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5. The Conference directs that the following Resolutions, previously adopted, shall be reprinted :

(1) The Conference empowers the Education Committee to make Grants, on inspection, to new Schools to which the provisions of the Minute of the Education Department, dated June 21st, 1878, apply, and for the probationary period during which, under the said Minute, such Schools cannot receive Grants in aid from the Department.

(2) The Conference expresses its opinion that, in view of the working of existing arrangements for Public Elementary Education, it is highly desirable that the number of Wesleyan Day Schools should at least be maintained. The Conference therefore strongly recommends that before any steps are taken towards the closing or transfer of any Wesleyan Day School, the proposal to close or transfer it be communicated to the Education Committee, in order that they may have an opportunity of suggesting alternative proposals for the consideration of Local Managers.

(3) The Conference directs that in all ordinary cases of Day Schools conducted on Wesleyan Trust premises, no such Schools shall be discontinued so long as there is a reasonable prospect of their being carried on without serious embarrassment. The same general principle shall apply to Wesleyan Day Schools conducted in premises rented for the purpose under the management of a recognised Wesleyan School Committee. When, however, the discontinuance of a Day School is proposed, before such proposal is carried into effect, the Superintendent shall consult the Trustees, the Managing Committee, and the Subscribers; and if in any case there is a considerable division of opinion, the case shall be submitted to the Quarterly Meeting of the Circuit. In all cases, the general principle laid down by the Conference respecting the Transfer of Schools

Mr. William Johnson are appointed Directors of the Woodhouse-Grove School, Limited. The Rev. David Barley and the Rev. Henry Lewis are appointed Directors of the Cheshire and North Staffordshire Wesleyan Middle-Class School Association, Limited. The Rev. George Bowden and Mr. William Hunt are appointed Directors of the Western Counties Wesleyan-Methodist School Association, Limited. The Rev. Henry Parkes and Mr. W. Aver Duncan, are appointed Directors of the Kent Wesleyan-Methodist School Association, Limited.

4. In view of the increasing demand for good intermediate Education, the Conference deems it highly expedient that further efforts should be made to establish Methodist MiddleClass Schools in different parts of the country, in order that the Connexion may take its due share in this important work.

5. The Committee for the ensuing year shall consist of the PRESIDENT and the SECRETARY of the Conference; the ExPresident; the Rev. David J. Waller and Mr. Percy W. Bunting, M.A., Secretaries :

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6. The Committee shall act as a Sub-Committee of the Education Committee, and shall report to and through that Committee.

7. The Committee is empowered to make appropriations by way of grant or loan, or otherwise, on account of the remainder of the sum of Ten Thousand Pounds, which was allotted from the Thanksgiving Fund in aid of Methodist Middle-Class Schools.

8. The Conference recommends the promoters of any projected Middle-Class School, which it is proposed to denominate a Wesleyan-Methodist School, to submit to this Committee the draft of the Trust Deed or Articles of Association of the School, for any suggestions which the Committee may deem it desirable to make.

9. The Conference directs the Committee :

(i.) To consider schemes for the establishment of such Schools, when they are submitted to them, and to advise respecting such schemes as they may deem expedient.

(ii.) To report on such cases to the Conference.

(iii.) To act on behalf of the Conference, in the cases referred to, in the interval between one Conference and another.

(iv.) To present to the Conference annually any suggestions for the promotion of the interests of Meth ist Middle-Class Education.


Q. XXXII. What are the Resolutions of the Conference on the subject of the CHILDREN'S HOME AND ORPHANAGE ?

A. 1. The Conference receives the Report of the Children's Home and Orphanage, and directs that an Abstract be printed in the Minutes. (See Appendix, No. IV.)

2. Mr. JAMES E. VANNER is re-appointed one of the General Treasurers, and Mr. THOMAS BURTON HOLMES, is appointed a General Treasurer; Messrs. FRANCIS HORNER and T. MORGAN HARVEY are re-appointed Treasurers of the London Branch; Messrs. JOHN R. BARLOW, and JOHN E. LIGHTFOOT, are re-appointed Treasurers of the Lancashire Branch; Messrs. JOHN GIBBS and Frederick G. DAWSON are re-appointed Treasurers of the Milton Branch; and Messrs. SOLOMON JEVONS and WILLIAM AVERY are re-appointed Treasurers of the Birmingham Branch; Mr. T. CORKILL is re-appointed the

Treasurer of the Ramsey Branch; and the HON. SENATOR SANFORD is re-appointed the Treasurer of the Canadian Branch at Hamilton, Ontario.


3. The General Committee for the year shall consist of :i. The ex-officio Members :-The REV. JOSEPH Bush, President of the Conference; the REV. DAVID J. WALLER, Secretary of the Conference; the REV. JOHN WALTON, M.A., ExPresident; the Principal, the General Treasurers, and the Treasurers of the Local Branches.

ii. Ministers and Laymen who are Members of one of the Local Committees of the Institution :

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iii. Ministers and Laymen who are not appointed upon any

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4. i. The Local Committee for the London Branch shall consist of the Principal, the General Treasurers, the Local

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ii. The Local Committee for the Lancashire Branch shall consist of the Principal, the General Treasurers, the Local

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iii. The Local Committee for the Milton Branch shall consist of the Principal, the General Treasurers, the Local Treasurers:

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iv. The Local Committee for the Birmingham Branch shall consist of the Principal, the General Treasurers, the Local

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v. The Local Committee for the Ramsey Branch shall consist of the Principal, the General Treasurers, the Local

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