The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: Translated Out of the Original Greek ...Amer. Bible Soc., 1913 - 398 páginas |
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Página 314
... CHAPTER 1 . PAUL and Silva'mus , the 6 And ye became_followers of us , and of the Lord , hav- witwordin TI - mo'the - üs , unto the much affliction , with joy of church of the Thes - sa - lō'nl- the Holy Ghost : ang which is in God the ...
... CHAPTER 1 . PAUL and Silva'mus , the 6 And ye became_followers of us , and of the Lord , hav- witwordin TI - mo'the - üs , unto the much affliction , with joy of church of the Thes - sa - lō'nl- the Holy Ghost : ang which is in God the ...
Página 337
... CHAPTER 4 . 11 Let us labour thereforo to enter into that rest , lest any man fall after the same ET us therefore fear , example of unbelief . God is us of entering into his rest , quick , and powerful , and any of you should seem to ...
... CHAPTER 4 . 11 Let us labour thereforo to enter into that rest , lest any man fall after the same ET us therefore fear , example of unbelief . God is us of entering into his rest , quick , and powerful , and any of you should seem to ...
Página 381
... CHAPTER 8 . 10 And the third angel AND when he had opened sounded , and there fell a the seventh seal , there great star from heaven , was silence in heaven about burning as it were a lamp , the space of half an hour . and it fell upon ...
... CHAPTER 8 . 10 And the third angel AND when he had opened sounded , and there fell a the seventh seal , there great star from heaven , was silence in heaven about burning as it were a lamp , the space of half an hour . and it fell upon ...
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Términos y frases comunes
A-men angel apostles Art thou baptized beast behold believe Blessed blood bread brethren brother called cast ceived CHAPTER chief priests church circumcision cometh commanded Da'vid dead death devil disciples earth evil faith Father fear flesh gave Gen'tiles give glory goeth gospel grace hand hath healed hear heard heart heaven high priest Holy Ghost Is'ra-el Je-ru'sa-lem Je'gus Je'sus Jesus answered Jesus Christ Jews John Ju'das king kingdom kingdom of God lest Lord Jesus Ma'ry Mo'ses multitude ness passover Paul PAUL THE APOSTLE Pē'ter peace Phar'I-sees phemed Pi'late pray preached prophets receive righteousness saith unto say unto scribes sent servant shew Si'mon sins spake speak Spirit stood synagogue temple ther thine things thou art thou hast thou shalt tion took truth unto thee Verily I say voice Wherefore whosoever woman word ye know yourselves