soul, my family, and my how much time they have lost, people, 'knowing that Infinite Wis- never to be recalled. O tell them, dom cannot err.

that it is my earnest prayer that .66 Tell my people, that I feel the death of their Minister may myself a sinner, a penitent sinner, be the life of their souls. Assure a sinner saved by grace; and them that I find the world to be charge them to cleave to the Lord now, what it has been to me for a with full purpose of heart, and long time, nothing more than a they will find the blessed effects of shadow, a vapour, a bubble, a 10this in life, and the comforts of it thing. Tell those that have treatin the prospect of death. Tell ed me and the truths which I have them to be rooted and grounded in preached with scorn and contempt, the truths of that Gospel which I that I now solemnly declare, in kave declared unto them. Yes, the prospect of my speedy disso..


lution, that nothing but faith in a a line in Horace, which is too crucified Redeemer, and a full de- flattering for me to mention." pendence on his merits, can ren- " About six his soul left this der a sinner acceptable in the sight world to enter on an eternal sabof God." !

bath, and to see Him whom his The manner in which the above soul loved.” was delivered was 'truly affecting; Another friend, describing histhe tears of affection flowed down last moments, says: “ His conhis cheeks, his eyes and hands versation was most heavenly and were lifted up to heaven, and his interesting, and his mind most soul earnestly praying for a bless- deeply impressed with the importing on his last efforts to benefit the ance and glory of divine things, people of his charge, by leaving He broke out once in ecstacy, say, with them his dying experience of ing, “O that I were in the pulpit the truths of the Gospel. At the now! How I should preach Christ prospect before him he seemed in' to my people at this moment! a transport of joy: a view of the Take me there ; take me there; i glory to which he was soon to en- to leave my dying testimony for ter evidently filled his soul with Christ!" He then called on those unutterable delight and triumph. who were present to join him in

. On the following day he sent singing the hymn which begins, for the Rev. Mr. Newcatre, who,

Come ye that love the Lord, speaking of this his last interview

And let your joys be known. with him, writes to a friend: “ I was with him about six; he ex- He repeated the whole with repressed great joy on seeing me, markable delight, and instantly and clasped me in his dying arms, fell into a kind of slumber, spoke and called me by the most endear- no more, and departed without a ing terms. He said he was very sigh or a groan.” thankful to die in the bosom of His funeral was conducted in his family ; that he would not turn the following manner.- Before the over a straw to live contrary to corpse walked two medical men, the will of God. "I know,' said (who had attended him), his athe, whom I have believed. I torney, and the clergyman who wished him to spare his little read the burial-service: six clergystrength, but he would not spare men, pall-bearers: the widow and himself, but said, “I want to sing; her eight children, and several of I want to have some of the people his nearest relations, followed as here to sing around my bed. O! mourners : at the gate before his I wish to preach Christ now. 0 house, the whole parish met the tell them how I die! Tell them funeral train of their revered Mihow I love them! I shall see nister; all who could at all aiford your wife before you. He was it had clothed themselves in black. so collected as to send his love to They then followed him in regular one whom he knew to be near and and mournful procession to the dear to me. He embraced Mrs. church, where an interesting and Gilbee with great tenderness, and pathetic address was made to the expressed his strong attachment to numerous hearers by the Rev. Mr. her, and his esteem for her worth. Newcatre. Weeping and sighing

“ When his strength failed hini, was heard from every part of the he grasped my hand, smiled, and congregation :-the cause was not bowed his head, to express that trivial - Dr. Gilbee was no longer all was well. This he did till he there. He died on Sunday, Oct, became quite insensible. While 2, 1812, while his people were at he held me in his arms he repeated' church.

The three last texts from which 2 Tim. i. 10.4"Who hath aboDr. G. preached, , when taken in lished death, and hath brought comexion with the foregoing short life and immortality to light through menoir, will excite an affectionate the Gospel.” :solemnity in the mind of the con- 2 Tim. iv. 1.- Who shall templative reader:

judge. the quick and the dead at Phil. i. 23.-" I am in a strait his appearing and his kingdom. betwixt two, having a desire to depart, and to be with Christ, which is far better."


