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Brash, Wesley Brunyate, Robert Culley, Joseph Dixon, Henry Douthwaite, William Maltby, James F. Pyle, and William Henry Thompson.


Q. XX. Who is appointed the Ministerial Secretary of the Nomination Committee?

A. Rev. Charles H. Kelly.


Q. XXI. What are the Resolutions of the Conference on receiving the Report of the Committee on BOOK AFFAIRS?

A. 1. The Conference adopts the Report of the Book Committee.

2. The London Book Committee shall consist of the Rev. Joseph Bush, PRESIDENT of the Conference; Rev. David James Waller, the SECRETARY of the Conference; the Rev. Dr. Osborn, William Arthur, M.A., Dr. James, Alexander M'Aulay, Dr. Pope, Dr. Rigg, Dr. Gregory, Ebenezer E. Jenkins, M.A., Charles Garrett, Thomas M'Cullagh, Dr. Greeves, Richard Roberts, Dr. Young, and John Walton, M.A., Ex-Presidents; Rev. Theophilus Woolmer, Book-Steward; Rev. William J. Tweddle, Secretary of the Book Committee; Rev. John Telford, B.A., Secretary of the Tract Committee; Rev. Marmaduke C. Osborn, George W. Olver, B.A., and Marshall Hartley, Secretaries of the Wesleyan Missionary Society; Rev. Daniel Sanderson, Governor, and Rev. Joseph Agar Beet, W. Theophilus Davison, M.A., and John G. Tasker, Tutors of the Richmond Branch of the Theological Institution; Rev. Dr. Moulton; Rev. John W. Greeves, Financial Secretary, and Rev. James Ernest Clapham, General Secretary, of the Home-Mission and

Contingent Fund; Rev. John Bond, Secretary of the Metropolitan Chapel Building Fund and the Fund for the Extension of Methodism; Rev. Charles H. Kelly, Secretary of the Connexional Sunday-School Union; Rev. Dr. Stephenson, Principal of the Children's Home; Rev. Walford Green, Office of Connexional Funds; the Superintendents of the London Circuits; and the following additional members chosen from Ministers in London and the Metropolitan District; namely, the Rev. Richard W. Allen, Nehemiah Curnock (B), Hugh Price Hughes, M.A., Mark Guy Pearse, Edward Smith (A), Peter Thompson, Luke Tyerman, William D. Walters, and Dr. Williams.

3. The REV. WILLIAM J. TWEDDLE is re-appointed the Secretary of this Committee for the ensuing year. Letters should be addressed to him at The Parsonage, 6, Lady Margaret Road, Kentish Town, N.W.

4. The Methodist Tract Committee shall consist of Ministers to be appointed by the London Book Committee.—The REV. JOHN TELFORD, B.A., is appointed the Secretary. Communications should be addressed to him at Richmond, Surrey.

5. The General Book Committee, which is appointed to meet at the next Conference, shall consist of the PRESIDENT, the SECRETARY, the Ex-Presidents and the Representatives of the Irish Conference; all the members of the London Book Committee who shall be duly authorised to attend the Conference; and the following Ministers ;—

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6. The cordial thanks of the Conference are presented to the REV. BENJAMIN GREGORY, D.D., for the great ability and diligence with which he has fulfilled the duties of Editor during the past year. And the Conference especially recognises his valuable labours in the production of the Handbook of Scriptural Church Principles, and of Wesleyan-Methodist History and Polity.

7. The cordial thanks of the Conference are presented to the REV. THEOPHILUS WOOZMER for the fidelity and business ability with which he has conducted the affairs of the Book-Room during the year.

8. The thanks of the Conference are presented to the REV. WILLIAM J. TWEDDLE, the Secretary of the Book Committee; and to the REV. G. STRINGER ROWE, the Secretary of the Methodist Tract Committee, for their services during the year.

Q. XXII. What RESOLUTIONS provisionally adopted by the last Conference in its Pastoral Session, and sent to the District Meetings for consideration, are now confirmed?

A. None.

Q. XXIII. What RESOLUTIONS of the Conference are to be submitted to the several Districts in Great Britain, at their Annual Meeting, when Ministers only are present ?

A. None.


1. The respectful and hearty thanks of the Conference are due and are presented to its late PRESIDENT, the REV. JOHN WALTON, M.A., for his able, assiduous and successful discharge of the duties of his office, both during the sessions of the last Conference and throughout the year.

2. The best thanks of the Conference are presented to the REV. DAVID JAMES WALLER for his valuable services as Secretary of the Conference during the year.

3. The respectful thanks of the Conference are presented to the Ex-President, the REV. JOHN WALTON, M.A., for his able, impressive and eminently evangelical sermon preached in the Wesley Chapel, Camborne, on Sunday morning, July 29th.

4. The respectful thanks of the Conference are presented to the Ex-President, the REV. JOHN WALTON, M,A., for the very able, seasonable, valuable and practical Charge delivered to the newly-ordained Ministers at St. Mary's Chapel, Truro, on Thursday morning, August 2nd; and he is requested to publish it.

5. The cordial thanks of the Conference are presented to the REV. CHARLES HENRY KELLY, for his efficient services as Representative to the General Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church of the United States of America, held in May last, in the city of New York.

6. The thanks of the Conference are presented to the REV. FRANCIS W. GREEVES, the Convener of the Committee on Memorials and Suggestions, and he is re-appointed.

N.B.-The Convener is instructed to divide the District Suggestions into two lists, according to their subjects: (1) For the Pastoral Session, and (2) for the Representative Session, of

the Conference; and submit the lists to the President before they are entered in the Agenda.

THE REV. WILLIAM ARTHUR, M.A.-The Rev. William Arthur, M.A., having requested permission to become a Supernumerary, the Conference desires to convey to him the expression of its deep affection and respect, and to place upon record its sense of the great and varied services which he has rendered to Methodism and the Church at large during a ministry of fifty years. The Conference recalls with gratitude to God the blameless course of Mr. Arthur's life, and the gracious influence of his character and spirit; his unswerving attachment to Methodism, and powerful vindications of its doctrines and polity; and the many occasions on which he has strengthened his brethren by his counsel, and encouraged them by his example. Since the days when his first love and earliest labours were given to India, Mr. Arthur has been associated with our Missionary Society as a trusted adviser and wise administrator, whilst his advocacy of the cause of Missions has found recognition and borne fruit in many lands. Though often unable, for long periods of time together, to preach or speak in public, his sympathy and aid have been given to the work of God in many effectual ways. With special thankfulness would the Conference refer to the long series of literary labours by which Mr. Arthur has served the interests of true religion in this and other countries. Alike in the spheres of Church history, experimental religion and philosophy, Mr. Arthur has won for himself an honourable name, and contributed to the defence and confirmation of the Gospel. The Conference earnestly prays that Mr. Arthur's years may be prolonged, that they may be crowned with every blessing that ministers to peace and holiness, and that he may still be enabled to serve the cause of Christ, by the will of God, according to the measure of the gifts bestowed upon him.

THE REV. JOHN KILNER, D.D.-The retirement of the Rev.

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