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Anfw. By bringing them perfonally and savingly into the bond of the covenant, in the day of his power, when one fhall fay, I am the Lord's,-----and another fubfcribe with his hand unto the Lord, Ifa. xliv. 5. Ezek. xx. 37.

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Queft. 97. How long will he continue to be the adminiftrator of the covenant ?

Anfw. As he difpenfes all the bleffings of the covenant here, so he will complete the happiness of the faints, in the other world, by a perfect accom plishment of all the promises thereof unto them, John iii. 35. Eph. v. 27.

Queft. 98. How doth it appear that he will be the adminiftrator of the covenant through eternity?

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Anfw. Because he is to remain the eternal bond of union, and mean of communication, betwixt God and the faints for ever, Heb. vii. 25. Rev. vii. 17.

Quelt. 99. What is the first and fundamental act of his adminiftration?

Anfu. It is his difponing the all things, which he hath in his hand, as the appointed trustee of the covenant,unto poor finners,by way of a TESTAMENT, Luke xxii. 29. I appoint, or DISPONE, unto you a kingaom, as my Father hath appointed unto me.

Queft. 100. What is the difference between a federal, and a teftamentary difpofition?

Anfw. A federal difpofition is made upon an one rous caufe, or proper condition; but a teftamentary difpofition is a deed, or conveyance, of grace and bounty, without all conditions, properly fo called. Thus the Father's federal difpofition, of all covenant benefits to Chrift, was on condition of his making his foul an offering for fin; but Chrift's teftamentary difpofition to finners, who have nothing, is without money, and without price, Ifa. liii. 10. and lv. I.

Queft, 101. Is Chrift's teftament of the fame date. with the covenant that was made with him?

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Anfw. The covenant of grace was made with him from eternity, but it is obvious, that his commencing teftator of this covenant, being an act of his administration thereof, could not take place till the covenant of works was broken.

Queft. 102. At what time then did he make his teftament?

Anfw. That very day wherein Adam fell, in the first promise, Gen. iii. 15.

Quest. 103. How could his teftament be of force, (according to Heb. ix. 17.) so long time before his actual death?

Anfw. He died typically, in all the facrifices of the Old Teftament; hence called, the Lamb flain from the foundation of the world, Rev. xiii. 8.

Queft. 104. Who are the legatees, or parties, in whofe favour the teftament was made?

Anfw. Since Chrift is authorized by the Father, to administer the covenant to mankind finners indefinitely, none of these can be excepted out of his teftament, as to the external revelation and exhibition of it, any more than they are out of his adminiftration, John vi. 37. Rev. xxii. 17.

Queft. 105. Who is the executor of his teftament? Anfw. Although in teftaments among men, the teftator and executor are always different perfons, because the teftator dying, cannot live again to fee his will execute, yet here the teftator, who was dead. is alive for evermore, as the executor of his own teftament, by his Spirit, Rev. i. 18. Rom. iv. 25. Queft. 106. What are the legacies left in his teftament ?

Anfw. They are all the benefits of the covenant, even HIMSELF, and ALL THINGS in and with him, Rom. viii. 32. Rev. xxi. 7.

Queft. 107. By what means is it that finners are poffeffed of thefe rich legacies?

Anfw. By faith, or believing on the Lord Jefus Chrift, Acts xvi. 31. Quest. 108.

Queft. 108. Why is believing on Chrift the appointed mean of inftating finners in the covenant, and legacies thereof?

Anfw. Because hereby the grace of the covenant is preferved entire, to the end the promise might be fure to all the feed, Rom. iv. 16.

Queft. 109. How may perfons know if they are favingly and perfonally within the covenant of grace?

Anfw. If they have found themselves unable to dwell any longer within the boundaries of the covenant of works, and have fled for refuge, from that covenant, to lay hold upon the hope fet before them, Heb. vi. 18.

Queft 110. Wherein do the covenants of works and grace DIFFER from one another?

