Hutchinson's Australasian EncyclopædiaHutchinson, 1892 - 437 páginas |
Términos y frases comunes
14 miles 30 miles acres Adelaide agri agricultural and pastoral agricultural district Auckland Australasia Ballarat banks bourne branch Brisbane Cape centre churches coach coal coast colony contains the towns Creek Darling discovered Dividing range Dunedin England feet above sea-level feet high Flinders Geelong gold goldfields Goulburn Government Governor grazing district Gulf of Carpentaria harbour Hill Hobart junction Lake land lation Launceston Macquarie Maoris Melbourne miles distant miles N.W. mining district Mount mountain Murray N.S.W. A township N.W. of Melbourne N.Z. A county navigable Nearest railway station neighbourhood Newspaper North Northern Island Northern Territory Parramatta pastoral district Perth Popu Population 200 Port Phillip Queensland rail railway station river S.A. A township ship small township South Australia South Island South Wales Southern square miles steamer suburb Sydney Tasmania tion tons township and railway Vict Victoria village Wellington Western Australia Zealand