Imágenes de páginas

Fleest thou to him? O happy gate!

Thy Husband is thy rest.

His counsel seek'st thou still prepar'd,
Nor canst without him live?
Wisdom to guide, and strength to guard,
Thy Husband hath to give.

Canst thou produce no pleasant pawn,

Or token of his love?

Wont signets, bracelets, from his hand,
Thy Husband's kindness prove?

Mind'st when he sent his healing word,
Which, darting from on high,

Did light, and life, and joy afford?
Thy Husband then was nigh.

Canst thou the promise sweet forget,

He dropt into thy heart?

Such glad'ning pow'r, and love with it,

Thy Husband did impart.

Dost thou affect his dwelling-place,

And mak'st it thy repair;

Because thine eyes have seen through grace,

Thy Husband's glory there?

Dost love his great appearing day,

And thereon muse with joy ;
When dusky shades will fly away,
Thy Husband death destroy?

Dost long to see his glorious face
Within the higher orb,

Where humid sorrows, losing place,
Thy Husband's rays absorb.

Long'st to be free of ev'ry fault,

To bid all sin adieu;

And mount the hill, where glad thou shalt Thy Husband's glory view?

Life where it lives, love where it loves,

Will most desire to be:

Such love-sick longing plainly proves

Thy Husband's love to thee.

What is it best can ease thy plaint,
Spread morning o'er thine ev'n?
Is his approach thy heart's content,
Thy Husband's presence heav'n?

And when denied this sweet relief,
Canst thou assert full well,

His hiding is thy greatest grief,
Thy Husband's absence hell?

Let thy experience be disclos'd;
If conscience answer Yea

To all the queries here propos'd,
Thy Husband's thine for ay.

Pertain these characters to thee?
Then, soul, begin and praise
His glorious worthy name, for he
Thy Husband is always.




PERHAPS a saint may sigh and say,

"I fear I'm yet to learn

These marks of marriage love."

Yet stay,

Thy Husband's bowels yearn.

Though darkness may the light obscure,
And storms surmount thy calms,

Day yield to night, and thou be poor,
Thy Husband yet has alms.

Dost see thyself an empty brat,

A poor, unworthy thing,

With heart upon the dust laid flat?
Thy Husband there does reign.

Art in thine own esteem a beast,
And dost thyself abhor?

The more thou hast of self-distaste,
Thy Husband loves thee more.

Can hell breed no such wicked elf,
As thou in thine own sight?
Thou 'st got, to see thy filthy self,
Thy Husband's purest light.

Canst find no name so black, so vile,
With which thou wouldst compare
But call'st thyself a lump of hell?
Thy Husband calls thee fair.

When his kind visits make thee see

He's precious, thou art vile,

Then mark the hand of God with thee, Thy Husband gives a smile.

He knows what visits suit thy state,

And though most rare they be,

It sets thee well on him to wait,
Thy Husband waits on thee.

Dost see thou art both poor and weak,
And he both full and strong?

O don't his kind delays mistake,
Thy Husband comes ere long.

Though during Sinai's stormy day,
Thou dread'st the dismal blast,

And fear'st thou art a castaway,
Thy Husband comes at last.

The glorious Sun will rise apace,
And spread his healing wings,
In sparkling pomp of sov'reign grace,
Thy Husband gladness brings.

Canst thou, whate'er should come of thee,

Yet wish his Zion well,

And joy in her prosperity ?

Thy Husband loves thy zeal.

Dost thou admire his love to some,
Though thou shouldst never share?

Mercy to thee will also come,

Thy Husband hath to spare.

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