Anfw. They differ in their nature, parties contracters, properties, conditions, promifes, the order of obedience, in their end and defign, the manner of their administration, and in their effects.

Queft. 111. Wherein do these two covenants of works and grace differ in their nature.

Anfw. The covenant of works was a covenant of friendship, and fuppofed the parties to be in perfect amity; but the covenant of grace is a covenant of reconciliation, and fuppofes man to be at variance with God, and enmity against him, 2 Cor. v. 19.

Queft. 112. Wherein do they differ as to the parties contracters ?

Anfw. In the covenant of works, the parties contracters were, GoD and innocent Adam, reprefenting all his natural seed; but in the covenant of grace, the parties are, Go D, and CHRIST the fecond Adam, representing all his fpiritual feed, Pfalm lxxxix. 3, 4

Queft. 113. How do they differ in their properties? Anfw. The covenant of works, as ftanding with the first Adam, was but bort-lived; but the covenant of grace, which ftands faft with the fecond


Adam, is an everlafting covenant, Heb. xiii. 20.: the covenant of works denounced nothing but wrath and curfe upon the tranfgreffor; but the covenant of grace is full of bleffings to the finner in Chrift, Eph. i 3.

Queft. 114. Wherein do they differ in their conditions ?

Anfw. The condition of the covenant of works was only the perfect obedience of a mere man, bearing no proportion to the life promifed; but the condition of the covenant of grace is the perfect righteoufiefs of God-man, which is fully adequate to the promifed reward, Jer. xxiii. 6.

Queft. 115. How do they differ in their promises? Anfw. The promife of the covenant of works was ftrictly conditional; but the promises of the covenant of grace, as refpecting ùs, are abfolutely free, Jer. xxxi. 33, 34.

Queft 116. Wherein do they differ in the order of cbedience ?

Anfw. In the covenant of works, duty, or obedience, was the foundation of privilege: acceptance firft began at the work, and then went on to the perfon, if the work was perfectly right: but, in the covenant of grace, this order is quite inverted; for therein privilege is the foundation of duty, and acceptance firft begins at the perfon, and then goes on to the work, because flowing from a principle of faith, Gen. iv. 4. compared with Heb. xi. 4.

Quest. 117. How do they differ in their end and defign?

Anfw. The end of the covenant of works was to fhow man what he was to do towards God; but the end of the covenant of grace is to fhow man what God is to do for him, and in him, Ifa. xxvi. 12.

Queft. 118. How do they differ in the manner of their administration ? Anfw. The

Anfw. The covenant of works was dispensed by God abfolutely confidered; but the covenant of grace is dispensed by a Mediator, who is himself the ALL of the covenant, Ila. xlii. 6.

Queft. 119. Wherein do thefe two covenants differ in their effects?

Anfw. The covenant of works wounds and terrifies a guilty finner; but the covenant of grace heals and comforts a wounded foul, Ifa. xlii. 3.: the covenant of works shuts up to hell and wrath; but the covenant of grace cafts open a door of escape, John x. 9. and xiv. 6.

Queft. 120. What may we learn from this whole doctrine of the covenant of grace?

Anfw. That it is our duty to believe, that JESUS CHRIST is the Saviour of the world, and our Saviour in particular, by his Father's appointment, and his own offer; and that, by the fame appointment and offer, his righteousness, the condition of the covenant, and eternal life, the promise of the covenant, are OURS in refpect of right thereto, fo as that we may lawfully and warrantably take poffeffion of the fame, and use them as OUR OWN, to all the intents and purposes of falvation, John iv. 42.-----We know that this is indeed the Chrift, the SAVIOUR of the WORLD. Luke i. 47. My Spirit hath rejoiced in God MY SAVIOUR.

21. QUEST. Who is the Redeemer of God's elect?

ANSW. The only Redeemer of God's elect is the Lord Jefus Chrift, who, being the eternal Son of God, became man, and fo was, and continueth to be, God and man, in two diftinct natures, and one person for ever.

Queft. 1. What is the greatest wonder that ever the world faw? Anfw. The

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