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-no labour-no Loss-could lead him to disappoint such expectation. This sentiment he urged perpetually on the mind of his children; and lamented that human conduct fell so far below that perfect example of our Blessed Saviour, who never failed to meet every expectation which he had raised in the breast of his creatures." THIS," said he," is the high privilege of Christianity, that none, who trust in Him, shall ever be confounded." A perfect description of this part of his character may be found in the xvth Psalm:-Lord who shall abide in thy tabernacle? Who shall dwell in thy holy hill?-He, that walketh uprightly, and worketh righteousness, and speaketh the truth in his heart. He, that backbiteth not with his tongue, nor doeth evil to his neighbour, nor taketh up a reproach against his neighbour. In whose eyes a vile person is contemned: but he honoureth them that fear the Lord. He, that sweareth TO HIS OWN HURT, and CHANGETH NOT. He, that putteth not out his money to usury, nor taketh reward against the innocent. He, that doeth these things, shall never be moved.

Among many other instances of his probity, one, in his early childhood, is singular. His father went on business to the India House, and took his son with him: while he was transacting his business, his son was dismissed, and directed to wait for him at the India House door. His father,

on finishing his business, went out at another door, and entirely forgot that he had ordered his son to wait for him. In the evening, his mother, missing the child, enquired where he was: on which his father, recollecting his directions, said, "You may depend on it, he is still waiting where I appointed him." He immediately returned to the India House, and found him on the spot where he had been ordered to wait. He knew that his father EXPECTED him to wait,-and probity kept him from disappointing expectation.

At no period of Mr. Cecil's life, even at the worst of times, did he ever cease to regulate his actions by a principle of honour. The strong and active mind which he possessed, when a child, put him on many projects, which made great demands on his pocket-money; and, had not a principle of integrity restrained him, he might have supplied himself from his father's bureau, which he saw left open day after day, with considerable sums of money, which his father was in the habit of throwing into it without taking account of it:-While his son knew that any being taken from it would never have been discovered, he felt a horror at the thought of availing himself of the smallest sum, although opportunity and necessity were so combined to form a temptation to so young a subject. It was a great preservation to Mr. C. that while he was under the "reign of sin," he had an utter

detestation of the leading vices so incident to youth:-He equally abhorred the character of the liar, the drunkard, and the epicure.

But I will not detain the reader by enumerating facts. I am aware that persons, not fully comprehending Mr. Cecil's character for want of more interior knowledge of it and opportunity of closer observation, may think that I am influenced by partiality. I can only leave such persons to THINK-While I remain to KNOW, that, as was said by the Queen of Sheba, The half is not told. Not that I mean to convey an idea of a PERFECT character, while I slightly glance at qualities little known, in one who stood so high in attainment, as a Man and a Christian, yet was so practically penetrated with a sense of his own deficiences, and so humbled by this view-and where any thing, which he had said or done, could give pain to others, so anxious to render sevenfold back;-so that I wish for no higher pedestal upon which to exhibit his excellencies, than those things which he viewed as his defects. The defects of a husband, however, where they DO exist, it becomes not a wife to discuss, even where they are obvious to herself and others.

I have said, that, in any case, where Mr. C. had caused pain, he was anxious to render back. He had said or done something which he perceived had grieved me: which, however, was so inconsiderable an act, that I have not the least remaining

recollection of what it was. On walking out the same day with his son, then a child, he stopped to buy an article which he conceived I should like. After he had made the purchase, his son said to him, "What do you buy it for, Papa?" He replied, "My dear, I grieved your Mamma today, and I want to give this to her in token of my concern and affection."

Mr. Cecil spent almost the whole of his time in his study, and was tenacious of being interrupted in his pursuits: yet there was not one in his family, even the youngest, but had a free (if timely) access to him: on presenting any little wants or misfortunes before him, he would regard them with attention; and, with the most generous kindness, render little offices of reparation, or accommodation.

This temper of mind pervaded all his domestic conduct. I can scarcely open a book, if given by him, but it exhihits an instance, either of his tenderness, his delicate sentiment, or pious admonition. The reader will better conceive than I can describe, with what various emotions of heart I NOW read one of these-which was written on a blank leaf in his "Visit to the House of Mourning," previous to his giving it to me:-" The Author presents a token of his affection to one, who in the 49th page, has (without a name) a preeminence of place Earnestly praying, that, whenever he MUST quit her hand, he may yet

watch her solitary steps; and sometimes silently administer to the safety and comfort of the beloved pilgrim, by a hint from this little MONITOR."

Very many similar and endearing instances of his kindness might be inserted, were it not that they would lead me to speak too much of myself: they remain, therefore, more properly the subject of my own solitary recollection-the tender remembrancers of a long affection-and to heighten the standard by which I estimate my sad bereavement. If I further refer to Mr. C. as a husband, it shall be by shewing his picture drawn by himself in a series of letters, wherein appears the familiar and affectionate, no less than the melancholic and reflective turn of Mr. C's mindthough, in so doing, I must sacrifice that delicacy, which as being the subject of his correspondence, would lead me to withdraw.*

If I speak of the dear subject of this Memoir as a Parent, it shall be in his own words, dictated by him in his last hours, and addressed to his son in the East: which contain, in a few lines, the essence of the Gospel; and discover a parental solicitude, that his son might become a partaker in the great salvation:


"June, 1810.

" I HAVE received your letters, and they would have been duly answered; but for the last two

See his Letters annexed to this Memoir.

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