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which he gives of their exercise, and the encouragement which he suggests to them, are admirably adapted for the instruction and comfort of the devout communicant.

These persons sought our Lord with affection. The love which we bear to our friends expresses itself in a variety of ways, after their departure. We mourn beside their dust, feel a melancholy pleasure in the tender recollections which that spot cherishes, and anticipate the time when the same turf or stone shall cover us. These pious women came to our Saviour's tomb with costly spices and ointments, after the custom of the east, to anoint his body, and to scatter over the sepulchre. Their thoughts, their affection, and their happiness, had gone down with him to the grave; and the corse of their dearest friend had more power to attract them than all that the land of the living contained.

Christians, you seek not a dead, but a living Saviour. You seek him not in the house of silence, but in the temple which he fills with his glory. You have not come to cast a last look on his countenance, once so ainiable, but now so ghastly, or to anoint him with spices, but to beseech him to cause his face to shine upon you, and to receive "an unction from the Holy One." You are influenced by pious attachment, I trust, in thus seeking him, and when you meet him, and hold him by the feet, or grasp the hem of his garment, you will be able to say, "Lord thou knowest all things, thou knowest that I love thee."

Courage was conspicuous in the conduct of these disciples. They knew that the followers of our Lord were at that time the objects of suspicion, and had reason to dread the malice and power of his enemies, yet this did not deter them from shewing a deep interest in his fate. They knew also, that the tomb was

surrounded by Roman soldiers, and it was probable, that instead of being allowed to pay their tribute of affection unmolested, they would be repulsed with rudeness and barbarity. Besides, the morning was only beginning to dawn, and they were much less likely to meet with protection from the ill-usage of the base, than if the day had been advanced. I may add, that there is something in the sight of a dead body, and of the interior of a sepulchre, which awakens feelings of horror; yet attachment raised them superior to these causes of fear, and steeled their hearts with courage.

You have not such dangers to brave in your duty; but there are many things which require you to arm yourselves with their mind. The corruptions of the heart will throw obstacles in your way; and some have had to break through the opposition of friends and relatives in seeking Jesus, in places against which they were irritated by bigotry and prejudice, or in duties which impiety led them to contemn. Your spiritual enemies will try to seduce your hearts from the Saviour, by their allurements; and if these do not succeed, they will bring former sins to remembrance, to fill you with terror; they will suggest to your minds such thoughts as will harass or shock you, and alarm you with the idea of your eating and drinking damnation to yourselves; but none of these things must move you, and you must go on in the strength of the Lord God.

How zealous were these disciples! Many in their situation would have thought that they had sufficiently proved their zeal, by witnessing his crucifixion, where none of the apostles were present save John; that Joseph and Nicodemus had done the body of our Lord all necessary honour; and that, if more was requisite,

the disciples should come forward and shew their repentance for their base desertion. But instead of reasoning in this manner, they procured a large quantity of spices and ointments, and instead of waiting till the disciples came to accompany them, or till they were apprized that they might go forward in safety, when the Sabbath was ended, they set out with eagerness on this labour of love.

In this spirit you must seek the honour of your Lord. Imagine it not an excuse for sloth on your part, that others are careless. Shall your Master's honour lie in the dust, because those who should raise it put not forth their hands, and because those who should plead for it are silent? This is an opportunity for you to show that you have another spirit in you, and that you are determined to follow the Lord fully.

You cannot imagine that sufficient honours are done to his name, or that sufficient efforts are made in his cause. That name is exalted above all blessing and praise, and that cause deserves the utmost energies of every creature. Think not that amidst the acclamations of thousands, your hosannahs will be dispensed with, and that amidst the gold of the wealthy in his treasury he will not look for your mite, for he will make inquiry after the offering of the poor, and regard the sigh of the feeble minded.

These disciples sought him with sorrow. Memory was employed in setting before them the excellencies of the friend they had lost, and the sufferings in which he had expired, and, forgetting his promises of his resurrection, they said in the despondency of their hearts, "I shall not see the Lord, even the Lord, in the land of the living." They had spent a mournful Sabbath; and during the two dreadful nights which had passed since Jesus died, they had watered their couch with

their tears. This sorrow was permitted to overwhelm them, that their meeting with our Saviour after his resurrection might be more exquisitely tender and pleasing.

You have not their causes of sorrow; but you have reason to mourn that you are so unprepared to meet him, that you are seeking him so coldly, and that your past conduct has been such as to suggest the most painful fears that Jesus will not draw near you. Godly sorrow is as pleasing to Christ as the rapture of angels; and at his table he will relieve the heart that is oppressed with this grief. If ye have come to his table with this sorrow ye shall return with peace. To feel his hand wiping away our tears, to hear his voice assuring us of forgiveness, and to find his comforts gladdening our souls, must yield a pleasure which can only be exceeded in the acquittal of judgment, and in the blessedness of heaven.

After the Service.

Christians, your affectionate inquiries after your Lord are marked in heaven. Jesus knows the true character and motives of his worshippers. The men of the world may suppose that your services are but an empty form, and that your hearts are as much strangers to the feelings of devotion as theirs ; but you can appeal from censure so uncharitable and so presumptuous, to him who searches the heart, and say, "with my soul have I desired thee in the night season, and with my spirit within me I have sought thee early." He knows your secret struggles with corrupt principles, your devout wishes and holy purposes, and he will aid you in mortifying the deeds of the body, and cherish every virtuous emotion.

But consider that your languid feelings, and your backsliding in heart must be known to him also, and the intimation of this will cover you with confusion Happy is he to whom the Redeemer is not called to say, "when thou wast on the bed of sloth, and in the scene of folly, I saw thee;" and more happy still is he whom he can address thus, "when thou wast at my cross washing thy robes in my blood, and when thou wast in the scene of active duty, I beheld thee." Enthusiasts may mistake the phantom which is formed by their own fancy for a messenger from heaven; but the "God pious are under no delusion when they say, Almighty met with me, and blessed me."

Ye who have been seeking Jesus who was crucified, have no cause for fear. What is it that terrifies in

the exercises of the sanctuary ? which Jesus is now raised?


Is it the glory to His heart is the same on The mercy which shed so

the throne as on the cross. sweet a lustre round the cross, is now one of the bright ornaments of his throne. Is it the opposition of your enemies that alarms you? They were vanquished when your Lord was crucified; and by the blood of the Lamb you shall be more than conquerors. Is it the consciousness of guilt that troubles you? He will not punish you for that for which he bled and died. Are you afraid that the folly, and the inconstancy of your hearts will induce him to abandon you? Such fears show that you are jealous of yourselves; but there is virtue in the cross to enlighten you in all wisdom, and to confirm you in all goodness. Do you fear that the gloom on your spirits, in consequence of afflicting dispensations, will unfit you for his service? "The way of the Lord is strength to the upright." And do the terrors of death and judgment agitate you? Behold in Jesus, who was crucified, a hope for the one, which

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