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surrounded with cypress, rather than decorated with myrtle, or with laurel. She may well mourn that so many obstacles are yet to be overcome, that so many advantages, as might here be enjoyed, should be neglected and despised; that in a land remarkably blessed with respect to soil and climate, a land proverbial as the dwelling place of liberty, she should be sighted when put in competition with the most unworthy pursuits, and the basest gratifications. Thus reflecting, we are insensibly led to inquire, why the interests of learning are not in a more favourable state.

the plain of Dura received more implicit homage, or more unqualified adoration. There certainly were Three Worthies, and there probably were many hum ble and unnoticed Jews, who disdained to bow down to the golden god; so now, it is to be hoped, there are some exceptions to the prevailing system of idolatry; an idolatry which is totally at war with the liberal expansion, and the vigorous efforts of a free mind; which paralizes every noble attempt, and extinguishes the fire of genius.

To speak in plainer language, that state of society cannot be favourable to the interests of sciMight I be permitted to use ence, in which money is so gen, language moderately figurative, erally considered the great esI should say, that the first thing sential of excellence, as it is at under this head, which strikes an the present time in this country. observer, is, that the religion of Since the revolution there has the country is exceedingly unfa- been a remarkable influx of vourable to literature. This may wealth, and as remarkable an inappear an odd assertion; but I crease in elegance and taste; trust it can be shown, that the taste, I mean, in eating and drinkgod, who is the object of this re- ing, and in destroying time. He, ligion, is a being the most sor- therefore, who can appear to be did and base, and that he has the the richest man, will find little complete possession of the hearts difficulty in gaining notice and of his votaries. His name is honour. It cannot be expected Mammon. Though covered that there should be many worldwith some disguise, and denying ly inducements to sedulous stuhis real name, his footsteps are dy, and the prosecution of diffievery where traced, and his wor- cult attainments, when the forship every where offered. In tunate speculator, or even the the mechanic's workshop, behind lucky gambler, can appear in the merchant's counter, in the society to much better advanfarmer's granary, and the law- tage, and receive more universal yer's office, no less than in the attention, than the most finished sumptuous edifice, and the more and laborious scholar. It has princely dome, his altars are even become a maxim, that if a erected; to him daily sacrifices young man of a liberal educaare made; to him matins and tion has no more flattering prosvespers are chanted; to him ma- pects with respect to money, ny a fervent prayer is indited by than others who have not enjoythe heart, if it does not escape ed his advantages, he has gained the lips. Scarcely the image on nothing as a recompense for his

time and labour. It is true that all men do not join in this estimation. Those who are possessed of judgment and principle rarely agree with the world in its opinions. But I speak of that as a maxim, which is so received by mankind in general. Nor are talents always buried under this discouragement. The pen of a Johnson sometimes ransoms its owner from oblivion and contempt: It sometimes raises him on high at once, and gives him, from his elevation, to command respect with silent, yet irresistible authority. But how many, possessed of similar mental endowments, sink before they have opportunity to display their powers, merely because that favour and support, which is due to merit, is denied them, and transferred to coxcombs, and blockheads.

Nearly allied to the love of money, and a thing which springs from its indulgence, is extravagance in living; a trait in the general character, which is also very injurious to the cause of learning. That this has increased to an alarming degree for a number of years past, is a matter entirely without debate. It is known and lamented, by every sincere friend to his country, and to happiness. The fashion in this particular throws many obstructions in the path of knowledge, and encumbers the traveller with many difficulties. Numbers of those who, from their habits of industry and economy, and the necessity of improving their advantages, would bid fair to become the best scholars, are not unfrequently discouraged from attempting to procure a public education, on account of

the unavoidable expenses attending it. For the same reason, many, when they first enter from the College into the world, with the hope and design of pursuing science, find themselves obliged to abandon their books, and bestir themselves with not a little activity to acquire property sufficient to maintain a decent appearance among their fellow men. It is also to be regretted, that at the same time that extravagance is encouraged, extreme parsimony is used with respect to the means of education. Many a father would grudge a petty sum to be laid out in books, while he would think his son acting a manly part, if ten times as much were spent in costly dress, or frivolous amusements. No spirit which exists among men is są niggardly, when money is to be expended for any good purpose, as the spirit of extravagance.

On the heels of profusion always tread dissipation and vice. That these are the enemies of all laudable endeavours, needs not to be proved. Yet these baleful evils have stalked over the land with a giant stride, captivating and enslaving the youth, the flower of our country. It is owing to the firm resistance, and the paternal watchfulness of good instructors, that they have not ruined the more important seminaries, even in New England, where the most manful opposition has been made. Pleasure and study can have no union; they cannot even coexist in the same person. By pleasure is intended that round of sensual gratification, and that affectation of happiness, so common among the empty, and the

licentious, which have conspired the first of the human race,

to usurp so deceitful a name. The mind which has once acquired a fondness for riotous mirth, and which has condescended to degrade itself by unworthy indulgence, cannot relish a confinement to faithful application, nor endure the stillness of academic bowers.

Some inconveniences of no small magnitude arise from the infancy of our country. Literature has here never been pursued, as the employment of a whole life. That a young man should addict himself entirely to scientific pursuits, regardless of pecuniary concerns, would be esteemed a thing entirely new; and many of his acquaintance would be ready to cry out, that he was beside himself. Indeed, few who have any desire of learning could possibly afford to live without some productive business. Scarcely does the student begin to make progress in the labours of the mind, before he is interrupted by the deficiency of his purse, and diverted from his contemplated advances in learning, by the near approach of the horrors of penury. The time is much to be desired, when individuals, who are fond of study and retirement, may be possessed of such a competency, as to leave the getting of money to others, and devote themselves to science entirely; or when private munificence shall have made provision for the encouragement and support of those, who are disposed to be useful, without engaging in the bustle of the world. Then may our country produce men not suffering in a comparison with

if, indeed, we cannot, in a few instances, now make that boast, under all our discouragements.

