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"On the fourth day, which is the fourth thousand years, I made the seed of the woman the root, and the boll of the vine tree, and that I would set my hand a second time, and a branch should spring therefrom, that a virgin should be with child of that branch, and be delivered of it, which should be a spiritual child, and it should ascend till the time that Israel was to be gathered, and then it should descend and gather them, and change their blood for flesh: then I would open the door of their tabernacles, and the Spirit should enter with their spirits into them, and be the life of them."

Written from John Wroe's mouth by William Tillotson.

Wakefield, 25th of 10th month, 1835.

"THE blood of Jesus the woman's seed, at the final resurrection will be unto me, Christ, as a lamb slain for the sins of the whole world, which reigns over those who have not repented, till the final resurrection for no greater love is there, than that a man lay down his life for his friends, for I, Christ, became a friend unto sinners, by offering the blood of the woman, whose seed was without sin, from the foundation of the world: and I became a friend unto the living also, by offering the body of the woman's seed for a sacrifice, that sin might be taken away from the living, that their mortal bodies should put on immortality. This is the life that I have foretold you of; for Jesus said, "That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life." John iii. 15. Though death was pronounced on the body of Adam, and his firstborn, and the posterity of his firstborn, yet, if he should repent and believe, he should rise to a higher state than that from which he fell which is to be as the angels of God." (Matt. xxii. 30.)

Written from John Wroe's mouth by William Tillotson.

Wakefield, 6th of 11th month, 1835.

"IT is written in Genesis, "And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul." Gen. ii. 7. The breath of life being breathed into the nostrils of man, was the Spirit entering the body of Jesus, the woman's seed, which was earthly, and raising it from the sepulchre, immortal, on the fifth day. And the house of Israel, the woman, shall be complete on the sixth day, immortal, three in one, and one in three."

Thomas Mort, What is the meaning of the woman being the mother of all living?

Answer. Of those who will put on immortality. Question. If it was the Spirit of God which overshadowed the woman to bring forth in her cleanness, what spirit was it that overshadowed her to bring forth in her uncleanness?


John said, This which thou hast spoken, shall be declared in all nations, for a testimony of thee, though thou hast gathered it from Eliza Higgison.

Written from John Wroe's mouth by William Tillotson.

Wakefield, 14th of 11th month, 1835.

THOMAS MORT inquires, What the two covenants are? also the flight which we pray may not be in winter, nor on the Sabbath day.

"Thou hast laid Thomas Mort's inquiry before me, and I answer thee.-The first covenant is the covenant which I made with the spirit of man before he received a soul with an evil heart, instead of receiving a soul with a good heart that he might keep my covenant, that if he kept it, the natural body which I would give, though he should dwell at the outside

of and attract the blood thereof, which he should receive of the fruit of the woman, to be its mortal life; yet his spirit which was immortal, should


swallow up that mortal life, and dwell within that body, and be the life thereof, and be as I am, and not be subject to the angels. But this covenant he broke. So death was pronounced upon his body, being the wages of that sin. This is the way he was driven from the garden, being his body: but he was made free to choose whether death should reign over his soul or not, for a time, times, and a half, which is seven full days, being seven thousand years, and then receive an incorruptible body, which should be lower than the angels.

“This is the second covenant that I made with man, that the angels which fell not, should present his prayers before me, that if he sought for his soul to be preserved, that the second death should not reign over it.

"The last covenant with man, which is yet the first, is that which I made with Seth, the third son of Ádam, which I fulfilled in his seed by Enoch, before I permitted death to reign over his posterity. Then they rebelled and became as the Gentiles: I then permitted death to reign that they might seek for their souls to be preserved.

"Now this is my new covenant with Israel, and yet the first. From those that seek, I will take away sin, and remember my covenant which I made with man before he fell, as I remembered my covenant which I promised them in the woman's seed. If a man keeps the first covenant, he keeps the second also; if his body be preserved, his soul is preserved also: for then shall the door of his tabernacle be opened, and his spirit shall return and abide there eternally. But Israel set the first covenant aside, and sought to the second, and by it lost the faith of the immortality of their mortal bodies. So now I command Israel to lay aside the second covenant, and keep the first; which shall be in their temples, living bread and living water, and change the old bottles to new ones, and they shall hold new wine, which is the life of the Spirit, and this is the first covenant made afresh.

Now he that useth this prayer, let him not bring forth the second covenant, that the first may be established in him; for if the first covenant had been kept there had been no need for a second, but as the first was broken, there was, till man sought for the door of his tabernacle to be opened, that death should not reign over the soul as well as the body.

"And for the flight which you pray may not be in winter your present lives are as winter to you, which is that sin which Adam committed; and sin being taken away, which is the partial redemption, brings you as the woman's seed, sin having no power over you, but you reigning over it, it bringeth you to be as the summer fruit, till you put on immortality. For the winter beareth little fruit, but by force, so your crying unto me forceth your way, that ye may bear fruit. He whose vessel is whole, will lose no water, but he whose vessel is cracked, loseth his light."

Written from John Wroe's mouth by William Tillotson.

Wakefield, 14th of 11th month, 1835.

"BEHOLD, the days come, saith the Lord, that I will Sow the house of Israel and the house of Judah with the seed of man, and with the seed of beast." Jer. xxxi. 27. He that believeth this, and that a living Eve should be made for me, and signs to the same with his hand and heart, so that the hand-writing standeth against the evil power which caused him beforetime to be an unbeliever, and that obedience which caused him to sign, continueth in him. When he arrives at the door it shall fly open to him, there he shall find that living bread and living water to his body of which I foretold him, which is left on record in the Scriptures, which had been hid as the leaven. But to those who seek, I am the porter of the sheepfold. I cried in the hearing of Israel, Other sheep I have which are not of this fold;* (John x. 16;) them also must

*They being the corruptible.

judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?" Rev. vi. 9, 10.

"But if your bodies die, and ye have not repented, the second death reigns over your bodies and souls, and hindereth them from putting on incorruptible bodies till the final resurrection. And your souls living with all their faculties, and their works before them, that they have done one to another, and seeing that death hindereth their spirits from separating their souls from their corruptible bodies; they are as the parable which was uttered by Jesus, the woman's seed, concerning the rich man; they cry, Oh that one might rise from the dead, and go to my father's house that they might repent, lest they should come into this place. (Luke xvi. 27—30.)

"But he that is of the first son of Noah, and walks in my covenant, and loses not his faith, though his body die, he has made friends with the mammon of unrighteousness, which is the second death, so that it has no power over him; the blood of Jesus the woman's seed paying that debt, his soul sleeps in happiness till the first resurrection. He is prepared to come with me, with an incorruptible spiritual body, and minister to the house of the natural bodies in the kingdom. And he who loseth the faith of the first covenant, which is that of the immortality of his body, though he repent, the losing of it brings him as the Gentile house who have repented, and believed that the blood of the woman's seed was shed on the cross for them, and they shall inherit together in the incorruptible house. Those that receive these sayings, shall find that it is I that revealed the Scriptures, who appears unto thee, to make the Scriptures manifest unto Israel; and I have sent them an helpmate to gather them. For I have sent the sceptre of the tribe of Dan, and he reigns as a king among the Gentiles, till their fulness; and shall fulfil the words that I prophesied in Jacob. "Dan shall judge his people, as one of the tribes of Israel. Dan shall be a serpent by the way, an adder in the

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