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me? it is fitter for you to be at home walloping the pots than here.' The priest then addressed the men,

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How dare you walk with such a ruffian?" He then went before them on the road, and said, If you dare to speak one word about religion, I will bury you in the sink under me. He (Mairs) told his reverence that was enough for him to tell his flock the Sunday before to do that, and not go about doing it himself. The Priest said, • Will you speak to me about religion? if you do I'l bury you in the sink.' Mairs replied that he had no objection to speak about religion, if he (Mr. Hughes) liked. He asked him, was that the conduct pursued by the apostles? and quoted the ivth. chapter of 1 Timothy 1-3. Mr. Hughes immediately rode off scolding and abusing.

iv The passage quoted was 1 Tim.

2, which Mr. Hughes read before the magistrates with considerable trepidation. Some of the magistrates thought there was no very great offence in Mairs having quoted a passage of Scripture; but the Chairman thought his conduct highly culpable, that by so doing he had taken the law into his own hands, whereas he ought to have summoned the Priest for the language used in the chapel. Considerable difficulty was however found in bringing the charge into any tangible form, until at length the Popish Priest, at the urgent solicitation of his attorney, backed by one of the magistrates, at length consented to swear that the language of Mairs, in quoting the Scripture to him, was calculated to make him, (the Priest) commit a breach of the peace, and the magistrates then ordered the accused to find bail to keep the peace towards Mr. Hughes.silh

1.The Rev. Mr. Stoney, who is an eminently devoted and valuable boling bar

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minister, and zealously exerting himself in the promotion of Scriptural education, appeared on behalf of his servant, ably defending his conduct, providing the required bail, and powerfully impressing on the magistrates the unscriptural proceedings of Hughes and his party; all his exertions were, however, unable to prevent his servant being bound over to keep the peace, that is, to refrain from quoting a passage of Scripture to a wretched man, who recommends from the altar, to his poor deluded flock, the use of the pitch-fork, and the immersion in a bog hole of those who go into their villages or houses to talk to them about religion.

Such is the state of things in Ireland at the present moment. No wonder Protestants quit that country, and emigrate to the wilds of Canada and America: no wonder murders and massacres take place when Popish priests hesitate not to recommend such deeds of violence from their altars--no wonder, distress, and misery, and licentiousness prevail when such perversions of law and justice are sanctioned by magistrates at a public sessions. Few persons indeed in this country have any idea of the violence which the popish priests in Ireland occasionally exert, and of the countenance which they receive from many who ought to be impartial maintainers of the public peace. This intolerent system however should deeply impress on British Christians the importance of supporting those societies which t promote Scriptural education. With such priests, and such magistrates, Reformation and Preaching Societies can do little, but scriptural schools undermine the foundations on which Popery rests. We therefore grieve to hear that the London Hibernian Society is in debt, and unable to comply with the numerous calls which are made upon its funds, and we intreat our readers to exert themselves on behalf of this Institution, which we firmly believe to be the most efficient and the most economical of all the numerous societies established for the welfare of Ireland.

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WE have been favored with some interesting intelligence from this far-distant land, dated May 31, from which it appears, that the mission in that country is honoured with a considerable degree of prosperity. Arrangements are making for the formation of a new settlement, and a new line of road has been explored through the interior over the range of mountains which divides the country, and by which the missionaries will be able to avoid the swamps and rivers which abound on the old road. In the course of their journey they discovered on the high ground a fine spring of water, which afforded a seasonable refreshment to them and their native attendants. The missionaries distinguish this by the name of BROUGHTON'S SPRING, in remembrance of one of their most zealous and liberal friends and supporters in this country. The view of the island from the summit of this range, is represented as highly interesting; the greater part of the country appears as one continued forest, while the small spots, cleared and cultivated by the missionaries and the civilized natives, appear as gardens.

We trust they will be found indeed gardens planted by the Lord, and that many souls may there be brought to the knowledge of his truth.

