PART VI. THE BELIEVER'S PRINCIPLES, CONCERNING III. JUS I. CREATION AND REDEMPTION; II. LAW AND GOSPEL; CHAPTER I. THE BELIEVER'S PRINCIPLES CONCERNING CREATION REDEMPTION; OR, SOME OF THE FIRST PRIN CIPLES OF THE ORACLES OF GOD. OF CREATION. SECTION I. THE FIRST CHAPTER OF GENESIS COMPEN OR, THE FIRST SEVEN DAYS' WORK, FROM THE FOL PRIMA dies cælum, et terram, lucemque, creavit. AND DIZED; Quinta dedit pisces, eadem genus omne volantum. Sexta tulit pecudes, hominem quoque quem Deus ipse Condidit; inde operis requies lux septima fulsit. IN ENGLISH THUS: 1. The first day heav'n, earth, light, JEHOVAH sent. 2. The next, a water-sund'ring firmament. 3. The third made dry land spring with flow'ry pride. 4. The fourth set up bright lamps, time to divide. 5. The fifth brought swimming fish and flying fowl. 6. The sixth, earth's herds, and man to bear the rule. 7. The seventh brought forth no more, yet brought the best The lab'ring creatures' and Creator's rest. OR THUS: The first day, at JEHOVAH's word, Did heav'n, and earth, and light afford. The next, a firmament so wide As might the waters' course divide. The third, severing land from seas, Made earth produce herbs, grass, and trees. The fourth, sun, moon, and stars of light, The fifth made fish in depths to move, The sixth all earthly beasts did bring, The seventh of all these days the best, Redemption-work doth bring again Fetching new heav'ns and earth in sight, Since then the first is now the best, Keep well this pledge of endless rest. THE SUM OF CREATION. All things from nothing, to their Sov'reign Lord Obedient rose at his commanding word, Fair in his eye the whole creation stood; He saw the building, and pronounc'd it good. And now each work (while nature's fabric stands) SECTION II. OF DEDEMPTION. THE MYSTERY OF THE REDEEMER'S INCARNA TION; OR, GOD MANIFESTED IN THE FLESH, 1 TIMOTHY, III. 16. JOHN I. 14. WHAT though the waters, struck with dread, Rise up and form a pyramid ? Though floods should gush from rocks and stones, Or living souls from wither'd bones? To hear of an incarnate God, What though the bright angelic forms Though creatures change a thousand ways, Nor such a scene as this display- God-man a strange contexture fix'd; What though when nothing heard his call, Let nothing into being pass, All heav'n's astonish'd at his form, THE SUM OF REDEMPTION. With haughty mind to Godhead man aspir'd, With loving mind our manhood God desir'd: |