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E. H. B.





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Biographical Memoirs :-

Acland, Professor, F.R.S., 225

Bickersteith, Edward Robert, F.R.C.S., 257
Cobbold, Thomas Spencer, M.D., F.R.S., 65
Dobell, Horace, M.D., 129

Dolan, Thomas M.. M.D.. 353

Foster, Balthazar, M.D., F.R.C.P.L., 161
Foster, Michael, M.D., F.R.S., I

Gull, Sir William Withey, Bart., F.R.S., 97

Lyons, Dr. Robert Spencer, M.P., 33
Teale, Thomas Pridgin, F.R.C.S., 193
Treves, Frederick, F.R.C.S., 289
Waters, Edward, M.D., 321

Correspondence and Answers :-

Advantages of isolation in scarlatina cases, The.

Agnosticism, 127

Colchicum, 96

Collective investigation, 256

Combination for salicylic acid, A, 64

Croton chloral in whooping-cough, 64

Deformity of a male infant's genital organs and

bladder, Curious case of, 191

Education of Girls, The, 384

Etherization by the rectum, 288

Fothergill on gout, 128, 160, 191

Gout, The treatment of, 138

Menthol spray, The use of, in neuralgia, 192

Metric system, The, 32; in medicine, 96; protest
against the use of in prescribing, 64

Patent Medicine Stamp Act, The, 350, 384
Placenta prævia, 256

Conjunctivitis granular, Corrosive sublimate in,


Constipation, Ergot in the treatment of, 238
Cystitis, Chloride of potassium in acute, 142
Deafness, A new apparatus for the relief of, 238
Delirium-tremens, Paraldehyde in the treatment
of, 238

Diabetes, Solution of bromide of arsenic in, 47:
phosphorus in, 205; treatment by douches of
air, 173

Diarrhoea, Extract of physostigma in, III
Diphtheria, Treatment of, with papayotin, 13
Eczema, Salicylic acid in, 142

Entero-colitis of infants, Resorcin in the, 174
Epilepsy, Sclerotinic acid in, 269
Epistaxis, Tartar emetic in, 78

Epithelial tumours, Treatment of by arsenical
paste. 47

Eye, Hypodermic injection of calomel in
diseases of the, 238

Eyelids, Vaseline cerate a convenient base for
ointments intended for application to the, 14
Feet, Treatment of sweating of the, 270
Fevers, Glycerine in acute, 77
Fistula in ano, The treatment of, 174
Fractured patella, Treatment of, 304
Goitre, Extirpation of, by means of the elastic
ligature, 142.

Granular conjunctivitis, Corrosive sublimate
in, 206

Hæmorrhoids and protocele, Sulphate of iron in
the treatment of, 206

Headache, Remedies for, 110

Intermittent fever, Burnt alum in the treatment
of, 206

Iodoform in cardiac lesions, Curative action of,

Kidney, Abscess of the, 174
Leucorrhoea, Treatment of, 269

Locomotor ataxia, Treatment of, by cutaneous
faradization, 79

ataxy, Treatment of, 304

Massage in the treatment of stricture of the
urethra, 270

Metallic chlorides, Effect of the, on microbes,

Miasmatic fevers, Decoction of lemon in the
treatment of, 143

Postal microscopical society, The



medical section of the, 224

Profession in modern times, The, 127

Snub for Irish doctors, A, 32

Suicidal mania, 320

Treatment of the insane, 192

Vesical catarrh, The treatment of, 192

Wirral Children's Hospital, 191

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Orchitis, acute, and other conditions, The use of
collodion in, 173

Typhoidal, 175

Papayotin, Action of, 270

Paralysis without anesthesia, Reduction of, by
peripheral irritation, 238

Paronchia, A mode of treatment for, 207
Phagadænic chancre, Treatment of with pyro-
gallic acid, 79