The following extracts from recent correspondence of the missionaries, are highly encouraging:

As I was working to-day in our blacksmith's shop, preparing some iron for a plough, a chief from Mawi, a younger brother of Broughton, came into the shop, and said that he was come for the purpose of revealing his thoughts to me. After

I had done my work, he and another Mawi Chief accompanied me into the house, and entered into conversation. Broughton's brother said; I am come to talk with you: I wish to confess my sins. I am not now come to see if you will give


some tobacco or a pipe: I am not come to look to any particular person as a father, for you are my father: I am not come to

beg: I am not come for the things of this life: I do not want earthly possessions :-no, but I feel my great sins: I want to confess them to you, in order that they may not gnaw as a worm in my breast.' I told him, as to confessing his sins to me, that would be of no material service to him, as I was only a man like himself; but that I could direct him where to go, and who to go to, in order to find relief. I told him to go to Christ, and confess his sins to Him, and be earnest in prayer for forgiveness, and that he would then soon hear a voice within, speaking peace to his soul. I also endeavoured to point out the Gospel plan of salvation to him in the simplest manner; and the poor fellow, I trust, felt a little relieved. This is the first native I have seen under such strong convictions of sin. May the Lord, in mercy, truly convert him, and make him an heir of glory!

The other person with him also seemed in a pleasing, inquiring state of mind. He was highly figurative in his manner of expressing himself. He compared the state of his mind to a field in which potatoes were planted; the young plants thereof making but little growth, but the weeds growing luxuriantly. What,' said he, 'is to be done with those weeds?' I told him, he must pull them up daily, and keep them under. Ah! said he, will they never leave off to grow?' I said, 'No; they will get weaker and weaker; but we shall never get altogether clear of them, until after death" Ah!' said he, sinful thoughts and desires are continually in motion within me, and thoughts of unbelief.''

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'Last evening the Kaikohi Chief Atua-haere (walking god) came, în company with two young men, to my house, to have some conversation with me respecting the things “of God. This is the chief who re'ceived Ripi so kindly, when he first went to that place. He said, "I am come to know what I must do with the rubbish and filth that is about my place and in my house.'

Having caught his figure, I said, You must pray for strength from on high to enable you to clear it away.' 'Yes,' said he, I wish to clear out my house, in order that the Holy Spirit may come and sit within it.' I told him his desires were of the right kind; but that in ourselves we were weak and helpless; and that without strength from above we could do nothing. I then repeated some of the precious invitations and promises of the Gospel to him, and the poor old Chief listened with great earnestness to the Word of Life. It was, indeed, a pleasing sight. The Chief seemed truly in earnest; and the two young men who were with him, being some of the young men who first came to me twelve months ago, seemed to partake of that joy which angels experience at the conversion of a sinner.'

So earnestly are the natives asking after Divine knowledge, that, during the last quarter, we have had very many people to visit us from different Tribes. Two special parties have come all the way from Kaipára, a distance of sixty miles, to hear for themselves what they have heard from others. They were particularly attentive to what was said to them on the subject of salvation, and seemed very much in earnest to receive instruction. promised to pay them a visit the first opportunity. One of our natives is now on a visit there. The fields are, indeed, white unto the harvest. The harvest is plenteous, but the labourers are few?'

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Broughton and his people are going on much as usual. Broughton is still as energetic as ever, but now proceeds with more caution. first, he thought that surely every one would become, believers who inquired after Divine truth; but he has found so much hypocrisy and deception amongst them, that he is now perhaps become almost too cautions. The poor fellow is much sneered at by his countrymen; but I trust the Lord will enable him to hold on his way.'

'I have been engaged, during the last quarter, in superintending the Native Boys' School at Paihia every morning; in attending to my own boys at their respective employments during the day; and in occasional visits among the natives.

Many applications have been made in this quarter by natives around for instruction, and also for books and slates; though as yet they do not appear to understand the propriety of purchasing these things. Schools are also in action at Kororarika, Púketóna, and elsewhere, formed by the natives: the Catechisms are in constant use; and the letters and figures are taught. As an evidence of their importance, several young women have recently entered our families, possessing knowledge of these things beyond that of others who had been in the settlement for several months. These young women formerly congregated at Kororarika for the worst purposes. Natives under instruction in the settlement are, men and boys, 71; women and girls, 44; infant-school children, 19.

