Dost thou by faith on him rely? On him, not on thy faith? Their hands' receiving faculty Faith, like a gazing eye, ne'er waits Its object views, itself forgets; It humbly still itself denies, No strength but his it has, and vaunts, Hence nothing has, yet nothing wants, Thy Husband trains it so. Faith, of its own, no might can show, Else would itself destroy; But will for all it has to do, Thy Husband still employ. Self-saviours none could ever be The seemingly devoutest deed, That would with shameless brow Dost therefore thou to him alone Commit thy sinful soul? Knowing of thy salvation Thy Husband is the whole? SECTION III. BELIEVERS CHARACTERIZED BY THE OBJECTS AND PURITY OF THEIR DESIRE, DELIGHT, JOY, HATRED, AND LOVE, DISCOVERING THEY HAVE THE SPIRIT OF CHRIST. Dost thou his Spirit's conduct wait? And, when compar'd to this, Thy Husband waits to bless. Tak'st thou his Spirit for thy guide Through Baca's valley dry, Whose streams of influences glide Thy Husband's garden by? In digging wells here by his pow r, Dost find it not in vain, While here a drop, and there a show'r Hence dost thou through each weary case From faith to faith, while grace for grace Thy Husband gives anon? The good, the gracious work begun, And further'd by his strength, Shall prosp'rous, though with wrestling, win Thy Husband's crown at length. Sin's pow'r and presence canst thou own Is thy most grievous smart, That makes thee sob, and weep alone? Does love to him make thee distaste And most them loath'st, when most thou hast Thy Husband in thine arms? Are cords of love the sweetest ties To bind thee duty-ways? And best thou serv'st when most thou spies Thy Husband's beauteous rays? Didst ever thou thy pardon read In tears of untold joy? When mercy made thy heart to bleed, Do pardons sweetly melt thy heart? And most imbitter sin? And make thee long with dross to part, When he arises lust to kill, Corruptions to destroy, Does gladness then thy spirit fill ? Thy Husband is thy joy. Dost thou his person fair embrace Beyond his blessings all? Sure, then, thou boldly mayst through grace Thy Husband JESUS call. What company dost thou prefer? What friends above the rest? Thy Husband is the best. Whom in the earth or heav'n dost thou Is love's ascending spark unto Hast thou a hatred to his foes, And dost their course decline? Dost thou their talk and walk esteem, And favor'st best when most they seem Thy Husband's Sp'rit to have? SECTION IV. BELIEVERS IN CHRIST AFFECT HIS COUNSEL, WORD, ORDINANCES, APPEARANCE, FULL ENJOYMENT IN HEAVEN, AND SWEET PRESENCE HERE. WHERE go'st thou first when in a strait, Or when with grief opprest? |