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us, that the country could never perish as long as Eliot was alive.' One, who for a long series of years had filled so large a space with eminent usefulness, on whom the confidence of the best men in church and state had reposed without wavering, and over whose name, age and great services had shed a saintly consecration, could not depart from those, with and for whom he had acted, without leaving a community in mourning. The Indian church at Natick wept the loss of their venerated instructer, as rough men in simplicity of heart would weep for one, who had loved them, who had prayed for them, and guided them to the things of their everlasting peace." - pp. 334-336.

We lay down this book assured that every thing has now been done for the memory of John Eliot that lies within the legitimate province of biography. History has now done her utmost for him; and those who love to know as much as may be known of such a man, and his work, will be fully satisfied. But without disparagement to the interest and thoroughness of this work, and others like it, we think that there is still a great popular want unsupplied with respect to the early times and first heroes and saints of New England. We have heard the idea set forth, and we sympathize with it, that those times and men have become fit themes for the historical novel. While such men as our author lead the way, and with learned accuracy and philosophical investigation set up the landmarks of truth concerning them, we would gladly see some genius follow and clothe them in a fitting garb of romance. We would propose to such an one no light or insignificant task, no vapid story of Indian murder, or Puritan rigor, or wild love, to relieve the ennui of a frivolous and jaded sentimentality; but, catching and bodying forth the spirit of the time, to take hold of the strong heart of the people, and kindle it with a hallowed and healthful enthusiasm for the old heroic age of the country.

G. P.


By S. G. GOODRICH. BosIn the Preface to the volinfer that he has not served

The Outcast, and Other Poems. ton: Russell, Shattuck, & Williams. ume before us, the author leads us to a regular apprenticeship to the muses, and that he lays claim to no higher title than that of an amateur in verse. Had he indulged

in more pretence, we should not have been disposed to find fault with him for so doing. His work is more than respectable; and, though there are some evident tokens of haste, and a few passages which betray a want of finish, yet we cannot but hail the collection as a handsome accession to this department of American literature. The leading poem in the volume, "The Outcast," is in flowing but irregular verse, chiefly octosyllabics, and is intended to portray the workings of remorse in the mind of an individual of a noble and sensitive nature, who, actuated by notions of false honor, has in a moment of reckless excitement made himself in the eye of God and his own conscience, though not of the world, a murderer, having shot his friend in a duel. The interest of the story is well sustained, and the poem abounds in passages of genuine power, and in bursts of impassioned eloquence. The language is in one or two instances exaggerated, but never feeble. It is always rich, expressive, and harmonious. "The Spirit Court " is the title of a poem, half satirical and half didactic, in which the author has happily hit off some of the prominent follies of the day. The "Dream of Youth," the "Fortune-Hunter," and the lines to Lake Superior, are worthy of more than one reading. Had we room to analyze, and to find fault, we doubtless might do so; but the beauties of these poems so far counterbalance the defects, that we are inclined to be extremely lenient towards the latter, in consideration of the pleasure which the former have afforded


We regret that we have but room for the following extract, which we select rather for its brevity than as an adequate specimen of the varied powers of the author. It also displays his turn for making nature a mirror, to reflect into the heart the beautiful images of religion.


"I hear the ocean bursting on the shore, -
What melancholy music in that roar!
What wailing voices swell upon the breeze,
What phantoms come and whisper of the seas!
Wild tales they tell of misty ages flown,
Of depths unfathomed, and of shores unknown;
Of ever toiling tides, where tempests frown,
Of trackless deeps, where God alone looks down.
And these, the legends of the speeding wave,
Come to the heart like music from the grave.
Sad is their tone, and answering deep to deep,
The soul gives back an echo to its sweep.

The forest tosses in the autumn gale,

The leaves are scattered, and they shroud the vale.
Voices are on the breeze, and in its breath

Spirits are singing, but they sing of death.

And who hath tuned these harps of nature? Who
Makes the deep bosom feel their music true?
Oh, God! we hear the anthem of the sea


And land, — and listen, for they speak of Thee!
They speak of Thee, and man's predestined doom,
Yet lift the shroud that shadows o'er the tomb :
They sadden, but they soothe the troubled soul,

And strike hope's anchor strong, though billows roll.”

1. The Rev. Mr. Loraine's Faith Examined and Changed By the Author of "The Sunday School Teacher's Funeral." Boston James Munroe & Co. 1836. 16mo. pp. 59.-2. Forms of Morning and Evening Prayer, composed for the Use of Families. By JONATHAN FARR. Boston: James Munroe & Co. 1836. 16mo. pp. 168.- These, like all the publications of Mr. Farr, are intended for use, and not for show. The first little work traces the successive changes of opinion, through which an Orthodox minister, settled over an Orthodox church, is gradually led by a devout study of the Scriptures, in becoming a consistent Unitarian, and indicates the effect which these changes have on the tone of his preaching, on his pastoral fidelity, and ultimately on the spiritual condition of his flock. It is, in some respects, an unfinished sketch; but parts of it are so ingeniously done, and so feelingly withal, as to create in us a strong desire to hear the rest of Mr. Loraine's history, and to know a little more about " poor Mr. Hawbry's papers." The "Forms of Morning and Evening Prayer," are among the best that have come under our notice, once calm and fervent, scriptural and rational; for which reason we doubt not that they will find general favor among those, who are accustomed to avail themselves of such helps to private or domestic devotion. The volume is very neatly printed and done up, and contains prayers for every day in a fortnight, and eight morning and evening prayers for any day in the week, and a great variety of occasional prayers for families, and for individuals.


