Consequences of Sins of the FathersXulon Press, 2007 - 304 páginas Unconscious negative desires, beliefs, and emotions resulting from sins of the fathers are in conflict with faith and belief in God, the Father and his Son. The author relates a number of his faith building experiences. Merely reading of them may strengthen the reader's faith. The author presents ways to reduce negative, immoral, and sinful desires and beliefs. He presents concepts and procedures for doing so, and references Scripture in many ways to support what he is presenting. Irrespective of your background, this book may help you to strengthen faith and belief through a better understanding of the development of negative consequences of the sins of the fathers then, now, and beyond. Further understanding will come through learning the cause and effect of sins of the fathers on the very young. This understanding is essential for forgiveness. With forgiveness we can reduce stress and remember emotionally painful events without recalling the pain. You will come to unconsciously believe what it is you have come to consciously understand. Only then can you truly forgive. Barring circumstance, you can plan to live longer and feel better while doing so. For 11 years, Dr. Otterholt volunteered at a state prison conducting Christian workshops on the resolution of anger and low self-esteem. He conducted wellness groups at church, and at an assisted living center and long-term care center. He authored the books, ABC's of Emotions, and How to be Your Good Samaritan. He has conducted therapy with hundreds of clients, as many as half of them pro bono. He has a bachelor's degree in business technology, master's degrees in human behavior and psychological counseling, and a doctorate in clinicalpsychology. He taught and/or managed computer programming, operations, and the design of business information systems for IBM Corp., two colleges, two universities, local government, and Federal government. |
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Introduction | ix |
Desire to Serve | 22 |
Give My Son Back to Me | 36 |
The Only Begotten Son | 51 |
Chapter 3 | 65 |
Adulthood | 88 |
Chapter 4 | 99 |
Choices | 105 |
An Emotionally Healing Exercise | 188 |
Love | 193 |
Chapter 9 | 203 |
Healing | 219 |
Patience | 225 |
To Build Faith | 241 |
Roots | 247 |
Parents Role in the Sins of the Fathers | 253 |
Chapter 6 | 131 |
Grace and Law | 139 |
Chapter 7 | 145 |
Understanding | 161 |
Deathbed Anger and Profanity | 172 |
More Understanding More Repetition | 178 |
Parents Role in Inhibiting | 269 |
Not Easy | 282 |
Chapter 12 | 289 |
Plan to Overcome Stress | 296 |
End Notes | 303 |
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Términos y frases comunes
abuse adult anger answer asked asso aware become behave behavior beliefs and emotions Bible born-again Christian building faith child childhood Christ Christian church closer to God commandments conflicting beliefs consciously consequences desires and beliefs develop double minded drugs emotional needs environment experiences faith and belief fear feel better felt forgiven God's happen hath healing hear heard Holy Spirit horn-rimmed glasses immoral inhibit inmates inner conflicts interfere with faith Joey later long-term memory Lord Lord's Prayer Matt memories moral beliefs mother Mother Teresa negative beliefs negative desires ness never offenders ourselves parents physi physical pray prayer prison realize reason recall reincarnation remember remind renew our minds repent repetition riences Satan scious Scripture sins skinheads someone tell things thou thought tion truth uncon unconscious mind unconsciously believed understand and forgive unto verses words young