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N reviewing the foregoing sketch, it occurred, that a fair analyfis of Ariftotle's logic, would be, a valuable addition to the hiftorical branch. A diftinct and candid account of a fyftem that for many ages governed the reafoning part of mankind, cannot but be acceptable to the public. Curiofity will be gratified, in feeing a phantom der lineated that so long fafcinated the learned world; a phantom, which fhows, infinite, genius, but like VOL. III.


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the pyramids of Egypt or hanging gardens of Babylon, is abfolutely useless unless for raifing wonder. Dr Reid, profeffor of moral philosophy in the College of Glasgow, relished the thought; and his friendship to me prevailed on him, after much folicitation, to undertake the laborious task. No man is better acquainted with Ariftotle's writings; and, without any enthusiastic attachment, he holds that philofopher to be a first-rate genius.

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The logic of Ariftotle has been on the decline more than a century; and is at present relegated to fchools and colleges. It has occafionally been criticised by different writers, but this is the first attempt to draw it out of its obfcurity into daylight. From what follows, one will be enabled to pass a true judgment on that work, and to determine whether it ought to make a branch of education. The Doctor's effay, as a capital article in the progress and hiftory of the sciences, will be made welcome, even with the fatigue of squeezing through many thorny paths, before a diftinct view can be got of that ancient and ftupendous fabric.

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It will at the fame time show the hurt that Ariftotle has done to the reafoning faculty, by drawing it out of its natural courfe into devious paths. His artificial mode of reafoning, is no lefs fuperficial than intricate: I fay, fuperficial; for in none of his logical works, is a fingle truth attempted to be proved by fyllogifm that requires a proof: the propofitions

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