Report on the Magnetical Erperiments made by the Commission of the Royal Academy of Medicine, of Paris, read in the Meetings of June 21st and 28th, 1831. By M. HussoN, the Reporter. Translated from the French, and preceded with an Introduction, by CHARLES POYEN ST. SAUVEUR. Boston D. K. Hitchcock. 1836. 16mo pp. 172. As Animal Magnetism is beginning once more, under a modified form, to make some noise in the world, we are glad that such among us as are curious in these matters, will now have an opportunity to become acquainted with the facts and experiments on which the pretended science is founded. Nobody need apprehend any harm from this second translation into English of the famous Report of the French savans ;

for we can hardly conceive it possible for any one to read it over ever so attentively, or ever so cursorily, without perceiving that the evidence adduced in support of the wonderful discovery is poor and weak to the last degree. After reading M. Poyen's little book we suspect that most persons will be content; otherwise, we commend them to Colquhoun's version of the same Report, (Svo. Edinburgh, 1833,)" with an Explanatory Introduction, and an Appendix," as being much more full, amusing, and ridiculous, and therefore more satisfactory.

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Orthodoxy in England. Everybody knows that Orthodoxy in this country has long been a house divided against itself. From the following extract, which makes part of the Summary of Intelligence in the (London) Christian Reformer for May, it would seem that the prospect of things in England is still worse for the party.

"In the religious world all is agitation. The old Bartlett's Buildings' or Christian Knowledge Society, is an arena of faction; the Evangelical clergy nose the bishops and insist upon it that the Church of England is Calvinistic, and must, on pain of perdition, support Calvinism. Dr. Maltby's elevation from Chichester to Durham has alarmed the total believers in the Thirty-nine Articles. Some of the rural clergy are for taking the congé d'élire from the Crown. - Oxford is in an uproar. The new Regius Professor of Divinity, Dr. Hampden, once pleaded for the admission of Dissenters to the University, and once allowed that Unitarians might be Christians. He has since confessed much more than is commonly required for orthodoxy, but his humiliation does not appease the Oxonians, the majority of whom seem to be a compound of Toryism semi-popery, and fanaticism. The peaceful Quakers are waging with one another a direful war, and in the battle between old light and new light all is darkness and confusion. There is a rent in the Wesleyan garment; schism extends through the connexion; John Wesley has had his century. In this dispute a real principle of liberty is involved, and the seceders are, in a sense as yet partially understood by themselves, reformers. In the Bible Society, the Baptists are beginning to agitate the question whether they can conscientiously belong to an association which sends out translations that turn plain dipping into pouring or sprinkling. This is probably one of the results of the late Baptist Deputation from this country to the United States, where the Baptists have parted company from the other Evangelical sects, in order to have pure Baptist Bibles.. -The Tabernacle is rent in twain, and placards announce that the spirit of Whitfield has fled from its old habitat in Moorfields. - Cloven, too, are the tongues of the Irvingites; and Boatswain Smith cries out from Aylesbury Gaol, where he has taken apartments amongst the Debtors, that none will come to the help of the Lord against his oppressors, the orthodox Dissenting ministers of the metropolis and their disciples and agents. May not these divisions, accompanied by so many exhibitions of the worst spirit of the lowest of mankind, suffice to teach the pretenders to preternatural light and purity, that they are a little mistaken and are not infallible? This lesson learned and orthodoxy dies."

Glasgow Edition of Dr. Channing's Works. It is but justice to the publishers of this edition to say, that they are not responsible, as we supposed in the notice in our May number, for originating the mistake of giving as Dr. Channing's, a long article which does not belong to him. It was copied from the London edition of Dr. Channing's writings, published by Mr. Rich in 1834. Messrs. Hedderwick & Son will issue another edition of the Glasgow collection, in which this error, and the others complained of, will be corrected, and the later publications of Dr. Channing, including that on Slavery, will be inserted.

New Publications "An Accurate Reprint of the first Edition of the New Testament in English, translated by William Tyndale, in the reign of Henry VIII. 1526,” has just been issued from the press of Mr. Bagster, London. It is given in Roman letters, with the ancient orthography, and a fac simile of the original title-page, from the celebrated copy belonging to the Museum of Bristol College, supposed to be the only perfect one of the first edition now in existence. A full and interesting biography of Tyndale is prefixed. Mr. Bagster proposes also, if sufficient encouragement should be given, to republish Coverdale's Bible, 1535, (the first entire English Bible ever printed,) from a copy in the possession of the Duke of Sussex.

The ninth volume of the "Biblical Cabinet," published by Thomas Clark, Edinburgh, has just appeared. It contains the first volume of Rosenmueller's "Biblical Geography of Central Asia," translated by the Rev. N. Morren, A. M. with notes by the translator. The publisher of the "Cabinet" has also favored us with the first volume of Menzies' translation of Tholuck's "Exposition of St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans," the first volume of the same gentleman's translation of Tholuck's "Exposition, Doctrinal and Philological, of Christ's Sermon on the Mount," and the first volume of Forbes's translation of Pareau's "Principles of Interpretation of the Old Testament." We hope that the time is not far distant, when second volumes of some of these works will be forthcoming.

Gould and Newman, of Andover, advertise as in preparation a translation of Eichhorn on the Apocalypse by A. Kaufman, Jr. Also Rosenmueller on the Psalms, Pentateuch, Isaiah, Ezekiel, &c, translated and edited by C. E. Stowe, Prof. of Bib. Lit. in Lane Seminary, Cincinnati. Perkins & Marvin, Boston, are reprinting, from the second English edition, Dr. Bloomfield's Greek Testament, with English notes, critical, philological, and exegetical.

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