Phthisis, The treatment of, 207

Pruritus of the menopause, Veratrine in the, 143
Puerperal antisepsis, Corrosive sublimate in, 47
Retro-uterine hæmatocele, Treatment of, 174
Rheumatic facial paralysis, Treatment of, 143
Ringworm, Pyroligneous acid in the treatment
of, 111

Stricture of the urethra, Massage in the treat-
ment of, 270

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Education and its physiological effects, 368

Etherization by the rectum, 176

Golden age, The, 307

Gout, The treatment of, 48

Inspection of factories, The, 145

International Health Exhibition, 82

Literary activity of the medical profession, 18

Loss by sickness, 209

Medical Congress, The, 272

Monster asylums, 80

Notification of infectious diseases at Leicester,

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Centenary of the Royal College of Surgeons in

Ireland, The, 86

Changes in the sense of sight, 55

Charity of the profession, The, 85

Cholera, The, 243, 371

alarm in Birmingham, 276
epidemic in Paris, 372

a Spanish precaution against, 245

cause of, 275

cures, 275

Graves on, 307

the German commission on, 117

Christ's Hospital Junior Schools, 52

Clamour for repeal, The, 52

Collective investigation scheme, The, 211

Comparative death-rates of assured abstainers and moderate drinkers, 19

Congresses, 274

Contagious Diseases Acts, The, 150, 212
Court of honour, A, 211

Cremation, 212

in France, 309

The legislation of, 150

Crichton-Browne on home lessons, 311; and

overpressure, 342

Cry of the children, The, 345

Dangers of electricity, The, 343 the dairies, 247

the streets, 54

Day of rest for medical men, A, 53
Decline of population in France, The, 276
Departure, A new, 151

Development of women, 116

Diphtheria, The treatment of, by cyanide of mercury, 182

Diseases of professional cooks, 87

of vegetables, 87
Disinfection of polluted soil, 308
Does hydrophobia really exist? 86
Durham University, 20, 243
Dwarfing effects of underfeeding, 340

Early deaths of English princes, 149
Education, The physical aspects of, 178
Educational overpressure, 277
Electricity and sham jewellery, 19
Elocution in medical lectures, 147

Encouragement to ambitious surgeons, An, 115
Epidemics, A best on record, 372
Evils of intemperance, The, 344

Examination for fellowship of the Edinburgh
College of Surgeons, 116
Exploration of the bladder, 274

External influences upon the product of conception, The effect of, 246

Falsehood, A premium to, 54

Female criminals, 54

Formulas, the worship of, 150
Fracture of the femur, 376

Frauds in food, 18

Freeman, Mr., and vivisection, 85
Funeral reform, 51, 247

Gas explosions in private houses, and a remedy,

Gold-headed cane, The, 147

Granville correspondence, The, 179

Gulstonian lectures, The, 118

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Microcephalic, The oldest living, 375
Mobility of the brain, 179

Myrtle, Dr., on the annual meeting of the
British Medical Association, 211
"My task is done," 340

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Registrar-General's report on Scotland for 1880,
The, 117

Removal of pauper patients, The, 213

Representation of the profession in Parliament,
The, 118

Retreats for habitual drunkards, 309

Revelations of a silent highway, 213

Russian representatives at the tercentenary

celebration of Edinburgh University, 118

Safety fever ambulance vans, 277

Sanitary knowledge, The diffusion of, 244

Sanitary report of the German army, 308

Sanitation in Italy, The state of, 313

Santa Barbara, 183

Savage dogs, The law as to the ownership of, 312

Scenes in Pasteur's laboratory, 117

Science at Oxford, 84

Septenary periodicity, 215

Seven, The number, 215

Sewerage of Copenhagen, 372

Shop assistants, 374

Short-sighted policy, A, 275

Shrimp poisoning case in Kent, The, 341
Skin grafting, A substitute for, 373
Siege of Paris and insanity, The, 149
Slaughter of the innocents, The, 52

Social condition of the rural peasantry, 212
Solar and lunar phenomena, The recent, 21
Stretchers in the surgery, 184
Superstition in Italy, 371

