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CHAPTER I. A general account of man's fall in Adam,
and the remedy provided in Christ; and a particular
account of man's being naturally wedded to the law as
a covenant of works,
SECT. 1. The fall of Adam,
SECT. 2. Redemption through Christ,
SECT. 3. Man's legal disposition,
SECT. 4. Man's strict attachment to legal terms, or to the law as
a condition of life,
SECT. 5. Man's vain attempt to seek life by Christ's righteousness,
joined with their own; and legal hopes natural to all,
CHAP. II. The manner of a sinner's divorce from the law
in a work of humiliation, and of his marriage to the
Lord Jesus Christ; or, The way how a sinner comes to
be a believer,
SECT. 1. Of a law-work, and the workings of legal pride under it,
SECT. 2. Conviction of sin and wrath carried on more deeply and
effectually on the heart,
SECT. 3. The deeply humbled soul relieved, with some saving dis-
coveries of Christ the Redeemer,
SECT. 4. The workings of the Spirit of faith, in separating the heart
from all self-righteousness, and drawing out its consent to, and desire
after Christ alone and wholly,
SECT. 5. Faith's view of the freedom of grace, cordial renunciation
of all its own ragged righteousness, and formal acceptance of and clos-
ing with the person of glorious Christ,
CHAP. III. The fruits of the believer's marriage with Christ,
particularly gospel holiness, and obedience to the law as
a rule,
SECT. 1. The sweet solemnity of the marriage now over, and the
sad effects of the remains of a legal spirit,
SECT. 2. Faith's discoveries over sin and Satan, through new and
further discoveries of Christ, making believers more fruitful in holi-
ness, than all other pretenders to works,
SECT. 3. True saving faith magnifying the law, both as a covenant
and rule. False faith unfruitful and ruining,
SECT. 4. The believer only, being married to Christ, is justified and
sanctified; and the more gospel freedom from the law as a covenant,
the inore holy conformity to it as a rule,
SECT. 5. Gospel grace giving no liberty to sin, but to holy service
and pure obedience,
CHAP. IV. A caution to all against a legal spirit, especially
to those that have a profession without power, and learn-
ing without grace,
CHAP. V. Arguments and encouragements to gospel min-
isters to avoid a legal strain of doctrine, and endeavor the
sinner's match with Christ by gospel means,
SECT. 1. A legal spirit the root of damnable errors,
SECT. 2. A legal strain of doctrine discovered and discarded,
SECT. 3. The hurtfulness of not preaching Christ, and distinguish-
ing duly between law and gospel,
SECT. 4. Damnable pride and self-righteousness so natural to all
men, has little need to be encouraged by legal preaching,
SECT. 5. The gospel of divine grace the only means of converting
sinners; and therefore should be preached most clearly, fully and
CHAP. VI. An exhortation to all that are out of Christ, in
order to their closing the match with him; containing
also motives and directions,
SECT. 1. Conviction offered to sinners, especially such as are wed.
ded strictly to the law, or self-righteous; that they may see their need
of Christ's righteousness,
SECT. 2. Direction given with reference to the right use of the
means, that we rest not on these instead of Christ the glorious Hus-
band, in whom alone our help lies,
SECT. 3. A call to believe in Jesus Christ, with some hints at the
act and object of faith,
SECT. 4. An advice to sinners to apply to the sovereign mercy of
God, as it is discovered through Christ, to the highest honor of justice
and other divine attributes, in order to further their faith in him unto
SECT. 5. The terrible doom of unbelievers that reject the gospel- match, the offered Saviour and salvation,
CHAP I. Containing the privileges of the believer that is
espoused to Christ by faith of divine operation,
SECT. 1. The believer's perfect beauty, free acceptance, and full
security, through the imputation of Christ's perfect righteousness,
though imparted grace be imperfect,
SECT. 2. Christ the believer's friend, prophet, priest, king, defence,
guide, guard, help, and healer,
SECT. 3. Christ the believer's wonderful physician, and wealthy
SECT. 4. The believer's safety under the covert of Christ's atoning
blood, and powerful intercession,
SECT. 5. The believer's faith and hope encouraged even in the
darkest nights of desertion and distress,
SECT. 6. Benefits accruing to believers from the offices, names, na-
tures, and sufferings of Christ,
SECT. 7. Christ's sufferings further improved, and believers called
to live by faith, both when they have and want sensible influences,
SECT. 8. Christ the believer's enriching treasure,
SECT. 9. Christ the believer's adorning garment,
SECT. 10. Christ the believer's sweet nourishment,
CHAP. II. Containing marks and characters of believers
in Christ; together with some further privileges and
grounds of comfort to saints,
SECT. 1. Doubting believers called to examine themselves by marks
drawn from their love to him and his presence, their view of his glory,
and their being emptied of self-righteousness, &c.,
SECT. 2. Believers described from their faith acting by divine aid, and
fleeing quite out of themselves to Jesus Christ,
SECT. 3. Believers characterized by the objects and purity of their
desire, delight, joy, hatred, and love, discovering they have the spirit
of Christ, .
SECT. 4. Believers in Christ affect his counsel, word, ordinances,
appearance, full enjoyment in heaven, and sweet presence here,
SECT. 5. The true believer's humility, dependence, zeal, growth,
admiration of free grace, and knowledge of Christ's voice,
SECT. 6. True believers are willing to be tried and examined.—Also
comforts arising to them from Christ's ready supply, real sympathy,
and relieving names suiting their need, .
SECT. 7. The believer's experience of Christ's comfortable pres-
ence, or of former comforts, to be improved for his encouragement
and support under hidings,
SECT. 8. Comfort to believers from the stability of the promise, not-
withstanding heavy chastisements for sin,.
SECT. 9. Comfort to believers from Christ's relations, his dying love,
his glory in heaven, to which he will lead them through death, and
supply them with all necessaries by the way,
SECT. 10. Comfort to believers from the text, "Thy Maker is thy