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ist, and the uttermost parts of the earth put under hes his enemies to pieces like a potter's vessel with nd establishes his universal and eternal kingdom. earnest exhortation of the Spirit of God to the narulers to learn wisdom from the prophecy and histo the divine government before they be destroyed. tion of amnesty on prescribed terms.

on which nations are required to return to their aland to be reconstructed into loyal provinces of his

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shall secure to the people, his subjects, all their ern on the principles of his law. "Whatsoever ye should do to you, do ye even so to them," "Call or lord, for one is your master, even Chist, and all ." Rom. 13: 4, "He is the minister of God to thee fect equality before the law. No respect of persons it all without distinction of class or former condition birthright privilege of God's children, the right to o shall rule over them, until they forfeit it by crime. he kingdom and dominion and greatness of the kingven to the people of the saints of the Most High.' Whom the Lord and this people, even all the men hoose, his will I be and with him will I abide." If bjects are oppressed it is a reproach to his governvill not allow it to pass unavenged; Prov. 14:31, esseth the poor reproacheth his maker." These over must be extended to national as well as indi, and the golden rule, the law and bond of their e the nations of the world a band of brothers under mon head, and prevent a mighty nation from standle a weak neighbor is oppressed or subjugated by


1 condition of loyalty is that the nations shall secure sts of the church. Isa. 60: 12, "The nation and 60:12, ill not serve thee shall perish."

of State and Church are most important, yet little isunderstanding of them has been the cause of un

its origin in grace in view of man's fallen condition, ose of restoring man to friendly relations with God, recivil society in allegiance and amity with divine govd gathering the redeemed to glory; and the instrumenes is not carnal, but mighty through God to pull down

are two co-ordinate, independent and potent organizay side with each other, affecting the same society, made ame numbers and constantly coming in contact with and there must of necessity be some rule on which they te. One theory is that the State should be subordinate ch, and on this theory the Pope of Rome crowned or kings at his pleasure. This monstrosity is described in mbol, Rev. 17, by a woman sitting upon a scarlet colfull of names of blasphemy, and on her forehead the TERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, MOTHER OF HARLOTS. theory, the Erastian, is that the Church should be subthe State. The Church of England recognizes Queen its head, and the decisions of her highest courts are the Queen's authority. This in Scripture is described I adultery, the Bride of Christ accepting as her head n her husband, and exciting the jealousy of Him who ve his glory to another.

still another theory, the American idea, that Church politics and religion, should be so far separated as to luence upon one another,-thaf the State should utterly Church," Let her provide for herself," and that the 1 "the ministry should not be allowed to meddle with The deplorable results of which theory too plainly ap debauched, corrupted and demoralized condition of the s of the nation. The true Bible arrangement is that stinct, independent institutions should mutually co1 help one another to accomplish the respective ends of ization. That the Church should train up and educate ntelligent, religious and patriotic citizens for the State, he State should protect support and encourage her in

strates are Christ's ministers, and the Church is his he permit his subordinates to neglect his bride? To , Isa. 60: 12, "The nation and kingdom that will not shall perish." Kings shall be thy nursing fathers and nursing mothers. Will the Captain of Salvation per

hrough Christ. He is the Father's vicegerent, and nor or insult is offered to him is offered to God. eth me despiseth him that sent me." This element -ublics greater unity and strength than absolutism

equences of refusal or acceptance.

o refuse shall perish, either from natural causes I their refusal, or from God's judgments. The esses its subjects, alienates them from their allegis them into revolution; the State that insults the pises religion, demoralizes its citizens and prepares er, arson, insurrection and treason. Remove the rom the foundation of a nation and you leave but ric of a dream. The foundation of all order rests ough but as the speck upon an apple, the withered e, or the hectic on the human cheek, the disease reveal itself, the results will show, that to be withe without hope in the world.

which the natural consequences but slowly develened by the just judgment of heaven. God has will pour out his fury upon the heathen (nations) not. That he will turn the wicked into hell and hat forget God. "Shall I not visit for these, shall avenged on such a nation as this?"

d that judgeth? Ask Thebes with her hundred with her temples exceeding all our ideas of human rection. Ask Syria with her hundred cities, each pire. Ask Nineveh under her mountains of sand, nk in the mire of her river. Ask Egypt, whose ked, Who is the Lord, that I should obey him? and chanted by the waves of the Red Sea over him swer. Ask Napoleon the First, who on starting ed that he could "dispose as well as propose"at haggard handful who returned with him from ign, and listen to his sad confession in his exile, al and I have poured out the blood of armies, and


the most glorious and hopeful nation in the world, advance of any nation on earth in preparation for the ennium. Still there are dark spots on our sun. The avery, the remains of the old spirit of oppression still on the hearts of millions, and sits in high places. great evil is, that we have no God, no national relationcourt of Heaven. Where is our treaty of peace with ere is our act of National acknowledgment of allegirist? Have we bound ourselves to serve Jehovah? a nation kissed the Son? Are there not signs of anger storm of war has but just passed away, the deadly feud ealed. The quiver of the Almighty is not yet exhaust3. The red horse of war has pawed up our valleys, but v fast in his train the black horse of famine and the f pestilence, and the voice of God sounding out in the is judgment is saying, "Turn ye, turn ye, why will ye ss the Son, lest he be angry and ye perish. Blessed are put their trust in him."


ing report was presented to the U. P. Assembly at its late sesecessity for light on this subject is our reason for giving it so pace. It is a hopeful sign that the plan of giving systematically o favor. Let it be generally adopted, and the church will not ain of unpaid laborers and empty treasuries. T. S.

eneral Assembly of the United Presbyterian Church, Allegheny City on the 31st of May, 1866. The underointed at the last meeting of the Assembly to "invesTithe System, and report to the next Assembly," reegs leave to present said report:

g the design of the investigation to be merely to colresent such facts and arguments as may have a bearing estion of the existing obligation of the tithe law, I have proper to confine the inquiry within the limits necessary nswers to the three following questions, viz.:

the tithe law, as a divine institution, any existence outdependent of the Mosaic law?

had, was it intended to be of universal obligation?

it intended to be of nernetuel oblication ?

ommanded," it follows that where God has revealed government, the church has no right to change or y way alter, much less to annul or suspend it, but tent of her ability teach and enforce it; and as her ible men, her action or her inaction furnishes no overnment of our faith or practice. And to the very true Christian there can be but two questions to any proposed line of conduct, viz.: Has God pon the subject, and what is the character of that sfactory answers being obtained to these questions, or us nothing but cheerful and implicit obedience. n revealed a tithe law of universal and perpetual

eessary, in order to prove the enactment of such a ould be able to give the very words in which it was the precise date at which the revelation was made, me of the person to whom it was originally given. , if we can show an administrator of the law, in the g the authority with which it invested him, and if a distinguished subject of the law in the very act edience to its requirements, and if we can produce evidence of the divine approbation of their conduct, can be necessary to prove the divine origin of the ch they acted. Assuming this rule of evidence to ropose to show that God did reveal a law requiring o God's service one-tenth of the increase of his prothis law was outside, and altogether independent aw. In the 18th, 19th and 20th verses of the 14th sis, we have proof of the truth of this proposition. pon a cursory reading of the passage, the payment braham might seem to be a mere voluntary act, the impulse of a generous and grateful heart, yet the commentary of the Holy Spirit upon the whole you will find it in the 7th chapter of Hebrews, the a different appearance altogether. "Now consider le) how great this man was unto whom even the am gave the tenth of the spoils. And verily, they

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