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Cæsarian section as performed by savages, 171 Cerebral localisation-the centres for vision, 283 Cholera at the Little Sisters' Home at Paris, The, 361

From a practical point of view, 377 Coffee, The physiological action of, 38 Conferences at the International Health Exhibition, 201

Cookery, The scientific basis of, 11
Cosmetics, 100

Dangers to health in houses, foods, and drinks, 291
Diseases of the skin, Novel means and methods
in the treatment of, 258
Dosimetric method, the, 10

treatment of acute maladies, 73

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Indigestion, Notes on, 6

International Health Exhibition, 45

Intestinal peristalsis, 68

Lectures on anatomy and physiology, 45

Leprosy in Syria, Modern and ancient, 133 Lunacy laws, The, 99

Maltose, Physiological properties of, 75

Medical statistics, 329

Metric system, The, 38

Metropolitan Suburbs and the drainage system, The, 361

Micro-organisms and alkaloids, which render
food poisonous, On, 322, 354
Moral insanity, 35

Nerve functions, Synopsis of, 103
Notes from a country practice, 72
Nursing and nurse-training in Scotland, 265

Obstetric antisepticism at home and abroad,
The practice of, 299

Patent medicine stamp question, The, 290
Pertussis, The treatment of, 99

Poison cabinet at the London Hospital, A, 77 Poor-law medical service, The, 138, 167, 195, 227

Posology, Principles of, 229

Putrefactive changes, A method of treating human bodies for the prevention of, 334

Rabies, M. Pasteur on, 297

Thermostatic nurse, The, 362

Trephine in modern times, On the less frequent use of the, 165

Tubercular meningitis, Notes on two cases of, 76

Unity and differentiation in disease, 131, 233, 264, 301, 326, 357

Urinary calculus, The geographical distribution of, 198

Vaccination and revaccination, 333

Ventilation of the hospital ship "Castalia," 359

Wounds, Esmarch on the treatment of, 316

Provincial Hospitals:

Wirral (illustrated) 136

Leeds General Infirmary (illustrated) 236

Retrospect :

Acetals, Researches upon the effect of, 12
Aconitine, Action of, on the heart, 142
Aconite, The comparative action of, on the heart,

Affections of the pleura in diseases of the female organs, 142.

Alimentation of children after tracheotomy,


Anal fistula, The thermo-cautery in the treatment of, 268

Antipyrine In diseases of children, 364

Antipyrosis by inunction, 237

Antiseptics, Portable, 364

Aphasia, A case of intermittent, 13

From Indigestion, 364

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Colotomy, 365

Colour-perception, Theories of, 268
Constipation, Ergot in the treatment of, 238
Convallaria, convallarin, and convallamarin, 77
Convulsions in children, The etiology of, 303, 365
Cortical lesions of the brain, 303
Cowper's glands, Abscess of, 268

Croup and diphtheria, Tracheotomy in, 13
Cystitis, Chloride of potassium in acute, 142

Deafness, A new apparatus for the relief of, 238 Delirium-tremens, Paraldehyde in the treatment of, 238

Diabetes, Solution of bromide of arsenic in, 47 Phosphorus in, 205

Treatment of by douches of air, 173
insipidus, The hereditary form of, 78
Differentiation of malarial from typhoid fever,
Hypodermic injections of quinine in the, 304
Diphtheria, Treatment of with papayotin, 13
Inflammation of the thyroid in, 47
and croup, Tracheotomy in, 13
Turpentine in, 78
Experimental, 365

Divided nerves, Reunion of, 268
Drinking water, Purification of, 304

Eczema, Salicylic acid in, 142

Embolism and paralysis from pleural irrigation,

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Laryngeal chorea, 110

Affections, Resorcin in, 367

Leucorrhoea, Treatment of, 269
Liver, Abscess of the, 367

Lobelia, Therapeutic uses of, 206

Locomotor ataxia, treatment of by cutaneous faradization, 79

ataxy, Treatment of, 304

Malaria and asteopathies, 304

Malformations in the female sexual organs re-
sulting from arrest of development, 206
Malignant tumours in children, 206
Malignant Pustule, Treatment of, 367