The circumstances which make it necessary that a student should leave his books, and engage in active life, lead him into such habits as almost of course preclude him from any farther prosecution of his studies. There are some such exceptions as Dr. Johnson, that eminently learned civilian, of whom Connecticut may well be proud. But it is much to be wondered at, if the mind, which has been employed in drawing declarations, and making out fee-bills, for years, should be capable of expanding so as to delight in the higher branches of learning. Those who are eminent in a profession, are usually crowded with professional business; and those who are not, are obliged to submit to inferior drudgery. In either case, the man seems too much trammelled to think of excelling in scientifical pursuits.

Besides, there is little encouragement to literary performances of our own countrymen, after they are accomplished. Perhaps not a single meritorious work of genius, written by an American, has met with a liberal patronage in the United States; though the vilest productions which Europe disgorges, have been purchased with avidity. While this is the case, it cannot be strange that, rather than strive after excellence, where there is so much reason to despair of obtaining either honour or support, young men should apply themselves to pur

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suits of better prospect, in which, though their talents may be hidden, they can keep themselves from poverty and want.

The spirit of the times may also be seen in the slender support which is given to instructors of youth. It is not an uncommon thing for music masters, mountebanks, and dancing masters to receive triple the pe cuniary support that is given to young gentlemen of the best hopes and most unblemished characters, who have spent all their property in gaining their education, and who have under their care the children of the ablest, and every way the first men of the land.

An opinion has likewise crept abroad, that whatever is not dazzling, is to be regarded as of little importance; an opinion not only groundless and false, but very unfavourable to useful and patient investigation. If we search for men who have most extended the boundaries of science, and who have performed such essential services, as to deserve the appellation of benefactors of mankind, we shall not find them among those who made the most noise and uproar in their day, who glittered and dazzled for a time, and behaved as though, like Atlas, they bore the heavens on their shoulders. It is not an unsound maxim of Horace,

“ Nil sine magno
Vita labore dedit mortalibus."

"Human life has granted nothing to men without great industry." Those trees which are to stand for ages, are slow and imperceptible in their

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growth, while the mushroom springs, and withers, in a day. Constant and persevering exertions in the cultivation of the mind, as in that of the soil, seldom fail to produce some correspondent effects; while the desultory efforts of those, who make haste to be eminent, are without force, being made without any well digested plan. Yet it is common in this country to ridicule that industry in literary pursuits, by which every thing valuable is attained, and that attention to common things, and common sense, by which men are principally benefited. striking instance of this, is the manner in which a very valuable member* the community has been treated by some of his fellow citizens. That the gentleman, to whom I refer, has rendered much assistance to the youth of our country, no person will have the injustice to deny ; & surely it reflects little honour on any person to stigmatize endeavours to make the education of youth easy, as a pursuit unworthy of the most exalted talents, and the most benevolent heart. It is by attending to the things of ordinary life, that Count Rumford has performed such acceptable services to the world.

I shall mention but one more cause unfriendly to learning, though the catalogue might easily be enlarged. It is the influence of party politics. Such is the unhappy state of our country that the clamours of partisans excite more attention, than the calls of utility, or even of necessity. There is now

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found to be a summary way of rising into consequence. It seems that wisdom to decide, and vigour and integrity to execute, are not now numbered among the qualifications of a politician; but they are supplanted by confidence to assert, and im pudence to persist. The can didate for distinction joins himself to a party, or, in more philosophical language, to a sect, and labours without hesitation and without respite, to make himself acceptable to the people, or the great men under whose banners he enlists, or both. If assiduity and zeal could insure success, he would be little likely to meet with disappointment. In the mean time, his passions take side, and carry on through affected regard for the public, what he at first engaged in through motives of private interest. Thus the vigour and sprightliness of youth, instead of being improved in such a way as to be useful to mankind, and pleasant as well as profitable to the possessor, are wasted in frivolous debates, and local animosities. Not to mention, that a mind under the influence of passion and selfishness, diminishes as to its capacity, and becomes less and less capable of being wisely directed, till its powers are spent in bootless conflicts with enemies whom it would be no honour to vanquish, or in the service of men, who have little regard for the instrument, if the end is accomplished.

In this enumeration of things favourable, and of those unfavourable to literature, in New England, it has been my intention to remark upon those only which are particularly ob

servable at the present time. There are others which have operated ever since the country was settled. Such for instance is that prominent one, the auspicious influence of the clergy; whose general and uniform character has been that of friends to freedom of opinion, and of every thing which tends to increase real knowledge. But the time would not permit a particular discussion of all the topics which present themselves.

On the whole, then, it seems, that there is little encouragement offered to the student in this country. Save the tranquillity of his own mind, the consciousness of having improved his time as he ought, and the hope of doing some good, he can have little to stimulate him to action, or inspirit him in his arduous undertaking. These motives are sufficient, It is acknowledged, where, on account of external circumstances, they are not debarred their natural influence; but, among men in general, sqmething more strongly felt, and more easily grasped at, is needed.

To tell what remedies may possibly be applied, would require experience and informa tion which the writer cannot pretend to possess. There appears no difficulty, however, in deciding, that a change in the public opinion, with respect to the importance of learning, must take place, before any very salutary alteration in common practice can be expected. Till this shall be done, it is hard to say, what subordinate changes may be wrought, and what smaller advantages gained. Without

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