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In mockery Claudine sat down before the magician, who held a book in his hand. Then, mounting on a round table to be better heard, he opened the book, read a few words, and began to apply them. Dame Claudine, not caring the least for the assembly, and wishing to make known her religion, crossed herself several times, and repeated certain prayers. Froment still unfolded the rich treasures of the little book. She began to be astonished; she looked at the minister; she was not hearing an angel, but God was speaking from that small book. Not a more attentive listener was in the hall. She asked herself, Can this be true, seeing that the Church knows nothing about it?' Her eyes fixed on the schoolmaster's book. It was not a missal or a breviary. It seemed to her full of life. It was indeed the word of life.

The talk was ended, and all lingered and left. She sat still, looked at the teacher, and asked, 'Is that all true? Is it proved by the gospel?'

'It is all true. It is the gospel,' said he, in a pleasing voice.

'Is not the mass mentioned in it ?'

'Not that I can find.'

And is the book from which you preach a genuine New Testament ?'

'It is, madame.' It was probably Lefevre's version. Then lend it to me,' she earnestly requested. He did so, and she placed it carefully under her cloak, among her beads and relics, and went home talking with Paula, who began to hope that the finger of God had touched her soul.

Dame Claudine was in earnest. She went to her room, ordered that her family should not wait meals for her,

nor knock at her door, and she remained apart for three days and three nights, without eating or drinking, but with prayers, fastings, and supplications.' The Testament lay open on her table before her, and she read it, kneeling and lifting her eyes to heaven for light. She had many severe struggles; but at last she heard her Lord say, through His word, Daughter, thy sins are forgiven thee.' She discovered that the grace of God trickled slowly into her heart;' but the least drop seemed a fountain never to be exhausted. Three days she thus spent, as Paul remained three days in prayer at Damascus.

And now she must see the man who had first led her into these rich treasures. She sent for him to come to

her house over the bridge. He crossed the Rhone, and was met in her home with no other language than the 'tears that fell on the floor.' When the tide of emotion had receded, she told him how God had opened for her the door of heaven, and so talked that the young preacher was greatly instructed. As Calvin says of Lydia, From this tiny shoot an excellent church was to spring.'

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One day she shut herself up in that room where she had heard the call of God, and resolved to extinguish all her former glory in dress and decoration. She took 'all superfluous bravery, laid aside those ornaments and trappings which had served to show her off in a vainglorious way,' and packed them up for sale. These and her most beautiful robes were sold. The money she gave to the poor, particularly to the evangelists of France, who were now exiles in Geneva. All her life the refugees were most welcome to her house. Verily,' they said, 'she follows the example of Dorcas, and deserves to

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be kept in perpetual remembrance.' She did more; she spoke meekly and frankly of the precious truth wherever she went, and presented the New Testament, which Farel was sending, to many of the Genevan ladies. Her husband had been most bitter against Froment, but he began to be softened. She gently won him to the Lord. Little meetings were held in the house of the Levets; and when Froment was not present, she read and explained the Scriptures. The modest Guerin, a capmaker, was reading his Bible day and night, and soon he cast his lot with the labourers in the vineyard.

On New-Year's day the city was to pass another crisis. The council had forbidden Froment to preach; and this made the people the more anxious to hear him. The hall was soon filled, then the stairway, then the street, and others still coming. The young preacher came, and he could not press through the crowd. What should be done? One man shouted out, 'To the Molard,' and the cry became general. This was a large square, near where the Rhone pours out of the lake. Thither they went, crying, 'Preach to us the word of God.' Mounting upon a little market-stall, the preacher beckoned with his hand, and there was silence. Pray to God with me,' he said, and kneeling, the tears ran down his cheeks, while his voice rose solemnly to heaven. By that prayer, so unlike anything the people had ever heard, thousands were convinced that he sought the salvation of their souls. The text was not fortunate: Beware of false prophets ;' but the sermon was powerful, every point being proved by the Scriptures. Various attempts were made to disturb him, until at length an armed band forced their way toward the stand. After much confusion Froment was carried away by his friends, and with great difficulty

was saved. The school must now be given up, and preaching abandoned.

We cannot linger upon his perils; how he was almost detected in the house of Jean Chautemps, and must seek another refuge; how Perrin said to him, 'The law allows me to keep an honest servant unmolested in my house, and I engage you ;' how he worked at the loom, and none dare touch him; and how he began to visit cautiously. at their homes those who believed. Once he was detected crossing the bridge, and was so near to death, that his friends barely got him into the house of Dame Claudine, who must see her windows broken by the mob. At night Froment was advised to leave, and he departed for Yvonand, to rest a while from the contests that make this the heroic period of his life. His work had not been in vain. Among other patriots, Baudichon de la MaisonNeuve became a most zealous Protestant; and his house and that of the Levets were the chief resorts for the little band of Christians.

Sometimes these believers had a great treat. A minister would be passing through Geneva; he must stop and preach in a private room; and the good news went here and there among them.

'What is his name?' they would ask.
'Peter Maneri.'

'Where is he staying?'

'At Aime Levet's, by the bridge;' and Claudine saw her rooms filled every evening while the minister stayed. 'We should have the Lord's Supper,' these Christians began to say one to another. It was decided; and as no minister could be obtained, they urged Guerin to preside.

'Where shall it be celebrated?' was the next question.

'At Baudichon's house,' said one.

'No,' said the more prudent; not anywhere in the city; for the priests and their spies will cause a new uproar.'

'I have a little walled garden near the city gate,' said Adda, and there nobody can disturb us.'

On an early morning in March, as it seems, these believers quietly took their seats on the rude benches, and the Lord's table was spread in this garden, reminding them of the sacred gardens where their Saviour had agonized, or had lain in the tomb. Just when Guerin sat down at the table the sun rose, and, blessing the scene with his first rays, made it more imposing than the distant Alp of glittering snow. Never was this holy ordinance observed in a simpler manner. From the trembling hands of a layman, who felt that he was daring to do a sacred act with almost impious touch, they received the bread and the wine, and remembered the Crucified, praying for those who were afraid to meet with them, pledging their faith and their love, hoping for the day when there should be a reformed church in the city, with a pastor who would feed the flock, and praising God for what they had already heard from His messengers now banished, and read in His word, now hidden in their homes and their hearts. Thus was celebrated their first communion in Geneva.

The priests went about
They make so much of

This was not to be the end. saying of these quiet believers, Christ, that they deprive themselves of the Church.' Guerin and Olivetan (now in the city) held that the Romanists 'made so much of the Church, that they deprived themselves of Christ.'

line between the two parties.

Here was the dividing

The honest Guerin was

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