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They went

'You shall not have one,' was the reply. room, all of you, without one word more.' of the council of the clergy; but how were away from the city? The mob must be met. forth into a hurricane of enmity. On a sudden there was a stir in the crowd, a falling back and parting. An armed body of men rescued them from violence, to the great grief of Sister Jeanne, who wrote of the most of the mob, that the worthy men were not satisfied' to see the heretics depart alive, and one rushed forward at Farel with a sword to run him through.' The magistrates seized the worthy man,' and many were chagrined because the blow failed. Amid hootings, and hisses, and groans, and threats, the reformers reached the Tour Perce under guard. It grieved Farel that he must leave the generous men who had listened to him at the inn. But he intended to preach yet in Geneva.

Early the next morning a little boat lay waiting, and a few friendly citizens went to the Tour Perce to bring away the missionaries. The priest-party were there to turn their matins into murder. Some staunch Huguenots came up, brought out the two strangers, and hurried to the lake. In the boat they were carried over to an unfrequented place near to Lausanne, and after a tender parting with their friends, who had thus far attended them, they made their way to Orbe. It required faith in God to hope that Geneva would ever become a stronghold of Protestantism.




ON the village of Yvonand, on the southern shore of Lake Neufchatel, dwelt a young Dauphinese named Anthony Froment. He had been more disgusted with the excesses of Rome, probably, than charmed by the riches of the Bible, and had sought peace of soul in the Reformation. He had been with Farel, helping him through some of the most perilous scenes, and was now preaching to a little flock in Yvonand.

To this village came Farel, in October, with new plans in his mind for taking Geneva. He invited several ministers to meet him in council, among whom were Olivetan, Saunier, Froment, and Martin' (probably) the Waldensian, by whose parishioners he had been entertained in the 'holy valley.' Farel gave an account of his mission to Piedmont, and of the stormy reception he had received at Geneva. They all looked on him

1 Martin Gonin seems to have spent several years in Switzerland; but in 1536, on his return from Geneva, he was seized at Grenoble, hurried through a mock trial, taken from his prison at night, and drowned in the Isere.


with wonder and gratitude to the Author of miracles. Froment could not keep his eyes off the fugitive missionary, and he pitied the Genevan patriots, who seemed about to lose all they had ever gained.

'Go and try if you can find an entrance into Geneva to preach there,' said Farel, fixing his keen eye on Froment. For a little the young Dauphinese was speechless with astonishment.

'Alas! father,' said he, recovering himself, 'how can I face the enemies from whom you are compelled to flee ?'

'Begin as I began at Aigle,' replied Farel; 'where I was a schoolmaster at first, and taught little children, so that even the priests gave me liberty to preach. True, they soon repented, and even now I seem to hear the curate exclaiming, "I would sooner have lost my right hand than introduced this man, for he will ruin all our business." But it was too late; the word of God had begun its work, and the mass and images fell.'

A new schoolmaster in Geneva-an Ursinus! The plan began to appear wise, and to win upon Froment. It would be an achievement to gain a position in the city that had driven out the prophets.

'You fear the men of Geneva,' said Farel, who noticed that Froment was entertaining his plan. But were you not with me when I planted the gospel at Bienne, and at Tavannes, and near that mountain (Pierre Pertuis) which Julius Cæsar tunnelled? Were you not with me when I went to Neufchatel and preached in the streets? Do you not remember that we very often received our rent, that is blows and abuse; once especially, at Valangin, where my blood remained for more than four years on the pavement of a little chapel, near which the women

and priests bruised my head against the walls, so that both of us were nearly killed ?'

These remembrances were not very encouraging. Some of the council sided with Farel; others thought that a man of twenty-two was too young to face the fearful storm in Geneva. Froment was not decided. Another thought was struggling for the chief place in Farel's mind.

Those Bibles and teachers for the Waldenses must be in readiness. Again and again did Farel talk to Olivetan about the proposed version, as they met with their friends, sat together in private, or walked under the noble oaks of Yvonand. After much pressing, the scholar consented to make the translation, and a great victory was gained for the poor Christians of the valleys. They should have a good version of the Scriptures. But a journey was necessary. 'Cross the Alps,' said Farel, in his commanding way; 'go to the Waldensian valleys, and come to an understanding with the brethren about the translation. And you, Adam, Martin, and Guido, go with him, and preach to them the doctrine that will correct all their errors.'

These four men set out, and had reason to use every caution lest the Duke of Savoy and his officers should seize them. They travelled by night in the last days of October. A guide led them onward, and the second day they were at Vevay, where they dined, and spoke of the 'Bread of heaven.' Then they entered Farel's old district, where his voice first proclaimed the gospel to the French Swiss. At Aigle they were welcomed, and the people gathered to hear them, happy to know that their former teacher, Ursinus, had become so great a man in the world, and happier still to hear afresh the good word

of grace. Near to Bex brother Martin was attacked with severe pain. No house was open to receive him, and the walnut-trees would not shelter him. What could his friends do? Some one told them of Ollen, where lived the minister Claude, preaching to a little flock that Farel had once gathered. They went, carrying the sick man, and reached the door, where Claude met them. The pastor was touched at the sight of a sick man, and invited the strangers in. On a sudden the voice of a violent, pitiless, scolding woman was heard, 'What's this?—a sick man? If you receive him into the house, I will leave it.'

The travellers saw that Claude was unfortunate in having a Xantippe for a wife. Her voice rose higher and higher; he durst not say a word; she disappeared in a passion, and he was sorely vexed and ashamed. 'We will not be the cause of a divorce,' said prudent Adam; we will go away.' So away they went, poor Claude not daring to harbour them. All of them were soon sick with what Adam called cholera. At last they dragged themselves to a wretched cottage, where they got a little comfort for large pay. Rest and the mountain air somewhat repaired their broken health. Other anxieties came, which they bore with good humour. 'Alas!' said Adam, the purser, smiling, as he held up the wallet, our purse has been seized with such cruel pains that there is scarcely anything left in it.' They met one of the monks of St. Bernard, and spoke to him of the way of life. He listened and was convinced. Said he, I will quit Antichrist.'

Adam took a paper, wrote something, handed it to the monk, and said, 'Here is a letter for Master Farel; go to him, and he will tell you what you have to do.'

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