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. ESSAYS ON THE NAMES AND in the fortieth chapter of Isaiahr:

TITLES GIVEN TO OUR DIVINE " Prepare ye the way of Jehovah; REDEEMER.

make straight in the desert a highNo. IV.

way for our God.” Such is the Jah, Ehjah, Jehovali.

triumphant language of the church, in reference to the approaching

Saviour, Isa. xii. 2; such the Part II.

character of Israel's all-powerful JEHOVAH.

and compassionate Shepherd, in (3.) We shall therefore proceed Isa. xl. 10. The miracles which ·on to another class of proofs, aris- he was to perform in testimony of ing from those Scriptures in which his divine mission, are concisely the term Jehovah is applied to Him enumerated by the same Prophet, who was to perform the various Isa. xxv.5; but the person who necessary works in the attainment performs them is declared to be ng of redemption for his people. The other than God coming to save his assumption of our nature in all its people, displaying the glory of Jecircumstances of debasement for hovah (ver. 2); and the people ..sin, that he might be able to be- thus delivered are the ransomed of

come a suitable mediator for siriful Jehovah,' unto everlasting jay. men, was the grand object in the (Ver. 10.) covenant-undertaking of Messiah: The deep humiliation of the this necessary humiliation so be- lowly Saviour, when he was declouds to the eye of sense his es. spised and rejected of men, the sential dignity, that it inay well agony of the garden, and the igbe called, " THE GREAT MYSTERY nominy of the cross, where he OF GODLINESS." To prevent our was wounded, and bruised, and misapprehension upon so im- chastised, stricken and smitten of portant a point, repeated declara- God, and afflicted, have ever been tions are made of his true glory, the greatest stumbling-block to the that He who was about to appear wise, the strongest objections to in human nature was the Aleim- his divine power and glory; but Jehovah. Some of these have al- thus saith 'Jehovah, in the lanready been considered in another guage of the Prophet Zechariah, point of view, and therefore shall xii. 10:“ I will pour upon the here be only mentioned. Such is house of David, and the inhabitthat animated proclamation putants of Jerusalem, the spirit of into the mouth of his forerunner grace and of supplication; and

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- they shall look upon NE whom apparel, though red with blood, * they have pierced.” We scarcely' from treading the wine-press, and

need the testimony of an Apostle trampling down his foes, travelto point us to the fulfilment of this ling in the greatness of his strength, prediction at the cross of Jesus, as one who had spoken in righwhere all things were fulfilled, . teousness, mighty to save.” The completed, and accomplished, ' 'subject of the church's praise is which were written in the law and the loving-kindness of Jehovah, the

the prophets concerning the pro- praise of Jehovah, according to * mised Messiah. This view of the all that Jehovah hath bestowed

Redeemer's person is confirmed in' upon us, and his goodness to the the next chapter, where, in evi- house of Israel, which he hath

dent allusion to that scene of suf- bestowed on them according to * fering, viewed as the just conse- his mercies, and according to the

quence of our sins, laid on the multitude of his loving-kindnesses.

Mediator by the hand of God for · He looked, and there was none to : 'the salvation of his people, we help; placed himself in our stead*,

find this astonishing language: when there was none to uphold ; “ Awake, Osword! against my and his own arm brought salvashepherd, and against the man' tion. (Isa. Ixiii. 1-7.) If we that is my fellow, saith Jehovah, follow this triumphant Conqueror · God of Hosts." (xiii. 7.) The to the gates of the heavenly para- death of the Surety was nécessary dise, and hear him claiming ad· for the life of his people, that by mission to the abodes of bliss, to * death “he might conquer him that take the throne of judgment as

had the power of death, that is, the King of glory ; his claim is en*** the devil;" he is therefore répre- forced by his bearing all the ho** sented as triumphing over princi- nours of the name Jehovah, in palities and powers, upon the cross. 'connexion with his 'mediatorial (Col. ii. 14.) The silence of the victories in the nature of his tomb might suspend the expecta-' people: “ Lift up your heads, ye . tions of his display, but can form ' gates; and be ye lifted up, ye everno check to the exercise of our lasting doors; and the King of faith, which sees him there depriv- glory shall come in. Who is this ing death of its sting, breaking King of glory? Jehovah, God of through the bars with which sin Hosts; Jehovah, strong and mighhad inclosed the dreary mansion, ty; Jehovah,' mighty in battle."

and triumphing in everlasting life (Psa. xxiv. 74-10.) What accu· and glory.

'mulated evidence here meets our . The Prophet describes this glo-' faith, as to the essential divine

rious conquest as the work of Je- glories of the Lord our Saviour ! hovah: “ In that day Jehovah, The incommunicable name of Diwith his sore, and great, and strong' vine Essence is applied to the persword,' shall punish leviathan the son of the proniised Redeemer, is

piercing serpent, even leviathan found connected with all the " that crooked' serpent, and shall 'names, characters, and offices he

slay the dragon that is in the sea.". bears, and all the works of humi.

(Isa. xxvii. 1.) By " the Lord of liation as well as glory, which he * Hosts swallowing up death in vic-" was to perform. We glory in him,

tory” (Isa. 'xxv. 6--8);'" and then, as Jehovah Jesus ; Jehovah 3 'freading down the fortresses of the "our salvation. The last of the - enemy of his people.” (Ver. 10– · 12.) And again: "When' he *This is, perhaps, the true meaning of

comes from Edom; with died gar- opinws.bbw to place : hitbpael, to ments from Božrah, glorious in his place himself, &c.

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