Massage in the treatment of stricture of the urethra, 270

Measles, A vibrio observed during, 142

Metallic chlorides, The effects of the, on microbes, III

Miasmatic fevers, decotion of lemon in the treatment of, 143

Migrane, Nitrate of amyl in, 269

Milk, On the digestion of raw and of boiled, 269 Morphine in angina pectoris, Sudden death following an injection of, 110

Mucous membrane of the stomach, Miliary aneurisms of the, 269

Napellum in facial neuralgia, 78

Nephritis, A sequela of mumps, 206

Nervous disorders, Bromide of ethyl and nitroglycerine in, 79.

Neuralgia epileptiform, Nerve-stretching in the treatment of, 304

Esophagus, Stricture of the, from muscular hypertrophy, 367

Oidium, Culture of the, 13
Orchitis, Malarial, 269

typhoidal, 175

Otitis, Acute, of children, 305

Papayotin, Action of, 270

Paraldehyde, the administration of, 111

Physiological action of, 143

Paralysis without anesthesia, Production of by peripheral irritation, 238

Paronchia, A mode of treatment for, 207

Phagedænic chancre, The treatment of with pyrogallic acid, 79

Phenic acid in the treatment of typhoid fever,

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Retro-uterine hæmatocele, Treatment of, 174 Rheumatic facial paralysis, Treatment of, 143 Rheumatism, The prevalence of acute, 46 Ringworm, Pyroligneous acid in the treatment of,


Rupture of the aorta during labour: post-mortem delivery, 174

Salicylate of sodium, The action of, on the uterus, 143

Sciatica, the diagnosis of, 305

Siamese twins, A new edition of the, 239

Slight burns, Treatment of, 270

Spinal cord, The changes in the, following poisoning with atropia, morphia, nitrate of silver, and potassium bromide, 175

The changes in the, after arsenic, lead, and mercury poisoning, 79 Spleen, Echinococcus of the, 270 Splenectomy, 239

Stomach, The diagnosis of diseases of the, 175 Stricture of the urethra, Massage in the treatment of, 270

Strychnia, The use of, in labour, 47

Strychnine poisoning, The state of the sensitive nerves in, 47

Subcutaneous vaccination, 207

Suppurating buboes, The treatment of by com. presses, 175,

Sweating of the feet, Treatment of, 270

Tænia, Fifty cases of, 271

Thyroid, inflammation of the in diphtheria, 47
Tooth, Death following the extraction of a, 271
Tracheocele, 47.

Tracheotomy, Alimentation of children after, 111
Traumatic cephalhydrocele, 305
Traumaticine, 239

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Ulcers, treatment of by subcarbonate of iron, 79 Urethral discharge, Diagnosis of the different forms of, 13.

Uterine fibroids, Gangrene of, and the dangers of partial extirpation, 271

Uterus, The action of salicylate of sodium on the, 143

Vaccination, Subcutaneous, 207
Vanilism, 271

Vaseline cerate a convenient base for ointments intended for application to the eyelids, 14 Vesicating liquids, 305

Vomiting, excessive, 239

of pregnancy, The, 47

Repeated attacks of, in children, 239

Wrist, Resection of by two lateral incisions, 14 Zinc, Phosphide of, 175

Reviews, Notices, etc, :

"Asiatic Cholera," 188
"Baldness and Greyness," 24

Brief Instructions to Mothers and Nurses upon the Feeding, Clothing, and General Care of Infants, 349

Crane-agrafe, The, 25

Condensed milk, 24

"Elements of Practical Medicine," 58 "Extra Pharmacopoeia," The, 58

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'Tropical Trials," 58


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