In conclusion we may well adopt the observation of the Rev. Mr. Brown at the close of this account

'Imperfect as is the above sketch of this station, it contains enough to show that the missionaries have abundant reason to view the past with gratitude, the present with thankfulness, the future with hope. They have had missionary trials to contend with; but they have had, at the same time, the strong support of missionary promises. Although it may still be said of this people, as a nation, that gross darkness covers them, there are yet many encouraging indications of the great things which God has in store for them. We may rank amongst these the striking contrast between their former turbulent and uncontrollable state, and their present Christian respectful demeanour; the spirit of inquiry that exists among them: their desire for instruction; the consistent walk and conversation of the baptized natives; and the preaching by them, of the unsearchable riches of Christ among their benighted countrymen. The great encouragement of the missionaries, however, is derived from the promise of Jehovah. His Word has been proclaimed, and they know that it shall not return unto Him void. The seeds of eternal life have been widely scattered; and they know that they will ultimately spring up and bear fruit, to the praise and glory of God. 200 0: 1 thil:t #!t 91R

Register of Events.

THE last month has not been marked by any very striking occurrences— attempts have in various quarters been made to resist the payment of the assessed taxes; and though the opposition in one instance called forth the offer of a reward from Government for the detection of the offenders, there still appear strong symptoms of indecision. The probability is, that the assessed taxes will be relinquished; but it is difficult to conjecture what substitute can be found for the deficiency thus occasioned in the revenue; while it is obvious that successful resistance in one instance affords encouragement to renewed opposition. The resistance to Church Rates is also becoming so general, that it is not very easy to say how the necessary expences attending public worship are to be defrayed. Voluntary contributions for such purposes are uncertain-and pew rents cannot be generally introduced into parish churches without some fresh enactment, even were their introduction advisable, which in some situations may admit of considerable doubt. Parliament however, having been further prorogued,'no alteration can take place till the commencement of another year.

Don Carlos is asserting his right to the kingdom of Spain, in opposition to the claims of his neice, the infant Queen, and a contest is thus begun which will most probably lead to very painful results. Meanwhile, the war between Don Pedro and Don Miguel is not yet terminated; and thus God is visiting Spain and Portugal, the two most subservient upholders of Popery, with his judgments. The state of things also in Ireland is very alarming; while yet our government seem little apprehensive of the fearful consequences which their persisting in their present line of policy must, in all human probability, produce in that unhappy land. So urgent is the danger, that many Romanists as well as Protestants are seeking an asylum from the approaching conflict by emigrating beyond the Atlantic.

The power of Turkey is rapidly waning before the influence of Russia; and the position of Great Britain with respect to those countries reflects little credit on the political management of our administration. The affairs of Holland and Belgium remain much in the same state; and though it has been announced for the hundreth time, that the disputed points are all but definitively arranged, such assertions appear to rest on a very slight foundation.

Meanwhile, the Lord rules and over-rules. Qur eyes and our hearts should be directed to him-to him must we lift up our souls, and from him alone can we obtain wisdom, grace, and security, either for this world or another. O that all would therefore strive with God in prayer, both for themselves and for their country;-then our God will bless us, and cause the light of his countenance to shine upon us.

Notices and Acknowledgments.


HAMPDEN, on Clerical Magistrates, is inadmissible, In general we con ceive it advisable, that clergymen should decline the magisterial office; but we do not conceive there is any thing unlawful in such an appointment, and we know some instances where the acceptance of what, to most right-minded clergymen, is a very disagreeable employment, has been found highly beneficial, both in its temporal and spiritual effects.

We have read the observations of a Protestant of the nineteenth century, but are not aware that the publication of them would answer any good purpose.

Mr. Frere's Three Letters on the Prophecies, just published, arrived too late for review in our present volume.



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